2 years ago

The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby末世之毒妈鬼宝

Shao Qing’s only regret in life is that she blindly fell in love with a worthless man.
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Shao Qing’s only regret in life is that she blindly fell in love with a worthless man.

She gave up everything for him, but in exchange was run over by his conniving mistress when she was close to her delivery date. Fortunately, Heaven left her a way. Crimson rain fell from the sky, the end of the world arrived, she resurrected in the morgue and gave birth to a little monster.

Turning into a half human, half zombie freak; her son neither human, nor monster; they have no other choice but to rely on zombies’ crystal nuclei to develop their special abilities and continue living. This debt, she’ll definitely repay that cheating couple! Collapse
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Comments 9

  1. Offline
    is this reverse harem?
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  2. Offline
    In original: 276 chapters
    Translated: 304 chapters

    how it works?))
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    1. Offline
      They forgot to update it. The translated chapters update automaticakky with each new chapter, i think
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  3. Offline
    These shitty titles
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    Reached into book 3, but I really wouldn't recommend it. The action and adventure, I would consider to be actually quite enjoyable. It has lot of the types of themes and writing I like to see in these kinds of books and manages to mix cultivation fairly well into zombie survival. The problem comes in with the ML's. All of them are fundamentally flawed to a significant degree. You've got Zombie with the mentality of a child whose clingy and horny, Military man who had a mother complex up until her death and decided to project those feelings on the FL then we got the Masochistic clingy scientist who doesn't take no for an answer and will just continually try something till you beat him half the death and he asks for more.

    I actually felt sorry for her in the first few chapters and the way she was betrayed and died. Now I realize it's just her horrible taste in men and her inability to say no to them. What we have is a great female protag with a significant fatal flaw that ruins the entire character and story. Her choice of men and her inability to say no to them. It's to a point where it's kind of sickening in many ways and I found myself trying to skip through those chapters as fast as possible. But as more ML's show up, the more I want to bash my brains in with just how stupid she's being.
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      Fly High
      Did you finished, is it worth time
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      1. Offline
        Quote: Fly High
        Did you finished, is it worth time

        NO, I really don't recommend it. I couldn't finish, due in most parts because of the ML, it never really gets better. It really only ever gets worse. I can see what the author went for though to be honest. Because if you flip the genders of everything, you'll get close to well established tropes. It's just creepy as all hell when those tropes are male. The smart masochistic scientist who constantly wants to jump your bones (basically almost Washu from Tenchi lmao), the dumb slut (horny zombie man) and the chick who calls you daddy and has a daddy complex. Those are all incredibly well known tropes, lol.
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          Fly High
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  5. Offline
    Bizarre mix of second-chance woman and zombie apocalypse. She dies right at the red rain event and is about to give birth and comes back lucid. Her son is a hybrid with the ability to speak immediately which she accepts without questioning. She's pretty brutal and unforgiving at the start with a focus on strengthening herself but that seems to taper off.

    It's interesting and if it wasn't for weird Chinese novel tropes like "must have sex or die" scenes and babies talking it would probably be amazing.

    She makes some pretty weird decisions for plot reasons (eg travel to bury someone's mom in a zombie apocalypse) which might frustrate you but it's a decent read if you can handle the weirdness.
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