
Chapter 3339: A Trap At The Dead End

Not long after Zen and the two girls passed through the ice cave, the two Chill Ice Slaves caught up with them.

The other kinds of Five-Element Slaves wouldn't be able to cope under extremely low temperatures, but the Chill Ice Slaves' body temperature was also quite low. Thus, it wasn't hard for them to survive in such an environment.

As soon as the Chill Ice Slaves, who were crystal clear, rushed to the upper ice field, white frost immediately covered the surface of their bodies. They were immensely flexible before, but now they were also a bit slow.

Follow them!

Summon the other Five-Element Slaves to attack them!

The two Chill Ice Slaves hadn't forgotten the miserable death of the Magical Thunder Slave, so they were smart enough not to make a move immediately, but instead, followed Zen and his companions behind.

Meanwhile, Zen occasionally observed the movements behind him as he sped forward.

What do they mean by closely following us like this?” Libby asked. “That's the most troublesome,” Elizabeth said and shook her head.

If Zen could get rid of them, then the three of them could find a place and wait for the Soul Restraining Sand on Elizabeth's body to lose effect there.

After that, they could silently leave the Other Shore to avoid any trouble and consider how to enter Stage Thirty-one of the Other Shore later.

However, they couldn't leave the Other Shore at all because the Chill Ice Slaves followed them everywhere.

We have to find a way to get rid of them!” Zen said with gritted teeth.

The wind ran through his hair as he continued to rush forward at high speed.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.


Once he steadied himself on the icy surface, he ran towards the two Chill Ice Slaves in the opposite direction.

Of course, the two Chill Ice Slaves were also very vigilant.

The moment Zen stopped moving forward, they stopped as well. When they saw him rush towards them, they flapped their wings and quickly retreated.

They always kept a distance of about a thousand feet from Zen, which was neither near nor too far.

On the other hand, Zen felt helpless when he realized that he couldn't catch up with the Chill Ice Slaves.

Thus, he had no choice but to turn back and move forward.

At the same time, the ice in another area of the upper ice field broke. A cold wind blew through it, and a huge ice cave appeared.


A giant fiery hand stretched out from the ice cave and pressed on its edge. Then, a huge body covered in green flames jumped out from it. It was a Moon Fire Slave! "Wow!

It's so cold!" the Moon Fire Slave exclaimed as he shivered.

Generally speaking, the Moon Fire Slaves weren't suited to the immensely cold environment in the Blooming Jade Stage.

Therefore, they had to take extra protection measures if they wanted to climb to the upper ice field.

Now, the armor on the Moon Fire Slave's body was similar to the Divine Fire Shield.

As long as the armor was injected with a certain amount of flames, they could resist the intense coldness and low temperature.

Still, the Moon Fire Slaves were annoyed at the severely low temperature.

Yet, they were given an order. They were surprised when they heard that the human man they had been waiting for actually fled to the upper ice field.

Then again, they didn't have to stay in the cold for too long as long as they captured that man and fulfilled their mission.

At that moment, tall and big Moon Fire Slaves came out of the square ice cave one by one.

Once the Moon Fire Slaves confirmed their target's location, they ran towards that direction at full speed. Although the ice was a thousand feet thick, it trembled like there was an earthquake since so many Moon Fire Slaves ran over it.

While that happened, an ice hole in a size of a bowl appeared in another area of the upper ice field.


Thick streaks of thunder emerged from the ice hole.

Then, Magical Thunder Slaves, which looked like long snakes, swirled in the air and quickly turned into strange and abstract human shapes.

They all silently confirmed the location of their target. Then, they went straight in that direction.

They immediately intertwined and elongated into much longer snakes, then moved forward at an extremely high speed.

It turned out that the two Chill Ice Slaves regularly sent Zen's location to their companions. The Five-Element Slaves formed a huge circle and charged from all directions.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Zen's eyes slightly darkened when he heard the rumble of thunder again.

He looked to the left and saw a burst of thunder in the distance. He knew that the Magical Thunder Slaves must be near.

Dong, dong, dong...

At that point, the ground began to shake rhythmically as well. Then, more tall Moon Fire Slaves chased them from another side.

These Five-Element Slaves' momentum became increasingly palpable, and Zen and his companions had a slimmer chance to retreat.

After he ran forward for a while, he saw a Cold Prison which was dozens of miles wide.

There were Five-Element Slaves in three directions, while in front of them was the Cold Prison, which was a forbidden area.

Zen and the two girls truly had no escape. “What should we do?” Libby bit her lip.

She was still young. She didn't want to die, nor did she want her Soul of Light to be trapped in the Blooming Jade Stage.

Zen did not respond to Libby. He just frowned and slowly stepped back against the Cold Prison.

Just then, he heard the Primeval Lord of Heaven's voice that said, “Zen, get close to that Cold Prison!

Get close to the Cold Prison?” He was confused.

The bald giant confined in the largest Cold Prison was dangerous. When it came to strength alone, he was more powerful than all the Five-Element Slaves.

If Zen recklessly went closer to it, the bald giant would attack him. Wouldn't that be courting death?

That bald giant should hate the Element Spirit race more than he hates you,” the Primeval Lord of Heaven replied simply.

Zen arched one brow upon hearing those words.

There was a dead end ahead of them.

Even with the Primeval Lord of Heaven's help, it would be difficult for him to defeat so many Five-Element Slaves.

But if the Primeval Lord of Heaven's assumption was true, then that might be a solution.

According to the Heavenly Obsession Civilization, the Element Spirit race had captured the bald giant, so the giant must loathe them the most.

In turn, Zen nodded and said to the green figure, “Please help me activate the core of Heavenly Obsession Civilization. I want to see the inside of the Cold Prison!

As soon as he finished speaking, the core of Heavenly Obsession Civilization in the distance was activated again.

Since the Heavenly Obsession Civilization had already deciphered the light dots in the Cold Prison before, it was now more skilled in doing the task. Two rays of green light entered Zen's pupils, and he quickly saw the inside of the Cold Prison.

He was taken aback.

The bald giant was already over the edge of the Cold Prison. His bell-like eyes were wide open; his body lunged forward; and overall he looked like he was ready to pounce at any time.

The Primeval Lord of Heaven was right about one thing: that this bald giant couldn't hate the Element Spirit Civilization more. He always wanted to tear up the members of the Element Spirit race. Now that he saw the Five-Element Slaves, he even intended to swallow them alive.

Of course, the Moon Fire Slaves didn't understand the light spots in the Cold Prison, nor did they know that there was a powerful giant inside of it who had his eyes on them. They only knew that there was a dead-end behind Zen and that he couldn't retreat.

Human boy, you cannot escape now. If you obediently follow us back, we can still keep you alive,” the Moon Fire Slave in the front of their group said with a sinister smile.

This Moon Fire Slave planned to drill an ice cave from their current spot and return to the lower ice field because he hated the low temperature of the upper field so much.

However, Zen didn't respond to him, and instead, continued to step back.

The bald giant was bound in chains, so he could only attack within a range of three thousand feet around the Cold Prison.

Now Zen was already within the three thousand feet range, but the bald giant still didn't move. It seemed that he indeed did not target Zen.

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  1. Offline
    The enemy of my enemy, and all that
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