2 years ago

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon by MisterImmortal

1969, London.

Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his... Read more
1969, London.

Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy.

He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park.

But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king.

The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one.

But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It’s not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries.

«OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice.» The ancient tree thought to itself.

*This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.* Collapse
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Comments 26

  1. Online Offline
    A Harry Potter fanfic that cannot be more further from HP.
    The story is set in a fictional Earth that is mainly HP but also incorporates quite a few other famous Hollywood titles. The plot is about how MC conquers this world.
    I don't get why some comments say this is well written, the language is definitely good but the content is far from well written imo. MC always conveniently wins in any situation either by flexing his inherited wealth/fame or with his inherited magic. Many chapters are like you are reading propagandized textbooks of MC's exploits because he's always portrayed as good and everything else bad. Author goes into so much history, that would make you wonder if you are reading a novel or wikipedia.
    The political intrigue is s there is no political intrigue, MC just [read everyone's mind > buy or kill them(if they have any thoughts of going against mc) > put his lackeys as substitutes] then repeat the same process in almost all arcs. And later on he just sends his lackeys to do the job and we just read the results in the next chapter.
    MC is arrogant, narcissistic and extremely self-righteous(but since others are shown as bad, MC is always right). The side characters, as soon as they become trusted allies, they get a boost of IQ by 200 points. And others, as soon as they become MC's enemies it's like they lose their IQ by 200 points. Voldemort would have ended the novel within ~150 chapters if his IQ wasn't nerfed.
    The combat sequences could've been so much better if only author didn't end fights in few sentences of generic descriptions. Author has many illustrations in his discord which definitely helps because, again lack of descriptions.
    Although author didn't delve into the magic system too much, the few adventures MC had in the magical side of the world was interesting. ig this was the only reason I completed the novel, and also curious to see how it ends (
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  2. Offline
    The novel seems interesting, the writing is definetely above average, so why would one write a bad character for his MC and ruin his own novel??
    I wont go into detail because i've read like 60 chapters only and i'll just say the one thing that made me drop the novel.
    The MC is too fcking arrogant.
    Now dont get me wrong. I love arrogant characters.
    But i love arrogant characters who can back up their arrogance. Arrogant MC's who have earned the right to be arrogant, because of their power, because they have overcome obstacles after obstacles, because they are talented above everybody else etc etc....!
    But this MC is only a lucky fck that inhereted his predecessors powers, without him putting any effort at all. Without that chance encounter he would just be a random mob.
    So why the fck does he become so arrogant without doing anything to deseve it???
    And thats why i droped it.

    Anyway i wrote this review because the novel has good prospects, but i ended up being dissapointed in the end.
    If you dont like characters like i just described, you'd probably not like this as well so hope i helped.
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  3. Offline
    Quote: Wizzy
    Not much to say for this one. It's a really good Fanfic and makes me want to read the Authors previous works. There is a lot of politics in this so if that is not your thing, most of the novel will be a bit hard to get through. There are a few things that sound like they have importance but end up not coming up much after a few mentions which is kind of sad to see. The one major problem I had is that the last 50 or so chapters should probably just be skimmed through besides a few key moments. It's mostly just politics at that point with Magnus trying to get the remaining countries under his control (I'm not going to count that as a spoiler since the last chapters name is just in your face on this site). Everything else from story to romance in this is at least 4/5 for me so I definitely would recommend.
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  4. Offline
    Mikhail Faizal
    I love this novel 8.5/10
    For more in depth, this novel is created by MisterImmortal. My favourite novel maker that created other novels such as Grandpa Universe In Multiverse and Marvel: Mr President. The second part of the novel is mostly about politics and such.
    The lore is not that inline with the normal HP but it is acceptable because it shares the same universe with GUIM
    and that novel changes a lot of lore in different shows/anime/whatnot. The romance is fine and dandy but personally i would have done some stuff a little different.
    TL:DR good novel, good rythmm, satisfactory plot, and wonderful writing.
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  5. Offline
    I missed the slice of life tag. some might like it but I find it too wordy and boring.
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  6. Offline
    Not much to say for this one. It's a really good Fanfic and makes me want to read the Authors previous works. There is a lot of politics in this so if that is not your thing, most of the novel will be a bit hard to get through. There are a few things that sound like they have importance but end up not coming up much after a few mentions which is kind of sad to see. The one major problem I had is that the last 50 or so chapters should probably just be skimmed through besides a few key moments. It's mostly just politics at that point with Magnus trying to get the remaining countries under his control (I'm not going to count that as a spoiler since the last chapters name is just in your face on this site). Everything else from story to romance in this is at least 4/5 for me so I definitely would recommend.
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  7. Offline
    a magical journey is much more in line with the lore compared to this novel.

    This novel just borrows HP settings and characters then extensively maligns them all into something else.
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  8. Offline
    I feel compelled to leave a review of this fanfic, I enjoyed it too much. It is clear that if you are looking for a work that changes your life on a metaphysical level, this is not it.But if you are interested in a play that is fun, interesting and very well written, this is for you. It is a wonderfully written novel., the author thoroughly investigates the events he describes that are consistent with reality and has a very good rhythm, I also found it very interesting As the whole work takes place in a kind of shared universe with his other fanfics, it is quite innovative if you ask me, without a doubt a very good fanfic with a decent ending and plot satisfactory.
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  9. Offline
    Author has something against the queen? Ha ha
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  10. Offline
    It was a good fan-fic, but there are too few villains, even Voldemort only makes noise in an early chapter but disappears later, So, it gets boring in the later chapter. It could've been good if not everything the MC goes as planned, at least give some challenges or obstacles. Also, the death of James Potter doesn't seem necessary when the MC ultimately saved Lily and Harry, and defeated Voldemort- I originally thought the author would fill the year 1981-1998 with relation to Harry Potter storyline because of the prophecy. Instead, the author made a 80+ chapters with boring narration of traveling around the world, diplomacy, and uniting the world.
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