
Chapter 1720: Hard day at Work.

Just a few minutes later, a majestic dragon with scales that resembled the midnight sky was flying over the endless sea of dunes, devouring distance with stunning speed.

Effie and Jet were on his back, looking south with somber expressions.

After a while, Effie sighed.

«The situation has already changed?»

Jet nodded.

«Yes. The city wall is breached. Western Quadrant defense forces are on approach, but the Call is wreaking havoc with their tech. The Awakened vanguard was attacked by one of the lesser Gate Guardians and managed to put it down, but their advance was stalled. So, we will arrive first.»

Soul Reaper maintained a neutral tone, but Effie could see that she was in a grim mood.

«It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up too much.»

Jet glanced at her and smiled.

«My fault? Of course, it's not my fault. I am not someone who feels bothered by such things, anyway.»

But despite her tough-girl routine and carefully constructed facade of a cynical salary woman, she was bothered.

Effie had gotten to know Soul Reaper Jet a bit during the Southern Campaign, but they became really close during the Third Nightmare. And in the four years since, their friendship and comradeship had continued to blossom.

Jet… was a professional, first and foremost. She wasn't really someone with a bleeding heart — the opposite, actually — but she took her responsibilities very seriously. As such, her cynical loyalty to the mission of preserving humanity was quite ironically much greater than the noble intent of most ardent idealists.

She had already been doing her very best as a Master. But now that Jet was a Saint- one of the five Saints serving the government — the scale and scope of her responsibilities were much greater.

While Effie and Kai mostly dealt with military and diplomatic issues, simply executing the orders, Jet was much more knowledgeable and experienced. As such, she was involved in the administration and decision-making process of the government, influencing what orders all of them received.

The government was in turmoil, too. It was in flux, drifting on the currents of history. Four years ago, the higher echelons of the government had made a decision to throw vast resources into rapidly developing its presence in the Dream Realm… where the future was.

That was why Effie was almost permanently stationed in Bastion, while Kal spent most of his time in Ravenheart.

Jet, however, had been against that strategy. She had insisted on keeping the government Saints in the waking world, spread across the three remaining Quadrants, to lessen the inevitable losses as much as possible… even at the cost of the future inferiority of the government's position in the brave new world of Domains and Sovereigns.

It was not that she disagreed with the notion that the future of humanity lay in the Dream Realm… it was just that she advocated for a different allocation of resources.

Sadly, she had failed to turn her opinion into policy.

If she had, the current disaster could have been avoided, or at least lessened.

Effie sighed.

«You're angry. I can smell that you're angry. Well, guess what? There's nothing better for treating anger than a good slaughter. And we'll be drowning in abominations in a few minutes, so… there's no day like today

Jet chuckled.

«You are right. Sure. But also… let's not use the word 'slaughter, okay? Makes me queasy.»

At that moment, Kai's pleasant voice resounded in their heads:

[Ladies, If you feel queasy and are going to be sick, please wait until I land, at least, Really, don't go around despoiling my scales… I have an image to uphold…]

Effie grinned.

«Oh? What about your Image? Who are you trying to Impress, Queen Song's daughters?»

The dragon didn't respond to her provocation. Instead, he lingered for a while, and then asked:

[How is Aiko doing?]

Effie sighed.

«Come ask her yourself. She's still pretending to be angry. Oh… but she's doing fine, by the way! Her new boss is kind, handsome, and treats her very well.»

Kai answered nonchalantly:

[I'm glad. As long as she's doing well.]

A few seconds later, he asked in the same neutral tone:

[…Just out of curiosity, how handsome are we talking? What about his style? Who makes his clothes?]

Effie grinned and chose not to answer.

In front of them, the sea of dunes slowly turned into a desolate plain, with a vast, dried riverbed cutting it like an endless scar. Far away, on the opposite side of the immense chasm, a large city stood where the river's shore had once been, shrouded in haze.

Their banter abruptly stopped.

The city was burning, with towering plumes of black smoke rising into the piercing blue sky. Even from that distance, Effie could see the signs of cataclysmic devastation. The toll of human lives must have been terrible.

Kal, with his incredible sight, could see much more. He didn't say anything, but his silence suddenly seemed sorrowful and forlorn.

Effie gritted her teeth and looked away.

«Do you see it, Kai? Was the last transmission accurate?»

The dragon folded his wings and rushed toward the ground.

His voice was even.

[Yes. Seven Gates. Six of them Category Three… one Category Four. The Gate Guardian of the latter seems to be a Great Devil.]

He paused for a moment, then added:

[The city is overwhelmed, a horde of abominations is rampaging on the streets. The local garrison seems to have fallen.]

Jet closed her eyes for a moment.

«It's good, then.»

Kai asked quietly, the emotions in his voice suppressed:


She nodded.

«Yes. If the abominations are rampaging, it means that there's still someone alive.»

A moment later, the dragon landed on the ground, raising a cloud of dust. Jet and Effie jumped off his back and approached the edge of the dry riverbed's slope.

Out there below them, the hastily assembled army of the Western Quadrant was assembling into a formation to assault the fallen city. In front of the mundane soldiers, the battered Awakened vanguard was finishing off a wave of Nightmare Creatures that had wandered away from the burning ruins.

They had noticed the flamboyant landing of the great dragon, and were now looking back, cheering and waving their heads in the air.

Kai's fame preceded him.

Effie cracked her knuckles and asked, her voice uncharacteristically somber:

«A Great Devil… can we even handle something like that?»

All three of them had become immensely powerful after Transcending. The battles they had won were beyond count, and the Nightmare Creatures they had killed were beyond measure… and yet, they had never faced a horror like that before.

Only the Sovereigns had.

Facing a Great Devil was a first for them… and could very well become the last.

A relaxed smile appeared on Jet's face.

«What's the matter? If push comes to shove, we'll Just die. Well… the two of you will die. I'm already dead.»

Above them, the dragon scoffed. His magnificent voice resounded above the desert, making Effie's heart tingle…

That was just something Kai's draconic voice did, even if he did not use his Aspect Abilities.

«Still. We should try to stay alive… well, Effie and I should. You just stay in one piece, Lady Jet.»

She chuckled.

«Alright. As we've discussed before, Kai will support the Western Quadrant forces in their advance. Effie and I will spearhead the assault, push back the abominations, and engage the Gate Guardian. There's nothing else to say. Godspeed!»

The beautiful dragon nodded its great head, then pushed himself off the ground and glided gracefully toward the assembled army.

Jet looked at Effie, already summoning her scythe.

She lingered for a moment, and then said in a tone that was a little gentler than usual:

«But seriously… don't die, Effie, Nightingale and I can die, but you can't. You know why. There are people waiting for you to return.»

For a moment, Effie felt her heart tremble… just like it did every time she went into battle.

It had been easy to risk her life before, when she was young. But now, she had things to protect, and people whom she did not want to and could not allow herself to leave. Every time death snarled in her face, Effie felt… guilt, and shame.

And fear.

What was she doing on the battlefield when her husband and son were somewhere else, waiting for her?

Why was she being so stupid when she could have remained safe behind a Citadel wall, in their idyllic cottage, allowing someone else to fight, and bleed, and die in her place?

But then, she remembered.

It was precisely because of Little Ling and his dad that she was here.

Because someone had to prevent the world from collapsing on their heads and burying them under the rubble. Effie didn't particularly trust someone else to not mess everything up, so she had to build a world where her son could live a decent life with her own two hands.

Thankfully, her hands were quite strong.

If you wanted to do something right, you had to do it yourself.

Looking at Jet, Effie grinned.

«Why do you always talk about dying, big sister? Not everyone is like you! I'm not planning on kicking the bucket any time soon. That would be such a tragedy… imagine all the food I would not be able to eat!»

Laughing lightly, she shook her head… And activate her Transformation Ability.

…A moment later, a titanic figure clad in polished steel rose from the dust, shining brilliantly under the incandescent sun.

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Comments 27

  1. Offline
    Crimson star
    + 10 -
    I can just imagine a scenario where Effie wants to battle the Lord if shadows and then uses her transformation ability only for Sunny to Grow as big as her with his shadow manipulation. That would be so cool joy
    Read more
  2. Offline
    + 41 -
    Aint no way Sunny gonna miss opportunity to kill Corrupted Titans and Supreme Devil.
    Read more
    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      No way you can have a party and not invite sunny. Especially if there's an all you can eat buffet served that even effie can't eat alone 🤣
      Read more
  3. Offline
    + 150 -
    1721: Footsteps of History.

    Effie rose to her full height, towering a hundred meters above the desert. She was like a colossus cast of lustrous steel, the gorgeous lines of her athletic body shining under the blinding sun… a beautiful war deity rising to face the tide of monstrous abominations.

    The white fabric of the Starlight Shard rippled in the wind.

    Expanding the two Memories to fit her giant size cost a significant amount of essence, but it was worth it. Sadly, the same could not be said about the rest of her arsenal — not that there were a lot of Memories in her possession that could accommodate her Transformation.

    Even those that could were too weak to justify the expenditure.

    Especially because Effie had other ways to spend her essence.

    As soon as her Transformation was complete, she activated her Ascended Ability. Instantly, every soldier at the bottom of the dry riverbed — those that could see her, at least — felt their hearts beating faster. Their spirit and body were reinvigorated, while their strength, speed, agility, endurance, and resilience were greatly enhanced.

    But that was the good thing about Effie's Transformation… it was hard not to notice a hundred-meter-tall colossus, especially one as striking as her. Her Ascended and Transcendent Abilities synergized beautifully to make sure that anyone on the battlefield could see her at any moment, even in the midst of a furious melee.

    As long as she was on the front line.

    The loud, reverberating roar rose from the riverbed as thousands of soldiers, both mundane and Awakened, chanted in exhilaration:

    «Raised by Wolves!»

    «Saint Athena!»

    «War Beast is here!»

    Their impassioned voices were full of resolve and grim determination.

    And as they looked at her, Effie felt her essence being slowly replenished.

    «Well, at least someone is in a good mood.»

    Looking past the exultant soldiers, she gazed at the burning city. From her current height, Effie could see the eerie fissures of the Nightmare Gates surrounding it like seven ghastly siege towers. One of them was especially tall, reaching even higher into the sky than she did.

    There were several gargantuan figures moving in the sea of Nightmare Creatures. The Great Devil was not the only calamity unleashed by the seven Gates there were other Gate Guardians, as well.

    Two of them was even Titans.

    «A Great Devil, a Corrupted Tyrant, two Fallen Titan, and a swarm of Terrors…»

    One way or another, today's battle was going to end up in the history books. It was not quite the Chain of Nightmares, but definitely the worst crisis the waking world had faced since the Southern Campaign — by far.

    What would the history books tell?

    That on that day, the forces of humanity triumphed vallantly over a dreadful enemy?


    That on that day, humanity mourned the loss of many of its most brilliant warriors?

    Even now, on the precipice of the battle, Effie could not tell.

    «…To hell with that.»

    She grinned and kneeled, then placed the back of her hand on the ground, the open palm facing the sky.

    Who cares about history? This battle might seem dreadful, but it was destined to become an insignificant speck in the tapestry of horrors that awaited humanity in the coming decades. In the near future, there would be a hundred, a thousand battles much more terrible than this.

    By the end of it all, there might be no one left to read history books, let alone write them.

    Such exciting times! She was definitely not going to miss them.

    [Cassie.., are you watching?]

    There was a moment of silence, and then a response came, as calm and relaxed as ever:

    [I am.]

    Effie smiled.

    […Watch well.]

    It was Cassie's job, after all, to witness and remember everything.

    Down below, on the ground, the tiny ant that was Jet soared into the air and landed gracefully on her palm. Effie rose to her feet, gazed ahead, and took the first step forward.

    The ground quaked under her titanic footsteps.

    She leaned forward and pushed off, breaking into a sprint. The sight of the beautiful steel colossus running was both magnificent and terrifying, the sheer scale of it all escaping imagination.

    Awash in the echoing war chant of the advancing army, Effie leaped over the vast battle formation the marching mundane soldiers, the wings of lumbering MWPs, the heavily armored tanks, the Awakened phalanx — and crossed the dry riverbed in no more than a dozen great strides, making the world quake.

    Then, she was among the Nightmare Creatures. Standing on her palm like a beautiful toy soldier, Jet shouted:

    «Don't slow down! Proceed to the designated drop point!»

    Effle answered with a seoff.

    «When have I ever slowed down?»

    Her volce was like the thunderous song of a divine war horn.

    And that was with her keeping it down. Jet was tough enough to withstand the full volume of Effie's voice, but if a mundane human happened to be too close, they would easily be crippled or outright die under its pressure. So, she had developed a habit of staying silent or speaking softly when assuming the godlike form of the militant giantess.

    A moment later, her foot descended on a swarm of Nightmare Creatures, ruthlessly crushing dozens of them in one fell swoop. Some had survived, and were already trying to crawl up her shins, their fangs and claws scraping fruitlessly against the polished steel.

    Her armor was a Supreme Memory of the First Tier, though, so none of their attempts amounted to anything. Even if the armor was breached, Effie had her Awakened Ability to fall back on. As great as her offensive might was, her defenses were even more astonishing… in fact, Effie was often tempted to say that she was practically Indestructible.

    Of course, she never did. Saying something like that was just inviting trouble.

    There were all kinds of Nightmare Creatures out there, Many of them had means of bypassing physical defense, or could deal entirely different types of damage. The moment a powerful Awakened became arrogant was usually the moment they died.

    The Spell whispered into her ear:

    [You have slain…]

    [You have slain…]

    [You have slain…]

    Ignoring the sonorous choir of its voice, Effie leaned forward a little and delivered a powerful kick, pulverizing an especially large abomination.

    The creature must have been at least a dozen meters tall, and would have looked like a towering behemoth to the advancing soldiers. But to her, it was no bigger than a large rat. Its body disintegrated into a disgusting torrent of bloody liquid, and before that liquid splattered across a vast stretch of the riverbed's slope, Effie was already past the foremost wave of the Nightmare Creatures… Nothing but devastation was left in her wake.

    [You have slain a Corrupted Monster, Maw of Kanakht.]

    A moment later, she reached the city barrier.

    It was quite inferior to the great walls surrounding NQSC, Not all human cities were siege capitals, after all the true siege capitals had been constructed and received that title during the Dark Times, and there were just a few of them left standing in the world.

    Of course, all human cities had been turned into highly advanced strongholds after the descent of the Spell, both to keep the Nightmare Creatures out and to make them habitable in the aftermath of the previous era. Still, the scale of their defenses varled.

    The ruined city in front of Effie had quite a robust wall once upon time, but now it lay in ruins. The streets were obscured by smoke, and countless abominations were rampaging under its suffocating shroud.

    From this close, she could hear a terrible cacophony of crumbling buildings, bestial roars, sporadic gunfire…

    And human screams.

    There were indeed survivors there, below her. Which was why she had to be careful.

    «To your left!»

    Jet's shout was very timely.

    Turning her head, Effie saw a wide highway piercing into the heart of the city. There was a fortified railway in its middle, with a mess of overturned train cars laying on the tracks. The highway itself was crowded by military vehicles… all empty and painted red by blood.

    This was where the city garrison forces had tried, and falled, to stop the tide of abominations after the walls fell.

    What was important to Effie, though, was that she would be able to use the highway to reach the heart of the city without trampling countless civilians to death and toppling damaged buildings.

    Paving a bloody path through the horde of abominations, she stomped her way to the highway. Countless abominations perished under her footsteps. Those that were more powerful were crushed to death in her grasp, torn apart, or splattered across the concrete.

    Their assault was like a dark tide. Some were large enough to pose a threat to even someone as giant as her… but Effie did not only have size on her side. She also had her skill, intellect, and battle experience.

    The combination was truly devastating, and none of these meddling creatures could withstand her might.

    It would have been even more devastating if she had a proper spear and shield to wield, but alas, she did not. So, Effie fought with her bare hands- or rather, with her entire body except for one hand, which was being used to carry Jet — in accordance with the ancient hand-to-hand combat techniques hammered into her bones by the War Maidens of the Chalice Temple.

    There were swarms of flying abominations, as well. When those descended upon her, even Jet received an opportunity to bloody her blade.

    Reaching the highway, Effie advanced swiftly toward the heart of the city. As she ran, shattering the road and flattening overturned train cars and abandoned military vehicles with each step, she kept her eyes on the true threats.

    To her left, on the edges of the city, the colossal shape of the Fallen Titan was toppling residential towers and feeding on the crushed corpses of countless humans.

    To her right, the massive figure of the Corrupted Titan was consuming the remains of the government compound.

    Another Titan was nearby, having already breached the ceiling of a deep underground shelter.

    And finally, far ahead, on the opposite side of the city, past the shattered barrier…

    A vague silhouette of the Great Devil was towering above the local outskirts, moving slowly in the eerie silence.

    There were two more Gate Guardians spread throughout the ruins, as well, both already gazing at her and narrowing the distance.

    And a sea of Nightmare Creatures following them.

    «Everyone wants in on the party…»

    Finally, she reached the drop point.

    Effie sent a shockwave spreading from the spot where the edge of her foot had dug into the ground to stall her momentum, and came to an abrupt halt.

    In the next moment, her voice shook the sky with a thunderous, defiant call:

    «Wolf Army! Charge!»
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    1. Offline
      + 50 -
      I really hope that the Shadow Lord will make an appearance here
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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
      Thanks as always mate 👌🌹
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  4. Offline
    + 171 -
    1721 Footsteps of History

    Effie rose to her full height, towering a hundred meters above the desert. She was like a colossus cast of lustrous steel, the gorgeous lines of her athletic body shining under the blinding sun... a beautiful war deity rising to face the tide of monstrous abominations.

    The white fabric of the Starlight Shard rippled in the wind.

    Expanding the two Memories to fit her giant size cost a significant amount of essence, but it was worth it. Sadly, the same could not be said about the rest of her arsenal - not that there were a lot of Memories in her possession that could accommodate her Transformation. Even those that could were too weak to justify the expenditure.

    Especially because Effie had other ways to spend her essence.

    As soon as her Transformation was complete, she activated her Ascended Ability. Instantly, every soldier at the bottom of the dry riverbed - those that could see her, at least - felt their hearts beating faster. Their spirit and body were reinvigorated, while their strength, speed, agility, endurance, and resilience were greatly enhanced.

    But that was the good thing about Effie's Transformation... it was hard not to notice a hundred-meter-tall colossus, especially one as striking as her, Her Ascended and Transcendent Abilities synergized beautifully to make sure that anyone on the battlefield could see her at any moment, even in the midst of a furious melee.

    As long as she was on the front line.

    The loud, reverberating roar rose from the riverbed as thousands of soldiers, both mundane and Awakened, chanted in exhilaration:

    "Raised by Wolves!"

    "Saint Athena!"

    "War Beast is here!"

    Their impassioned voices were full of resolve and grim determination.

    And as they looked at her, Effie felt hher essence being slowly replenished.

    ‘Well, at least someone is in a good mood.’

    Looking past the exultant soldiers, she gazed at the burning city. From her current height, Effie could see the eerie fissures of the Nightmare Gates surrounding it like seven ghastly siege towers. One of them was especially tall, reaching even higher into the sky than she did.

    There were several gargantuan figures moving in the sea of Nightmare Creatures. The Great Devil was not the only calamity unleashed by the seven Gates there were other Gate Guardians, as well.

    Two of them was even Titans.

    'A Great Devil, a Corrupted Tyrant, two Fallen Titan, and a swarm of Terrors…’

    One way or another, today's battle was going to end up in the history books. It was not quite the Chain of Nightmares, but definitely the worst crisis the waking world had faced since the Southern Campaign - by far.

    What would the history books tell?

    That on that day, the forces of humanity triumphed vallantly over a dreadful enemy?


    That on that day, humanity mourned the loss of many of its most brilliant warriors?

    Even now, on the precipice of the battle, Effie could not tell.

    ‘...To hell with that'

    She grinned and kneeled, then placed the back of her hand on the ground, the open palm facing the sky.

    Who cares about history? This battle might seem dreadful, but it was destined to become an insignificant speck in the tapestry of horrors that awaited humanity in the coming decades. In the near future, there would be a hundred, a thousand battles much more terrible than this.

    By the end of it all, there might be no one left to read history books, let alone write them.

    Such exciting times! She was definitely not going to miss them.

    [Cassie.., are you watching?]

    There was a moment of silence, and then a response came, as calm and relaxed as ever:


    Effie smiled.

    [... Watch well.]

    It was Cassie's job, after all, to witness and remember everything.

    Down below, on the ground, the tiny ant that was Jet soared into the air and landed gracefully on her palm. Effie rose to her feet, gazed ahead, and took the first step forward.

    The ground quaked under her titanic footsteps.

    She leaned forward and pushed off, breaking into a sprint. The sight of the beautiful steel colossus running was both magnificent and terrifying, the sheer scale of it all escaping imagination.

    Awash in the echoing war chant of the advancing army, Effie leaped over the vast battle formation the marching mundane soldiers, the wings of lumbering MWPs, the heavily armored tanks, the Awakened phalanx - and crossed the dry riverbed in no more than a dozen great strides, making the world quake.

    Then, she was among the Nightmare Creatures. Standing on her palm like a beautiful toy soldier, Jet shouted:

    "Don't slow down! Proceed to the designated drop point!”

    Effle answered with a seoff.

    "When have I ever slowed down?"

    Her volce was like the thunderous song of a divine war horn.

    And that was with her keeping it down. Jet was tough enough to withstand the full volume of Effie's voice, but if a mundane human happened to be too close, they would easily be crippled or outright die under its pressure. So, she had developed a habit of staying silent or speaking softly when assuming the godlike form of the militant giantess.

    A moment later, her foot descended on a swarm of Nightmare Creatures, ruthlessly crushing dozens of them in one fell swoop. Some had survived, and were already trying to crawl up her shins, their fangs and claws scraping fruitlessly against the polished steel.

    Her armor was a Supreme Memory of the First Tier, though, so none of their attempts amounted to anything. Even if the armor was breached, Effie had her Awakened Ability to fall back on. As great as her offensive might was, her defenses were even more astonishing... in fact, Effie was often tempted to say that she was practically Indestructible.

    Of course, she never did. Saying something like that was just inviting trouble.

    There were all kinds of Nightmare Creatures out there, Many of them had means of bypassing physical defense, or could deal entirely different types of damage. The moment a powerful Awakened became arrogant was usually the moment they died.

    The Spell whispered into her ear:

    [You have slain...]

    [You have slain...]

    [You have slain...]

    Ignoring the sonorous choir of its voice, Effie leaned forward a little and delivered a powerful kick, pulverizing an especially large abomination.

    The creature must have been at least a dozen meters tall, and would have looked like a towering behemoth to the advancing soldiers. But to her, it was no bigger than a large rat. Its body disintegrated into a disgusting torrent of bloody liquid, and before that liquid splattered across a vast stretch of the riverbed's slope, Effie was already past the foremost wave of the Nightmare Creatures.

    Nothing but devastation was left in her wake.

    [You have slain a Corrupted Monster, Maw of Kanakht].

    A moment later, she reached the city barrier.

    It was quite inferior to the great walls surrounding NQSC, Not all human cities were siege capitals, after all the true siege capitals had been constructed and received that title during the Dark Times, and there were just a few of them left standing in the world.

    Of course, all human cities had been turned into highly advanced strongholds after the descent of the Spell, both to keep the Nightmare Creatures out and to make them habitable in the aftermath of the previous era. Still, the scale of their defenses varled.

    The ruined city in front of Effie had quite a robust wall once upon time, but now it lay in ruins. The streets were obscured by smoke, and countless abominations were rampaging under its suffocating shroud.

    From this close, she could hear a terrible cacophony of crumbling buildings, bestial roars, sporadic gunfire...

    And human screams.

    There were indeed survivors there, below her. Which was why she had to be careful.

    "To your left!"

    Jet's shout was very timely.

    Turning her head, Effie saw a wide highway piercing into the heart of the city. There was a fortified railway in its middle, with a mess of overturned train cars laying on the tracks. The highway itself was crowded by military vehicles... all empty and painted red by blood.

    This was where the city garrison forces had tried, and falled, to stop the tide of abominations after the walls fell.

    What was important to Effie, though, was that she would be able to use the highway to reach the heart of the city without trampling countless civilians to death and toppling damaged buildings.

    Paving a bloody path through the horde of abominations, she stomped her way to the highway. Countless abominations perished under her footsteps. Those that were more powerful were crushed to death in her grasp, torn apart, or splattered across the concrete.

    Their assault was like a dark tide. Some were large enough to pose a threat to even someone as giant as her... but Effie did not only have size on her side. She also had her skill, intellect, and battle experience.

    The combination was truly devastating, and none of these meddling creatures could withstand her might.

    It would have been even more devastating if she had a proper spear and shield to wield, but alas, she did not. So, Effie fought with her bare hands- or rather, with her entire body except for one hand, which was being used to carry Jet - in accordance with the ancient hand-to-hand combat techniques hammered into her bones by the War Maidens of the Chalice Temple,

    There were swarms of flying abominations, as well. When those descended upon her, even Jet received an opportunity to bloody her blade.

    Reaching the highway, Effie advanced swiftly toward the heart of the city. As she ran, shattering the road and flattening overturned train cars and abandoned military vehicles with each step, she kept her eyes on the true threats.

    To her left, on the edges of the city, the colossal shape of the Fallen Titan was toppling residential towers and feeding on the crushed corpses of countless humans.

    To her right, the massive figure of the Corrupted Titan was consuming the remains of the government compound.

    Another Titan was nearby, having already breached the ceiling of a deep underground shelter.

    And finally, far ahead, on the opposite side of the city, past the shattered barrier...

    A vague silhouette of the Great Devil was towering above the local outskirts, moving slowly in the eerie silence.

    There were two more Gate Guardians spread throughout the ruins, as well, both already gazing at her and narrowing the distance.

    And a sea of Nightmare Creatures following them.

    'Everyone wants in on the party...'

    Finally, she reached the drop point.

    Effie sent a shockwave spreading from the spot where the edge of her foot had dug into the ground to stall her momentum, and came to an abrupt halt.

    In the next moment, her voice shook the sky with a thunderous, defiant call:

    "Wolf Army! Charge!”
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    1. Offline
      + 40 -
      One chapter today.
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  5. Offline
    + 11 -
    This thoughts about death makes me question, what will happen to Sunny? Because well he needs to learn nature of his element shadows, death, etc. is he going to be close to death again? I'm just thinking how nature of Death and Shadows will develope.
    Also I think that Sunny's Domain will be somehow related to Fate, because we have 3 pieces of Weaver(Blood,Bone,Soul) and no actual Fate related abilities(Weaving is not Fate related, Weaving=Sorcery). Also atributes like [Fated] & [Fateless] reminds me of Nephis [Longing], Nephis saying that she feels other people "Longing"(Desires) and I think Sunny's abilities will somehow "Shadow" Fate.
    But most likely his Domain will "Shadow" his masters, like that guy said(I forgot his nickname). Aspect's name is [Shadow Slave] after all.
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    1. Offline
      hell 2011
      + 10 -
      Domains come in many forms.

      Valor's domain includes anyone willing to take up a "sword" for him, or in his name.
      Nephis' domain is longing, anyone inspired with hope or longing within them is part of Nephis' domain.

      Shadow God was also the God of Death. For it was death created by him as a weapon.

      Remember how everyone's shadow appear in Sunny's soulsea after he kills them? I feel like those shadows are members of Sunny's domain.

      "Sunny's domain recruits people's shadows through death." or something along those lines.
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        + 21 -
        I wouldn't say Death is Domain of Shadow God, Shadow God's Domain were Shadows: Death - Shadow of Life. Peace - Shadow of War. Solace - probably Shadow of Desire or something since all Shadows look like they don't care and not Longing for anything, not Desiring anything. Mysteries - is kind off Shadow of Information or Knoledge. And Shadows somehow connected to Souls so also "Shadow" Souls.
        And about the fact that Sunny can resurect, I think it's not power of Domain since he could do that even while he was Dormant it's more of a Nature than Domain for me. And that how I see it: Nephis can use her Soul Core to detonate, Mordret can use his Soul Core to creat reflections, Sunny can use Shadow Fragments(which are part of the Soul Core) to resurect.
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          + 30 -
          Resurrect??? Since when
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            + 00 -
            He used to have ability to fuse Shadows of creatures he killed and Echoes of them, so he basicaly resurect a creature using it's Shadow & Echo. But after he lost conection with Nightmare Spell he lost that ability. Then Sunny figured out that "Resurection" was Aspect ability, but the way he "Resurected" creatures(Echo+Shadow) was gift of the Spell, so now Sunny have to learn how to do it normal way.
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        + 00 -
        Although I'm sure the author won't just grant him the ability...imsure the possibility of controlling those shadows like soldiers from solo levelling won't be a far fetched theory
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      + 00 -
      I would have to disagree with u mate I mean u are going a bit far with saying weaving has nothing to do with fate. U could say we don't know how weaver made use of fate. I mean even his name makes it obvious "weaver". It really doesn't only necessarily have something to do with sorcery. That's why I said maybe sunny would be weaver version 2.0. now another point is that fate itself had weaves to begin with and that's how the name "weaver" came to be. Why? Cus when sunny uses the mask, what he really sees is only "weaves" of fate. Another point is the memories also have "weaves" which again goes back to weaving so the name speaks for itself in this case.
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    + 15 -
    А кэсси же может мразу видеть ка кона стала сувереном🤣 думаю она уже знает как стать сувереном, если уже не стала сувереном и все помнит) и поэтому она сближает нефиса и санни

    Quote: MefetraN7
    А кэсси же может сразу видеть как она сама стала сувереном🤣 думаю она уже знает как стать сувереном, если уже не стала сувереном и все помнит) и поэтому она сближает нефиса и санни
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      + 42 -
      Как же ты уже за***л...
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        + 03 -
        Терпи, все таки таки твою маму в кино водил
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          + 10 -
          Ты смотри не знал что Дотеры читать и писать умеют, хотя видя что ты пишешь и как ты пишешь в коментариях, читать и писать это сильно сказано...
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            + 10 -
            Успокойся, даже среди Дотеров есть свои интеллигенты, которые и писать и, слава богу, читать умеют… хотя к нему это не относиться. Максимально осуждаю его высказывания! Просто замуть его. imbest
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  7. Online Offline
    + 90 -
    Somehow i believe Sunny will save the day or maybe they will handle it...
    I wanna see Soveriegn Sunny soon, if he able to grab the concept of shadow domain joy
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    Novel Addict
    + 80 -
    I wonder if Sunny will pull up
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      Junior young
      + 30 -
      Are they seriously saying they can handle a great devil,sunny will solo It without his other avatars😂😂😂👌
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        + 10 -
        But remember that Sunny has a divine aspect unlike them.
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          + 20 -
          Jet has a Supreme, Effie a Transcendent and Kai an Ascended...
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            + 40 -
            Nevertheless, the divine aspect is a separate level of power. The divine aspect has a legacy that gives an incredible increase in strength (the fiery form of Nephis is an example of this), plus essence cores that can increase at least 7 times the amount of essence at one level, with the maximum number of cores.
            Also, Effie, Jet and Kai have limitations when fighting a stronger opponent. Effie relies mostly on her strength, but the Devil will be if not stronger, then definitely faster than her. Jet can hit an opponent's soul, but this ability clearly has serious limitations and probably won't work well against a devil who has a very strong soul. As for Kai, I don't really understand what he is capable of on a transcendent level, but seeing the dragon, we can assume that he is focused on confronting a large number of not particularly strong monsters. And each of them has only one core, and the devil has 4, and we know that each core gives an increase in all characteristics, that is, the devil, on paper, if we compare the pure characteristics of each of them is 4 times stronger than any of them. Of course, I understand that this is not how it works, but since the author does not give us exact numbers, then we have to figure it out for ourselves. Both Sunny, Nefis and Mordreth, thanks to their divine aspects and experience, are the most powerful saints in the world, much stronger than Kai, Effie and Jet.
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    + 130 -
    That place would have been a buffet table for sunny
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