10 months ago

My German Empire我的第三帝国

When the whole of Europe shuddered under the wings of the German Air Force,

When the... Read more
When the whole of Europe shuddered under the wings of the German Air Force,

When the tiger tank roared and smashed the walls of Moscow,

Wilhelm stood in front of many reporters and smiled:

“No one can stop the expansion of the Third Reich except God.” Collapse
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Comments 39

  1. Offline
    Abdi Bgm
    [quote=zipafa]Рецензия типичного американца, с их отцензуренным образованием. Все в мире плохие и отсталые, только в США рай
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    Emperador Celestial
    sinceramente esperaba mucho, pero al final lo e dejado en el cap 88, porque, pues porque esperaba una historia donde un prota, pues va mejorando alemania, explicando, y pasando los dias, pero vemos que solo dice hacer carreteras y ferrocarril y no explique el tiempo, los sitios, detalles, otra cosa es, empieza en el 20 picos y ya esta en el 36, a pasado la guerra italia-etiopia y ahora la de la guerra civil española...el paso del tiempo es alucinante, sin explicar la modernizacion, es como elegir un pais, buscar informacion y pegarla en una historia, y luego unes los puntos cambiando algunas cosas y ya tiene la novela de "My GERMAM EMPIRE"
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  3. Online Offline
    Why would anyone have wanted those genocidal murderers to win? Yup, the allies had the Soviets, whose crimes against humanity were truly awful, they even preyed upon their own female soldiers. But the germans and japanese were trying to usher in an age of sexual slavery, genocide, and oppression. Forget about people like the Assyrians who put cities to the sword, these people were doing that to continents.

    I think the author has extremely bad taste and made a poor choice of the MC and background.
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    1. Offline
      Those same people rule America. Not very smart are you?
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      1. Online Offline
        America doesn't have "rulers". Are you retarded?

        By the way, thanks for trivializing the murders of tens of millions of people for a childish little comment. You must feel so proud of yourself.
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    2. Offline
      Рецензия типичного американца, с их отцензуренным образованием. Все в мире плохие и отсталые, только в США рай и демократия.
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      1. Online Offline
        Who called it a paradise? Are you my ghost writer and in charge of speaking for me now?

        As for my education, it's not bad. I noticed you writing in Russian. Was I mistaken? Did the Soviets not invade Poland and immediately set to assaulting every woman in gangs and murdered every policeman, officer, clergyman, and politician? Did they not engage in mass rape of virtually every woman in all of Eastern Europe, not even sparing their own soldiers? Did they not murder quite literally millions of Poles, Germans, and every other nation they passed through - either outright or in prison camps?

        Oh, and that barbaric behaviour didn't end with the war either. They kept it up until after 1948 until the soldiers were withdrawn into military bases.

        You know that the US generals had a huge debate, with generals like Patton advocating exterminating the Soviets? They offended "the paradise of democracy" so badly we couldn't tell the difference between them and the Germans and Japanese who also engaged in mass rape and murdered tens of millions as well.

        Well, at least the Germans had a veneer of civilization about them.
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    3. Offline
      Ameritard when it sees someone having a different worldview than its own troll58
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    4. Offline
      Sexual slavery like the banning of child prostitution in Berlin? Berlin was the sex capital of the world (somewhat like how south east asia today) and they stopped that. If you are going to bring up things they did, tell the truth, not what you wish it to be.
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      1. Online Offline
        Are you soft in the head? Didn't the Germans force thousands of French women into brothels? They did the same in countries like Belgium, Poland, and even in Russia during their occupaton. Didn't they mass rape as they conquered across Europe?

        Everyone knows of the holocaust, but what of the slave women from the camps? Naturally, these kinds of things aren't really discussed to children.

        There was a pattern under German, Japanese, and Soviet occupation of systemic mass rape and sexual slavery. Here is a link I found: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/852604/pdf You can find many other sources if you try.

        Let me guess, you're a European and your history teachers try to avoid such talk as committed by your grandparents. Like the Japanese avoid speaking of their atrocities today. My grandfather served in WW2, and when I was a child I asked him about the war, and all he would tell me was that he was in an artie unit in France, and only fired a few times for practice. I surmise he served later in the war, or he didn't want to say. But he had a collection of German officer knives on the wall. It makes me think he saw more action than he would admit to a child or he was involved in dealing with German prisoners of war. He wasn't even a US citizen at the time (canadian descent), so I doubt he was among the first of those drafted though.

        All armies engaged in some of these crimes back then, but the 3 big nasties were by far the worst. The most disciplined were from the British (islanders and canadians, not their colonial troops). The worst? A tossup between the Soviets and Japanese.
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        1. Offline
          Ты б**ть издеваешься недо ученый каторый знает только о ленд лизе
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    5. Offline
      Yes, I'm glad the author chose a time when the royal family was in charge and German Nazism was not created.
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    6. Offline
      bro you got ur history wrong watch some zoomer historian

      also this is the the german empire not the nazis ur retarded
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  4. Offline
    I am reading the mtl of this novel I am actually enjoying it and the enjoyment goes down the drain as soon as I encounter Chinese bullshit you are all hardened veterans so you know what I am talking about but hey cant expect much can we?
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      Did you drop because of the chinese bias? Is It still worth reading?
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        Not just that there also other stupid bullshit and then there is rape and pedophilia I dropped it immediately after that
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  5. Offline
    Tangsok Chev
    This Novel Is China So Expect Racism
    For Raw
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    1. Offline
      How racist is this? pressure
      I didn't expect CN on a German SI as China was against them in WWII and Govt somehow allowed this to be published?
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  6. Offline
    Stalin, then Third Reich.. what’s next? “Making North Korea Great Again”?!
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      Napoleon is already here
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        whats next? tsarist russia?
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            I think that one already is a thing
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    2. Online Offline
      They've made Oda Nobunaga. He was fairly villainous in his methods. Enough for his own subordinate to betray him.
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  7. Offline
    Past chap 12, My braincells gave up. The writing is a mess, great set up but poor execution
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    1. Offline
      I think it is the fault of translator. I am reading the MTL version and boy is it smooth reading. Even better than some of the geniuses translating on this site.

      By MTL version I mean the one on this site.
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  8. Offline
    Ok, my first comment under
    the novel about Stalin was rushed.. 23
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  9. Offline
    This is an abandoned novel fyi
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    1. Offline
      The ranobes MTL is surprisingly high quality can't tell that it's MTL
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  10. Offline
    Completed novel and weird mc maybe he is good maybe he is bad who gonna taste poison

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