19 hours ago

Harry Potter: The Ring Maker by Loskro1

Nicholas Iron died under mysterious circumstances on Earth, and was reborn in the world of Harry... Read more
Nicholas Iron died under mysterious circumstances on Earth, and was reborn in the world of Harry Potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring creation system.

He doesn't know why he's here and why he needs this system, but he intends to make the most of his new life, and damn all these curious freaks. Collapse
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Comments 31

  1. Offline
    story is ok, chapters are as short as a bathroom run on tts.
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  2. Offline
    Solid work. The fanfic is obviously set in HP world but takes elements of other fictions and introduces it here as well. The system is important but not prevalent, I personally like it but it might be something others might have a problem with. This is definitely something worth checking out. If there's a problem I have with it, it's that chapters are pretty short, that being said, it's not like it's filled with filler either.
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  3. Offline
    Let me sign-up
    Not actually a system novel, the author drops it after he redeems his first set of points as far as I can tell (im on chap 168). Disappointing way of retconning.
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    1. Online Offline
      It does have system elements in it but unlike other system novels that are system heavy this one is very chill about it. To me its a nice change for the usual systems
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      1. Offline
        Let me sign-up
        After reading more it seems your right, there is a weird space of around 200 chapters in which the author avoids it heavily
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  4. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    Story was ok at first, but why bring in stuff from LOR and Oblivion, and other stuff. It got stupid really fast
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  5. Offline
    Im a few chapters in, where's Hermione? Did Author not want her?
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    1. Offline
      Nevermind I found her
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    2. Offline
      found this comment funny
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  6. Offline
    I’ll be honest first ~50 or so chapters are barely passable 3.5 star (70%) work. It’s awkward, has pacing issues, and quality is all over the place. Some early chapters make me want to throw a 1 or 2 star at them. Yet it does get better.

    Past ch50 and after the author’s rant it gets that little spark of magic and past ch100 it starts to open its wings and a does more of it’s own thing in interesting ways while the chapters get more substance. Almost all the awkward shit is worked out, the author gets their shit together, and the world building starts getting good. I’d definitely bump the quality up to 4 stars or even a bit more where I’m at at ch 200(I have caught up to 396, quality is still slowly rising). Past that we get introduced to a lot of new original content with some themes we will all find familiar but rarely applied to the HP world.

    It’s no legendary novel, but after MC gets to hogwarts and settles in it becomes evident why the novel is still alive and getting to ch400 soon, if it stayed as bad as it started or got worse it would have died long ago. If you get past the author’s noob starting phase it is a decent novel to pass the time.
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  7. Offline
    I’m 130 chapters in and the mc has used his system twice. He has a system shop which he can use to buy pretty much anything he’d ever need not even exclusive to the HP world but he’s only used it once and it was to gamble. If u ignore that one glaring issue this is a pretty solid fanfic. I just wish the author at least put a limit on how much he can use the system as an excuse in the beginning instead of having him just not use it.
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    1. Offline
      I’m all caught up and honestly I got over the issues I had with the first 100 chaps. The author does love drawing things out tho. Overall pretty solid hp fanfic
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  8. Offline
    Sheeeeeeeeeesh 😎

    Bro in the cover got that drip🤑🤑
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  9. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    Sigh Course It Harry Potter Fanfic.....When You Go To Fanfictions And Crossovers This Genre Of Harry Potter Has More Stories Than Actual Original Animes And Novels💀
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    1. Offline
      That's just accumulation because HP was popular when the Internet and fanfiction became a thing 15-20 years ago
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      1. Offline
        Dark Phoenix
        Yeah But It Suck Now....I Used To Read Them 2012 But Now....When I See Harry Potter Fics I Turn Another Way
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  10. Offline
    Is it worth reading? And is the grammar and english readible?
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    1. Offline
      I would say so, I quite liked it. It's essentially the MC is placed into an Orphanage in the HP world with a "gacha" system that after used the first time, he got Celebrimbors memories on how to make powerful magical rings. He also has essentially the spirit of Celebrimbor guiding him inside his mindscape. It's pretty "slow" paced though with it being I believe second year still, but it is made up with there being I think 2 chapters a day. He also get's more methods on making items. The system eventually gave him another way to create items besides Celebrimbors style later on but it hasn't been too explored as far as I know.
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      1. Offline
        it may sound crazy, but since I have posted my previous statement I have read the entire book down to the last chapter.
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        1. Offline
          Bro don’t leave us hanging, what wisdom have you acquired? Should we follow you or evacuate?
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          1. Offline
            It's decent. Not the best. But definitely not the worst harrry potter fanfic I have read, so 3 1/2 stars out a 5
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            1. Offline
              70% is passing, thank you comrade
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