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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster全民转职:死灵法师!我即是天灾

Game has become reality, toppling the world’s rules. Humanity has entered an era of global class... Read more
Game has become reality, toppling the world’s rules. Humanity has entered an era of global class awakening.

Demonic creatures wreak havoc! Secret realms and dungeons proliferate!

Terror and treasures coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand!

Only by becoming a class user! And raising your level and becoming stronger! Only then can you stand at the top of the world!

On the day of his class awakening, Lin Moyu became Necromancer, which is a unique hidden class.

He obtained a godly talent. Despite being merely a level 1 talent, it amplifies all skills by 10 times.

He obtained a godly passive skill, which transfers all damage he suffers to his summons.

As a result, so long as his summons aren’t completely annihilated, Lin Moyu won’t die.

“An endless swarm of Godly Skeletal Warriors!”

“Millions upon millions of Lichs!”

“Countless Undead Bone Dragons!”

“Can you handle it?”

Subjected to curses, gods transform into white bones.

When corpses explode, the sky topples and the world collapses.

“I sit high upon a throne of bones, treading the boundary between life and death.”

“I am a disaster!” Collapse
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Comments 33

  1. Offline
    For people calling me extreme for my review, here's a direct quote from the novel ch:720

    Facing the pressure of survival, they began to move closer to the big forces.
    They wanted to join the Shenxia Empire very much, but it was a pity that the Shenxia Empire did not accept it.
    Non-my family, its heart must be different.
    This sentence is not only for other races, but also for other forces that are also human races.
    Those who look very different from the Shenxia Empire, with blond hair and blue eyes, and even completely different thinking logic, can hardly be accepted as Chinese people.
    Inheritance of bloodlines is a problem that gods and men can never avoid.
    This kind of thinking is deeply rooted. Even if they are both human races, in the eyes of most Shenxia people, their other human races are different.
    They will feel that there are two kinds of human races in the world.
    One is Shenxia people with black hair and black eyes, and the other is others.
    Moreover, the Shenxia Empire has a rich and continuous historical heritage, which has been inherited for thousands of years.
    It is completely different from the intermittent origins of other forces.
    In order to show that they also have history, those people even falsified a lot of information.
    It turned out that the information was all false, and it was slapped in the face.
    It's just that those people don't admit it.
    Lin Moyu doesn't care about this, he is from Shenxia, ​​and he does these things for the sake of the human race, but in fact it is more for Shenxia.
    As for people other than Shenxia, ​​he didn't care at all.
    The inheritance of blood also affects Lin Moyu.
    The Shenxia Empire rejects all outsiders to join, and only admits those who have the blood of Shenxia.
    Even if a Shenxia person intermarried with a foreign race and gave birth to a child, it would not be recognized.

    - ch:720
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    1. Offline
      No my brother. I have just read the synopsis yet I can already imagine what this novel will be like. “i am a disaster” nah bro you a kid with 8th grade syndrome.
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  2. Offline
    This novel is broken af.

    - MC have special talent that boost his skill by 10x each level, its 30x so far. Yet, his sister is somehow always faster than him and even everyone around him always catch up to him.

    - When MC gain item that needed to be given or contributed they are usually worth millions but when he keep it or sell it, they're worth less than 100-200k.

    - He is poor so he don't have gold to buy item but when he gets gold peopl tell him he need points in exchange for things he need, when he earn boatload of points people tell him he now need "contribution" point. Whats next? Is author gonna make up "special fantastic extra max pro delux point"?

    - peanut gallery, peanut gallery, peanut gallery....... start and end of every single dungeon invloved people looking down on him to aw ah after his faceslap. Author spend more time on this than actual plotline.

    - Racism Sakura country people keeps harassing them and people from great xia are so superior and all the usual nonsense.

    - Game balance is totally broken: He join military and it has 5 rank with 10 star level each. 1st rank need 50 merit point (yeah another point system) to level up each star so 500 total but rank 2 need 10k points each star level. Does that even make sense to you? Thats 200 fold increase just because MC is growing too fast but turn off brain about how others can even gather so much point and why there are so many other rank2 players. coz it makes no sense.

    - MC lack even the most basic knowledge of the world and its power system yet he never do anything to fix it. He never study, he get the higest score in the country join the best academy yet he didnt attend a single lecture or visit the library, the only time he attend class is to register for a competition.

    - Plot development...grind grind grind grind grind....small plot development...grind grind grind grind grind....tiny plot development...grind grind grind grind grind.....another smaaaalll plot development...grind grind grind grind grind....
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  3. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    Guys this novel is racist af, I read the reviews on update novel and holy crap, the author is crazy mf
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  4. Offline
    Can't read MTL #Panic#. There be nothing in the chapters. Help pls
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      only we
  5. Online Offline
    Damn ...This novels pretty good. Only bad things is the MC acts like cockhead when girls are with him. I can already predict what this novel will end up as. What a waste
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  6. Offline
    #panic# i can't read the MLT, chapters are empty, maybe there is a problem?
    Also can you update the Mlt?
    Mannt thanks. joy
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    1. Online Offline
      mtlnation didn't let me read them either, until I created a google account, then it let me. I might date myself as a little older here, but Lao Tzu has a yahoo account I usually use. It didn't register yahoo as a valid email account for some reason.

      Were you having that problem also?
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      1. Offline
        It's wierd, i don't use a gmail account but i can read MLT of other novels.
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        1. Offline
          you can read 99 chapters as guest, 100+ chapters need user account.
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          1. Offline
            They fixed the issue, but it's good to know, thanks ! joy
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  7. Offline
    2.5/5 Just an average fast food novel. Nothing really amazing but nothing really terrible.
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  8. Online Offline
    I've read the MTL up to 1572 and so far I'm really liking this one. It reminds me a bit of "Complete Martial Arts Attributes" "swallowed star" and "martial world". It sort of starts with a LitRPG genre with classes and then morphs into a traditional xuanhuan type novel out in space. Each area is more powerful than the next, and the MC investigating the "ancient times" and how the rules changed.

    So, the MC is obviously a necromancer. Humanity is fairly united and at war on their planet with alien races that invaded. Stuff happens, MC gets stronger, and leads the charge. Naturally, this leads to another arc away from the planet. As you may guess, more humanity vs alien races with the idea of the class system now dropped and a more traditional xuanhuan power system beginning to replace it - with law comprehension now. MC does retains his abilities, but the focus is law comprehension. He is quite OP for his level throughout the story, crushing others with armies of powerful skeletons.

    Then there is a stronger area after that, and so on. Along the way the book is slowly morphing to the MC beginning to study the rune structure and how it relates to ancient times, how it relates to his rather different starter planet, and how it relates to his rather unique heritage.

    Thank goodness the book doesn't lack young masters and tournaments, or I wouldn't know how to react. MC is a calm type notorious for disliking speaking but hates alien races and goes out of his way to kill every one he sees, determined to annihilate their races if he can.

    A little slow paced, but still enjoyable to read if you like the big xuanhuan adventures like "martial world" and stuff. A good 4 and half out of 5 I'd say.
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    1. Offline
      CAn you spoil me the female lead pleasE? I hate getting attached to the wrong heroine. butwhy
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      1. Online Offline
        Since you asked, these are some super duper spoilers. Don't read further if you can't handle them.

        True God
        God King
        Other Side
        Heaven Ranked

        9 levels of each, just like a regular xuanhuan novel - no more stats/levels that kind of thing. Still a little LitRPG though, like a hybrid novel with xuanhuan.
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        1. Offline
          Thanks you so much bro. welldone
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  9. Offline
    é uma novel que me interessou por causa da classe necromancer , que sou basicamente apaixonado , e o que me fez ler 100 capitulos , mas se me perguntasse se recomendaria pra alguem ler : diria nunca, basicamente é outra novel com o clichê do mc super op sem falhas nenhuma , ele tem o hack que o torna invencivel desde o 1 cap, ele é um genio da batalha e genio do mental desde o 1 cap mesmo nunca tendo experiencia nisso, mesmo sendo uma novel com elementos de games nas batalhas vc não sente nenhuma emoção como amante de jogos .
    Mas se vc gosta de novel de mc super op que não encontra nenhuma dificuldade ,onde ele é super op não por causa de seu proprio esforço mas por causa do alinhamento das estrelas e se acha superior a todos outros por causa disso, então isso é pra vc haha .
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