3 years ago

Soul of Searing Steel燃钢之魂

Joshua woke up in the middle of a battlefield one day only to discover that he has been... Read more
Joshua woke up in the middle of a battlefield one day only to discover that he has been transmigrated into a popular MMORPG, Continental War. Discovering that he has not only been displaced in space but also in time, Joshua realizes he has knowledge of the events unfolding around the world as he had played through them as game events. Read on to discover how Joshua forges his path towards becoming a legendary warrior! Collapse
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Comments 14

  1. Offline
    Слишком много описаний. Надоело пролистывать.
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    Rank B
    above average
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  3. Offline
    Hello everyone, let's start this new review, and as usual excuse me if my English is bad.

    Good points :

    A rather well developed world, lots of mysteries and most of them have unexpected explanations. The evolution of the MC's strength takes an amazing path. Moreover, the MC will not leave these friends behind by gaining strength, unlike many novels in the same style. The development of the MC's homeworld is interesting to read.

    Bad points :

    The events present in the story are almost all fights between the MC against anything and everything, which is a shame because the fights in a book are the least interesting to follow (It's the visual and sound effects that make the fights interesting in movies, anime, comics and manga) the author should have added more varied events (Investigation, conspiracy, armed battle, exploration, ...). The moments when the MC can rest and grow are too short (These are moments of breaks devoted to training, the evolution of the links between characters, the development of the territory, ... Unfortunately too short in this novel ). The MC does not have many social links (The MC has a too scary aura and therefore only the strongest or those who have been around him for a long time can talk to him. Because of this, the MC's social network is rather poor, this which impoverishes the content of the story), he has no family (No sister, brother or mother, only a vague cousin who will disappear at the beginning of the story. No wife, no children. by his weapons, his mount and 03, who is not human and who has no blood relationship, the MC has no closer family. ), we will not talk about his father because his disappearance was somewhat obligatory for the story. But lack of family means lack of real stakes in case of failure. Between destruction of the world and the death of the family of the MC, needless to specify which is the worst for the MC and its evolution.

    Conclusion, a rather good novel despite its flaws, good to pass the time if you haven't read anything.
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  4. Offline
    Overall rating: 4.9/5
    Idk why all the hate but this is a favourite novel of mine, a gem amongst a pile of sh*t that webnovels have become. satisfied joy I guess the reviewers below don't really get the point of the story so they think it is boring.
    PS: Ignore the awful sounding introduction and just read the book. The author really didn't put too much thought into the description.
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  5. Offline
    A decent novel spoiled by greed. The language and grammer is very good for a web novel. The plot too felt okish from what I have read. But just to increase the word count. Most of the things are described in a very roundabout way. One of the earliest examples is when describing that one of the character has a very long life span we get a sequence of "when mc was a toddler that person looked like a 18-20 years young man". Replace the above with mc learnt walking, mc learnt fighting, mc grew a beard or some bullshit like it and repeat the sentence some 8-10 times.

    The plot barely moved forward each chapter. Mundane things like mc setting up a fire or heating up his food, etc are described in too much detail so many times. Each chapter could be reduced to one paragraph or less of useful information. It just makes the novel boring. I dropped off early, so let know if this changes in the future.
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  6. Offline
    3 stars. Story can be really tedious to read because author really likes to go on exposition info dumps. Also combat scenes are dragged out and overly elaborated. Overall, there's just a lot of words that I feel like are spent on stuff that's not necessary. Story on other hand is interesting, except problem is how it's written.
    Basically, imagine reading lotr trilogy but all of silmarillion and appendix are written into the actual story. It just would not work, while all of this is super interesting, it would totally ruin the reading experience of the main story.

    Basically something like +60% of the story is author going on about background history and overly elaborate explanations about everything. You most likely will find yourself browsing trough a lot of the story.
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  7. Offline
    Rating: 3.5/5
    1. Thrilling story: It is a thrilling story to me because of world building and the various struggle for survival. It just falls short because the MC always undermines the struggles and makes everyone look stupid.
    The MC will eat his cake and fu#king have it.
    2. Thrilling fights: Thrilling at first but becomes boring because there is no stakes or at least the result is predictable.
    3. Absence of overused cliches: Not many cliches apart from the dumb MC being ignorant of affection cliche and some others.
    4. No harem or cringy romance: Probably what I like the best about the book.
    5: No hypocrite MC.
    1. Overly dramatic: The conversations and interactions are not natural. It is nauseating at times or cringy at other times.
    2. Unnatural fights: The MC does not feel fear at all. It is either he doesn't fear death or he knows he cannot die(Plot armour). It makes the end of a fight certain, because the MC can't possibly lose.
    3. Perfect MC: The MC can do no wrong even if he makes a bad decision, it will turn out to be the best decision in the future. It is uncanny and disgusting.
    The MC makes stupid decisions just for him to look cool and the author tries to make it the smart and rational option. Because of this, the MC never loses out, there is no price to pay for any of his actions, everything always turns out well in the end. The author has made the MC a perfect person, but he is dumb and that rubs me the wrong way. This takes a lot out of the experience.
    4. Superhero entry: The cliche of the hero arriving just when everything is about to go irreversibly bad is overused in this book. Everything revolves around the MC and he will arrive at the darkest hour and save the day.
    5. Too much info dump: At some point I was just scrolling through the chapters. I kept myself reading just to see the gods. The game elements and the system tags hooked me.
    6. Subpar system: The system was a let down for me. Most of the time the system is useless. In fact the MC's attributes were not shown throughout the book. Only the useless charisma attribute was shown. There was no skill or stat points. Only level and some other shit. For most of the beginning of the book he forgot he had a system.
    7. The over use of however, even though, even so, nonetheless, although, on the other hand in a single sentence and paragraph. It is just too much. When you combine it with the info dump it becomes unbearable to read.
    This review should is based on my personal opinion and can be distorted because of some bias. And it was written after 500 chapters so it might be inaccurate in the long run. I may not be back to edit it because I am dropping it.
    All in all, it is a good book without any glaring weakness.
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  8. Offline
    Why does it feel like the MC has a split personality.
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    1. Offline
      While the combat scenes are great, the conversations lack a certain feeling. IDK if anybody felt so... Everything felt so perfunctory...
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      1. Offline
        Combat scenes are great, but I would say too great. Aka, author spends way too many words to describe combat in detail. Process of combat isn't that interesting in written from.
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  9. Offline
    OOOOHHHH Another good find, all the tags looks good without harem or romance, no apparent weakness that could be exploited by MC enemies such as families.....I have high expectation
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    1. Offline
      Is it any good
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    2. Offline
      Finally someone who isn't completely brain dead sigh i was starting to think everyone here read so much trash they forgot what gems looked like.
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