4 years ago

Renegade Immortal仙逆 • Xian Ni

Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the... Read more
Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal, but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal! Collapse
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Comments 66

  1. Online Offline
    MC keep on getting chased by these old farts. It's getting repetitive.
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    I tried watching the donghua they created for this and it’s just not for me. But I guess that may be due to the fact that this novel is not for me anymore. Back when I first started reading novels and came across this, it was a gem for sure. However after so many years of reading other novels and the novels developing I just don’t think this book is top tier anymore.
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      I guess you are trying to say this novel is an old read not meant for this decade anymore.
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      Yep. Been reading webnovels for multiple years now, but I've never read this novel despite it being quite popular. So I tried reading it last year but I just couldn't get past 100 chapters before dropping it. I feel like there's no uniqueness to it
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    Er Gen is good but that doesn't mean all of his novel is good, specially this one which one of his first.
    Er Gen changes his plot a lot, like every 100 chapters there's plot twists and after it's accumulated it becomes plot hole or forced shit.

    For Ex. Heaven shaking powerful spell, never used again after introduction. New Heaven Shaking Cultivation Method?? Forgotten like after 20 chapters. MC becomes Heavens Young Master after 1 chapter running like a dog.

    I can't understand how this novel get so highly recommended, I even doubt whether this recommending people read same ending as me.
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    Always tragedy, but my favorite bond
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    My rating suffering/10 would definitely recommend

    Easily the best cultivation novel I've read imo. Whenever I think of cultivation novels, this is the 1st book that comes to mind. Now granted, I haven't read all the popular cultivation novels, but of all of them, this stands out to me.

    Heads up -> There is no harem and the romance barely doesn't exist, which is a plus for me.

    Wang Lin is a character that suffers throughout the whole novel, but still finds a reason to push through and get stronger. I wouldn't say the character is original and different, I would be lying, but he is unique enough and evolves in a decent pace throughout the novel.

    The would building is great imo, even though there's that, I guess cliché (?) of having new areas with stronger enemies, its mostly well explained and you, as a reader are prepared for it, since the author mentions it one way or another in the previous chapters, so it fells more natural in a way.

    The story is very normal at first, but its develops really well as the plot progresses. One thing I really like, is that a decent amount of characters he talks to and befriends at the early stages of the novel are relevant in a way, or are at least not forgotten. thrill

    The cultivation system is explained really well, and it cant even be compared to most cultivation novels, the system is mostly the same as ErGen's other novels, but it has a different approach as with every book he has wrote. In short, its deep, well explained and logic in a way you'll understand. welldone

    Now, the ending. It was not what I was expecting! And I'm glad it wasn't! The ending, while for some might not be as good, to me, it was really great, so look forward for it. butwhy
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  7. Offline
    I dropped before reaching chapter 69

    Peace boast
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      This the only L I've seen you take man. (and no I don't mean dropping the novel, I mean the dislikes)
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        The way of demon is a carefree path
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  8. Offline
    The journey was a rough ride for Renegade Immortal, the beginning was horrid to read. As literally everyone and their mother was out for Wang Lin, it makes me question why Wang Lin even bothered to defend his planet when he was being chased by people or schemed by people. The novel gets infinitely better once he leaves his planet, and there are a lot of very emotional impacting moments. Sometimes it gets over redundant. Wang Lin is not a perfect character and he is not a strong character he is just a dude who is cultivating because he has an obsession with only one thing and if given the option he would choose to be a mortal than be a immortal. Anyways that said I loved this novel I’m off to read I Shall Seal the Heavens next, have a nice day. boast
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    This novel just isn't for me. I had a fun time with I Shall Seal the Heavens, but just as some others have mentioned, when it comes to Renegade Immortal, everyone and their mothers is after the MC. That's not even an exaggeration. The cliche of "how dare you look at me, let me call my ancestors" is also frustrating. I couldn't read past the first couple hundred chapters. If you can stomach the start, others have mentioned that it does get better. I don’t agree that it's a good strategy to take so long to get better. I think that's a problem with Er Gen's novels in general. Just that with ISSTH, the comedy and the characters' personality carries it through the first bit.
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      this story has some arcs that one can only find it here, i mean the best ones, not even Er Gen's other works got it. you might like the comedy side of issth, so doom and gloom of this story doesn't quite fit in in the category, AWE may be the one
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  10. Online Offline
    I’m reading on chapter 352, the novel is quite interesting, but there is one big and fat BUT, these are battles, they are so monotonous and everything completely depends on treasures, I really don’t like it, there are no combat techniques, the whole battle between people is based on who has more treasure, and better quality, the battle is completely dependent on external factors, then why cultivate at all? Just to live longer and activate the treasure, where are the results of their many years of cultivation efforts? I close my eyes to this for now, because their level is still too low, and the ability to use domains and heavenly dao is very small, I hope as they develop, these things will be connected more, and the treasure will become only an auxiliary tool, and not the main one.
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      I think I dropped it for this same reason too, can someone please tell us, does it ever get better??
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