3 years ago

Mystical Journey神秘之旅

One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while... Read more
One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds. Collapse
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Comments 61

  1. Offline
    I see people below writing the ending off as a dre** but
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  2. Online Offline
    Alright off the top thing here solely from the synopsis this gives me Lord of the Mysteries and Deep Sea Embers had a love child
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    1. Offline
      Except that this child older than both parents
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  3. Offline
    I read this a few years ago, no, don't trust the comments below saying that the work is incomplete. She is very good, Rank B

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  4. Offline
    Dropped at chapter 147, MC is do not think much, don't plan much, doesn't use his advantages.

    He is purely relying on his golden finger.
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  5. Offline
    Sweet home Alabama 😂😂😂
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  6. Offline
    Max Livermour
    I don't know if author was stoned when he wrote this story. MC character development is just dumb. He makes same mistake again and again even though he knows the consequences.
    Sometimes there is no head or tail for the conclusion that MC comes to for a situation.
    Please tell me it gets better. I would like to read more.
    I just read 126 chapters.
    I like the idea of the story, but characters in the story are making it difficult.
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  7. Offline
    weird that some dont like the ending.. i find it amazing and leaves more room for imagination..
    and the fact that it might have something to do with the author himself satisfied

    it's weird that some instantly assume of dre** instead of
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  9. Offline
    Terrible romance. Everything in this novel is meaningless. The ending kills the reader.
    However, before that you need to get ... a novel full of holes in the plot. First and second world. You can still be patient, otherwise 9 circles of hell.
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  10. Offline
    Damn this horny ass mofo... I reallly hate these people and their predatory customs, really speaks volumns about their whole twisted country and ideology. Call me racist but this mindset must come from somewhere for so many of them to think the same twisted way.....

    In this world, relatives further than three generations could be married. Let alone Ying Er, my sister who is not actually my real sister. It is quite normal that I imagine something about her
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    1. Offline
      i have nether read the novel nor do i quite understand but are you talking about incest with 3 parts removed? because that isn't really uncommon even today in a lot of countries and even more so historically. also was quite popular with nobility in Europe. it has literally nothing to do with any specific Country.
      It is also in no way problematic. Offspring with direct relatives massively increases the chance of a gene defect, but even if it is just a cousin it is legal to marry in most countries and the chance of gene defects isn't any higher than if the mother is older.
      Ultimately that is just a cultural difference (though it was common almost everywhere and defiantly not any more common in asia. ) and there is no actual reason against it. we are socialized in a way to heavily differentiate between familial and romantic love so it comes of wrong to us. But that is a complete arbitrary Standard without any basis.
      There are certain standards that can be argued are universal. But that defiantly isn't one.
      so yes you are racists. and wrong.
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      1. Offline
        Leave it to a site that has an abundance of incels to upvote a post saying incest is a-okay.
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        1. Offline
          Leave it to random shitposters, who apparently can’t even read, to have absolutely no point. And then, instead of just shutting up, insulting random people. Only because they can’t find an argument to support their racism.

          And in my experience the easiest way to spot incels on the internet is to look for the people who randomly insult entire groups of people without any basis. Especially if they can’t realize the irony.
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          1. Offline
            What racism are you talking about? What did I say that's racist? Your entire rant is nonsensical, obnoxious and absurd. For someone criticizing others for not being able to read, you've apparently read an entire essay out of my one sentence.
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            1. Offline
              As I already realized this but damn you really can't read. I never called you a racist. I said you defended one.
              And yes
              I reallly hate these people and their predatory customs, really speaks volumns about their whole twisted country and ideology.

              Is very clearly racist.
              And no it is neither absurd nor nonsense. I detailed it a bit more in the outher comment why your sentiment is nonsense. Read that If you like.
              Edit: and the problem here is the in ability to understand that outher cultures are different. I personaly think it is very wired and somewhat disgusting to marry your cousin (at least 1st and 2nd degree as you normally don't even know your 3rd degree ones and can't really tell). But that doesn't mean I am gonna go on the internet and insult outhers as "predatory" and "twisted" because there culture is different than mine and they see this differently.
              Even dumber is it because of the fact is that china is probably the most restrictive cuntry when it comes to this.
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      2. Offline
        this isnt racism, which is a directed attack on another particularly targetting them because of their race is racism. It seems hes just making a logical deduction from the over populated samples kittered on this site.

        hes right that cn novels seems to promote this behaviour and views while blaming america for being rumored so. most, if not all cn novels tagged with romance, or even shounen cultivator type novels discharges unsavory hormonal behavior while most others try to be more upfront on natural progression.

        However, the perspective isnt warranted in relation to the referenced quote. I agree if its directed to the mass cn novels.
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        1. Offline
          I think you don't understand what racism means. It just means to diferentiate people based on race. Which clearly is fulfilled with
          I reallly hate these people and their predatory customs, really speaks volumns about their whole twisted country and ideology.

          If you read some novels involving this theme and therfor make that one of the oldest and largest countries in the world has "predatory customers" and there entire country and ideology is twisted then yes that is racist.

          Especially is it incest in no way predatory.
          Not to mention that this is redicuesly dumb considering it is illigal in China and legal (and also practiced) in, for example, the USA. (Where a bunch of states even allow 1st degree.) And it being motly legal even with 1st degree pretty much everywhere else.

          Not to mention that it, at least biologically as I said, isn't that problematic and it is simply a cultural thing.

          So the statements are very clearly not only wrong but dumb and show that this guy not only doesn't know what he is talking about but that he clearly is simply prejudiced against people based on there origin.

          And yes we can start debating weither he is discriminating based on the country or the race and weither the Han Chinese can represent historic china bevor it's expansions and there culture throw it's ethnic homogany.
          But honestly it doesn't really matter. He is clearly prejudiced.

          And btw it is clearly only Chinese that have this sort of theme. (/S)
          1. Never seem that in anime. And clearly
          2. Never seen a "step pro I am stuck" situation in any sort of media coming from the USA.
          3.China and some us states are one of the few places in the world where 1.st degree cousin Marge is illigal. And China it is illigal Up to and including 3rd.
          4. Globally about 10% of marages are 1st degree cousins. Don't know about 2nd and 3rd but it defiantly is A bunch more.
          5. In less populated places it is even a statistical inevetabilty as you normly have like at least 100 of those. And over 1000 of you live in a country where it is normal to get more children.

          So no it is neiter wired nor uncommon.
          If anything the USA and china are the outliers for making that illigal and frowned upon. (At least to the degree it is. It also not really seen well in a lot of other countries. But not to the point of making it illigal and it is also seen as normal in a lot of countries. Simply a cultural difference.)
          Which makes his comment incredibly dumb and misinformed.
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