3 years ago

A Sorcerer's Journey巫师之旅

Sorcerer Continent — a world where sorcerers exist. Wielders of arcane knowledge. Masters of all... Read more
Sorcerer Continent — a world where sorcerers exist. Wielders of arcane knowledge. Masters of all elements. Sovereigns of space and time. These sorcerers governed the world with their unrivalled prowess.

One day, a young man awakened into this world with his past forgotten and no place to call home. Follow along as Glenn, by relying on his luck and wit, tries to survive and advance in this unforgiving world. Entangled within the machinations of fate, political schemes, power struggles and wars, he forges his own path and creates a place for himself.

«With my knowledge, give me a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world!» Collapse
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Comments 13

  1. Offline
    #panic# can we get its mtl
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  2. Offline
    All is good but the writing is amateurish. It's like a script. crybaby
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  3. Offline
    Finally broke my face with facepalm during the war of magic schools. The enemy mentors declared war completely unprepared (although discontent has been growing there for several years) + students-opponents are just dumb meat for beating (weaklings, no strategy and experience, parties, etc). Who knows, but to me such battle scenes are very boring, and it looks very controversial from the point of view of logic .
    Although this whole topic does not go to any comparison with one big hole in the logic of plot in everything related to the aphrodisiac, it probably just finished me off because I was waiting for interesting battle scenes, but I got a ass....
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  4. Offline
    This is a small thing but i just couldnt accept the book mc found randomly in the beginning from that rich girl sudden become his cheat that contains ultimate aphrodasiac. I would have been okay if he found that book from cave or mysterious stranger or anywhere else. But this just felt like too much plot armor. Everyone was studying magic deligently but mc got obsessed with this book like an idiot and he was rewarded for it.
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  5. Offline
    Rank: C
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  6. Offline
    I hate this. 0/10 stars.
    I have so many issues with this novel I'll just list the top 5 or this will be a hundred page thesis.
    1. Turbo virgin author writes extremely weird and forced romance

    2. Translation quality is ass. Many times sentences just make no sense whatsoever

    3. Mc is insanely unlikeable.
    He has 3 years to prepare for a super deadly test and decides to spend 2 of those years studying a book on smells (which he acquired by luck), and for whatever reason this book on smells has the recipe for an aphrodisiac that everyone and their mom wants which earns him unlimited money and he buys a ton of stuff, randomly finding a super powerful magical item and then he feels proud of his "brilliance".
    Bruh it was 99% luck that you got this far. This is just one example but mc is a typical prideful moron who only succeeds thanks to plot armour.

    4. Plot holes are EVERYWHERE!!! There are just too many to mention. I left a comment on chapter 43 listing like 10 plot holes/inconsistencies/plot armour bs and all 10 were in just that ONE chapter.

    5. Characters are extremely one dimensional. They are just blank slates but with one quirk, like "guy who cares about his sister a lot", "guy who has a lot of ambition", "girl who had a nice upbringing" etc. None of them feel even remotely real or complex.
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    1. Offline
      Quote: hellmander
      He has 3 years to prepare for a super deadly test and decides to spend 2 of those years studying a book on smells (which he acquired by luck), and for whatever reason this book on smells has the recipe for an aphrodisiac that everyone and their mom wants which earns him unlimited money and he buys a ton of stuff, randomly finding a super powerful magical item and then he feels proud of his "brilliance".
      Bruh it was 99% luck that you got this far. This is just one example but mc is a typical prideful moron who only succeeds thanks to plot armour.

      Damn, thats some next level forced plot
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  7. Offline
    «With my knowledge, give me a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world!»

    This is a play on a quote by Archimedes, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."

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    1. Offline
      now i know why its sounds all janky and broken. author dissected it that quote and stitched it on his cringey message.
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    2. Offline
      It would have been good if he directly used the quote. Regardless i do think that this quote is too overused.
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  8. Offline
    so a while ago i started reading this novel, but for translation reasons i stopped, and recently i started reading it again, and even though i have read most of the story i get the same feeling of: what the f#ck they are talking. the novel is very good, but it is unnecessarily dragged, sometimes you spend several chapters reading about the mc's experiments, while at other times it will seem that he is in an infinite war and that the conflict never ends.

    but the worst thing about this novel is that it's unnecessarily complicated, sometimes i feel like i picked up a quantum physics book to read, it gets to the point where the protagonist has a gift, something natural that people with a certain level of talent receive, while other people have a body more attuned to a certain element, or whatever, the protagonist can communicate with dimensional gaps, what does that make you ask me. I HAVE NO IDEA, the author spends entire chapters explaining this shit and yet I feel like I'm reading something that was written with no intention of making sense, just to write something, this is just one of the examples.

    I love fantasy, and wizards are my all-time favorite characters, so I like it when the character's powers are explained, where they come from, how it works, how he got it, and not just to: he read a spell in a book and magically launched a fireball, if like me you also like details this novel is for you.
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  9. Offline
    I read this story wonderful in one breath, but it's a pity that there is no further translation, only mtl will have to wait, I hope this wonderful story will be finished in the future
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  10. Online Offline
    Great read but been on haiatus for like a year or more, there is the mtl translated version tho,but not worth the read
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