4 years ago

City of Sin罪恶之城 • Sin City

Every drop of this family bloodline is stained with sin. They are the embodiment of contradiction;... Read more
Every drop of this family bloodline is stained with sin. They are the embodiment of contradiction; calm yet maniacal, with great memories yet often forgetful. They pledge themselves to their dreams yet often compromise, are angels that are also devils… It’s why I hate them. And also love them.

The only hope of his family, a youth with the blood of elves and devils walks on a battleground of annihilation and rebirth. He wills his way through boiling lava and icy depths, killing on this field of despair to strike down the lofty figure in his sight. One day he’ll grasp his blade tightly and survey his surroundings, only to find no more enemies to kill. Collapse
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Comments 51

  1. Offline
    I swear the author just randomly wiping out random things that just don’t make sense to the story for example how Richard suddenly gets those (grande launchers) arrows with exploding potions attached when he’s fighting risvalt like bro so random and illogical coz it’s just not worth it with the amount of money he spent on 2nd plane beings or how aperion just breath him and another 2 legends by just her aura. Like just think about it if an epic being could kill everyone just with their aura alone then why would the world be structured in a way where they accept that many can fight the single few for example when they wanted to ambush the sword sain in kalendor that was with legendary beings and an epic one but from the looks of it all the legendary beings would just insta die from the commotion so like make it make sense
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  2. Offline
    Fck the MC is so dumb, unbearable to read.

    Fck the MC is so dumb, unbearable to read.
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  3. Offline
    Books 1-5 were good. But Book 6 is where the quality of the story goes downhill imo.

    •MC’s enemies have a clear pattern (throughout the novel) of having Goldfish Memory, their decisions sometimes even devoid of logic. Its literally:

    MC defeats enemies -> the same enemies attacks MC again (even though MC literally JUST defeated them) -> MC destroys the same enemies even more.

    Another one is: *MC shows how powerful he is* -> people get shocked by how powerful MC is -> the same shocked people then attacks him (cause goldfish memory) -> MC destroys them -> then it loops back around to the first example above

    •Some relationships and storylines are forgotten. And characters are tossed aside, rarely to be seen again

    •A lot of MC’s enemies in this novel are young master-esque. Which basically means they say stuff like “MY BACKGROUND IS BLAHBLAH! YOU CAN’T HURT ME” or “HOW DARE YOU NOT LISTEN TO ME! IM THE SON OF DUKE BLAHBLAH”, which could get repetitive and annoying real fast.

    •It becomes very apparent especially in Books 8-9 that the author is purposefully dumbing down the characters/enemies for the plot. Example: In Book 8, MC shows-off his powers that can literally destroy a whole kingdom, but people will still say stuff like “Why are we afraid of MC!? What does MC have that we don’t??” (Which correlates to what I said up top about people having Goldfish Memories

    So basically..
    Books 1-3 are really good.
    Book 4 is good
    Book 5 is decent
    Book 6 is alright. Though

    Book 7 is meh
    Books 8 is sh*t. Author basically speedrunning to the ending
    Book 9 is sh*t. Everything seems so forced and unnatural. Especially MC's relationship with

    I’ll give it a 3.5/5 cause I really liked books 1-4. But I don't see how this novel got a 4.1 if I'm gonna be honest.
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  4. Offline
    Without a doubt, one of my favorite but also one of my most hated novels.

    Plot-wise, the author made amazing work on the genres and tags.
    Adventure, survival, action, fantasy, mature, harem, the Xuanhuan/cultivation-based magic (while blending d&d traits), and finally... the damned tragedy tag.

    Up to the middle of the novel, around vol 4~5, it had so much potential, the development of the characters being quite slow, but we could feel how the small details affected them over time. The MC, Richard's lovers, and followers all being extremally interesting and wonderful to read about.

    Yet... so much hype and preparations were busted by the already repulsively custom of rushing the later half and ending of works, especially when it was about cultivation-based + general chinese works. A sad reality.

    The numerous relationships, their bounds, the possibilities, the impacts of their interactions... turned into mere vague descriptions of where they are going, who they are fighting, and that their power grew up by a lot after this or that...
    HELL, the MC literally fights a WHOLE continent just to save a girl that at the time had been between a childhood friend and lover... only for her to be kicked to the background, even after she

    How the author describes the following? The MC basically ignore the event, and we only learn more about it from the girl's father... a paragraph describing the tragic fate of the girl that the author invested about 2 volumes on.

    In the later half of the work, every little thing starts to target not the numerous possibilities born from what had been written till then, but the sick Tragedy tag.

    Things that other families that had been around for centuries, if not thousands of years even, not faced become the everyday for the MC. The previous exciting and blood-boiling events turned into a generic: "Oh, what sh*t will happen now?"; as more and more of the precious things born from the first half of the novel withered to the background... if not forgotten or crushed as a whole to produce more tragedy.

    By the last volume, the MC had already turned into something completely different from what the novel build-on: an uncaring being that focused only on his goals and whatever appeared before him while pushing what and those that had aided him till then to the side.

    In resume... a wonderful yet sad story where all expectations are crushed.

    Still, I recommend it merely for how great the first volumes had been. The comparations being works such as [Age of Adepts] or [Warlock of the Magus World], with a heavy emphasis on how myriad planes interact with each other.
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  5. Online Offline
    i've read almost half, and i can't see any of the supposed quality that warranted 4.1 rating.

    MC has a little to no character development. he did his best on his life, on his career, and in finding his path, but that's it. after 600+ chap, he's still that little boy who never meet a girl in his life. bumbling fool who can't hold a convo without getting his clothe drenched, and that's despite having MULTIPLE love interests and at the same time f#cking more than one of them

    while the few of his love interests sacrificing/ed so many things, time, and even their
    for him, he keep on forgetting them for months on end, just casually seeking more wemen to shag. and that too despite the fact that he already

    i, for the life of me, can't turn off my brain and read further when all i can think of is him being oblivious to all of these, and never once making effort to find out

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  6. Offline
    This is decent.
    Not like most trash here.
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  7. Offline
    A historia parece ser promissora, por isso li pacientemente por 45 capitulos , o que não é pouca coisa , pq os capitulos são gigantes... Mas no final acabei me iludindo , primeiramente o mc : vc percebe que é o famoso desenvolvimento de personagem , mas é mto irritante ver esse mc fazendo merda e agindo de formas irritantes '-' , então é impossivel aguentar o ''desenvolvimento''.
    segundo , o autor parece querer fazer uma configuração de poder interessante , mas no final tb é a mesma merda de outras novels...
    terceiro: o despejo de informação desnecessaria e repetimento é gigantesco... parece que o autor acha que os leitores são idiotas , ficar lendo isso causa dor de cabeça.
    personagens: nada fora do comun , o famoso vilão sem cerebro, a garota sem cerebro... personagens 2d.
    então não recomendo isso , não perda tempo lendo '-'
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  8. Offline
    This novel great welldone . From the world building, to the well developed side characters, great storyline and plot, writing quality are all top notch can’t really complain much. 5/5. I have to say don’t get attached to some of the characters beware of the Tragedy tag sigh .

    I personally did not really connect with the Mc Richard Archeron he was kinda boring from my point of view. However I would really enjoy if they made a prequel 1st following Gaton Archeron the father of the Mc then made City of sin. I feel that Gaton Archeron story would have been nice, He appears to be more charismatic and bold. The story would follow Gatons Thirteen Knights as rise through the ranks and ordeals to reach city if Faust becoming the upstart’s that we are introduced in the story. The story is great as it is it’s just I really hoped to see from this character.
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  9. Offline
    This is not a reviewm just my view so i remember if i ever come across this book later.

    MC mother make MC not fight back when he is bullied so he'd learn tenacity and he keep getting beaten repeatedly but refuse to surrender or fight back. This was in the very first chapter and it was supposedly to show how mc have tenacity and iron will blah blah which might be virtue in author's view but its not for me. Better find something more my taste.
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    1. Offline
      Relax, that’s literally only the first chapter, it’s to show how strong his patience is as a kid. But it’s impossible for him to allow himself to be beaten up in the future as he has strong people backing him up on top of that he’s a leader, so that’s a one time thing
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      1. Offline
        bullying and not being able to fight back brings back bad memories for me.
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        1. Offline
          Damn bro sorry to hear that. But if u want u can just skip that part since it’s only talked about for a few sentences, as they only “bully” him for a part of the first chapter, as they stop bc they’re too scared of him at one point. It’s not that he can’t fight back, he just doesn’t because of his mom. And on top of that that’s just the first chapter- they’re never talked about after the first chapter and you’ll know why at the end of the chapter
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    2. Offline
      Not gonna lie that just sounds like a bad mother. What mother would allow her son to be beaten up.
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      1. Offline
        The one that prefers him to suffer some setbacks on her watch than to have him dying outside for not having the qualities she taught him with her... 'training'. In this novel's world, it was rather light suffering and she felt the pain too - still yeah, she is a sh*t mother, but not only for this.
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  10. Offline
    Let's give it a try kef

    Quote: Distructer
    I'm at chapter 108 right now, and I was wondering, will he ever be able to find a woman that will love him?

    Why are you wondering this bruv?
    Don't tell he he got NTRed before 108??? 11
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    1. Offline
      No need to answer...
      I read chapter 24.
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      1. Offline
        I reached chapter 107.… It happened again 🤕
        Now I understand why you asked this. 😂 #Distructer#
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        1. Offline
          What happened?
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          1. Offline
            Don't let this stop you from reading...
            Just some unfortunate things for MC's character development.
            Read the story and you'll understand.

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            1. Offline
              Thanks for the info welldone
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