3 years ago

I Can Create Perfect Accidents都市:开局一支笔推动完美意外

John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had... Read more
John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had fostered his hatred toward the son of the Waters Conglomerate, Niel. However, John, who had no connections, could not do anything about it. When he had almost lost all hope while accompanying his girlfriend who was in a vegetative state thanks to Niel, he suddenly realized that there was a search bar right before his eyes! This search bar was just like the search bar in Google Chrome!

After a long silence, John tried to type a line into the search bar. «How to accomplish a perfect crime without leaving any mishaps that will cause the death of Neil Waters?» Immediately after that, a line of words appeared on the search bar:

«On March 19, 2021, at 3:29:19 PM, on the trash can at the intersection of Louis Street, place a Lincoln brand pencil that is 3.5 cm in length, with a 1 cm³ base area, and weighs 2.8 g. There will be a series of accidents that will result in Neil’s death in a car accident!» Collapse
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Comments 36

  1. Offline
    Protagonist so dumb that he put me on the side of the villains in 10 chapters
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  2. Offline
    Lucifer lux
    I'm on chapter 9 and can't he just use his search bar to heal his girlfriend then get his revenge
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  3. Offline
    Alex Zerone
    The plot will be better if the who has entered the hospital is the MC
    And he just recovered and wanna revenge
    Then will make sense
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    1. Offline
      You should focus on making your comments make sense....
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      1. Offline
        Alex Zerone
        They will make sense hypnose
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  4. Offline
    Defying demon
    Defying demon
    I don’t get it there’s a romance tag but no romance
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    1. Offline
      The MC staying with his comatose girlfriend isn't hopelessly romantic (and highly unrealistic) ???
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      1. Offline
        Defying demon
        Defying demon
        It’s not really unrealistic. There’s a lot of people who wouldn’t leave there comatose girlfriend. How’s that unrealistic
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  5. Offline
    Ещё одна переписанная книга переводчиком, админ ну ты хотя бы в транслите просмотри несколько глав в начале, они хоть и похожи, но потом совсем другие
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    1. Offline
      Is the plot redone by the translator? As far as I remember at "Webnovel" they talked about changing the names of characters and terms.

      The descriptions in Chinese and English are the same, except for the names.
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      only we
      1. Offline
        Sorry, I wrote a comment on the wrong book. The problem is in "I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!". Look at last chapter here and compare with the chapter have same number in the source. They are totaly different. Just like the first chapters. For example in first chapter here: MC scares the crow, scares drunkard, there is also a beginner's reward and cost of all skills 100. First chapter in source: MC scares scares three people, hasn't beginner's reward and cost of all skills 100, 300, 300.
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        1. Offline
          Yes, the translator changed the plot and everything for the better compared to the original version.

          The differences are small, but they are present.

          Or maybe Webnovel asked the author to rewrite the story for the English auditory. I did not find any similar books on faloo anymore, if you find an absolute version please report
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          only we
  6. Offline
    best username
    bro what this is a crazy good f#cking idea!!!
    now i just have to read this story and hope it turns out to actually be good.
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    1. Offline
      best username
      okay, this is really really f#cking good. i dont know what the hell is wrong with the people leaving bad reviews about this novel, maybe they just dont like this kind of novel or the way that it is being developed story-wise, but its very good, i cant describe how much i enjoy this novel with the words i know besides saying that overall, this is really, really f#cking good. if you like mystery or schemes then give it a try, im sure you will be satisfied.
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      1. Offline
        Zeref D.Dragneel
        People hate it because of how much it resembles and copied the typical cliche Chinese urban fantasy novel even though the novel take place is the US and how illogical this novel is.
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  7. Offline
    never yield
    never yield
    Good idea.
    Poor execution.
    Not recommended.
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  8. Offline
    Acc to WN

    This guy can literally search up anything, and all he thinks of is getting revenge and creating accidents. He has a
    and waits till chapter 15
    . The writing quality's poor and the character, inconsistent.
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    1. Online Offline
      so you copypasted a review from wn. in my opinion I never felt any issue u mentioned in ur review...I will recommend everyone who is interested in such type of genre..well this genre is pretty rare....recommend me if u have seen any better book of this genre
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      1. Offline
        Like I've said, it's according to WN. I haven't even read the book that's why I never used the word I in the review. And yes it's obviously a concise review of the many reviews in WN so it will be similar. That's the whole point.
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      2. Offline
        omniscient is a novel very similar to this (not omniscient reader)
        if my description doesn't interest u still just check out the novel description from other websites i think the only disadvantage is its somewhat mtl. atleast to certain extent the plot was good.
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  9. Offline
    I've actually thought of such small things causing chains of occurrences that cause a specific event
    i guess this is how immense protagonist luck works
    except they do it unconsciously
    or maybe its done by every other f*king person on the planet
    idunno but the idea is cool
    imma read
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    1. Offline
      I'm at chapter 27 and its very good so far. The Mc isn't stupid and the writing style is good. happy-birthday2
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      1. Offline
        Zeref D.Dragneel
        If you think the Mc isn’t stupid than your stupid
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        1. Offline
          If you feel the need to say this then i'm sorry your life is so sad.
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            Zeref D.Dragneel
            The Mc created many evidence against himself that should have put him back in jail but still didn’t go jail. He directly looked that the camera and smile right after his first crime scene. When he killed the sister he was there will her and used the same method to kill her (the pen) The cops should have noticed that but still he didn’t get arrested. Yes he was brought in for questioning but they still let go of him even though they knew he was a threat.
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            1. Offline
              Zeref D.Dragneel
              I stoped reading around chapter 20 when it was in trail read on WebNovel.
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              1. Offline
                Zeref D.Dragneel
                If you read chapter 17 again you will understand what I mean.
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                1. Offline
                  Zeref D.Dragneel
                  I can actually deem every character stupid. They have a lot of evidence against him but still say they don’t have any evidence against him. If I could send screenshots I would
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                2. Offline
                  Zeref D.Dragneel
                  Damn I shouldn’t have said every character is stupid, ofc everyone is stupid no one Is perfect.
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                3. Offline
                  Zeref D.Dragneel
                  The novel setting is supposed to be in US but it very much feel like those urban fantasy Chinese cliche novel. This novel is poorly done. It could have been much better if author had better imagination and wrote just a little.bit better. If you like those cliche Chinese urban fantasy novels then this is recommended.
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                4. Offline
                  best username
                  sure, he left "evidence" the evidence was him putting a pencil on a f#cking trach can and leaving a pencil in the room on two separate occasions for each crime, there is actually no conclusive evidence that he could be arrested and charged for since "coincidentally" certain actions led to their deaths (and they arent even dead yet, mind you, just injured and incapable of any form of communication permanently) so even though he was caught on camera multiple times and such there really was no way to arrest him, even if he was and the cases went to court there would be no way to convict him since one must be "guilty without a shadow of a doubt" or however that rule works in our law system. and yes, the MC is kinda stupid, but he was a completely ordinary dude in the beginning, and he had only just started doing these things, he wont be some hardened cold hearted criminal mastermind or something in the very beginning (not that that is necessarily the path he is even trying to go down). and again, there is no evidence that could rationally be used against him at that point. in short ig, don't criticize the book too much and just enjoy the read.
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                5. Offline
                  but that doesn't excuse the fact that he's thinking like an idiot
                  I feel like this wasn't properly thought out
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                6. Offline
                  hol up I just realised this was set in the US omg lol
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                7. Offline
                  i kinda agree to your previous statement
                  the characters thinking is too rigid and immature
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                8. Offline
                  That is true i guess
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      2. Offline
        completely one dimensional characters
        MCs is a psychopath whose thought process is comparable to that of a child's
        in fact all characters have a stupid thought process
        the start was ok but i couldn't continue after a bit.
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