
Chapter [NaN]

Side Story Episode 4: My Wife’s…….


The once friendly reception room was enveloped in cold silence by that awkward greeting.

The silver-haired woman in the center lifted her chin, and the rich feathers on her hat fluttered softly. At first glance, it was the most extravagant outfit here.

A noble yet arrogant voice rang through the air.

「Countess Elsinore?」

Melissa, who had arranged herself, answered politely.

「Yes, that’s me」

Her Lunoa language was a little awkward.

「Do you know who I am?」


First of all, it would not be a secret. She had seen a portrait of the Duke and his wife in a morning newspaper read by Alan.

By the way, they were talking about this in the carriage…….

‘The Marchioness of Amiens better be careful of her, Melissa.’


‘Because she’s more mischievous than a raccoon, so promise not to stand out in her eyes.

‘What if I don’t recognize the Marchioness?’

‘That’s not going to happen. She’s always in the middle.’

Then, of course, this gorgeous lady is Marchioness Amiens, the powerhouse among noble women…….

「That’s enough, so come closer.」

「Oh, yes.」

The voice singing softly was relaxed, yet filled with an undeniable power. Melissa became infinitely depressed as she approached the women with frequent steps.

I’m sorry, Alan. I failed to get out of Marchioness’ sight…….

「I’ve been waiting.」

「……What? Were you waiting for me?」

Her brown eyes, which had sunk deeply at the unexpected greeting, rounded again. Among the splendid ladies, it seemed as if the clear sunlight was shining on the withered heart. However…

Absolutely. She couldn’t tell how excited everyone was when Alan, or rather, Count Elsinore, sent a reply saying that he and his wife would attend the international event.


Even though he is no longer Leopold’s successor, Alan is still Alan. Melissa was dazed for a moment by that obvious fact. No matter how much she got used to being Mrs. Flynn, she had forgotten what kind of man he was.

Well, what is the meaning of the modifiers “heir” and “count”? Alan shines in his own right.

Melissa, with a stunned look on her face, decided to offer a polite thank you. She as his wife.

「……Thank you for looking forward to it.」

「So what’s with this……. Why does the Lunoire look like that, huh?」


However, the return was a sharp remark. Her face instinctively heated up. Isn’t such a blunt expression rude? Especially considering she’s a foreigner and using Lunoire only for their convenience.

But the etiquette here might be a little different. After coming to that conclusion, Melissa quickly offered her apology.

「I-I’m sorry……. I’m still studying, but listening…….」

「Well, she’s worth looking at.」

At that moment, another woman gently fanned herself with a fan that looked expensive at first glance and spoke.

「There have been a lot of rumors that the Count Elsinore married an ugly woman, right?」


What made her worth watching wasn’t about her language skills. Even though Lunoa is more free-spirited than Sornae, how can even these noble ladies…….

However, whether or not the countess from a foreign country covered her lips in embarrassment, the women continued their shocking conversation with noble faces.

「But still, marriage to a woman like that is a bit… Isn’t she too plain?」

「You don’t know what men like. Do Sornae’s men like modest tastes?」

「It would have been a lot of fun if Miss Marcella had come.」

Melissa, who had been blushing at the vulgar conversation, turned pale at the unfamiliar woman’s name. Just as she was about to ask who that ‘Miss Marcella’ was, another noble lady quickly spoke.

「After Alan got married, she started avoiding him. She boasted that she could make him her own.」


She never thought there would come a day when she would resent her Lunoire language skills that she had worked so hard to improve. She didn’t know who Marcella was, but she didn’t want to hear anyone calling her husband’s name or talking about him as if he were that woman’s property.

‘What should I do? Can I stay still like this….’

As she pursed her tender lips in humiliation, the Marchioness opened her mouth again.

「So, Countess?」

As soon as the noble ladies’ noise stopped, the arrow-like gazes came again.

「How did you marry Count Elsinore? How did you capture him?」

「Ah… W-We have liked each other….. for a long time.」

It’s a question that feels sudden and even rude, but she couldn’t help but answer. It would have been better if she could allay their doubts by giving detailed answers.

「Did he say that? Do you believe that?」

「……It’s true.」

However, her panicked mind could only think of very simple words.

「Do not worry, madam. How many noblewomen do you think are eyeing the young and handsome Count who has come from a foreign country?」

「That’s… probably many, but… he would never…」

What was she doing saying this to her face? Melissa trembled, her face pale with horror.

「If your husband says he wants a breakaway, please overlook him. Okay? Since you decide to live in the Principality, you must follow the methods here.」

「You, you don’t know! How much we—」

Melissa’s urgent reply was simply dispersed by the two awfully evocative ladies.

「I heard you’re writing a novel, but you don’t really believe that Sornesic old-fashioned literature will work here, do you?」

「This is impressive. Making that prominent businessman just tied to a shabby printing house.」


Not tied down. There is always a competent employee who once managed Antris. Rather, Alan is focusing his efforts on diplomatic work for the Principality.

And a shabby printing press? No, that’s a publishing house….

At that time, the Marchioness Amiens let out a thin sneer.

「Since you know it well yourself, stop pretending. Instead of supporting, you’re only undermining the count’s authority, which must be distressing even for a countess.」

「You’ve even made the heir abandon his position, so there’s nothing left to say. What kind of noble family is this?」

Before she knew it, the women had completely turned their backs and were talking as they pleased.

「Why did he not marry a woman here?」

「Wouldn’t he regret it, too? He’ll have some fun as he’s newly married for a while.」

The extremely mean words contrasted with the elegant peacock-like outfit. Melissa felt like covering her ears. The blood in her whole body felt cold, but her heart was beating hard enough to hurt.

「It won’t be a very interesting honeymoon, will it? She’s so skinny. Her breasts are also small.」

「I’m sure he’ll get tired of her soon, because he’s a man too.」

「……Excuse me!」

In the end, Melissa couldn’t stand it anymore and suddenly screamed. It was a voice she could barely squeeze out of her trembling body.

「I, I want to say!」

Her Lunoire pronunciation sounded a little more awkward because of my nervousness, but she couldn’t let them laugh and talk like this. They can no longer distort and insult her and her husband…….

An earnest anger poured out.

「I believe. He’s my husband.」

The women burst into laughter at the shaky voice and childlike pronunciation.

「What are you saying? Your pronunciation is so strange that I can’t understand it at all.」

「You… You’ll never know. How much we…!」

「Now I understand why he’s been hiding his wife all this time.」

「Even that perfect man has flaws. Just like that…」

At that moment, unexpectedly, but familiarly, one voice echoed through the reception room.


It was Alan Flynn.

「I apologize for my rudeness. But.」

The Count of Elsinore, who was standing in the doorway, walked across the red carpet with his long legs. With an infinitely noble and beautiful appearance.

「I need to get an apology for the disrespect.」

His lips were smiling neatly, but his cold-colored eyes were colder than winter. The voice that spoke perfect Lunoa language sounded unusually low and intimidating.

It was a kind of violation of the rules for a gentleman to enter the public salon, which was the exclusive domain of noble ladies. The ladies were busy glancing at this handsome man, but they didn’t know what to say, so they cast awkward glances at the Marchioness.

Of course, the situation was not much different for the Marchioness of Amiens.

「C-Count? Since when…!」

The desperate question thrown by the Countess, realizing the situation belatedly,

「Well. When was it?」

She was quickly swallowed up by the cold voice.

「Was it from the small breast?」


Alan approached and stood behind his wife, who was frozen in surprise. Like finding a lost puzzle piece, his tender shoulder fitting snugly against hers as if drawn by a magnet.

“Alan, let’s get out…….”

Melissa whispered impatiently, feeling frustrated. Once again, acting immaturely and becoming the subject of gossip because of him… Stubbornly insisting on following along for no reason…

「Did you say I would get tired of my wife’s breasts?」

But Alan seemed not to listen. The rough and crude Lunoir language spoken by his lips was clearly overbearing, but……

「I could sell my soul for her breasts.」

It was strangely obscene.


「My wife’s body……」

The following words were swallowed into a heavy silence. Because of the large palm covering both cheeks and even the small ears without any gap.


Melissa could only watch as the faces of the ladies turned red and then pale, repeating this strange sight.

As he grew increasingly angry, it was hard to gauge what he was saying. Melissa’s frustration grew as she resisted the urge to guess before her whole body felt like it would ignite like a matchstick.

「……Because I still want to, even now.」

At that moment, the cold hand that had covered the small face gently fell away.

「I’ve explained it in Lunoa-style, so I hope you understand distinguished Marchioness.」

「Count, I-」

「Oh, I guess I should make sure before I leave.」

As he was about to turn away while holding her slender wrist, his lips fell again.

「Please don’t test my patience any further if you wish to keep your position.」


That was the end of it. Leaving the pale-faced women behind, the Flynn couple finally left the salon. The resigned butler William and the servants approached and bowed.

“Sorry for acting out of turn. You were surprised.”


“Never come back, Melissa. If you ever come to enjoy high society, I’ll come with you. Anytime.”

Melissa closed her lips at the low tone, which became infinitely friendly as if he were someone else. She just wanted to cry because she was worried and sorry for Alan, who had done too much for her, and for her husband, who would be featured in the daily newspaper tomorrow morning because of her.

However, as he led her out of the palace, she gently pulled Alan’s sleeve and said as if crying.

“……Are you going back? The Founding Ceremony will begin soon….”

The words “I don’t want to embarrass you anymore” couldn’t escape her throat.

He answered, gently touching the area around his wife’s puffy eyes with her fingertips.

“What matters to me is how you feel, not the principality’s anniversary or anything like that.”

“But I don’t want you to always accommodate me…….”

“That’s not true.”

At that moment, Alan silently wrapped his arms around her from behind. Melissa swallowed her breath at the hot, firm sensation coming from behind.

“Let’s go to the carriage, Melissa.”

The servants were following not far behind. Lips brushing against her ear, softly whispering like mist.

“I want to hold you so badly, darling.”


Finally, Alan skillfully embraced his wife, whose legs had given out, and hurried their steps.

Before they knew it, the summer sun was setting.

* * *

T/N: I died while translating this chapter

*Me re-reading Alan’s dialogue to confirm what he said knowing that his words will be published in newspapers*:

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