
Chapter 3247: Nine-Sun World Destruction

As the Evil God's Soul of Light condensed on the Other Shore, from not far off, a red ball shot out of a diamond shaped array.

Sienna emerged from the red ball, glaring at the Evil God impatiently.

He stared back warily at this uninvited guest.

You made me wait too long,” complained Sienna.

She had no desire to stay in such a low stage of the Other Shore, especially with a pervading pressure in Stage Fourteen weighing down and making her uncomfortable.

But she could not disobey her leader and was left with no choice but to wait patiently on the spot. How could she be expected to be in a good mood after that?

Wait for what?” The Evil God stared at the woman before him from top to bottom.

Sienna ignored his question and waved her hand. The Kaleidoscopic Golden Dipper covered his head and the memories she had erased began pouring back into the Evil God's mind.

A short while later, she withdrew the Kaleidoscopic Golden Dipper.

The Evil God stood motionless, digesting the memories. After a long while, he chuckled and said, “Interesting! It seems that my escape was unnecessary.

What are you talking about?” Sienna asked, confused.

He then proceeded to tell her how he had escaped from Zen and the fight between the Oneness Sky Palace and the Sun Crow race.

A rare trace of caution crept into her after she heard this tale.

Although she was unable to return to the Source World, she knew its layout very well through the Black Ship.

The fact that the Sun Crow race had launched a decisive attack against the Oneness Sky Palace was a clear signal that the Element Spirit race might be planning another major move. Sienna felt she had to report this to her master.

Lofty Swords were inserted into the ground, emitting a different kind of imposing momentum.

The warriors of the Other Shore Realm, the Oneness Guards, the disciples of various sword sects, and the Oneness Generals from the twelve passes all gathered in front of the Oneness Array.

All from the Oneness Sky Palace had been quite pessimistic of their chances, sure that they would lose the battle.

No one had expected an end like that.

The warriors of the Other Shore Realm and the Oneness Guards all felt incredibly fortunate to have survived such a fierce battle.

Yet they still feared the members of the Sun Crow race, who were now on the right side of the Oneness Array, greatly.

Have those members of the Sun Crow race really submitted to our Oneness Sky Palace after fighting us so viciously?

This was inconceivable to some and they saw it as a joke.

They do not obey the Oneness Sky Palace, but Zen instead!

Yes, Zen was once our Flag Master!

Such an explanation still sounded unacceptable, but the fact was clear to their eyes.

Bagot sat upright beside Zen, his eyes closed and pondering.

He controlled millions of Sun Crows. They spread out blisteringly fast, searching every corner along the way.

Unfortunately, Bagot had been maintaining this posture for a long time without any change. He had found nothing.

Elizabeth sneaked a peek at Zen from aside and was surprised to see that he looked distressed. She did not know he was capable of that.

She had known roughly the whole story.

The Evil God, who had been terribly arrogant in the Chaotic Source World, had been cultivated into an Inner-world Generating Avatar by Zen. However, Zen hadn't erased his memories and so he escaped.

Deep down, Elizabeth could not help but admit that Zen was truly a freak. Even a creature in his inner world possessed such incredible power. It would only take a little training for the Evil God to become one of the most influential figures on the Black Ship.

Pearce and Auden were very concerned about Zen as well.

Although they couldn't understand how important that “Inner-world Generating Avatar” was to Zen, they still sent their men to hunt down the Evil God.

Auden had brought the Oneness Generals, the Oneness Guards and many warriors of the Other Shore Realm back to the North Mysterious City.

After searching for three days and nights, they had covered a considerable portion of the North Unicorn Province, but found nothing in the end.

Just forget about it. Elder Pearce, let's head back to the North Mysterious City before we make a decision,” Zen said politely.

He then asked Bagot to call the Sun Crows back and returned to the North Mysterious City together with the members of the Sun Crow race and the powerful warriors from the mountains.

As soon as they entered the North Mysterious City, something strange occurred in the sky. An enormous sun appeared, lighting the entire North Unicorn Province, making it clear and easy to see.


The huge sun shook for a moment and began splitting into two, three, four, five... Finally, nine suns floated in the sky!

Elizabeth, Micah and other Sun Crows saw the nine suns and their faces went pale as a sheet.

Nine-Sun World Destruction!

Is Emperor Charm here in person?

Does he wish to destroy the North Unicorn Province?

Most of the members of the Sun Crow race behind Zen were the royal guards of Emperor Charm, and so they had no difficulty in recognizing the huge suns in the sky.

Even without a reminder from the Sun Crow race, others could still decipher what it was.

The temperature of the entire North Unicorn Province shot up when the nine suns appeared. Soon the water in the rivers and lakes began to boil and the mortals living in remote mountain areas died in an instant.

The ordinary mortals in the North Mysterious City had already retreated. The weakest ones left were at the Other Shore Realm and able to bear such intense heat.

Even so, facing nine rapidly expanding suns still sent them into a panic.

Even Pearce and Auden were astonished at what took place before them, their most primal fears now coming to the surface.

During the war between the Sun Crow race and the Oneness Sky Palace, the biggest crisis for the Oneness Sky Palace was not the Sun Crows advancing one step at a time, but the fact that Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Yasamin were trapped on the Other Shore.

If Emperor Charm came in person, there was no one who could oppose him.

If this happened, the Oneness Sky Palace would have been defeated without a fight.

But the battle went on and Emperor Charm did not show up. Pearce began thinking he might never come and that they had had a stroke of good luck.

Furthermore, Zen had helped the Oneness Sky Palace get through this and buy them some time. Pearce hoped that Eastern Emperor Taiyi could manage to leave the Other Shore as soon as possible.

However, just as they returned, what had appeared in the sky shattered Pearce's hope.

Everyone, go to the transmission array!

Retreat to the Bloom Divine Province!


The entire North Mysterious City had broken out in an uproar and everyone rushed towards the transmission array.

As they did, the nine suns grew bigger and bigger, as if they were falling to the ground.

Phew! Phew...

All the flowers, plants and trees in the North Unicorn Province roasted and burned as the temperature continued to climb.

It was not so bad for the powerful warriors of the Chaotic Source Realm who could bear the scorching heat by way of their Chaotic Source Spirits.

But for ordinary warriors of the Other Shore Realm, it was horrific.

Some had their clothes ignited and instantly flashed into fire balls, screaming horrendously beneath the blazing infernos.

The transmission array in the North Mysterious City was not very large. The warriors rushed towards it and gathered together, when the fire began rapidly spreading through them as well.


Just then, a blue umbrella unfolded above the North Mysterious City, by a powerful warrior from the Bright Mountain.

The city began to cool as the umbrella temporarily kept the heat at bay.

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Comments 1

  1. Online Offline
    + 00 -
    He should move I to that area at top speed and see if he can catch up enough to take control again…

    He was a fool to release EG if his control had a range limit or could be blocked.
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