
Chapter 3261: Starlight Witness

Hancock and the other members of the Bearing race were frozen in shock upon hearing the Sun Crows' answer to Zen's order.

Did they hear correctly?

Were these Sun Crows fake? Were they merely disguised by humans who wore feathered wings on their backs?

It was all extremely confusing.

However, the auras Micah, Bagot, and Elizabeth exuded shattered all their speculations.

These people were all genuine members of the Sun Crow race. There was no doubt about it!

Micah, you...

Bagot, we've met each other before!


Hancock and the others continued to plead for their lives but the Sun Crows turned a deaf ear to their cries.

How could the Bearing race hold on to their hopes when things had come to this?!

There's no way we can win this right now. We're outnumbered! Retreat!


It was all in vain!

Just as they were about to escape using the Grand Teleportation technique, a pale, white light flashed over the Oneness Mountain. The Cage of Heaven and Earth worked.

Their only road out was now blocked.

No! Why can't we leave...

Block their attacks!

Retreat! Retreat!

Hancock was declared leader upon Ware's death but he failed to live up to the title.

Though the Bearing race stood calm when bullying Flamine and others earlier, they were an utter mess when facing against these masters of the Oneness Sky Palace and the Sun Crow race.

In the air, all kinds of powerful energy constantly surged.

Despite its big size, the Oneness Mountain shook and trembled underneath their feet due to the attacks.

Flamine descended from the sky. Her chest had been stabbed through and blood burst out from her body like a fountain, but she just flew downwards as if she didn't feel any pain from her wound.

It was far beyond Elvinia's cultivation level to take that blow.

As Elvinia fell down from the air, Lavender, Laquisha, and Nelly immediately surrounded her. She didn't seem to be seriously injured but she was unconscious and that scared them.

Flamine reached out and gently scratched Elvinia's arm, leaving a small scar on Elvinia's skin. She frowned and pressed her hand on Elvinia's forehead, looking gloomier.

Lady Flamine, is she all right?” Nelly asked, her face marred with worry. To their dismay, Flamine shook her head.

Elvinia's body was able to withstand the blow.

However, her soul was an entirely different matter. It seemed to have been severely injured from the vibrations.

Flamine knew her soul had reached its limit but she still squeezed out her own Soul of Light in order to activate a secret soul technique that might nourish Elvinia's soul.

As Flamine did so, the three women took this chance to observe the sky.

They were grateful to see Zen return safely.

However, the sight of him ordering the masters of the Sun Crow race made them all gasp.

They absolutely believed in Zen's talent but there was no way he could order around all those powerful Sun Crow warriors, right? Their auras were in no way inferior to Flamine's. It was impossible! Or was it?

I thought I stood a chance to catch up with him in the Phoenix Palace,” Nelly said but she shook her head and smiled at the realization that she overestimated herself.

I never think that way,” Lavender said, knowing well just how talented Zen was.

Among the three of them, Lavender had been the one by his side the longest. She, of all people, knew of his rapid growth. Logically speaking, the longer one cultivated, the more difficult it would be to progress. Zen, ever the enigma, just chose to progress with his growth faster!

As the Sun Crow race took the lead in launching their attack, Pearce and Auden also led the masters of the Oneness Sky Palace to make a move.

Whether it was by numbers or sheer power, the Bearing race was at an absolute disadvantage.

However, the seven warriors from the Black Jade Clan still showed their high combat effectiveness. Their Other Shore Tokens appeared as white porcelain fragments above their heads that could form a sort of unique shield when combined.

This shield of thick porcelain could serve as protection for the Bearing race and help them out of their situation.

So even if the fight had been going on for five minutes, only five members of the Bearing race were killed.

The shield, however, wasn't indestructible. It could delay immediate death and give the Bearing race some time but it was bound to give up at some point. There was no way it could block the combined force of the Sun Crow race and the Oneness Sky Palace forever. So long as the Cage of Heaven and Earth remained working, then the Bearing race was doomed to die here.

Despair filled Hancock and his warriors at their hopeless situation.

Meanwhile, something else was also happening in the northwest of the Bloom Divine Province.

The Oneness Guards and the Other Shore Realm warriors had chosen to stay in Tiger Peace City to await further instructions.

They were quite relaxed since the rest of the battle had nothing to do with them. They could contentedly lay back in comfort and safety despite having narrowly escaped death not too long ago.

How dare the Bearing race attack the Oneness Mountain?!

Since Master Pearce has led the troops to go back, they will surely die miserably!

I hope the Oneness Sky Palace can survive this calamity safely...

Just as they discussed this, numerous strange squares began to appear above the Tiger Peace City.

These squares emitted a dazzling blue light that immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After a short while, the squares morphed and materialized into the shape of a young man with wings. His features slowly solidified and everyone saw that he had fine eyebrows, slender eyes, and an air of delicate beauty. He was none other than Emperor Charm.

He merely glanced at the people below ...

Tens of thousands of soldiers, including the Oneness Guards and the warriors at the Other Shore Realm, could only stand frozen in place by his sudden appearance.

Each one of them was nothing more than dust and insignificant ants in front of this powerful emperor.

This was Emperor Charm's strength. He didn't need to make his identity known nor release any special aura. All he needed to do was to look at those below him and they would freeze.

He eventually withdrew his gaze to stretch out his white palm wherein a small cube appeared. There was a world within that cube and the scene within it revealed the fighting that went on in the Phoenix Palace.

His royal guards were currently killing the members of the Bearing race alongside the Oneness Sky Palace.

His face revealed a puzzled expression.

'Elizabeth, Micah, Bagot, why did you betray me?'

He wasn't angry. Truth be told, he felt more confused than angry.

With the support of the bloodline worship, Emperor Charm was certain of Elizabeth's and Micah's absolute loyalty. There was no way they would ever betray him.

There was definitely something more to this!

This entire situation was confusing to him, including the fact that Zen had shot down his suns!

Now that he personally came here to the Bloom Divine Province, he expected the truth to be revealed soon enough.

As he held his square world on one hand, he summoned an Other Shore Token in the other. It was an azure spear, translucent from tip to body like crystal ice.

This was his Starlight Tracking Spear, a unique Other Shore Token he dug out from Stage Thirty-three.

Starlight Witness,

Emperor Charm said.

A few dots of starlight flashed above the Bloom Divine Province despite it being daytime. These dots of starlight promptly shot down and appeared above the heads of leaders of the Bright Mountain, the Ivory Mountain, the Azure Mountain, and the Golden Mountain.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    So, now we see who holds more sway… a fragment of the original or the copy in person.
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