
Chapter 3336: Magical Thunder Slave

The lower ice field of the Blooming Jade Stage was still frozen solid and there were even snowflakes continuously falling from the sky.

Still, the cold here was more bearable than that at the upper ice field.

Even if they removed the Divine Fire Shield, the temperature remained pleasantly cool like they were in a breezy field in the middle of spring.

A circular ice castle loomed in the distance. It looked fantastical given its smooth, azure surface, as if everything about the castle was carved entirely out of solid ice.

The entirety of the Blooming Jade Stage was largely controlled by the Element Spirit race.

There was a total of six ice castles in the lower ice field, five of which were distributed in the middle of the ice field. All star rings were placed in this last one.

Follow me!” Elizabeth said.

After putting away the Divine Fire Shield, she took Zen and Libby with her to approach the side of the ice castle.

Just as they were some distance away, she advised Zen and Libby to find a place to wait while she headed straight into the castle alone.

Zen took her warning to heart and was instinctively on guard as Elizabeth's figure disappeared.

The Blooming Jade Stage was the most important gathering place for the Element Spirit race and there was no way they were simply going to let Zen pass through peacefully. The race's defense must be at the maximum.

In fact, Zen's assumptions weren't wrong. The Element Spirit race had indeed dispatched a lot of soldiers to guard the first few ice castles.

However, they never expected Elizabeth to help him sneak into the last castle through the upper ice field.

Despite their sneaky efforts, however, Elizabeth knew that this last ice castle was heavily guarded and she did not want Zen to break in by force. In order to avoid any untoward incidents, she wanted to scope out the area and check the situation by herself first.

News of the Sun Crow race's defeat had already spread.

However, the matter that Elizabeth, Micah, and the other members of the Sun Crow race had switched sides remained a secret.

The Element Spirit race was not aware of these members' betrayal. All surviving members of the Sun Crow race told the same narrative: they survived the battle with the Oneness Sky Palace and then hid themselves after escaping from the Bloom Divine Province.

It was difficult to verify their claims so, in the end, the Element Spirit race still regarded Elizabeth as someone who could be trusted.

When she arrived at the gates, she found it guarded by two Chill Ice Slaves.

Chill Ice Slaves could morph into various forms. Right now, they looked like strange insects with strong, slender legs for speed and blade-covered bodies for defense.

As Elizabeth approached, one of the Chill Ice Slaves took a step forward.

All seven blades that covered his body were pointed at her, closing in on her from both sides.

The suddenness of the act and the inherently cold temperature of the blades made Elizabeth tremble.

These Chill Ice Slaves were more powerful than Moon Fire Slaves and the environment of Stage Thirty was advantageous to them. Even if Elizabeth had been to Stage Thirty-two, she might not be a match against them here.

Show me your token,” the Chill Ice Slave ordered brusquely.

Elizabeth obliged, stretching out her hand and summoning the small, triangular token from her Sumeru Space.

Although the Element Spirit race controlled the Blooming Jade Stage, they weren't previously as strict when it came to controlling the passages. However, things quickly changed after the war between the Oneness Sky Palace and the Sun Crow race broke out.

The Chill Ice Slave took Elizabeth's token and pinched it. After the edge of the token flashed with a ray of light, it was returned to Elizabeth. “Enter through the left door.

Her face flashed with a strange expression when she heard the arrangement.

All the star rings should be behind the middle door. Why did the Chill Ice Slave tell her to go through the left one?

She didn't really have a choice though. She had already come to the ice castle and there was no reason for her not to follow the order of the Element Spirit race.

As she entered through the left door, Elizabeth noticed the floor flash blue from the thin layer of Soul Restraining Sand that covered it.

She had a bad feeling about this.

Before she could venture forth, Elizabeth decided to turn back and flap her wings in an effort to escape.


She immediately tried to take off and scale along the side of the castle.

However, as she began to rise, a handful of Soul Restraining Sand blew towards her.

Elizabeth spun in the air, her wings stirring up strong winds.

The strong gale got rid of most of the Soul Restraining Sand. Unfortunately, a few grains found their way to the surface of her Holy Soul which meant she wasn't going to be able to leave the Other Shore anytime soon.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two Chill Ice Slaves, who stood guard in front of the ice castle, bent down and four, silvery wings grew out of their bodies as they rushed towards Elizabeth at an extremely fast speed.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Their bodies were covered with blades that began to spiral, making them look like two, mobile mixers.

Elizabeth was well aware of just how powerful these Chill Ice Slaves were. In order to avoid them, she dove down sharply before rising up at the last moment. With the crisis momentarily averted, she decided to fly close to the ground outside the castle.

Her wings flashed with golden light and the divine flames fluttered in the wind like heralding flags. The fire swirled around those two Chill Ice Slaves who continued to chase after her so closely.

Although the Chill Ice Slaves were stronger than the Moon Fire Slaves, they had one weakness: fearing fire.

The Element Spirit race was made up of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth spirits. These Chill Ice Slaves were actually borne from water spirits.

Although they were fast, they had no choice but to slow down in order to avoid Elizabeth's flames. This led to a wider gap between them and her.

Just as Elizabeth breathed more easily and figured that she might be able to get lucky and escape, an explosion suddenly came from inside the ice castle.

When she looked, she saw a ball of lightning that had risen into the air. This ball of lightning contained a rough outline of a person.


There was a sharp sound as the ball of lightning exploded and rushed towards Elizabeth at breakneck speed.

It wasn't in the Element Spirit race's nature to participate in fights directly and they preferred to create all kinds of slaves to serve as their champions in battle.

The creature formed by this ball of lightning was called the Magical Thunder Slave!

Elizabeth was in trouble now. If the Chill Ice Slaves were already powerful, this Magical Thunder Slave was a few notches stronger!

Crack! Crack!

Before the deafening explosion could reach her ears, Elizabeth had used all her strength to roll forward.


She felt a wave of power behind her as the explosion caused devastating ruin and created a deep hole on the ground. It was fortunate that she was able to get away.

There was no time to see the extent of the damage. She was able to dodge once but she had to keep moving!

Kof, kof, kof...

Streaks of lightning revealed the slave's face and his irregular smile.

From behind her, the Magical Thunder Slave had transformed into a bolt of lightning that was determined to strike her down. The face formed by the lightning quickly twisted and finally turned into a straight line, hitting her body precisely.


There was a sickeningly loud sound that echoed through Elizabeth's ears as she was sent up into the sky by the lightning, rolling like a leaf in the wind.

Fortunately, she had achieved the Holy Soul so her injuries weren't so serious.

Had she only been an Indigo Soul then she would've already been shattered.


As Elizabeth fell from the sky, the Magical Thunder Slave rushed towards her.

When she landed, she hit the ground hard and rolled thousands of feet before stopping.

Those who betray our Element Spirit race never have a good ending...

Elizabeth heard another thunderous roar as the Magical Thunder Slave's body gathered terrifying lightning energy and became blindingly white.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    Had to see that coming
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