
Chapter 3368: Dragon Threads

The fact that Zen had passed through the Land of Bone Tribulation was good news for Libby, as well as for the other Souls of Light.

Holy Souls were already very powerful in a general sense, so it was possible for them to fight against ordinary Other Shore creatures.

But a physical body which had achieved the Myriad Tribulations Body was undoubtedly even more powerful. “I wonder what has blocked the way to Stage Thirty-two,” asked Zen.

He had encountered so much trouble ever since he left the Soul City. The Element Spirit race had set up all sorts of obstacles along his way!

In fact, the Element Spirit race caused most of those problems in the Sanskrit Light Stage.

Go there and look yourself, then you'll know,” Libby said.

In turn, Zen walked towards the bone cave in the center of the bone cavity, then Libby and the other Souls of Light followed him.

He had seen the view outside the bone caves before. It looked like many tall bamboos that reached to the sky.

After they climbed in the cave for a while, something suddenly blocked their way.

Zen got closer to inspect it and saw that it was another bone that was in their path.

Someone had stabbed a piece of bone horizontally into the cave, which completely blocked the path. There were no gaps at all.

He stepped forward to touch it and was amazed. “How did they make this? It would've required a lot of strength to stab this bone horizontally like this,” he muttered.

A warrior from the Separate Abyss race shook his head and said, “That bone is unbelievably heavy. We already tried to push it away together, but it wouldn't budge.

The members of the Separate Abyss race were known for their indomitable strength. After they reached the Holy Soul Realm and together with their blood theurgy, they could make their Holy Souls unleash unparalleled power.

Yet, the bone that blocked the cave was too heavy. Even if they worked together, it still didn't move—so they had no choice but to go back to the large bone cavity.

Zen, let's all work together to help you move the bone away,” Libby, who stood beside him, suggested.

As Zen stared at the bone, he said, “I don't need your help. I'll try it first!

The member from the Celestial Wolf race scoffed at his words. “Even if you have achieved the Myriad Tribulations Body, it's only the toughness of your physical body that has increased. Your strength is still the same as before. You will do it alone? Don't overestimate yourself,” he sneered.

Meanwhile, the two members of the Separate Abyss race and the Ear Mice stayed silent.

Although what the warrior of the Celestial Wolf race had said was unpleasant to hear, it was true.

It was indeed a miracle that Zen had achieved the Myriad Tribulations Body. It broke the rules that existed since after the ancient times.

However, the amount of power he could draw from the Myriad Tribulations Body shouldn't be too much. Even with the help of his Other Shore Tokens, he could only release thousands of divine megatons of force.

In return, Zen flashed a faint smile.

He pressed his hands against the huge bone, then the Civilization Artifacts in his body suddenly trembled. His power flowed through his cinnabar field and rushed towards his hands.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack…

A series of crisp cracks filled the air then his fingers clasped onto the bone's surface.

The members of the Separate Abyss race, the Ear Mice, and the warrior from the Celestial Wolf race were all stunned at the scene.

They previously tried their best to move the bone away together, but the surface of the bone was too smooth and there was no place for them to grasp it.

On the other hand, Zen simply placed his fingers on the bone, and they actually penetrated its surface. How could that be?

The bones of the Sanskrit Light Stage are not as strong as I thought. I can actually break through this bone, but…” He suddenly spread out his legs, then his body unleashed a turbulent force. “But there's no need for that!” he exclaimed.

It turned out that the power came from his inner world. It rose from his cinnabar field, split up, then gathered in both of his hands. Finally, he exerted it upon the giant bone that blocked their way.

When the power burst out, the members of the Separate Abyss race, the Ear Mice, and the unconvinced warrior from the Celestial Wolf race all felt their bodies tremble. They were too shocked to say anything.


An ear-piercing noise that sounded like two large objects rubbing against each other rang throughout the cave, and the bone in front of Zen began to move.


At that moment, the sound of the friction became louder, until he finally pushed the huge bone out of the way!


The bone he just pushed away was quite large but hollow inside. When it quickly fell, there was a shrill whistle-like sound when the air flowed out of the bone's hollow interior. In the end, it fell into the sea with a splash.

The two members of the Separate Abyss race, the Ear Mice, and the warrior of the Celestial Wolf race all stood there astounded for a long time.

Even Libby, who already expected that Zen could move the bone, was also dumbfounded.

Zen clapped his hands as if what he had done was a piece of cake. “We can go to Stage Thirty-two now,” he announced.

Because the situation of the Oneness Sky Palace was stable, he would continue to go up until he reached Stage Thirty-three.

Just as he stepped forward, two silk threads appeared out of nowhere. Although he was quick to react, he still touched them!

He had a bad feeling at that point.

Almost reflexively, he raised the Celestial Spear in his hand.

Zen! What happened?” Libby asked worriedly.

The series of events kept surprising her every time!

After Zen touched the two silk threads, he stood there motionlessly while he held the long spear.

No matter how many times Libby called him, he didn't seem to hear it.

At the same time, something was brewing in the Bloom Divine Province.

A silk thread flew across from the southwest, and another one swept across from the northeast.

The silk threads were quite thin and weren't visible to the naked eye, but they were noticeable through sunlight.


Once a thread crossed a mountain, it cut it off in half.

The upper half of the mountain fell with a rumbling sound. The ground within a thousand-mile radius repeatedly shook as if there was an earthquake.

The two silk threads converged precisely when they reached the Flow Sword Sect of the Oneness Mountain.

Afterward, the silk threads swept Zen, who was meditating in the courtyard house, off the ground. The silk threads rose above the ground with him, and not long after, he was hung high above the Oneness Mountain!

The noise from the two silk threads quickly alarmed the masters in the Oneness Sky Palace.

All the powerful warriors at the Holy Soul Realm including Auden, Pearce, and the others, flew to the top of the Oneness Mountain at once.

As soon as they saw the two crossed silk threads, they frowned.

Dragon Threads!

Did someone attack Zen on the Other Shore?

How impressive! Someone is actually willing to pay such a high price.

Auden recognized the silk threads immediately.

The Dragon Thread was also a considerably rare treasure on the Other Shore. It had a unique ability—it could transfer the enemy to a strange place!

That place could be considered the Other Shore, but not the Other Shore in another way.

In addition, the body which the threads had transferred was the owner's real body, but also not the real body in another way!

It was very strange!

To put it plainly, Zen in the Source World was up high in the air, while the Zen in the Sanskrit Light Stage was motionless and glued to the threads.

In reality, however, Zen was dashing towards one direction with the Celestial Spear in his hand.

Clouds and mist surrounded him so no one could tell where he was, and there was an irresistible force that forced him to run.

Comments 1

  1. Online Offline
    I'd laugh my ass off of he runs into Geoffrey
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