
Chapter 3486: Judson's Test

Salome's blood vitality was extremely exuberant, thanks to the tonics that Zen had collected before she was born.

With the abundant resources of the Source World, she was born much stronger compared to the children of ordinary warriors.

It was safe to say that in terms of strength alone, she was as strong as the warriors at the Internal Elixir Realm in the Eastern Region. In the near future, she would definitely be an outstanding warrior in the Source World and would have a great chance to reach the True God Realm much faster than the others at her age.

With her innate talent, she could obtain twice the expected result with just half the effort. Her cultivation would even be much faster than Geoffrey's.

While Zen was staying in the fairy palace, he told his wives what was happening outside. He knew that they might worry so he tried his best to describe and explain the situation with more optimism.

Margaret, Lavender, and the others didn't think much about it, and just believed whatever Zen told them. However, Letitia immediately sensed that there was something wrong going on.

The Oneness Sky Palace, which was considered one of the most powerful forces in the entire Source World, had been destroyed. This would surely entail a drastic change. With this, Zen must be worried about the capability of the Pear Hill to survive the upcoming challenges.

After leaving his inner world, Zen returned to the hall and there he saw his sister, Yan, sitting with legs crossed, with a triangular shaft floating in front of her.

The green figure of the Calculation Civilization kept whispering in her ear as she did what it said.

The Snake Goddess and Fuxi were also there on the sides, watching Yan with faces full of expectation.

Since the green figure had already fully explained the principles, it would just be a matter of time for her to improve and take the Energy Shaft one level further.

As the Snake Goddess saw Zen return to the hall, she whispered to him, “If Yan can bring the Energy Shaft to level five, it would be a great help to the Pear Hill. We need all the forces that we could acquire right now.

Since the Pear Hill was in dire need of powerful warriors, Yan's breakthrough would be perfect timing.

Upon hearing this, Zen smiled and responded, “Actually, I have two other great warriors in mind that will be a great help for us. But that's only possible if you and the Human Sovereign are willing to cooperate.

What do you mean?” The Snake Goddess's eyes flashed with intrigue.

Zen clearly understood what kind of opponents were about to attack the Pear Hill. Only those at the Eternal Realm and above would be able to help them.

I'm talking about the Human Sovereign and you,” Zen said straightforwardly.

Fuxi wasn't able to figure out right away what Zen meant, but the Snake Goddess understood it instantly.

The Oneness Sky Palace didn't really rely on Zen's strength to resist the Sun Crow race's invasion before. But it became possible because of the real Eastern Emperor Taiyi that was inside Zen's body.

Although the real Eastern Emperor Taiyi was only a wisp of energy soul, he could still exert his bloodline power to an extreme extent. Therefore, during the previous battle, his strength far exceeded the power of Emperor Charm.

The Snake Goddess had already known that she and Fuxi were only avatars that possessed their own consciousness.

So you mean that my real self and the real Fuxi will take control of our bodies, right?” the Snake Goddess asked Zen.

That's your idea?” Fuxi frowned as he looked at Zen.

Zen nodded and answered, “Yes.

In fact, when Zen was still on his way back, he had already discussed this matter with the Primeval Lord of Heaven.

In the case of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he couldn't resist the invasion of his real self because he hadn't woken up yet.

But for the Snake Goddess and Fuxi, the situation was different. They had their own consciousness in the Source World. Thus it wasn't appropriate for them to sacrifice their bodies to their real counterparts. Zen bore this in mind, and tried to be very careful when he proposed it.

He had already expected that they might oppose the idea, so it wasn't a surprise when Fuxi showed expressions of antipathy. But he became hopeful when he saw that the Snake Goddess fell silent and sincerely thought about it.

Currently, in addition to asking Gerald to summon the other two Chaos Ancient Gods, the Snake Goddess also tried to persuade other super forces, which had Eternal Realm warriors, to their side. The Ear Mice and even the Separate Abyss race were included.

Previously, these super forces tended to play it safe. On one hand, they were afraid of the Bearing race and the Divine Farmer race. They even hoped that the Element Spirit race could take care of them on the Other Shore. On the other hand, they also didn't agree with the Purge Way.

Now was the time for these super forces to make their own choice.

After thinking for quite some time, the Snake Goddess gave a serious look at Zen and said, “I want to talk to my real self.

Zen nodded and looked at Fuxi. However, Fuxi just waved his hand and said, “Leave me alone. I won't allow anyone to control me, not even that guy.

Back when the Snake Goddess and Fuxi knew that they were just avatars, they felt very disappointed. The news came as quite a shock for both of them.

Fuxi had always been conceited and prideful. That was why it was difficult for him to accept Zen's proposal.

Since Zen didn't have the authority to impose, he respected Fuxi's decision. After that, Zen communicated with the real Snake Goddess, and her energy soul floated out.

As the Cloud Cover Array was activated, the light in the Pear Hill became much dimmer under the thick clouds.

Three days later, at exact noontime, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the clouds, and the sunlight poured in. Everyone in the Pear Hill turned their heads and gazed into the sky.

On the huge crack where the rays of sunlight were shining in, a huge shadow suddenly descended from it.

The creature was so huge and looked like a bradypod. It turned out that it was one of the Chaos Ancient Gods—Judson.

Among the six Chaos Ancient Gods, it was said that Judson was the most discreet one.

Even back in the era when the Chaos Ancient Gods had the most intense conflicts and disputes, he had only appeared and attacked twice.


Judson's body quickly shrank as he landed beside a pool in the Pear Hill.

At the same time, Gerald was there to meet with Judson. His body also shrank a lot. Most of his body was soaked in the pool, and only his head and his poisonous tail were exposed.

So where's the guy that you're talking about? I want to meet him,” Judson said outright.

Gerald mentioned Zen when he was trying to recruit Judson on their side. Since Judson didn't know Zen, he found Gerald's stories about him quite inconceivable.

Eventually, Gerald called Zen over to meet Judson.

As soon as Zen climbed to the pool, he saw a bradypod-like creature wave his hand at him. At the same moment, he felt a strange wave of spiritual energy rush towards him. In an instant, an illusory world surrounded and enveloped him.

Inside the illusory world, there was no way to know if it was day or night. There were mazes everywhere and the atmosphere was disharmonious.

'A spiritual attack?'

Zen suddenly became vigilant. He perceived that the world he was in was obviously a spiritual illusion.

Although his soul had already reached the Holy Soul Realm, had nine Holy Soul Imprints and was much stronger than those of ordinary Eternal Realm warriors, it still wasn't easy for him to break free from Judson's truth-level theurgy using the strength of his Holy Soul alone.

Don't you think you oversold this guy?” Judson said to Gerald as he shook his head in disappointment. With all that he heard about Zen, he thought that Zen should be able to easily break free from the illusion that he made.

However, just seconds after, Judson felt unusual vitality burst out from Zen's body. It was supposed to be a kind of soul aura, but he was sure that it came from Zen's body.

While Judson was still confused, he suddenly widened his eyes and felt that the illusion he had created began to collapse. Before he could understand what was going on, the illusory world was completely destroyed by Zen.

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  1. Offline
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    As soon as Zen climbed to the pool, he saw a bradypod-like creature wave his hand at him.

    That's a sloth.btw… three toed to be specific...
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