
Chapter 1: Prologue

Amidst the aftermath of devastation, a scene of desolation unfolded. Wreckage lay strewn across the landscape, a grim testimony to the chaos that had erupted.

Lifeless forms were scattered indiscriminately, their presence a haunting reminder of the violence that had transpired. In the midst of this bleak tableau, a figure defied the ruinous surroundings.

A man, his hair as white as freshly fallen snow, floated suspended in the air, encased in a sleek black exo suit that exuded an air of formidable power.

In his grasp, a katana gleamed with an otherworldly light, its blade a testament to the untamed power that coursed through him.

The remnants of destruction seemed to bow before him, an acknowledgment of his dominance over the elements themselves.

With an almost ethereal grace, the elements converged around him, dancing in harmonious synchrony as if welcoming back a prodigal kin.

In stark contrast to the devastation he had wrought, an enigmatic figure stood before him. The being, unmistakably non-human, possessed an otherworldly allure.

Complexions kissed by moonlight, skin shimmering with opalescent luminosity, and eyes resembling liquid pools of silver, held an uncanny allure that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality.

A cascade of moonbeam-like tresses framed the enigmatic figure's form, imbuing an air of regal elegance. Yet, beneath the exterior of serene tranquility, an aura of ancient knowledge pulsed. It was an intriguing juxtaposition, an embodiment of serenity amidst the chaos.

Though the aftermath spoke of destruction, his very presence encapsulated the duality that lay within him – a guardian of both devastation and enlightenment.

A voice pierced through the midst of destruction,

"Human! Look at all the destruction you've caused! Innocent lives lost! How can you be so heartless!?" the alien said angrily.

The white haired man replied, his tone cold, "Are you dumb? Your pathetic race dared to attack our planet, and you're angry we killed you? Your hypocrisy is palpable, alien."

"We only wanted to help you! We've been watching Eldoralth for a long time! Too many people killed because you people couldn't accept your differences and live together in peace." the alien tried to reason with him

The white haired man retorted, "So your answer to that is to attack and kill even more people? Did I perhaps hit your head too hard? It seems your brain isn't working properly."

The alien was enraged and shouted,

"How dare you! You will die here, human!' The original source of this content is n0ve1bin★

The man coolly replied, "Well, I'm getting tired of this. I guess it's about time you died."

As soon as he said that, he muttered, "Stellar Fusion Eruption."

A palpable aura seemed to envelop him, the air quaked at the power he was about to release, his body became a conduit for the very essence of earth, fire, water, air, light, and darkness. A radiant aura enveloped him, each element swirling in perfect harmony.

With resolute focus, he channeled this overwhelming energy into his weapon – the katana that had become an extension of his very being.

The blade ignited with an ethereal luminescence, a mesmerizing dance of elemental hues intertwining in a symphony of power.

As the man struck, the katana's blade cleaved through the air, leaving behind a trail of elemental essence.

The ground trembled beneath him as the earth quaked, flames leapt from his blade in a fiery cascade, water spiraled in graceful arcs, gales whipped with the force of a tempest, and the very fabric of space seemed to ripple with his presence.

Simultaneously, the alien muttered, "Mystic Mana Convergence"

With a gesture that resonates with arcane precision, the alien drew the very essence of mana that courses through the world around us.

With a focused intention, the alien directs this gathered mana into his outstretched palm. The energy ripples and morphs, coalescing into a radiant sphere of pulsating power. Threads of mana weave through the atmosphere, forming intricate patterns that dance around the alien's extended hand.

In a culmination of his command over mana, the alien hurls the sphere toward his target with an effortless motion.

In a breathtaking climax, the attacks met in the air. There was no explosion, no cataclysmic destruction. The katana simply sliced through it effortlessly.

"Ahhhhhh! How can you be so strong?!" The alien's cry echoed, its tone laced with disbelief. Continuing, as if foreseeing its own demise, it declared, "Know this! You might defeat me, human, but more will come! You have no idea what's coming! Your world will fall, hahahahaha."

"Shut up," the man said and simply sheathed his katana. As soon as he did that, the alien split into two, the ground beneath his feet splitting for a thousand kilometers.

The man, however, averted his gaze with an air of detachment, as if disassociating himself from the cataclysmic aftermath that unfolded. His demeanor remained seemingly unaffected by the profound destruction that had just been unleashed.

With an almost casual poise, he shifted his attention away from the spectacle of division and chaos. His eyes shifted to the swirling portal that remained undamaged even in this level of destruction – a gateway that led to another world.

"Well, Katara, looks like it's just you and me." The katana seemed to vibrate with excitement. "Alright, alright, we'll fight a lot of people soon. I really should have chosen a better name" the man said with a chuckle.

Then he entered the portal, leaving all the destruction behind.


AN: Hi. This is my first book and i need reviews to grow. Please, drop some! And also add to your library if you like this book. Thank you.

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Comments 12

  1. Offline
    + 00 -
    One word for this Cringe just Cringe
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  2. Offline
    + 10 -
    holy ...
    Chuuni vibe levels are over 9000 troll78
    Many descriptive phrases are too exaggerated... would've been much better to just use simple words imo
    For example
    His demeanor remained seemingly unaffected by the profound destruction that had just been unleashed.
    wtf is profound in destruction, destruction is just destruction.
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  3. Offline
    + 00 -
    Back from chapter 445.
    Loving this book
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  4. Offline
    + 03 -
    Why do many authors like to use katana? Seriously, it gets boring every time I find a story with this weapon.
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    1. Offline
      + 20 -
      On the contrary it's actual'y quite rare u just had the luck of finding many so lol.
      It's far better than the usual fist, sword, spear, halberd & throwing knives plot.
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        For me, in this story, the author would give the MC a gauntlet that has the powers to increase his affinity with the elements, increases the speed of training with elements and has the ability to fuse several elements, this series is a good weapon for this type of MC which has many types of elements instead of a katana that he barely uses and when he does use it he can only use the sword's skills.
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  5. Offline
    + 32 -

    "How dare you! You will die here, human!'

    How creative : 🤔
    If only author spend more time on the dialogues than search for bs words that no one uses.
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    1. Online Offline
      + 10 -
      Author used chat gpt for the complex words and wrote the dialogues himself
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  6. Offline
    + 70 -
    Extreme overuse of complex words, similies/metaphors etc. as well as weirdly shifting into present tense when the alien was attacking. Hopefully things improve going forward, since the vast majority of reviews on the novel page here are praising it.
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  7. Offline
    + 100 -
    Damn my head hurts with all these complexe words. Brother author please dont use so many complex words to make Novel look cool. Simplicity is the way of life. Occasional use of complex words is like fine wine, only when you sip it little by little will you appreciate its taste, same for complex words using it at a appropriate time will make a more enjoyable experience for readers.
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    1. Offline
      + 20 -
      Yeah dude..it was such a chore reading this..hopefully it inproves
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  8. Offline
    + 12 -
    It's very promising
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