
Chapter 155: Light Swordmaster (3) ————-«

「You’ve entered the Path of Heavenly Light of Heavenly Armory.」

After entering the hidden dungeon, rather, a secret rite of passage, the surrounding scenery changed.

―……Now this is unexpected. As expected of a secret place of a divine being.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with astonishment.

After all

The bright lights enveloped the surroundings warmly, with floors made of clouds, and soft pink colored petals fluttered about throughout the area.

The Peach Blossom Land, or Shangri-La.

My observation of this hidden stage named Path of Heavenly Light felt something akin to utopia.

However, despite its magnificent appearance, there were more oddities to it.

A type of oddity that I’ve experienced before.

The invitation from the god of proof back at the 11th floor. That place too, held an otherworldly mystery allure to it.

As if I could feel divinity from it.

This feeling that I can’t put a label to it, was similar to that energy often felt from gods.

“……Divine Realm?”

Dam Cheonwoo spoke in an agreeing tone.

―Correct. The one that created the Heavenly Armory must’ve created this place secretly using his divine powers. I never expected a place like this to exist……….

“……There hasn’t been any rumors about this place back at Murim?”

―In the first place, the requirements for entering this place are atrocious, and even if one were to set foot in this place, do you really think that they can survive it? Even if they did, it is most certain that they wouldn’t reveal what they gained here.

“I suppose that’s true as well.”

―But I can say one thing for sure.


―The ones from the original Murim world who managed to reach this place all died without exception.

“And what makes you say that with such certainty?”

―Simple. This trial itself makes it impossible for those of Murim to pass.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke and pointed using the Blood Demon Sword.


―Behold. Is that truly a passage that those of murim can pass?

After looking towards what he pointed at, I immediately frowned.

A cloud bridge.

Those were the only words I could use to describe that structure.

It was almost the same format as the final passage of the trial from the 7th floor…….

But in a more extreme difficulty, the bridge made of clouds was gently swaying to eventually lose its form.

As if the cloud bridge had a time limit.

After realizing the intention of this segment, I understood just how evil the creator of this rite was.

After all…….

Within a mere seconds, the cloud bridge lost its form over halfway.

Even if I were to run straight into the cloud bridge as soon as I entered this place, I wouldn’t have been able to use the bridge to cross.

But it didn’t bother me.

After all, I still had access to Steel Wing and Wind Spirit’s Boots.

With multiple methods of moving across the air, this challenge did not pose a threat at me.

“It’s definitely not a typical rite of passage.”

I understood that the difficulty was extreme, but couldn’t get why Dam Cheonwoo was making such a big deal out of this.

So when I asked honestly, he answered in a disconcerted tone.

―……No matter how much one trains, do you think it’s possible for humans to fly? It’s a different story for challengers, but for martial artists, it’s a near impossible feat.

“Even so, I’m sure that there are ways.”

―There are few, but it’s difficult to obtain such techniques. Think about it, in order to move through the air, what do you need?

Not much time was spent to figure out the answer.

Based on my experience of using Steel Wing and Wind Spirit’s Boots, I’ve already had some understanding of its mechanics.

“Either you create wind to lift yourself up, or you’d use abilities to create a platform mid–air to stand on it.”

―As you’ve said, most arts of moving through air functions in those two ways. But that’s precisely the issue.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke in a disappointed manner.

―Either controlling the wind, or creating platforms on air. That’s not a state that most martial artists can reach since they mostly focus their training on physical aspects.

He continued on with a lamenting voice.

―……Although, that doesn’t even seem to apply to you.

After hearing his explanation, I realized why the Path of Heavenly Light was never revealed to the public.

‘Entrance requirements and completion requirements are equally as villainous, so its existence itself never got revealed.’

It was disheartening to know that I couldn’t get information before the trial…….

But if this trial was as Dam Cheonwoo explained, then it didn’t matter too much for me.

After all…….

「Activating the power ‘Steel Wings’.」

I had the ability to move through the air, unlike those of Murim.


After opening the pair of wings made of metal, I followed the traces of the disappearing cloud bridge.

「Activating skill ‘Instant Acceleration’.」

「Activating skill ‘Wind Grace’.」

「Increasing all movement speed by 70%.」

「Current number of skills being stacked – 7/7」


After stacking multiple skills, the movement speed increased drastically.

「Activating the Wind Spirits Boots (A+)’s Exclusive Effect ‘Path of the Wind’.」

And further adding on the exclusive effect of the wind spirits boots, the acceleration increased as well.

To the point where my surroundings looked squished just from the speed.

And with the temporary stat increase within the 17th floor, it was easy to say that this speed had surpassed the limits,

‘It’s said that it’s a rite of passage hidden by the divine being, but it doesn’t seem difficult at all to a challenger.’

At this point, the Path of Heavenly Light seemed way too easy.

But that sentiment lasted rather shortly.


Among the sounds of wind filling my ear, an unnatural sound alerted my instinct.

And without hesitation, I twisted my body without thinking.

But perhaps that wasn’t enough.


A ray of light shot out to pierce through my thigh, and I immediately lowered my flying speed.

「Activating skill ‘Ashy Blood’.」

The injury was immediately healed, but the chilling sensation couldn’t be settled.

After all

Albeit limited to the 17th floor, I’m currently under multiple stat boosting buffs. But to have my leg pierced through just like this…….?

If this were to be aimed towards my head, I don’t really think that I would come out unscathed.

‘Don’t tell me it can bypass my tenacity stats?’

I attempted to theorize what that sudden ray of light was…….

But my inquiry could not continue.


I turned my head towards those unnatural sounds, and let out an empty laugh from the absurdity of the situation.

“I’m going to go insane…….”

The moment a red dot landed on my body as if being aimed by a laser pointer.

I realized, seeing the flashing light from the sky.

That the Path of Heavenly Light was not a rite of passage to be taken easily.

―Hahaha! Now you’re finally tasting real suffering! Serves you righ…… it will serve as a great experience for you!

I wanted to shut Dam Cheonwoo’s mocking lips, but I had no time.



Seeing the overwhelming rays of light pouring down, I gritted my teeth.

‘Damn it all.’

I regretted taking this rite of passage lightly.

»————- ★ ————-«

With the intention of clearing this challenge as soon as possible, I gave up on reserving my mana.

The rays of light that could ignore my tenacity stats were definitely dangerous.

The possibility of death was an issue in itself, but I was more worried about the possibility that my skills could disappear due to hidden attacks.

‘The defense feature in the bracelet, and the Last Stand. If either one activates, it’d make things difficult for me.’

Both of them shared a similarity, in terms that they were an extra life that I had.

And both of these abilities activated when I received a ‘fatal attack’.

If the ray of light were to attack a fatal spot, then my extra life would be spent.

So even at the cost of my mana, it was best to escape this place as soon as possible.

「Activating the power ‘Quick Mana Charge’.」

And since I could always recharge mana with my power, it was not an issue to be using mana.

However, the rite of passage called Path of Heavenly Light was more vicious than I expected.

「Activating skill ‘Counter Shield’.」


When the crimson shield blocked the ray of light with a loud boom, the lights from the sky showered down as if they were waiting for this moment.

Boom Boom Boom─!

2 hits, 3 hits, 4 hits…….

Blocking the continuous attacks with the shield lasted briefly.

「The skill ‘Counter Shield’ is broken, the accumulated damage can not be released.」

A message I haven’t seen in a while, as unwelcoming as it is, appeared before me.

Now that the shield has entered its cooldown time, I had to avoid the light rays myself.

And that proved to be a difficult feat.

「Divine Realm Effect ‘Absolute Hit’ will enable the divine attack to follow you until it hits.」

When the red dots akin to laser pointers met a part of my body, rays of lights ensued.

Looking at the increasing number of rays, I let out a laugh of absurdity.

‘Aren’t they just straight up trying to kill me at this point?’

Even during that brief moment of sneer, the rays of light increased in number.

Which meant that if I continued on like this, the number of rays would increase exponentially.

Attempting to pass the challenge before that proved to be impossible, so I had to find a different way.

If someone from Murim attempted this challenge, they would’ve died without exception.

But I was a challenger.

I still had a few tricks up my sleeve.

‘I guess it can’t be helped.’

They say if I have no teeth, I have to eat using my gums…….

Per the explanation, that ‘Absolute Hit’ meant that as long as it hit something, it would disappear.

So if I can make it hit a target, wouldn’t that solve this issue?

「Activating the power ‘Blood Demon Hole’.」

「Activating skill ‘Truth-seeker of Blood’.」

After using mana to convert it into blood using the technique I learned from Dam Cheonwoo…….

I followed that by taking out the blood using Truth-seeker of Blood and activated the skill of Blood Demon Sword.

「Activating the Imprint Skill : Blood Fortify (C+) of Real Heavenly Blood Demonic sword.」

Once the skill of vampire count activated, the blood coagulated into a study shield.

Of course, even with blood fortify, the durability of the blood shield couldn’t be compared to the Counter Shield.

Despite its weak durability, at least the blood shield had no cooldown time.


‘As long as I can replenish my mana continuously, my blood won’t run out, and the shield can stay up as long as I want.’

This was in a way, an infinite shield glitch.

Now this was not a perfect defense so I had to always have my guard up…….

But at least now I won’t have to waste my precious tricks due to those rays of lights.

―Hoooo. To manipulate Blood Demon Hole like that. What remarkable mediocre talent you have.

Ignoring Dam Cheonwoo’s compliment, I accelerated while continuing to activate more exclusive effects.

「Activating ‘Steel’s Blessing’ the exclusive effect of item Wrought Iron Pendant(B).」

「The skin is imbued with the ability to absorb 10% physical damage.」

「The exclusive effect of The Vampire Count’s Old Tailcoat (A-) is consuming blood to create a barrier.」

It’s been a while since I’ve used either one of the skills.

The shield from the tailcoat was now unlimited.

As long as my mana existed.

But this would not prove to be enough to pass this rite of passage.

―That won’t be enough. I’m sure you’ve already realized. That those won’t solve the fundamental issue at hand.

This is merely a means to protect my body.

The more time passed, the more rays of light would appear, stronger and faster than before.

A situation where the distance and destination was unknown.

Thus, per Dam Cheonwoo’s advice, I had to create a fundamental solution for this issue.


“……Use all of your supportive skills. It’d seem like I need to face them head on.”

The fundamental solution turned out to be very familiar to me.

―Hah! Are you being serious? What do you mean by facing them head on? There’s no opponent in sight!

“What do you mean by no opponent?”

It was right there.

The rays of light showering from the skies like a hailstorm.

If that’s not considered as an opponent, then what is?

Dam Cheonwoo continued in a shocked voice after reading my thoughts.

―……Are you truly thinking of what I’ve read? You intend on destroying this entire place?

“No need to say out loud what everyone knows”

―it’s a realm created by a divine being. It will never break that easily.

“I’ll find out after I try it.”

I’ve already thought this through beforehand.

But no matter how many times I thought about it, I didn’t think that it would be indestructible.

―You’ll find out after you try it.……. Hahaha! Right! That’s right! I suppose you’re right sometimes!

Dam cheonwoo spoke excitedly, then silently did what was tasked of him.

「Activating Soul Ego Skill of True Blood Demon Sword < Mana Berserk(A+) >.」

「The quality of mana is increasing..」

「Activating Soul Ego Skill of True Blood Demon Sword < Thought Acceleration(A-) >.」

「Accelerating the thoughts.」

「Activating the True Blood Demon Sword(A-)’s Soul Ego skill < Small Heart(B+) >.」

「An artificial mana facility that supports the movement of mana is created.」

The mana flowing through the circuit pulsed on explosively, and the newly created artificial mana facility started to support its flow.

They were the support skills of Dam Cheonwoo.

At the same time that the world turned slow as if watching a slow-mo video, the world expanded.

「Activating skill ‘Battle Concentration’.」

「The concentration of user increases sevenfold.」

After completing the preparations, I concentrated my consciousness towards the air.

The sky continued to shine, ready to rain down rays of light, and I patiently gathered up my will.

「Activating the skill ‘Starlight’.」

The moment both of my swords were imbued with explosive starlights.

I controlled the activation of starlights through coating the blades using divine power.

It was almost like a light saber that I could use without Counter Shield.

It was a technique that I replicated from being inspired by the Starlight imbued into the Holy Sword.

However, it could not be maintained like back at the 16th floor.

The starlight continuously moved with an explosive affinity.

‘No wonder it’s difficult to maintain it for long.’

And as a reaction for being kept sealed for too long, the explosion that ensues would prove to be even stronger.

But it didn’t matter.

Rather, it was welcome.

Since that was precisely the effect I was going for.

‘To be honest, this in itself is pretty explosive, but I’m not so sure if it will be enough.’

「Activating skill ‘Sky Break’.」

「The limit on breakable things are dispelled.」

The ability to break everything got imbued within the starlight surrounding the swords.

And I changed the course of my flight to fly up towards the sky.


Countless rays of light showered down…….

But I didn’t have any reason to avoid or block any of them.

‘It’s time to end this.’

The moment that the two blades drew an arc from the bottom to the top.

The shell that was caging the starlight shattered to release all of its energy.


The starlight shot towards the skies relentlessly, and the aftermath of the explosion rang throughout the area.


Once the rumbling ceased and the sounds returned back.


I raised my head to the sound of glass breaking, to the results of Light Saber.


The sky was split in half and exhibited a black rift.

As if space itself has been severed.

»————- ★ ————-«

At first, I thought that the appearance of the rift was a type of illusion.

But that was not it.

「You got the achievement ‘Dimensional Cutter’.」

「+4 on all stats.」

As if to reinforce the fact that I’ve truly cut through the space itself, an achievement titled dimensional cutter has been bestowed upon me.

Which meant, that that was not just an illusion of sky having been cut, but rather a display of actual dimension being cut.

However, I could not assume its significance.

Only an estimation of its importance from receiving a +4 on all stats.

‘Did it succeed?’

No rays of light could be seen from the sky anymore.

I theorized that it no longer had the power to shower me with rays of light.

Which was precisely the goal.


The clouds got sucked into the rift and a new message appeared.

「The Sky Breaking Sword managed to break what’s difficult to break to rank up to A+(10,000/10,000).」

「The item has met the requirements to rank up from A+ to S-.」

I learned a few things from this rite of passage.

「Special requirements are met.」

「You’ve destroyed the Path of Heavenly Lights of Heavenly Armory.」

「The Light Swordmaster has recognized the existence of challenger Han Sungyeun.」

That the 17th floors’ trial, too, is very closely involved with divinity.


「The Light Swordmaster finds challenger Han Sungyeun interesting.」

That I somehow managed to attract the interest of another divine entity.

「The Light Swordmaster bestows challenger Han Sungyeun with the right to be tested as an heir.」

That at least, was certain.

[To be continued.]
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