
A Word From The Author

Hello readers,

Welcome to the FanFiction novel titled, "A Magical Journey".

I am not sure that if you are a reader from my other work, or if you are a brand new reader, but no matter where you came from, I hope you will stay.

Now, for those who came here from "Rebirth In KurokoNoBasket". My message is to you that I am seriously burned out and even though I have the complete plot for that work, I can't transfer it to words. Since my last chapter on that novel, I haven't written a single word after staring at the screens for hours spread across months.

I couldn't even go onto Discord and tell you guys that there wasn't any progress after all the promises that I had made.

Maybe, someday I will gain that spark back and start writing on that novel, as I already have the complete plot, but I don't know how to execute it.

This is all I would say about my first child, now let's move onto this one, the new child.


He isn't like the first one, "A Magical Journey" is me winging it and I don't have a definite plot as I had in my previous. I am writing this as a challenge and a new experience. I want to take all things that are out there and use them here.

Some readers might say that this is just a copied work, and I have no way to disapprove of that, as there is no groundbreaking storyline I have in this novel.

No new magical system(I am not talking about the system in system fics, but how magic works in the Harry Potter world),

No original AU world(It won't be the canon world, but nothing new),

No new world-building outside of Britain's Magical Society(There will be some, but nothing expansive).

All you will see here are different ideas from countless works I have read and transforming them so that they will fit into one work.

So, let's start something new, hoping that it would turn out into something enjoyable.

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Comments 9

  1. Offline
    This is so good, third time reading it reader
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  2. Offline
    well, since I am not a big fan, never read the books, and only watched a couple of movies I guess this would be perfect for me, especially since I don't know shit about the lore or how it works or even where they live. swindler
    the rating looks good so I have hope for it, let's start. reader
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  3. Offline
    This seems interesting so far it's got me into wondering more.
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  4. Offline
    I do hope author finish this novel
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  5. Offline
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      Harry Potter
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      1. Offline
        That was an age ago, 16
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        1. Offline
          Yeah just noticed 21-24 but not will be helpful to others
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