

Wake up. Do not stop.

Arrows rained down on me once again. I used my sword to parry what I could and got pierced by the arrows I could not block.

Lunging forward, I pierced through two enemies, and cut down one more in the same swing.

I cannot fall.

This cannot be the end for Secretia.

Someone ran forward and like a habit, I met him with my sword first – he blocked me with skilled moves and spoke,

“I know you. What was your name?”

“I’ve forgotten.”

I am but a sword in the service of the King.

With my one remaining arm, I brandished my sword but the man’s skilled manoeuvres shattered it.

“Ah… right, this sword is Chase’s Auro. I’ve always wanted to see it.”

Instead of replying, I lunged at him with only the hilt of my broken sword. The man did not bother avoiding it, instead, he shot a spear of ice.

Which I could not dodge.


I could hear the hum of life fading in my ears. It was hard to breathe….

“I am Arsen Hertz, Commander of Kyris’ Magic Division, Valkan. Crown Prince of Secretia, Bern. I will remember you. You have fought plenty-”

… I raised my gaze and stared into the distance.

My dear elder brother; your majesty…I tried to search for the place where you were.

However, my blurred vision could not see anything.

“-So now rest,”

The light began to fade.

That was my last memory.

When I opened my eyes once again, it was 10 years before that same memory took place.

And of all the things I could have been, my eyes opened in the enemy country that drove Secretia to ruin – I became Kyris’ third prince Calian.


The bloodline of dragons was wasted on this weak prince. He had too many fears, no decent backing nor any ability to protect himself. He lived his life in hiding, without putting in any effort and was eventually assassinated before even reaching the age of 15.

And now that was the future approaching me.

And so, the Calian in the mirror asked,

“What are you going to do now?”

I answered,

“Of course,

I have to live.”

Comments 4

  1. Offline
    Strat running
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  2. Online Offline
    Pff, kazul. Starts as a prince.
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  3. Offline
    So not trash noble young master but the upgraded version of that, A weak prince!
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    1. Offline
      Well it's quite similar to Duke Pendragon
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