
Chapter 664

Su Hao’s consciousness gradually fell silent, in a blink of an eye, he regained his ability to think.

A faint light penetrated through his eyelids into his eyes, gradually illuminating Su Hao’s consciousness world.

Another warm flow gathered from all directions onto his consciousness, making his consciousness gradually come alive.

Vision, touch gradually returned, followed by hearing, the sound of heavy breathing entering his ears.

The world became vivid.

In just a few seconds, Su Hao realized what had happened: “I, Su Hao, have reincarnated again!”

He didn’t act recklessly, instead maintaining his original appearance, gradually receiving all the memories of his former self.

The body, and the consciousness information that previously existed.

He did not rashly open his eyes, but kept them slightly closed, silently analyzing the current situation.

“Sitting on a hard stool, leaning against the wall, feeling a slight vibration beneath the buttocks and back, like a slight vibration from an engine, but barely visible.

The body feels normal, strong and powerful, much stronger than ordinary humans.

Dressed in heavy armor, helmet, tightly wrapped but exceptionally fitted, not only does it not appear cumbersome, but also gives a sense of security!

The right hand firmly grasps a rod-shaped instrument, leaning on the right chest, like a weapon, combined with the heavy panting around…

Su Hao couldn’t help but discreetly raise his eyelids and survey the surroundings.

This is a room with a full metal environment, looking very futuristic. Sitting on long benches on both sides are people dressed in full green metal armor, each holding a strange-looking gun in a uniform manner.

A rough glance reveals about twenty people.

The heavy panting sounds come from beneath the helmets of these armored individuals, sounding very tense.

It’s like…

Soldiers preparing for a war mission!

Su Hao’s first reaction was: “How long has it been, finally feeling the ‘presence of others’ again, great! The feeling of watching the stars alone cannot be worse.”

Having someone accompany you is always better than being alone by who knows how many times!

Immediately after, Su Hao’s heart jumped: “Damn, are we going to war as soon as we arrive, without even resting?”

And looking at this high-tech multifunctional armor on himself and the gun beside him, it feels very cool, indicating that the intensity of the war is not low.

Starting a war now means great danger, he could very well be done for in this war.

Participating in the war as a common soldier, essentially does not differ much from other soldiers. If another soldier gets shot, he will die, just like him.

For a moment, Su Hao’s thoughts spun around: “In this situation, there’s simply no escaping, right? If I try to desert, I might just be shot dead! Should I just finish off all these soldiers and then run away? Twenty people, it’s possible…

Forget it, the situation is unclear. If I think I’m safe and all these guys who look like teammates turn into superheroes on the spot and escort me away, it would be a big loss!

Better to wait and see. Even if I have to carry out war missions, it’s not a matter of life or death. As long as there’s a glimmer of hope, I’ll definitely seize it.”

In this case, it seems more practical for him to directly transform into a four- or five-year-old child.

At least he wouldn’t immediately encounter such a dangerous war mission upon waking up.

Su Hao quickly regained his usual calm thinking.

Immediately assigning a task to Little Light: “Little Light!”

Little Light promptly replied: “Welcome back, esteemed Mr. Su Hao, Little Light is at your service.”

Su Hao gave Little Light instructions one by one: “Distinguish the last consciousness from the current consciousness, separate consciousness fragments, add consciousness fragment decryption task, unlock the ‘language’ translation table as quickly as possible.”

“Consciousness distinction task established, fragment information decryption task established.”

Su Hao continued: “Scan the current body and report basic data.”

“Just a moment…

Species: Humanoid

Gender: Male

Age: 13-16

Height: 186cm

Weight: 75-90kg

Various body data:

Overall quality: Strong, average warrior.”

Su Hao was puzzled to himself: “Only in his teens and already joining the army to fight? What kind of strange social structure and system is this? And the quality of this body, surprisingly strong.”

He continued to give orders: “Organize the log board information.”

“Information organized and updated.”

Suo Hao closed his eyes again and entered the pinball space, immediately looking at the schedule above the log board.

“More than eight million years have passed… Too long!”

Even though Suo Hao had only spent five hundred years on the source star, he already felt it was a very long time.

“If I had lived alone on the source star for eight million years, until now, what would I look like now? Have I become a stronger cosmic life form…”

Putting aside these unrealistic thoughts, he checked the recorded information for any missed details.

He was relieved to find that all the recorded information was intact.

When checking the star map, he found that in just five years, the comparison of the star maps had failed! This meant that the position here was now unimaginable compared to the source star.

The failure of the star map comparison meant that based on the star map information received, comparing it with known star maps to find a similar location to determine their current position.

However, it quickly became impossible to compare, indicating that the movement of the pinball space in the universe was not conventional, even more mysterious than the ‘space teleportation technology’ he knew.

Finally, Suo Hao accessed the memory fragment, and the consciousness information of Yashan and Feng Cheng remained as silent as before.

After confirming that there were no abnormalities, he finally set his mind at ease.

The universe is vast, and his pinball space is the largest!

Suo Hao thought to himself, “In the previous life, I successfully found the ‘Wave of Fate’ and successfully shielded the universe’s lock on myself, so in this life, I will surely be able to live safely to five thousand years! With my increasing technological prowess, my lifespan can be greatly extended!”

“And, ‘Catastrophe System’, you just wait! After killing me so many times, I am not satisfied with just escaping your pursuit. Next, I will surely completely control you and redeem myself!”

Then, he silently proclaimed to this world, “New world, here I come!”

Yes, he is now so confident, so… arrogant!

Suo Hao checked his physical condition in the pinball space again and found it much better than he had imagined. He nodded in satisfaction, “The body is good, which provides an extra guarantee for survival in the upcoming war mission.”

This body conservatively estimated, possesses the strength of an advanced ordinary warrior. For him, who has exceedingly rich combat experience, there are many things he can do now.

His superb martial skills are not just for show.

Suo Hao exited the pinball space and thought, “The current mission is to survive and then find a corner to practice diligently until reaching the highest level. By then, I can simply reach out for whatever I want, who would dare deny it?”

“Just, I wonder what the situation of this mission is.”

Actually, he really wanted to get up and check out this high-tech armor and the oddly shaped long spear on the side, as these two pieces of equipment are essential for survival.

But in the current situation, acting privately would not be appropriate.

Because Suo Hao understood that the military is never a place where one can act freely.

Regulating his breath, he closed his eyes in meditation, attempting to transform his blood energy.

Even if he could only gain a bit of blood energy, his combat effectiveness would increase.

Sitting quietly like this, about two hours later, a soldier at the front seemed to receive some instructions and immediately stood up, shouting in their direction: “@#!”

He seemed like the captain.

The current progress of language decoding has not been completed, and it is estimated that it will take another six hours. Suo Hao couldn’t understand the other party’s expressions now.

But it doesn’t matter, just look at the reactions of others and follow along.



Twenty soldiers, including Su Hao, stood up in unison and stomped their right feet on the ground, roaring in unison.

In that instant, Su Hao keenly sensed that the spirits of all soldiers had changed, no longer nervous and fearful, but filled with fiery passion!

Instantly, his body was filled with violent energy factors.

Even Su Hao’s body uncontrollably began to heat up slightly, gradually becoming more violent.

Su Hao took a deep breath, trying to minimize the influence of his body on his thoughts, maintaining a calm demeanor, inwardly thinking: “Is it starting?”

This was his first challenge in this world, he must pass it successfully!

Only by staying alive could he qualify to explore this world, only by staying alive could he qualify to learn the knowledge of this world!

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    Chapter 665: Cannon FodderWhile everyone stood ready, Su Hao took the opportunity to secretly examine the gun in his hands.The overall shape was rectangular, with a ten-centimeter-long barrel extending from the muzzle. The rear stock was designed to fit perfectly with the armor he was wearing, allowing for a stable shooting position. Below the gun was a long cylindrical device horizontally inserted in the middle of the gun, which looked like a magazine.The trigger was prominently positioned, similar to that of common rifles.The most important safety device was also easily visible to Su Hao; he could disengage it with a finger pull, making it very convenient.Su Hao felt relieved: "Using this gun shouldn't be a problem. I'll just observe how my comrades operate theirs."This armor, however, seems to have a built-in power system to assist in combat, but I don't know how to operate it!"Thinking it over, Su Hao thought, "Even with such a strong body, not using the armor's auxiliary functions shouldn't be a big problem. I'll try out the different buttons when no one's watching."While Su Hao was lost in thought, the room shook slightly, and then the side hatch opened.The squad leader shouted a command and pointed outward.Without hesitation, the lead soldier sprinted a few steps and leaped out, disappearing from view.The second, third...Soon it was Su Hao's turn. He didn't hesitate, took a few running steps."Thud, thud, thud~"The armor's built-in auto program recognized his actions and provided assistance, making it easy for him to run and then leap out just like the others.He had time to think: "This armor's smart program is impressive, quite advanced. It looks promising for further optimization by Xiaoguang."After jumping out of the cabin, Su Hao realized that he had been on a massive spaceship, hovering in low altitude. Soldiers were continuously jumping out from various open cabins, descending like dumplings.As he was about to land, a strong blast from his feet cushioned his fall, allowing him to land steadily.The ground was a monotonous, desolate land, scattered with rocks a few meters high, reminiscent of the various planets Su Hao had explored in his previous life."Fourth button on the handle!"Feeling assured, Su Hao adjusted his body posture for landing and pressed the fourth button."Boom—"In the next moment, a powerful blast came from his feet, drastically reducing his falling speed, and he landed firmly on the ground.After landing, his comrades from the same cabin gathered together, forming a neat formation.With a rough glance, Su Hao estimated that at least five hundred soldiers had jumped from the spaceship, and their group of twenty was just one small squad.The squad leader soon landed too, quickly moving to the front of the formation and issued a low-voiced command.Everyone 'clicked' as they checked their guns.Then the squad leader opened a microcomputer on his wrist, confirmed the direction, and led the way, running first.The twenty-person squad quickly became a small dot, disappearing among the scattered rocks....Initially, Su Hao adapted very smoothly. His comrades didn't notice anything unusual about him.Now running, the squad became more scattered.Su Hao had more opportunities to get used to the armor, finding it easy to run and quite useful.Unfortunately, he didn't know how powerful his gun was; he really wanted to fire a shot at a distant target.After running for nearly five hours, they seemed to have reached the designated location. The squad slowed down, carefully moving among the rocks, seemingly wary of something.Soon, Su Hao hid behind a large rock, spotting a massive circular military fortress not far away.The fortress looked unique, like huge bowls turned upside down on the ground, densely packed yet orderly.There were no walls, with flat roads leading in all directions, allowing vehicles to rush straight to the center.All the fortresses had a dark, glossy sheen, looking very solid and sturdy.Some soldiers could be vaguely seen patrolling the roads, and others stationed at specific points.Those soldiers...Su Hao squinted to get a better look, pressing a button on his helmet. The visual assist device adjusted the focus, and the soldiers' appearance came into view.The next moment, Su Hao's eyes widened, exclaiming internally: "Octopuses? Are these octopuses?"They had round heads covered in thick armor, eight tentacles also armored in scales, tightly wrapped, resembling flexible mechanical arms.Four tentacles walked stably and quickly on the ground, while the other four held different weapons, ready to fire at any moment.The armor on these beings appeared more advanced than the one Su Hao was wearing, looking like octopus robots...This was the first time Su Hao had seen non-human armed combat units in all his reincarnations, finding it quite novel.Moreover, these tentacle creatures seemed highly intelligent."Is this what they call aliens? Humans in this world can fight aliens, impressive!"Perhaps this world's humans had already entered the era of interstellar warfare."In other words, I have a chance to acquire various high-tech items from humans... The technology level of these octopus creatures doesn't seem low either. If I can survive, it'll be a huge harvest! I must be cautious, not impulsive, prioritize survival first, orders second, and tasks third!"By now, Su Hao had a rough idea of the mission.It was nothing more than attacking the octopus creatures' base or annihilating them.For him, it was just some fighting games, essentially meaningless. If he could quietly cultivate for a few years, he could wipe out as many octopus creatures as needed.Unfortunately, he didn't understand the language yet.Even if he did, going up to say "Give me five years, and I'll give you a world without octopus creatures" would likely get him labeled as a fool....The squad lay in wait, seemingly awaiting the readiness of other squads.It didn't take long for the squad leader to receive an attack order. He issued commands, assigned tasks, and stealthily advanced, finding a concealed spot, setting up his gun, aiming at the distant octopus creatures.The raid began!Their squad's task was simple: use their guns to kill any octopus creature they saw.Advance step by step until they captured the fortress."Boom—"A violent explosion sounded in the distance. Everyone looked up, seeing flames erupting from the forest outside the fortress.Simultaneously, a shrill alarm sounded from the octopus creatures' fortress.They immediately realized what had happened: other squads were discovered!The squad leader shouted angrily, raising his gun to fire."Zap!""Bzz—"A beam shot out from the gun, hitting a patrolling octopus creature's head."Boom—"The hit area exploded violently, and the octopus creature fell backward from the force.Su Hao thought this octopus creature was dead for sure, but it rolled into a ball, hiding behind cover.Su Hao looked at his gun, speechless: "Even a headshot can't kill it... What use is this gun?""Biubiu~""Boom, boom, boom—"Gunfire erupted, and human soldiers launched a full-scale attack on the fortress.The initial raid turned into a siege!Su Hao aimed at an enemy and stealthily fired a shot.The projectile was an energy bullet, traveling in a straight line, unlike traditional bullets' parabolic trajectory, almost hitting the target directly.Su Hao's shot hit the octopus creature's big head, causing a violent explosion at the impact site, making it fall back.But Su Hao saw clearly that the octopus creature shook its head and then hid behind cover, raising its tentacle-mounted weapon to counterattack."Fu#k, this gun is so useless, it can't even break through their defenses. It's no better than a toy gun. My 'Wind Bullet' might be more effective."Using a toy gun to attack the enemy's military fortress!Which commander came up with this terrible idea? Unbelievable!Su Hao continued hiding behind natural cover, and the enemy quickly organized a counterattack after the initial chaos.Energy bullets flew everywhere, and explosions echoed continuously around Su Hao and his comrades!The octopus creatures' counterattack nearly pinned them down."Boom—"A loud noise erupted near Su Hao. He glanced toward the explosion, seeing a soldier's helmet flying off and falling aside.The soldier, covered in blood, lay motionless, apparently dead.Su Hao: "???"What's going on!Their attacks couldn't break the enemy's armor, but the enemy's attacks could blow them up with one shot?What's the logic! Where did these people get the courage to fight with such useless weapons?Or perhaps their squad was just cannon fodder meant to distract the enemy?Su Hao hid himself more securely, not even bothering to fire back, to avoid exposing himself.He thought: "This situation is very dangerous. If the fortress fires a cannon here, we won't be able to withstand it!"As feared, a hole suddenly opened in the semi-spherical fortress, and a black cannon barrel extended, aiming at Su Hao's position.Su Hao: "Fu#k!"The rock they were hiding behind didn't seem capable of withstanding the cannon fire.
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