
Chapter 322: Blended A New Tea Recipe!

Bo Lifen bit on her lip and looked down into the cup. The woman was aware that these ingredients came from another world and at a place where the energy was a lot more refined than on earth.

She thought that Li Yang only wanted to test her skills and then benefit from them but now the woman wasn't so sure. Was Li Yang expecting her to drink the tea herself and enjoy it while actually experiencing the tangible benefits and not him? 

Bo Lifen gulped for a moment and she felt her throat actually parched as she stared at the liquid and wondered about its taste.

The Tea Sommelier was aware of how her skills were indeed topnotch and she wasn't even trying to brag, so it meant that once she drank from the cup and took advantage of its properties… 

Even though she did not have the body of a gourmet who could actually boost its effects, the efficacy was high.

High-grade tea.

Even an old nine-tailed fox and the associate of Sun Wukong once visited her in the past to partake of her tea and with the former even paying her with ancient jade slips. Those had been the highlights of her recent years and now she was going to drink tea around the same quality.

How peculiar.

Bo Lifen always served and brought tea for others and not herself. She formulated or rediscovered the black ocean pearl tea's longevity boost with the help of Han Jing finding a way to provide the pearls via a 'deep' sea diver.

She made tea for the Bo Matriarch and even once served the Devil of the Liu Group because of how dedicated she had been in restoring the face of the Bo Family as the tea house that served gods in ages past.

Li Yang even once uttered lines about meeting with her so he could drink the tea that she made… but now all of a sudden he was expecting her to drink it? Insane! 

It had always been about other people and not her. It was Bo Lifen who took care of others and not the other way around. How dare this man actually think of ways to help her even when she specifically asked for it?

Bo Lifen was too much in a state of disbelief to take a deep breath and just gulp it all down.

Unaware of those thoughts, the former CEO only realized she was silent and prompted her to speak again. "What were you saying earlier, Miss Lifen? The essence of the tea is related to what?" 

Li Yang raised a brow, although he was only holding himself back from smiling.  It was kind of… cute to see her actually discuss cultivation knowledge and share her expertise earlier but now she was rendered silent and contemplative.

He didn't expect that such a move would have caused so much effect on her. Honestly, he was only trying to help her to the best of his ability and with how much leeway the skills and features of the System allowed him to.

"Related to what?" Bo Lifen sighed aloud and glanced at him with pursed lips. "Should I say something that the essence of the tea is that it's not about Alchemists, but me? My spiritual roots and this tea actually have high harmony and I only realized it now?"

"Yes." Li Yang bit back the twitch on his lips. "The tea had always been for you and not for me. I may be able to benefit from it as my own spiritual roots don't have any particular affinity to any elements whatsoever… but you'll benefit more."

"Yes, I get that."

"I'm glad that you did."

Now she was giving him the look that 'Yes! She actually got what he really meant this time.' and he hoped that she actually liked what he brought. 

It really took a lot of reading and interpreting what the Harem Dao Imperial Code could do for him that wasn't only involved in System-ordained women.

One of them was actually understanding more about the women he actually had sex with before and gaining an inherent sense of knowledge as to what could help strengthen their cultivation base and enrich their meridian and dantian.

And so it happened, Bo Lifen finally received something for herself and looked at it with a hint of awe and also a sense of surprise.




Bo Lifen breathed deeply and she could already take in the fragrance, the stimulating aroma that enhanced her senses with ingredients of a great purity and density unlike any other. This was qi and not qi at the same time… it was just energy at its pure state and raw form?

She was unfamiliar with ao, but she knew that qi in of itself was just one of the many forms of energy derived from the universe. At first she only had been wondering if Li Yang just planned to turn her into a support member of his team.

His… harem powerhouse. 

At least, that was what the Tea Sommelier saw it as with Taiga being a high-ranking cultivator and with a Mermaid coming from the sea and thus the potential of having a pure yin body becoming apparent.

But was this tea actually supposed to help strengthen her? 

"So this is mine to drink…?" Bo Lifen asked again and ignored the pointed stares that were coming from both Taiga and Bai Minghua.

The two women had been quiet during the final steps of her tea procedure and even let her hog all the attention from Li Yang but were now clearly trying their best to let her know that she better drink up the tea or they would.

She was taking her goddamn time!

Bo Lifen was oh-so-absolutely doing them any favor by taking so long! 

"Yes, it's yours." After a final nod of confirmation from Li Yang, she finally drank it all down and felt the stress wash away from her body. 

Not only did it touch her spiritual roots and cast a sense of warmth across her qi meridians… even the mental stress vanished. The mental toll from making the tea and dealing with all the procedures, haphazard items for tea-making was now gone and she felt relaxed and energized.

[ Evaluate Individual! ]

[ Tea Sommelier - Bo Lifen ]

[ Mental Fatigue From Brewing Unknown Tea Decreased By 75%! ]

[ Strengthened Mental Endurance and Physical Strength By 56%! ]

[ Boosted Physical Fire Roots and Will Power By 48%! ]

[ Personal Apprehension Decreased By 35%! ]

[ Congratulations! A New Recipe Has Been Made!

[ You Have Successfully Assisted in Creating Blended Ao Earth Spice Tea! ] 

Li Yang inwardly sighed in satisfaction and felt the relief of actually doing something useful for a person not in his harem. If he could help Bo Lifen this much and wasn't even discussing actual cultivation manuals and guidebooks he would search for her… how about Narissa?

The Mermaid was looking at him without even a clue on what he had in plan for her.

There was so much work to be done and in a way, this was what a CEO actually did best. Managing and leading his people, directing them in ways that prospered the whole corporation as a whole. 

If Li Yang looked at it this way, he found himself actually liking what he could do.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    Quote: Danny Gupta
    It's irritating how Yang is doing things now. His priorities are the worst. It's cringe. I am just cringing so much on how he works now. He is like a hypocrite to me.

    I know that most women would be in his harem eventually, but not registered in his System, which is bad because they wouldn't benefit from the System. For example, Ying Yue He, she could have benefited a lot from the System.

    Lastly, he should have paid more attention to his official harem members, which is just Narissa and Setsuko (unavailable). His priorities are just annoying.

    The another thing would be that he didn't suffer from his choices. I would like him to suffer more, he isn't even suffering that much but playing a victim instead of even focusing on his own power level. Most of the time, he doesn't even look like an intelligent CEO.

    Yeah, it's hypocritical that he hated the System and the idea of having a harem before and is now opening up to it, which is worse at a slow rate too. evil it's definitely cringe that he started getting along with Bo Lifen and helping her which is definitely something he shouldn't be doing at all too because what benefits does this Tea Sommelier even do? It's a waste of resources.

    He's making a lot of bad choices... and so we're still waiting for it to bite him in the back.

    Hopefully, it'll happen soon, because it'd be really bad if this guy suddenly gets a power fantasy xD In a way, he's not supposed to get rewarded since he's being so antagonistic about it when other guys would have been thankful for getting a System like that and would have already used it to ascend into the Heavens and doing it with the Goddesses.

    He's not really that much of an intelligent CEO, I think he mostly just took on the role of a CEO because of the agreement with his brother in the past. I think he's just one of those "Book Smart" CEO which looks good on paper with the accolades, but frankly, is quite underequipped when it comes to dealing with actual problems but instead tends to act as someone who hires people to do the work for him instead.

    Overall, you made a lot of valid points, Danny Gupta! Heck, I can't even imagine reading up to this chapter since the Author frankly gave themselves a headache by making such a difficult MC and storyline. ehh If he's going to go against the System then he should have started doing something to kill its Maker instead of floundering about and actually caring about women. So thank you!
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  2. Offline
    Danny Gupta
    Danny Gupta
    It's irritating how Yang is doing things now. His priorities are the worst. It's cringe. I am just cringing so much on how he works now. He is like a hypocrite to me.

    I know that most women would be in his harem eventually, but not registered in his System, which is bad because they wouldn't benefit from the System. For example, Ying Yue He, she could have benefited a lot from the System.

    Lastly, he should have paid more attention to his official harem members, which is just Narissa and Setsuko (unavailable). His priorities are just annoying.

    The another thing would be that he didn't suffer from his choices. I would like him to suffer more, he isn't even suffering that much but playing a victim instead of even focusing on his own power level. Most of the time, he doesn't even look like an intelligent CEO.
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