
Chapter 520: Juyoung Hong (47)

As soon as the voice disappeared, the anchor opened his mouth again.

"This was actually radioed by the US National Weather Service to all ships located near the North Pacific Ocean. Professor, is this possible? Our National Weather Service didn't do anything while the US National Weather Service announced it to all ships located in the North Pacific."

"Ummm... First of all, as someone who once worked at our Meteorological Agency, our meteorological observation capabilities are not that inferior to that of the United States. Naturally, I heard directly from our Meteorological Agency that they also noticed the appearance of this small typhoon. But if you make a definitive conclusion about the typhoon this time…"

Professor Fujimura stuttered for a moment, but the anchor asked him as if to press the professor.

"So, do you think it's wrong that the US Weather Service has said the small storm will head towards Japan while developing into a huge typhoon?"

"Well, when we talk about the intensity of a typhoon, we explain it with the CI number (Current Intensity Number), based on the central atmospheric pressure and the maximum wind speed near the center. However, in the case of this small typhoon this time, the eye of the typhoon has just formed, so it's very weak. Besides, it doesn't have a source of heat yet which can funnel its growth, so it's too early to determine the size of the typhoon and its direction…"

"Then, you think the US Weather Service has predicted hastily?"

"Well, it's very unusual that they announced it because the direction and intensity of the typhoon is always in flux. Therefore, we usually never make hasty judgments when announcing weather forecasts. Incorrect weather forecasts can cause great damage.

"I see. But the US Weather Service has already concluded that this small typhoon will develop into a huge typhoon, and head towards Japan. What do you make of it?"

"Well, this is the first time I've heard of such a thing. Regardless of whether the typhoon is small or large, or whether it comes to Japan or not, we need to be prepared. But in this case…"

Professor Fujimura didn't finish his words properly.

Then the anchor immediately turned his gaze to the camera, and opened his mouth.

"Professor Fujimura must be shocked because he has never experienced such a thing before. That's why we at Hoji TV station have decided to announce an emergency breaking news about this small typhoon. As soon as we have the update, we will report about the typhoon once again. Thank you."

After the breaking news announcement, commercial ads started to air.

After watching the breaking news to the end, Shiburo could only say one thing, "So what's their message? Prepare for the typhoon or not?"




His wife and children said nothing because just like him, they could not figure out whether they should prepare for the typhoon or not.

Anyway, it was announced to the whole of Japan that a small typhoon had appeared in the North Pacific.

Of course, most of them were not yet interested in that small typhoon.


Late night at the Prime Minister's Office a few days later.

[Currently, a small C-class typhoon named 'Oni' that appeared in the North Pacific has grown into a super-A-class super-large typhoon and is moving to Tokyo. With a central pressure of less than 890hPa and a maximum wind speed of over 75m/s, it is safe to call it a typhoon at least twice as powerful as typhoon Pasei, which is the most powerful typhoon in recent years.]




Just like they did during Juyoung Hong's visit a few days ago, all the same members were gathered at Prime Minister Abezo's office.

The only difference this time was the gloomy atmosphere.

Then Prime Minister Abezo, who was sitting at the head of the table, said to Suchihara, Director of the Cabinet Intelligence Office, "Where are the 1st and 3rd Fleet of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces right now?"

"They are on standby off the shores of Tokyo. In addition, three additional Hatakaze-class destroyers joined them three hours ago, so we have a total of 27 battleships on standby, including three Aegis-class ships, seven Aegis-class warships, and three newly added ships, including Takanami-class and Murasame-class destroyers. "

"Do they account for about 50% of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces?"

"I think that's right. However, if all of the 1st and 3rd Fleet on standby are destroyed by the typhoon, it is expected that it will take us at least 20 years to restore them."

"Do you think they are going to be devastated by the typhoon?"

Prime Minister Abezo asked in a low voice.

Director Suchihara replied, "As I reported to you, this typhoon 'Oni', which is currently heading north to Japan, is not accompanied by rain, but hailstones the size of an adult's head. As if they have been briefed by Juyoung Hong in advance, even the United States is also remaining silent about it. If that typhoon collides with the fleet on standby off the coast of Tokyo, it looks like even the Aegis class ships will collapse."

"Don't be frightened by those lowly Koreans that we have once colonized!"

"I'm only telling you what we are facing. I've never forced any choice on you!"


"Damn it!"

As soon as Director Suchihara explained himself, Prime Minister Abezo swore, slamming the table strongly. At the same time, he felt it was unfair because this was not something a human being should be able to do.

'Man, is he God? How come that God is from Korea?"

Prime Minister Abezo could never admit that Japan would succumb to Korea.

He thought somebody from a second-rate country like Korea with second-rate people should never be able to do things like that to Japan, a first-rate country with first-rate people, under any circumstances.

At that moment, somebody said, "The line that was broken due to the influence of a strong typhoon has been restored."

Hearing that, Prime Minister Abezo watched the majestic Self-Defense Forces fleet floating in the sea through a huge screen installed in one side of his office.

Flutter, flutter.

Japan's national flags showing the rising sun were fluttering in the wind.

After checking the rising sun flags, Prime Minister Abezo made a decision.

Then he announced his decision to everybody as if it was a command.

"The Maritime Self-Defense Forces should maintain their current positions!"

Prime Minister Abezo mobilized nearly 50% of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces forces in the waters off Tokyo with one thing in mind, namely, the huge glacier that appeared to have been created by Juyoung Hong in the North Pole.

The prime minister was determined that he would order his forces to destroy the glacier if it reappeared. Of course, he chose that decision because of his goal.

'He didn't kill anyone in the end when he ruined Chaesan Lee financially. That was the same case when he confronted the Debius headquarters and the United States. He seemed to have killed some in Sierra Leone, but they were wastrels anyway. Maybe, maybe that's Juyoung Hong's weakness.'

Prime Minister Abezo decided that he could not back off even if Juyoung Hong was God because if he began to give way to God, he would never be able to stop giving way, which would lead to Japan lagging behind South Korea forever.

So he made the fateful decision and stared at the screen.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    OOOH OOOHHH time for some "Cloudy with a Chance of Iceballs" get some popcorns and sprite, can't forget the sofa!!! Let's watch some Running Wilds Japanese version XDD
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