
Chapter 222: Archangel's Judgment

I dragged Yurid back to where the Archangel was.

"Yeah can you not do that again?" She immediately said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Have you heard of whiplash?"

"...Fair enough."

I sensed the incoming light attack of the Archangel and jumped back in which Yurid did the same. The Archangel then opened up a cloud in the sky, "Retribution of the Gods."

Three magic circles appeared from the sky overlapping each other. It then began to slowly move away from each other and form a triangle. A giant gateway then opened, like a portal, and hordes of creatures came out of that portal.

They seem to just be normal creatures that dwell on the land in the overworld and some unknown creatures around.

Centaurs, Gryphons, Lizardmen? And other monsters that normally spawn in on the overworld. But they're, a little bit different. 

"Now I'm rethinking my life choices. Especially on why I chose to go with you." Yurid suddenly said.

"What?" I was just confused by her rambling. 

"Oh you idiot, that's a mythical army genius! Laced with their magic imbued armor and weapons, they're as strong as players. You get the idea now?"

"Shining armor equals strong?"

"Really? That's the thing you got from that?"

And then, the trouble came out from that portal. Ten valkyries came out but this time they all had different weapons, equally distributed among them. Books, bow, sword, hammer and greatswords.

They all moved and rallied in packs.

"Staff of the Gatekeeper." The Archangel then summoned a giant stuff as tall as it is. A single wave of that staff came falling down on what seems to appear to be dusts.

I touched it and nothing seems to happen.

"Zieglind..? RUN!" Yurid suddenly said.

"Wha-" I was then knocked down from a bolt of lightning that came out of nowhere.

"Do you really have to question everything!?"

"Thunderbolt Storm." The Archangel then began to randomly spawn in lightning everywhere. "Lightning of Death." It raised its hands and lightning bolts came out from its finger. Ignoring who it even damages.

The two of us easily blocked it using the bodies of the army the Archangel spawned in.

I grabbed a gryphon and held it against my face blocking the Archangel's attack. I was being damaged, but very small increments. But once it hit the monsters, it seems to not do anything. I took a look at the gryphon that I used to shield myself with, but it seems that it didn't really get damaged with.

The gryphon looked at me and tried to bite my head off so I just threw it straight at the Archangel.

The Archangel did another Lightning of Death but it was too fast for me to move away, good thing Yurid's barrier came in time. "They're immune to light and lightning! Their armor is pretty tough." 

"I know!" I began to dodge the random lightning strikes from the sky and the lightning the Archangel was releasing. 

"What now!?"

"What do you mean what now?"

"Yeah right! We can dodge these lightning say I don't know... FOREVER!?"

"Yeah, yeah, right, right. Can you set up a barrier? Something that will last for a long time?"

"I don't think so! That Perfect Barrier earlier took a lot of my mana!"

"How much exactly?"

"A lot! But I can still hold on for a few seconds!"

I rushed over to her side and grabbed two of the monsters that were just wandering around and blocked us of the lightning the Archangel was spewing at us. "Now!"

"Mirror Cube!" A glass like cube appeared, protecting the both of us.

"Seriously? Glass? That's like, the most brittle thing you could've put out."

"Its reflective dimwit. They're using light and lightning and everyone who at least once go to school knows that light easily reflects on a mirror."

"Hmm. I see." Lightning struck the cube we were in and I put my guard up just in case but the lightning just reflected back on random directions. Same with the light beams the Archangel was shooting at us.

"Go on! Do what you gotta do!"

"Yeah, yeah got it. Come, Shield of Greed!" A shield forged from the Demon Sword Acabar but they both can exist at the same time. "Shield of Greed absorbs and reflects so this'll be useful."

"Is that all? My Mirror Cube is melting by the way!"

"Boots of the Trickster, Berserker Helm, Seal of Armor, Pants of Eternity." A full set of the armor that's with the Demon King Form. 

Boots of the Trickster that gives me faster speed and phasing through objects. But not spells. Berserker Helm that increases the damage I give out the lower my health is up to 1000%. Seal of Armor, an unknown armor that I still haven't seen the effects but I know what it does. Pants of Eternity, allows the user to amplify the effects of an armor by up to five times the effect.

These are just the powers of these on the surface since they have more than that. But just by equipping this, I know that I'm far stronger when I was in base form of the Demon King Form.

"Zieglind, you finished? I agree with you, using a glass is very inconvenient since I have to repair it every damn blast!" Yurid complained.

I took a look at myself, "Yeah I'm done. Bring it down. I'll leave the horde to you."

"Gotcha! Dispel!" Yurid took down the barrier and I immediately went over to the Archangel.

Three slashes faster than I could react but I just took it all in full head on. It swung its sword again but this time I can see the path its going to take.

Berserker's helm ability, I can predict the path of an attack for one second in the future. And with my reaction time, I know that it'll be enough time for me to act. I raised up my Shield of Greed and the sword of the Archangel was deflected away. But its sword rises up once again. But this time I blocked with my sword.

The intense power of the Archangel was enough to bring me back. We were both equal on power. "Corruption!" Bonus strength and some damage. I knocked the sword downwards and I ran down the Archangel's arms straight up to its face.

The face looked at me and shot a beam of light from its eyes. I put up my Shield of Greed and it began to absorb the light that was coming. But the beam was far too large for my Shield of Greed to all block. So I was taking damage in the process.

I didn't care anymore and it was excruciatingly painful just being in front of that light. So I just ran and charged in while holding my shield up. I jumped up to avoid the laser which in exchange cost me a lot of damage and pain, but I released the stored energy in the shield to reflect it back to the Archangel, destroying the thin layer of barrier that was surrounding its body, seeing how there's like glass fragments that shattered everywhere.

The Archangel was stunned and stopped attacking.

I dispelled the Shield of Greed and held the sword with both of my hands. "Fallen's Wrath!" I dived down on its head sword first and it dug incredibly deep.

The Archangel began to scream in pain. But I wasn't done there. I held the sword tightly and rotated it a complete 90 degree and cracks appeared on the Archangel's body. The cracks grew larger and larger until flames ran out like a flamethrower were all throughout its body.

I removed the Demon Sword Acabar and jumped off of the Archangel and watched as it crumbled and exploded into a thousand pieces...

"Infinite Whirl!" Yurid was still there fighting the horde, summoning up a giant whirlwind sucking in every monster that was in the vicinity. "Meteor Strike!" A giant ball of flaming meteor came flying down to the ground. "Eh?" But suddenly, all the monsters disappeared before the meteor hit the ground and exploded.

"Yurid!" I called out to her.

"Are you do-... Is that you Zieglind?"


"Look at yourself."

I glanced down and looked at myself. I was covered in a bright light and a message was on the side of my screen that I didn't even notice.

[Gained skill, Light's Reformation, take on the properties of light and control it freely. You can move through the light, but only light that you've spawned in. Your size will become whatever the size of the light's path you've created.]

"Oh... I didn't even notice this..." I must've absorbed enough light from that fight from the Archangel's eyes. A system message then appeared,

[Tower of Babel Floor 1: Archangel, The Gatekeeper of Heaven COMPLETED]


[Tower of Babel's Key]

A one way key out of the Tower of Babel. Can be found in Floor 1, Floor 10 and every 10 more consecutive levels after that.

[Archangel's Wings]

A fallen Archangel marks the chaos that will usurp on the world.

"Let's go back."

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