
Chapter 231: Unwanted Help

It was just a random day when we were all doing our tasks. But then I heard from Yefa and Precia that three of the kingdoms they've been keeping an eye on has been overtaken by someone according to the people and there's no one ruling it.

Which was incredibly weird.

But it happened again and again. I sent out Helga to inspect if there's any curse placed upon the kingdoms they discovered and ruled but there's absolutely nothing. No hallucinating spells, mind controls, curses or anything.

I didn't know if someone was helping us behind the scenes but I need to know who this is. For them to go under my radar and take over kingdoms we specifically targeted, they must be powerful or just incredibly sneaky.

It has been months since we started that operation and it has been a year and a a half since we all reunited after that Fafnir incident. And yet there's still thousands of mysterious I would love to solve right now. But time is running out. Ouroboros, Tartarus, Tower of Babel and... Zeraph Nindine. That man is full of mystery.

And as Lagrima said it, two opposite sides of the coin. He uses the power of the light while I used the dark magic. But something about him bugs me. It felt like he was holding back by a lot in that fight of ours when we were fighting the Lich and the other enemies.

That fight was surreal and weird. It was something indescribable. I need to get to the bottom of this.

"Is that so?" I then heard someone from behind me.

"Hmm. Who are you?" I asked.

"This might remind you." They then threw a sword in front of me. Which I was shocked to see.

The sword glowed in a beautiful color of yellow and white and by just being near it, Lagrima was getting worried about me and asking me to not hold back if we ever fight. But I knew who this was. "Zeraph... Nindine."

"Correct." He then walked in front of me. 

"Come to me, Demon Sword Acabar." A small flicker of light emerged and transformed into my weapon. Zeraph picked up the Holy Sword that was in front of him. And then I remembered something that Lagrima told me. "Holy Sword of Arranca."

"You even know what this is? Then you must know of its functions and how it turns complete?"

"No. I do not know what that is. But enough of that, what did you come here for?'

"I've heard from countless kingdoms that you have been overtaking them. And I wanted to see your progress. Eleven kingdoms within a month. That's impressive."

"And? What of it?"

"I was going to kill all of your henchmen and then you. Until I realize what you were doing. You're specifically targeting kingdoms that have been raided by the Serpent Union and using their broken wills to reignite the flames that's in their hearts to use them as part of your army against... someone. I have to commend you, well played. You singlehandedly garnered over 230,000 units within a month."

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Nothing. As long as you don't harm the people of this world I won't do anything. But I just wanted to ask, what are you going to do with all those people? Seeing how this place... What's it called again? Izgoy. Yes, Izgoy, seeing how this place has a separate district for hundreds of thousands of monsters, what army would you need to have that much firepower. Or are you just being overcautious?"

"No. Its for an incoming Holy war. Its going to be a large scale battle against someone."

"Large scale? For an army as big as yours, there should be another big shot out there that's also well known. But I haven't heard of anyone like that. And why would it be a holy war in the first place?"

"We're fighting three different enemies. The Tartarus, Tower of Babel and Ouroboros. I don't know if you've heard these three but I need to do it." 

"...Hmm. Ouroboros huh."

"Do you know him?"

"...Yeah. Kinda. I came here for another reason but I need you to hear this right now. I need your alliance with me."

"Alliance? Not help?"

"I won't travel with anyone again. I'm only asking you to lend your hand for me. And I'll lend you with my help."

"And how will you help us?"

"I already did. The three kingdoms that you just captured."

"So that was you?"

"Better come in prepared than nothing."

"What will you get from this alliance? Three things, information, revenge and power. I want to attain more power and take over Tartarus and that new tower. Ouroboros took something from me. Something very dearly. And information. On anything regarding a resurrection spell. And that's everything I need. I will sacrifice anything I have to just get that resurrection spell. Even if I had to abandon my power. You? What are you planning for this massive scale of an attack that might even ruin this planet."



"Haven't you noticed? All of this. This isn't caused by something random. Everything that is happening here are events that the gods has caused. Tartarus, a monster spawner that feeds the world with its creation. The new Tower of Babel, only us could enter. All of these people below that are non players, they're you, and we are they."

"What are you planning to do?"

"Kill all gods. That's what I'm fight for. I've seen it all Zeraph. The deaths, the agony, the pain. I've seen it all. And I'm tired of ignoring it just to move forward on my own. All people here are just fillers for our story as the players. But I'm willing to end that. Everyone should have free will. If they keep monitoring us and keep on just manipulating their fates to feed their amusement, its a fate worse than death. You are not in control of your life. So, why do you need to cooperate with me?"

"...Here's why."

Zeraph Nindine told me all of his stories. Dahlia and Precia being sisters and we just found them at different places at the same time. 

The stories of him travelling the world with Dahlia. It was all a love story you'll expect in a fantasy world. 

The fact that we all fell in love with a non player just holds the fact that they need protection. We need to protect them and give them the life that they truly deserve. This world is something that we desired.

Something that we yearned for.

But just analyzing how many people we have ruined to just get this chance breaks me. Without even knowing it, we killed people that didn't do anything wrong.

People who haven't sinned.

People who haven't lived.

People who lived.

They all died because of our whims. Because we wanted to draw ourselves bigger into the picture without knowing the consequences.

We killed billions. And now that I realize that, the more I'm tempted to bash the heads of those bastards above keeping us in this place.

The fact that they used this planet and inhabitants as fillers for their amusement... Its just... wrong. They have lives, they have stories that haven't been told. But all of that just disappears because of the whims of the gods.

And both me and Zeraph understood that. "That's it. Mostly." 

"I see." That's all I could say.

"And I faced Ouroboros."

"...What is... How powerful was he?"

"He doesn't die. I tried and I tried but he just won't die. I saw my sword go through his body. And I felt it. But it was like I'm fighting an illusion. And he disappears in the battlefield like a shadow. It was frightening." 


"I don't know. If you close your eyes, he'll disappear or something. But I can't follow him. Even with my reflexes. And he killed all of the Bladedge party without a weapon. Just his hands. He's an overpowered being. And he's also the one that made me kill Dahlia."

"At least now I have some information on Ouroboros. I just have to gather more and more army strength and we'll strike."

"So, will you let me in on this alliance. Even though you're the Demon King and I'm the hero, I don't mind this. I'm no longer a hero, I'm just a man filled with rage and revenge."

Zeraph Nindine is a capable fighter and I'm sure that he'll be able to help us in the future. This was a weird proposition by him and I don't have any reasons to refuse. But if we ever fight as the two finalists in the Battle Royale... I won't hold back against him. I will kill him myself without any hesitation. This is all for my goals. Just a selfish reason to rescue everyone from this world. "Sure. Welcome to the team Hero."

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