
Chapter 324: You're My Wife.

On that day, Jiltry was bursting with excitement.

How could it not?

Up above the man and two girls walking down the street while holding hands, the black dragon acted like the most loyal bodyguard. It flew by slowly flapping its wings while at the same time shadowing the three people on the ground. The appearance of it was more amazing than any other noble or even royal procession, so it instantly maxed out the awe meter.

The citizenry seemed to have already gotten the news from the knight, so although none dared to get close to the street that Shien's group was going down, they did instead pop their heads out from the various buildings and side streets to look at the three of them. Although they were fearful, they were also excited at the same time.

"Is that how nobles from the Capital are?"

"That's amazing… Way too amazing…!"

"He really does have a dragon as a mount…!"

"Are all nobles from the Capital this amazing?"

The citizenry quietly gossiped among each other to that effect as they looked up at Shien, who was holding the hands of Airi and Leisha, with awe.

At this moment, in those people's eyes, Shien was unquestionably a person of vast greatness.

There were even many young ladies with good beauty and fairly decent status who came to observe while accompanied by guards. They looked at Shien with heated gazes, which made it all the more hard for others to accept this.

Even putting aside the fact that he was able to become a noble at such a young age and the fact that he has a true dragon as a mount, even the captain of the Second Knight Order who governed Jiltry had treated him so respectfully. Thus, wouldn't such a man make simply the best spouse possible?

Add in the fact that he came from the Capital, meaning that he was able to establish a place for himself in the Capital, it meant that he was definitely a noble among nobles, so it's only natural that those noble young ladies all fell for him.

This fact made Shien reminisce over it.

"It looks like there are advantages to being a noble after all."

At the very yeast, it's very much enough of a reputation booster. The treatment from others it invites is also pretty good, it's basically the treatment of a winner.

Of course, the two beauties, one big and one small, next to Shien also got similar treatment.

"Look at that maid, quickly…"

"So beautiful…"

"How can there be such a beautiful maid?"

"If my family had such a beautiful maid, then how could I possibly bear to marry some baron's daughter?"

"My family is the same. If they had even half her figure and looks, then I would have already gone up to them to propose marriage rather than waiting around for them to come force me to marry them."

"A noble should have such a a beautiful maid if they want to actually show of."


"That little girl is also really pretty as well."

"She's way too pretty."

"If only my daughter was so adorable."

"R-rather than that, I kind of want to adopt her as my daughter."


"I really want that…"

Conversations like that continued to come. Many nobles and already married men all gathered together. They were practically drooling as they stared at the two beauties next to Shien.

Unfortunately for them, while Lasha can be put aside, Airi's mood on the other hand was sinking with every moment.


Airi's had a frosty look on her little face.

Again with the little sister and daughter talk. Just what is with thing now?

I'm the great Dragon Demon here! Am I really someone that can be taken as a little sister or daughter?

If you people wanted to consider me a big sister or mother, then I could at least reluctantly consider it complement. If I'm in a good mood, then maybe I might even act without thinking and allow you all a chance to forge some connections, yet you want to treat me as a little sister or daughter?

Do you only fear the dragon overhead and not me, the dragon king then?

Want to see me show a transformation here and now and scare you to deathh?

At that moment, all of you will beg to be my little brothers!

Airi was in a very bad mod, and she even started to dislike this city.

Thus, Airi begun making the following requests to Shien.

"You really want to rest here for the night? Why can't we just head onward?"

Airi practically had the words "I don't want to stay here" printed on her face.

Unfortunately for her, Shien wasn't budging at all.

"We flew all the way here from the Capital, so even if you guys aren't tire, I am, alright?" Shien spoke in "你真要在这里休息一晚?直接出发不行吗?"





































既然如此...In that case then…

"I'll say that you're my wife."

The words out of Shien's mouth made Airi suddenly miss a step, almost tripping.

Even Lasha stopped moving and instead looked toward Shien. Shien even felt like he saw a hint of disdain from her eyes.

That was obviously the look one would give to a lolicon.

Hey now, girl, I'm just making a joke here. Please don't take is so seriously, alright?

Just as Shien was faking a laugh, Airi looked at Shien with a rather speechless expression on her face.

"This is the first time I've ever seen someone who dared to claim me to be his wife."

Airi used a single sentence to tell Shien just how insanely daring the words he just said were.

Taking the Dragon Demon as a wife?

There's plenty of people who might be daring enough to think it, but there's no one who would actually dare to try to say it out loud or actually do it.

However, what Shien rather wanted to say to that was…

"… Are you sure it isn't that they can't actually do it?"

Shien couldn't hold himself back from taught fate again.

Airi didn't say a word in response to that, she just started continuously putting more strength into the hand that was holding Shien's, making "creak, crack" noises continuously come out.

"Owowowow…! It's going to break, it's breaking!"

Shien's face warped, he cried out, and he grit his teeth in pain.


Only then did Airi finally toss Shien's hand from her before then heading forward in an unhappy mood.

Shien hurriedly followed up after her before picking the girl in question up.

"I'm sorry oh great lady Airi." Shien grinned, "It's not that no one else would be able to do it, it's that they lack the courage and ability, right?"

"Are you trying to coax a little kid here?" Airi still looked unhappy.

"Not at all." Shien determinedly refused to admit it.

That said, there is one thing that he could admit to.

"I'll go ahead and say it that way in the future then. You're my wife, it's decided then."

Shien thus hugged the soft and warm little girl to him and one-sidedly decided on it.


Airi seemed to want to object to it.

"Objections refused!"

Shien held his hand over the mouth of the little girl in his arms and shut her up.


Airi started struggling, but it had no effect at all.

The two of them simply continued to play fight while moving forward.

Lasha followed right behind them. She looked as calm as always, but every once in a while, the expression she had while gazing at Shien and Airi would turn a lot gentler.

Yulin was also following along. She was filled with awe and respect as she saw Shien hug and hold Airi's mouth shut.

As expected of the master she recognized. He's even able to subject such a powerful big sis dragon king. As expected, she had good judgment.

Thus, Yulin also seemed to have gotten in a good mood, which showed in her flying.

In this situation, Shien and the others didn't discover that a group of people had poked their heads out from a certain building to watch them, and they seemed to also be discussing something.

Immediately after, they grabbed a large sack and started sneakily following after Shien and the others.

Within that sack, a hint of golden hair was barely visible. It was also accompanied with the sound of something breathing, as if something was slumbering within.

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Comments 4

  1. Offline
    Quote: Ashinkottayi

    GT for the Chinese characters

    Take a night off here? Can't you just go straight away? "

    Ai Yi almost had the words "I don't want to be here" printed on her face.

    It's a pity that Sean wasn't moved at all.

    "Flying all the way from the capital to here, you are not tired, I am tired, okay?" Xien said angrily: "Now that the sun is almost going down, do you still want to travel overnight?"

    Well, Ai Yi really doesn't want to travel all night.

    As a sleepy dragon king, it is impossible not to sleep at night, and it is probably impossible in this life.

    You know, in the past, Ai Yike had not slept for more than ten or twenty years. She was awake almost every day when she stayed by Sheehan's side. Although it wasn't to say that she felt uncomfortable, she was also faintly sleepy. I just want to lie down and sleep forever.

    But if she does, when she wakes up next time, it is estimated that Sheen may be buried in the ground, right?

    Therefore, Ai Yi didn't dare to really sleep in the past, and could only go to bed early and get up late every day, which was already hard enough.

    "Then let's rest in another city."

    Ai Yi made another request.

    But this time, before Sheen spoke, La Xia, who was on the side, spoke first.

    "The closest city to Territory is in the west, and it will take a while to get there at the speed of Lord Yulene. I'm afraid it will be dark by then. It may not be too difficult to find a hotel to rest at that time. easy."

    La Xia spoke calmly, and Ai finally closed her mouth.

    Although there was still some unpleasantness on her face, Sheehan knew that the girl had given up her plan to leave.

    "You are really enough." Sheehan looked at it funny for a while and said, "Isn't it just being treated like a child? Is it necessary to resist so much?"

    "...Then I'll ask you." Ai Yi looked at Sheehan and said blankly: "If you live to be sixty years old in the future, the people around you will be coaxing children all day long. You, I'll call you little Sheen, let you wake up and remember to brush your teeth, and buy you a bunch of clothes for a ten-year-old child, bathe you every day, feed you, and even report where you want to go, let you What will happen to you with a bunch of people watching over you?"

    Hearing this, Sheehan thought about it for a while, and then he couldn't take it anymore.

    It would be a pleasure if there was a beautiful girl who helped him bathe and feed himself every day, but the rest of Ai Yi's description only made Sean feel goosebumps on the verge of getting up.


    "That's how you live your life?"

    Sean asked cautiously.

    "That's right." Ai Yi said, still expressionless, "Also, it has been maintained since its birth, for a full 10,000 years."

    a thousand years......

    Sheehan looked at Ai Yi with sympathy.

    Even La Xia, who was on the side, couldn't help but cast a glance at Ai, with a little pity in her eyes.

    This child seems to have been severely damaged.

    No wonder it's so sleepy, isn't it just because the dragons are sleepy, or because they want to escape reality?

    "Okay." Sheehan tentatively said: "Then I won't say that you are my sister in the future."

    "Oh?" Ai Yi suddenly became interested, looked at Sheehan, and said, "Then who are you going to say that I am yours?"

    "Uh..." Sheehan was stumped all of a sudden.

    Who are you saying?

    elder sister?

    Does anyone else believe it?


    That's bullshit too, right?

    As far as this little girl's appearance and appearance are concerned, saying that she is older than herself, I am afraid that others will think that she is insulting their IQ.

    That being the case

    "I'll say that you're my wife."

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      Thx for translating that part yeah
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      think so
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