
Chapter 130: As If Facing Great Enemies

Osse's gaze was extremely grim. Sensing the raging frost energy in the air, he stretched out his hand and slowly received the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"The master of the mountains is no longer with us."

"W-What does that mean..."

Molmo looked at Osse with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He could not fully comprehend Osse's words, but the terrifying shockwaves that had killed him earlier had sent chills deep down his spine.

Molmo had originally thought that although there were plenty other powerful entities in the world, they would only be a most a fraction stronger than Osse.

However, this experience had thorough ruffled his feathers, and it had prompted him to change his perspective.

"I see you've regained your senses. Let's continue moving."

Osse did not say anything else. He quickly dried his hand of the snowflakes and issued the order to Molmo.

Molmo nodded and quickly followed Osse's footsteps.

10 kilometers was a rather short trek for these two individuals.

In less than half a day, Molmo and Osse had already arrived at the spot where Max had dug his hole.

"We're very close to the Red Dragon."

The Dragon Scale Greatsword on Osse's back seemed to have sensed something. Its scales puffed up like a porcupine with its quills standing on end.

Molmo nodded when he heard Osse's words. His hands were covered in several black threads.

Molmo walked forward, ready for battle.

As for Osse, he was leisurely following behind Molmo. Had it not been for the Dragon Scale Greatsword he carried on his back, a random passerby would likely mistake him being there for an outing.

"What is this?"

Molmo dug open the snow pile in front of him that was of a different color. The snow pile was light red.

after digging for a few minutes, Molmo discovered the pieces of internal organs that had been frozen into ice shards.

Looking at the pieces of internal organs that had already turned into ice shards, Osse narrowed his eyes slightly.

One of his hands was already placed on the hilt of the Dragon Scale Greatsword on his back.

"Go away, Molmo."

"Get ready for battle."

Molmo hurriedly retreated to the side. In the next moment, Osse made his move.

There was not a sophisticated move. It was merely a brute-forced slash.


However, several invisible slashes erupted alongside it within a 300-meter radius!

Snow was lifted up forcefully into the air, and the skies were obscured by the slash of his Dragon Scale Greatsword.

Not only that, the sound of metal colliding was also transmitted from within the snow!

Fresh blood appeared!

Follow by a thunderous dragon roar!

A huge figure suddenly emerged on the frozen plain, right before Osse and Molmo!

The mountainous figure gave off a fearsome pressure!

It was a Red Dragon.

The moment Molmo spotted the red figure, the blood vessels in his eyes constricted, and his eyes turned red with rage!

There was only a single Red Dragon within the Moldos Mountains!

It was the one that killed his father!

Anger and fury overwhelmed Molmo's mind in an instant, and he had instantly lost all reason!


A gust of air erupted from Molmo, and his body was instantly covered in black threads!

"Are you surprised to see us?"

Osse looked at the red dragon, Max, who was looking at him vigilantly, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

He could clearly feel that Max's aura was much, much weaker than when he had first appeared in Bohr Village.

Osse reasoned that he was probably only half as strong as before.

'The human from back then?'

Max's gaze was ice-cold. There were Silver Dragons dwelling within the Moldos Mountain Range. The human before him was probably aware of this when he sent him away.

He had deliberately hidden the fact, so that Max would die at the hands of the Silver Dragons.

As such, the killing intent in Max's eyes was not hidden at all.

Three days had passed. Although Max had only recovered half of his original strength, he had recovered all his charges of his Invincible Golden Body.

Although Max could sense that both humans before him were powerful in their own right, now that he had regained his Invincible Golden Body, he did not panic.

After all, he could just flee if worse comes to worst.

Even if the two guys before him might be comparable to the Three Heroes in strength, they were incapable of halting him from fleeing. They did not possess wings, after all.


Max pressed the Dark Snow Lotus Crystal under his tongue, and a bolt of lightning bloomed from his mouth!

A powerful bolt of Lightning Dragon Breath was fired towards Osse!


Osse did not even blink his eyes. With a swift swing of his greatsword at inhuman speeds, he had instantly cut down the Lighting Dragon Breath. It scattered in all directions and struck the surrounding snow instead,

However, Osse did not press the attack. Instead, he continued to size up Max.

On the other hand, Molmo could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He ran in Max's direction at top speeds.

Max frowned upon the sight of a man covered in black threads coming at him.

'System, show me his stats.'

'Ding dong!'

'Display Molmo's stats right now.'

[ Name: Mormo ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Current Rank: Platinum 99% ]

[ Age: 42]

[ Maximum Lifespan: 52 ]

[ Attack: 77 (Normal Human 12) ]

[ Spell Strength: 40 (Normal Human 3) ]

[ Defense: 85 (Normal Human 5) ]

[ Speed: 19 (Normal Human 8) ]

[ Skills: Bloody Regeneration, Harden ]

[ Remarks: A person who has formed a contract with a Devil. The rage he felt over his father's death has consumed him with the flames of revenge. He is no longer the person he once was. ]

'Another human who's around the Diamond Rank!'

Max's eyes twitched. He carefully checked the system's remarks and shockingly discovered that Molmo's father was the old man that he had killed.

Max realized that Molmo's hatred towards him was not without reason.

Max became even more wary of Molmo. Even when he was at his peak condition, fighting an enemy like Molmo would still be an uphill battle for him. Worse still, there was also Osse, who was eyeing him like a tiger glaring down at its prey, ready to strike at any moment!

Comments 10

  1. Offline
    After reading this novel it feels like max Isn't a dragon but a stray dog anyone can hunt
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    1. Offline
      He's less then a whelp... Dragons are depicted as beings with thousands of years of lifespan and who grow over time... A dragon under a month old should be a bit weaker then the average human...
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      1. Offline
        Death panda
        Death panda
        I still don’t understand how the absorption of potential works but it’s kinda obvious that he should be in a hole growing
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        1. Offline
          the more potiential he gains, the more powerful he is at his prime.

          think of potential as a measuring tool, like a lake or an ocean. If potential is represented by amount of water, the ocean would be way better than the lake. Max's potential just keeps increasing from a cup, to a bucket, to a pool, etc... Despite of all of his potential, he's not that strong yet because he hasn't reached his full potential. (If his potential is a pool atm, his pool isn't even 1/64th full).
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          1. Offline
            We're reading the same book. how do you know more about the books lore and mechanics than everyone else?
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    2. Offline
      Your maths teacher
      Risking his life for his sister who is nothing but a burden. mimo
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      1. Offline
        Yes. That's entirely correct. It's his sister. His sister also is slightly younger and not a cheater... She also has way more potential then he started out with... Even from a logical perspective it's a solid investment as if she dies so early she won't be able to give him as much benefits as she would have been able to. However if she dies after reaching her full potential she will likely be able to aid him countless times more. She's an obedient loving individual that he can trust. It's very logical and reasonable to do his absolute best to ensure she survives and stays by his side.

        That's just the logical perspective though... Turning on the emotional argument I will have to go ahead and say... Fu#k you!!! We gonna die for the little sister like a good brother!!! And if we survive? Maybe... Just maybe we get to see her happy at all costs even if we must sacrifice our bodies and minds to be their lover as well!!! For it is the siscon code. Whether I'm totally on board with that perspective or joking I will leave for you to debate. However I can say... If you view it as a sacrifice your already doing a bad thing... You can't make someone happy by being unhappy yourself. Well not when it comes to committed relationships... If you join a relationship with someone you don't wanna be in you will just be making a terrible relationship for them and hurting them.
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        1. Offline
          Your emotional argument is spot on but your logical argument is full of emotional crap. I get it, it's a story, he has to help his lovely sister. Don't pretend she's some kind of super-monster though. That sort of nonsense breaks all the rules of good storytelling.

          Let me ask you something. Logically, if his sister can become strong enough to help him, why isn't the world already destroyed or completely controlled by absurdly overpowered dragons? Surely, one would've come along in the millions or billions of years before these siblings were born. Maybe his sister is Bahamut or Tiamat and he is the other, hence the standoff? If so, all the more reason to let her die instead of making her more powerful.

          Problem is, she hasn't shown up to help him or herself despite his ability to distort time-space so that line of reasoning is idiotic. Which means she's either already dead, far weaker than him, or he helped make her into a powerful enemy. If it was the latter then his future self could've just told him that. So there are literally no other logical options based on the story so far: his sister is either far weaker or dead in the future.

          You think you're logical but you aren't thinking. Hopefully this novel's author is smarter.
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    3. Offline
      Nona Me
      I feel this story is full of bullshit.
      1. he was born with the potential of an ancient dragon (with this alone, he is more overpowered than a normal baby dragon)
      2. he has absorbed a mature black dragon capable of even threatening his mother's life.
      3. he has absorbed the great mage.
      4. He has absorbed a dragonkin whose level is above that of an ancient dragon
      5. he has absorbed an ancient silver dragon that is even stronger than his mother.
      6. Lastly, he had gone through various life and death battles against enemies above his level.

      and now, any random man could kill him with ease. I really don't understand how this absorption system works.
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      1. Offline
        In fact, this system does not work in any way. We're just reading something weird from this author, that's all
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