
Chapter [NaN]

“Oh gods,” Yoruichi’s voice called out as Tier and Nel stepped into Koharu’s former apartment which based on the sounds coming from the bedroom was the home of a marathon of sorts, “How are you still so hard!”

“Who could get soft with two sexy women such as yourselves who are in need of a good fucking,” Naruto responded, which was followed up by the pleased sounding moan from the dark skinned Bijuu.

“Hurry up and cum already,” Kukaku’s voice cut in sounding impatient, “Your pussy isn’t the only one in need of his cock.”

“F…fuck yes, right there…” Yoruichi moaned out loudly before asking, “C…can you make her a clone…so she’ll stop complaining.”

“I don’t want a clone,” Kukaku stated, “You use it.”

“N…no,” Yoruichi replied as Tier stepped into the bedroom with Nel hesitantly following behind. Both women’s pussies began to water as they found Yoruichi laying on her side, with one leg raised in the air with Naruto lying beside her pumped himself into her cunt, while Kukaku knelt at the foot of the bed with while her rubbing her pussy to the sight. Although, she looked rather annoyed particularly as her dark-skinned sibling said, “You owe me this for blasting me through a wall.”

“You said to forget all that, and there was no room for regrets between us,” Kukaku replied disbelievingly, her body glistening despite her current inactivity making it clear that she had experienced the pleasure currently coursing through her sibling a few times herself already.

“That was before you tried to force me off this cock,” Yoruichi replied, before then groaning as Naruto’s hand gripped her tit, and squeezed it roughly.

Naruto chuckled as he rolled onto his back while stating, “Still, maybe it’s time to give your sister another turn.”

Yoruichi looked like she was about to protest, but it was replaced with moans as Naruto began rapidly pounding her cunt until she arched her back to shout, “Cumming!” Naruto groaned as she stiffened on top of him, and his ball tightened while he slammed himself fully into her and began filling her with his seed.

“Finally,” Kukaku said rolling her just pleased sister unceremoniously off of him, and lowered her face to his cock as she began cleaning it of the just released juices.

Naruto shivered as his still sensitive prick was bathed by her tongue, but noticing the new arrivals said, “W…wait Kukaku it looks…”

“No,” Kukaku said quickly as she spun around and slid her feet under his bent knees, before reaching between them as she guided his cock back inside her, “It’s my turn.” She began rocking her hips slowly as her face began to reflect the pleasure that she was feeling due to her sliding forward and back while she rode the Uzumaki’s shaft.

Naruto gave Tier and Nel a quick apologetic look, even as he rested his hands on Kukaku’s ass and enjoyed the sight of his cock sliding in and out of hunched over woman’s quim. Tier smirked, although it was hidden by the high collar of the jacket that she wore, it was soon exposed though as she unzipped herself to expose her tits and the hard nipples they sported. Both Nel and Kukaku’s eyes widened in surprise although the latter let out a mournful moan as she said, “mmmm…N…not you too.”

Tier undid the sash holding her pants up, which dropped to the ground to reveal her shaved snatch that was glistening with her arousal. Joining her sisters on the bed, she said, “You’re going to need to get used to sharing.”

“But it’s my first night with him,” Kukaku moaned as she leaned back and despite herself spread her legs wider as Tier’s fingers began rubbing her clit.

Lowering her face towards the Four-tailed Bijuu’s tit, she said “Which should have been Cyan’s. But she graciously agreed to allow her date to end early so Naruto could seek you out.” Rolling her tongue around the areola of her sister’s breast, who moaned in appreciation, she added, “Besides, sharing doesn’t need to be an unpleasant experience.”

She then latched onto the tit, and sucked on it heavily causing Kukaku to curse in pleasure, while Yoruichi popped up on the other side of her moaning sister while saying, “That’s what I’ve been telling her all night.” Then mirroring Tier’s actions, she began to suck just as greedily on her sister’s other tit causing Kukaku to lean back until she fell back against Naruto.

Laying atop of him with her legs bent all the way back, Kukaku was no longer able to work herself on his shaft, so Naruto took over as he began slamming himself up into her. She moaned loudly as Naruto hammered her pussy, while Tier began kissing down her sister’s stomach until her tongue replaced her fingers on her sister’s clit. While Yoruichi went northwards silencing Kukaku’s moans as she kissed her hungrily while her hand took over fondling the tit that she had just been suckling one. Her raven haired sister returned the kiss passionately, only breaking it for a moment to moan when Naruto reached up to begin squeezing her other breast, before resuming their tongue dancing together.

Naruto’s persistent pounding drove Kukaku closer and closer to release until she once more pulled herself from her sister’s lips to cry out, “Oh…d…don’t stop…I’m…so close…” Despite her words, a part of her didn’t want to reach the end as she knew there were at least two wanton and dripping pussies also looking to experience the same level of fulfillment that she was. As such, she tried to pull back from the edge she had just been running towards, and for a moment felt a bit like a runner who had stopped just short of heading over a cliff. However, Tier hearing her words and having been licking Naruto’s shaft as when it emerged from her sister’s dripping snatch, focused her tongue once more on her clit causing Kukaku to arch her back as she bathed Naruto’s cock in her release while she cried out, “CUMMING!”

Tier sat up and smirked at the sight of her sister’s panting and just sated look. Wanting that feeling for herself, she turned away to place her face down onto the mattress at the foot of the bed and then raised her ass up into the air before bringing her hand between her thighs to spread her snatch for her fellow blond’s benefit as she said, “Naruto, I need your cock inside me too.”

Naruto drank in the sight and felt his dick swell, which was still buried in Kukaku, and nearly burst as she waved her ass to and fro. Kukaku whimpered due to Yoruichi rolling her from on top of their shared lover, as she immediately missed the warmth that had been seeping into her skin. With her weight removed, he moved to sit up, but let out a groan when Yoruichi gave his cock a quick sucking once it emerged from the raven-haired woman’s quim. But, she did quickly surrender it once Naruto managed to work his way up to his knees. He then took up a spot behind Tier whose ass he gripped possessively before sheathing his dick into her pussy’s tight embrace.

Tier moaned into the mattress as her pussy coiled around his length in order to resist his cock’s withdrawal, causing pleasure to swell within the two of them. Until just the tip remained, he then plunged himself back in prompting Tier to raise up to her knees, and which he took advantage of by sliding his hands up from her hips to squeeze her breasts, while his thumb and index finger teased her aching nipples. They groaned together as a result of her pussy tightening around his cock from the new points of pleasure that she was feeling.

Tier was in heaven but was suddenly struck by a stray thought as she wondered what had become of the sister that she had arrived with. She didn’t have to look far for her answer, as she found Nel sitting in an ornate white chair with gold trim that resembled a throne. Her legs were dangling over the arms of the chair, allowing Tier an unfettered view up the short green skirt her sibling favored along with the tight green t-shirt that left her midriff exposed. Nel seemed lost in her own little world as her fingers rubbed her pussy vigorously, which was now glistening due to just how wet she was. Although her sibling’s eyes were closed, Tier didn’t doubt that it was because she was trying to picture that she was the one with Naruto’s cock buried inside her.

The blond in question noticed that Tier suddenly seemed distracted, although her body seemed more excited than ever which he couldn’t exactly attribute it to anything that he was doing. But, following her line of sight, he quickly came to understand why as he joined her in watching as the Three-Tailed Bijuu rubbed her pussy rapidly, with her free hand beginning to tease one of her hardened nipples through her shirt.

Tier realized that she wasn’t the only one watching the show as her own pleasure began to diminish due to the pace and fervor of her lover’s thrusts grew erratic. Even as his dick seemed to swell within her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that he was as transfixed by the sight as she had just been. But, as he noticed her eyes upon him, he tore his gaze away in order to please her once more. Yet, paused as she reached back to pull him into a kiss over her shoulder. Their tongues danced around one another, and were still connected by their saliva once it finished, at which point she stated, “Go to her.” Naruto gave her a quick look to verify that she was sure, to which she just gave a brief nod. He gave her another quick kiss, before causing her to moan with loss as he withdrew his cock to offer it to her sibling.

Nel moaned as she pushed her middle and ring finger inside of her pussy while trying to imagine just how much better it would be if it was Naruto currently stirring up the pleasure within her. Which as good as she was feeling, found it easy to believe that she wasn’t even close to comprehending the pleasure her sisters were experiencing. Especially since there seemed to be a place within her that was just out of reach of the fingers probing her depths which she believed if she could just hit, it would set her into a new realm of delight. She bit her lip as she again felt the temptation to join her other three siblings on the bed but held back as she instead increased the tempo at which her fingers slid within her.

The reason for her hesitation was mainly due to her having planned to give herself to Naruto when her sisters gathered together after the Chunin Exams. Mainly as she wanted her first experience with the Uzumaki to be rather memorable. But, there was also the element of how she didn’t exactly want to know what she was missing just before she’d enter a period where she would be unable to experience more. As such, had she known that she would be walking into an orgy, she probably wouldn’t have gone with Tier as they went in search of their two siblings to keep them out of sight at the request of Mito due to some members of the Torture and Interrogation Department showing up on their doorstep that morning. However, as her fingers began to stir up her insides even faster while her imagination replaced the scenes that she had just seen with her in place of her fellow Bijuu, she knew that was a half-truth as she had heard Yoruichi’s cries long before approaching the bedroom but had been unable to stop herself from following the siren calls.

The fantasy playing out behind her closed eyes grew slightly darker, similar to the shadows cast from a cloud passing in front of the sun, and upon opening her eyes found Naruto standing before her. His blue eyes watched her actions hungrily, as Nel felt her own grow more intense since the dick that her pussy craved was right before her. Almost without conscious thought, she used the hand that had been fondling her tit to touch it, and began to slow run her hand along his length. She was struck by just how warm it felt in her loose grip, as well as how it seemed to be both soft, and hard at the same time.

She had a strong desire to taste him, but in that moment, it was dwarfed by her need to feel it sliding into her pussy. Which is why she stated, “Naruto, I want you to fuck me.”

Naruto gave her a quick nod before taking her hand from his cock to pull her up to her feet, where he gave her a kiss that curled her toes as she melted into him. As their tongues writhed around one another, she felt his hands first move to her hips, before quickly sliding upwards. Which ended their kiss, but only for as long enough as it took for her to raise her hands over her head so that he could pull her shirt off. He then dropped it at their feet before wrapping his arms around her once more. Nel, moaned as much from their lips connecting again, as from the increased warmth seeping into her thanks to the removal of the cloth barrier. As he encircled his arms around her again, his hands rubbed her back for a moment before traveling southward, where Nel imagined that he would push her skirt to the floor. However, they bypassed it, to instead give her butt before a good squeeze. At which point his right hand slid down to lift her right leg up, which he placed around his hip.

She felt her anticipation grow as he pulled away from the kiss, while creating a small gap between their bodies so that he could guide and push his cock up against the lips of her pussy. She let out a pleased sounding sigh when the head of his cock slipped into her well lubricated entrance. The distance between them slowly shrank as he pushed his manhood deeper inside her, and Nel felt truly complete when the head of his cock slid along the spot that had been just out of reach her fingers. Moreover, she shivered as a small climax passed through her when his dick continued on long past it until he was pressed fully against her womb.

They sealed their lips together once again, and their tongues resumed their writhing dance as Naruto began giving her small short thrusts that raised Nel up to the toes of the foot still on the ground. Soon though it became apparent to Naruto that they were not enough as the leg wrapped around his hip began urging him to move faster and faster. Responding to her prodding, he lifted her up fully so that her knees rested on his forearms. He gave her a few steadying hefts, which lifted her almost completely off of his cock before letting gravity pull her back down into a thrust of his hips. Nel cried out as she pulled her lips from his to cry, “Yes…fuck….it’s sooo…gooood.” Naruto smiled hearing her words as he began bouncing her faster and harder so that the room filled with the slapping sounds of their flesh coming together.

Nel’s wrapped her arms around his neck while he bounced her on his dick, prompting her to moan, “Yes… you’re so big…gods…you’re hitting me… so fucking deep!”

Nel’s moans were not the only one filling the room as Naruto could hear Yoruichi and Kukaku’s muffled moans behind him, leaving him to believe that the sisters were entertaining each other. However, not hearing Tier’s moans among them, he grew rather curious so spun him and Nel so that he could see the bed. Naruto didn’t think it was possible for his dick to get any harder, and in truth it couldn’t but he certainly felt a surge in his lust at the sight of Yoruichi laying on her back as she licked Kukaku’s snatch, while her sister hunched over her with her head likewise buried between her fellow Bijuu’s thighs. Tier whose lack of sound had first attracted his attention was kneeling at the foot of the bed as she slowly rubbed her pussy, not really trying to get herself off so much as to keep the fire that he had started within her from dying out.

To help facilitate the blonde Bijuu’s efforts, he carried Nel to the bed where he laid her down before at the foot of it. Naruto continued to drive himself into Nel until the arms that she had wrapped around his neck loosened enough for him to pull free of her grip. Raising up to his knees, he caused her to whimper when he suddenly pulled out of her. Nel who had been lost in the pleasure building within her felt that she had immediately returned to reality as the tool that had been creating it was withdrawn from her. Although she realized that might not be entirely the case, as she first came to the realization that she was lying down on the bed, or upon looking down her body to see why Naruto was no longer pounding her found Tier bent over and kneeling beside him as she ran her tongue over his cock. Nel flushed at the idea that it was her essence that her sister was tasting on the rod, which bought Tier a few more seconds of enjoyment which she used to fully engulf it as she began sucking him, causing Naruto to moan. However, sensing her green-haired sister was about to voice some displeasure, she released his rod with a pop before guiding it back down to Nel’s waiting snatch.

Who moaned appreciatively as Naruto easily slipped back inside, and was almost immediately transported back to her own plane of existence where only the pleasure being created within her seemed to exist. Tier watched with some amusement as her sister’s eyes quickly grew unfocused seeing everything and nothing at the same time, not that she could blame her as Naruto was on his feet hunched over her as he drove his cock into quickly and violently. Nel’s tits bounced wildly until Naruto leaned forward to grip them, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. Nel moaned in response, and looked like she was trying to arch up, but couldn’t due to Naruto’s inner thighs resting on the back of hers kept her folded nearly in half.

Tier knew her sister was close as the toes on her feet began to curl up towards the ceiling, which seemed like a counter as when they made contact with the body suddenly straightened out again while she cried, “YES!!! I’M CUMMMMIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGG!”

“Fuck!,” Naruto grunted as Nel’s pussy tightened around him causing him to fight against them as he pushed his rod as deep as he could before spraying her insides with his seed. Nel couldn’t believe how good she felt as her orgasm spread throughout her body, and couldn’t imagine it feeling any better. However, she was quickly proven wrong as the feeling of Naruto’s jizz entered into the swirling mass of pleasure, and exploded into a feeling that she imagined felt rather like a star suddenly detonated into light and warmth in what had just been the coldness of space. Naturally, being at ground zero for such an event proved rather too much for her causing her to pass into unconsciousness as the light gave way to blackness, although the feeling of warmth remained.

Naruto panted as he sank back to his knees, and sighed in satisfaction from the look of bliss etched onto Nel’s face. However, before he could even think about taking it easy, he groaned as Tier quickly captured his rod with her mouth as soon as it emerged from Nel’s just satisfied quim. He buried one of his hands in her hair as the other fell back onto the bed to prevent him from toppling backwards as her tongue caused him to go weak as it rolled around his still sensitive cockhead. Still, her oral attack achieved its aim as his softening cock immediately began to harden, and soon he was pumping himself into her mouth as she vacuumed up his and Nel’s combined fluids. But, just as he began to feel the urge to fill her mouth with more, she let him slip free of her lips and then quickly straddled her sister on her hands and knees as she presented her own dripping pussy to him. Naruto with his next task clearly laid out before him rose up fully onto his knees, and plunged his rod deep into Tier who cried out in bliss as her lover held nothing back in order to drive her to the same heights of pleasure that he had just finished exploring with her sister.


“I’m afraid that at this time we have no idea how the criminal in question entered or exited the village. If he even has that is,” Inaho reported to Tsunade, who appeared annoyed rather than worried despite it appearing how the man who had started a bar fight in the entertainment district was apparently a criminal and gang leader who had not only broken out of the Leaf Maximum Security Prison back during the attempted coup of Akame. Which had failed when he lost control of the prisoners that he had wanted to use as soldiers, but apparently also had some idea of taking vengeance on Naruto. Whom he also resembled as a result of surgeries that he had received after taking a rasengan to the face from said Uzumaki. Naturally, Inaho was somewhat confused by her village leader’s response, since she had entered her office that morning to give her report expecting to receive a similar tongue lashing as the department had once received when a member of the department had disregarded evidence that the Uzumaki had been targeted by a bounty which had resulted in his capture by the former monk Sora.

Granted, in that case it had been the fault of said member for assuming the rumor to be unlikely, while this time around she could say it was due to the Leaf’s policy to remain an open village. Which, she knew created no shortage of headaches for those tasked with defending it. But, as Konoha had been founded as a village where shinobi were meant to live in peace with their families, it refused to adopt some of the more draconian measure some of the other Shinobi Villages had in order to secure themselves. As even Suna required that every visitor, except perhaps some of the VIP’s they received, to submit to a search of their persons. While Konoha simply required a visitor to sign in at one of the gates, where teams on standby would be assigned to watch any suspected troublemakers that shinobi monitoring the signings picked out. Inaho suspected that one reason the village hadn’t really been punished too severely for its supposed lackadaisicalness in terms of security, was due to her division as any major threats being spun by their enemies were often uncovered long before being implemented. Allowing the ANBU to strike at them long before they even began mobilizing to attack the village. Furthermore, as most of the facilities such operations were meant to target were extremely well guarded, getting a force inside the walls could just as quickly turn against an invading force as the initial defenders bogged them down giving the village time to gather its forces where needed in order to surround and eliminate them. Much as had been the case during the Sound-Sand invasion one of the times her division had truly dropped the ball. But more to the point, even should an enemy village just try to target the village’s populace it would likely still need to muster a force that could finish off Konoha in the same strike, as a simple terroristic attack would just allow the Leaf to cast the perpetrators as the villains which would likely cause the aggressor difficulties in securing alliances down the road, as the other shinobi villages would likely be unwilling to be painted with the same brush. Particularly as most villages relied on the funds of their clients, most of whom were the citizenry of the various countries to keep them afloat. Inaho wasn’t quite so sure that would be the case forever, particularly with the Village Hidden in Darkness that Sasuke started out there. But, she supposed that even the Land of Crows would be hesitant to shelter a village that would resort to targeting civilians directly.

Yet while Konoha currently didn’t appear to fear infiltration from those looking to harm its institutions directly, it’s policies did leave the village open to such cases as this where a single individual could enter it with the idea to cause trouble. Which due to the smaller scope, often didn’t raise any alarm bells at the gate. Inaho suspected that the village wasn’t too horribly worried about such cases, since any such ambitions these individuals tended to want to enact tended to be small in nature, so locking down the entire village to secure against them would probably annoy the populace more than actually succeeding in securing it. Primarily due to just how many countries Konoha offered its services to, countries which should the Leaf begin locking down would likely have their own documentation which would need vetting, and due to the slow nature at which most citizens moved could be out of date by the time a traveler arrived due to changes that were communicated via hawk before their arrival. All in all, Inaho imagined it would create more confusion and bog down her department with unnecessary verification requests. Not to mention, she imagined one of the reasons that Konoha had been one of the busier and more well received shinobi villages was due to its more welcoming nature.

Still, despite all that, she half expected Tsunade to have implemented the more draconian policies of a Kumo or Iwa considering the person being targeted was Naruto, especially considering the last time. However, despite her report that they were no closer to identifying how he entered, or if he had even left. Tsunade was sitting at her desk rubbing the bridge of her nose looking as if she was missing out on a party somewhere that she hadn’t been invited to. Which although confused her, Inaho was willing to perhaps believe it was because Ibiki and her had been waiting for her outside her office that morning. Yet, perhaps realizing that she was question her leader’s lack of response, Tsunade adopted a more businesslike attitude before stating, “So, just to reiterate. The leader of a gang from Rice Paddies called the Black Foxes snuck into the village, and claimed he was here to cause trouble for Naruto while he was traveling towards Suna for the exams. However, rather than doing so, he apparently started a bar fight over one of Kiyomi’s employees when he felt the bar owner disrespected her, and was able to escape the Anbu who arrived to break it up.” Receiving a nod, Tsunade sighed before asking, “Why is this the first thing that I’m being troubled with right out the gate this morning?”

Inaho’s mouth dropped a little, since she was rather flabbergasted by Tsunade’s response particularly at her overlooking how a S-ranked woman was at the heart of the confrontation. Plus, had least been seen fleeing with said criminal. Perhaps more bizarrely for her was she believed she caught the edge of Ibiki’s mouth nearly moving upward from out the corner of her eye making her feel like the world was going crazy around her. Still, when he spoke, he sounded all business as he said, “Well, there are some concerns as it appears that Kukaku Shiba fled the scene with him, and considering her… suspected mental state… Inaho fears that she may end up joining him.”

Tsunade frowned, but Inaho had a strange feeling that it might not be because of the fear Ibiki voiced that she held, but more from not being sure how to respond. However, a knock at her door caused the Hokage to ask, “What is it now?”

Having some idea, Inaho stated, “Um, I took the liberty of having some members of my team go to gather Kiyomi. I thought it prudent to inform her of what happened last night. Should I have her enter?”

Tsunade nodded, and so Inaho moved to open the door for the red-head that resembled the wife of the First Hokage. The woman quickly scanned the room, before setting her gaze on Inaho before stating, “Can I assume that I have you to thank for my early morning summons?”

Inaho nodded, but asked, “Strange, usually when presented with a room filled with the leader of the village, and the T.I. department head, they wouldn’t assume a lowly chunin was the one to summon them.”

Mito felt like sighing and rolling her eyes in a similar fashion as her granddaughter perhaps would but keeping to her role as Kiyomi said, “True, however whenever Ibiki has felt the desire to speak with me in the past, he usually has the curtesy to approach me himself. As for the Hokage, well let’s just say that we have a close enough relationship that I feel should she have a need to speak with me, she wouldn’t send her minions to my residence without even giving word as to what it is about.”

Tsunade fought back a frown as she noticed one of the two to escort her grandmother seemed perturbed at being labeled a minion, particularly as it was Chouji who whispered into Inaho’s ear after the roleplaying Uzumaki stepped past her to enter the room. But, she quickly interjected in a manner of a leader trying to soothe the ruffled feathers of a prominent citizen by stating, “I apologize if you feel your summoning was not up to our usual standards of curtesy.” Her grandmother nodded, but aware Inaho’s behavior was born of her concern for the village added, “Inaho here has some concerns about one of your employees due to an incident that occurred last night.”

“I see,” Mito stated guardedly at first, before she allowed some concern to enter her voice before asking, “May I assume this meeting is somehow tied to Kukaku?”

“Yes,” Inaho stated after having informed Chouji and the other escort to resume their prepping for the upcoming mission they were to embark on after the first phase of the exams, “Last night she was at the center of an incident that took place in a local drinking establishment.”

Mito frowned as she imagined would be proper if the situation in question hadn’t resolved itself in a manner that she would have hopped. Moreover, suspecting that what the Akimichi had whispered to Inaho had pertained to the damage he had witnessed in her foyer, she said, “Then am I to assume I’ve been called here to pay restitution for the damages?”

As she had hoped, Inaho seemed caught a little off-guard by the question, before replying, “Um no, that wasn’t why I requested your presence. Although, considering the damage that Chouji informed me had been done to your foyer. I understand why you would think that is the case.” Mito was rather impressed by the kunoichi, as she displayed her wits by showing despite her initial being pushed off-balance by her question, she recovered and used it to springboard into a verbal thrust of her own, “Which begs the question, if she left your place in such a mental state that you immediately jump to the conclusion that she flew off the rails, and repeated what must have taken place in your mansion, why didn’t you inform the authorities?”

Mito crossed her arms giving the appearance that she was somewhat offended, before replying, “Perhaps, rather than trying to jump to conclusions, you’d be better off just asking what took place at my home. Instead of trying to spin some vast conspiracy out of it.”

Interjecting before Inaho could respond, Tsunade asked politely, “What did happen last night?”

Mito turned to face her granddaughter, before replying, “Well, as you know Kukaku has been in a depressive state ever since returning from Ame. Due, I suspect, to the injuries that she sustained.” “Injuries,” she added calling back over her shoulder towards Inaho, “That she received while defending this village’s ally I would hasten to add.”

Tsunade nodded in recognition of the point and noticed that the chunin seemed somewhat mollified by her grandmother’s reminder of how Kukaku had been injured. Still, the blonde Sannin replied, “Once more we thank you and her for the assistance you both provided. But, if she left in such a state where it sounds like she had caused significant damage to your home. You should have informed us.”

Mito sighed before countering, “To be honest, I did not think that she was a danger or more accurately in danger of doing anything but making bad decisions with a man that she had already made several with already. An opinion that was shared more adamantly by Yoruichi, who tried to stop her from leaving last night, and the damage your chunin noticed was a result of that disagreement between them.”

“The man she was meeting is named Sannonmiya, is that right?” Inaho asked her tone sounding less accusatory making it clear that she was now simply collecting more details.

“It is,” Mito replied returning her focus to the chunin, “Kukaku and he had gotten together a few times. Truthfully, I feel that she had developed more genuine feelings for him, while I suspect that he did not. As was evident by his giving her the cold shoulder weeks before her leaving for Ame, and not even bothering to check in on her after her return. So, naturally we were somewhat surprised by his sudden agreeing to meet with her, although admittedly at her request, and so were rather suspicious.”

Inaho nodded and looked rather sympathetic recalling when she had been near a similar such incident which had resulted in her crush being literally sucked dry, leaving her with a lingering sense of guilt that she should have done more. An emotion which carried over to her voice as she said, “I understand, and truthfully your suspicions about Sannonmiya appear to be well deserved.”

Mito frowned, as she allowed a note of worry to enter her voice, “What do you mean? I had assumed that Sannonmiya was perhaps unaware of her injury and had rejected her because of it, so she flew into a rage. Is that not the case? Is she alright?”

Tsunade almost felt like chuckling, as she felt her grandmother deserved an award for her sudden reversal in demeanor. Still, she frowned as the report Inaho had given before she had arrived, had glossed over Sannonmiya’s involvement to instead focus on who she believed to be the greater and still active threat. Particularly as the other man in question was sitting in a hospital bed with a heavy concussion, so she imagined that the more pertinent details about the owner of the bar where the incident had taken place were in the folder sitting on her desk. But guessing it was her grandmother who was now fishing for more details, aided her as she stated, “To be honest, we are unsure. It appears that Sannonmiya had intended to lure Kukaku out, in order to humiliate her, along with many of his friends. They did not get a chance, as a troublemaker named Menma interfered, he then proceeded to injure Sannonmiya and his friends, before leaving with Kukaku, who appeared to do so willing according to the Anbu that gave chase.”

Although Inaho felt that Tsunade had broken down the verbal report that she had received accurately enough, she wondered why she was downplaying Menma’s involvement by calling him a simple troublemaker. Granted, his record before being caught and sent to the Leaf Maximum Security Prison had not been anything particularly impressive. But, since breaking out he had started a gang, which by all accounts was one of the few that appeared capable of holding its own against a far more aggressive one that had been destroying and absorbing many of the others that used the Land of Rice Paddies as their base of operations. Not to mention, had in fact successfully infiltrated Kumo and helped Yugito Nii defect while holding off an entire squad of Kumo’s Anbu. For a moment, she considered that perhaps the rumor that Menma was indeed Naruto, and had been an alias created to help the Host of the Two Tailed Cat defect to Akatsuki was true. However, what was causing her to reject the possibility was she did not understand why he would need to use it in Konoha. Admittedly, he had supposedly already left to head towards Suna for the Chunin Exams, but even if he had been called back to deal with Sannonmiya on Kiyomi’s behalf due to her close relationship with Tsunade, she didn’t see why he would want to use a criminal alias in his home, especially when considering what they had uncovered in the basement of the bar would likely have led to his receiving a commendation. Still, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was at play that she was not seeing, although considering the danger the Black Fox gang was currently in due to its rival Sabertooth beginning to surround them as they gobbled up the other gangs. She suspected that Menma would be more than happy to recruit Kukaku even considering her current mental state.

Mito kept a proper amount of concern in her voice, as she replied, “I see. This Menma that you mentioned, he wouldn’t happen to be the one based in the Land of Rice Paddies now would he?”

Inaho was rather surprised for a moment that Kiyomi appeared to know exactly who the Hokage had been referring to, particularly due to how she had downplayed how dangerous he was. But, realized that due to the nature of her business, she of all people would likely be aware of the chaos taking place in the Land of Rice Paddies, not to mention the players behind it all. Receiving a nod from Tsunade, the red-head said, “Very well, we’ll keep an eye on the area, and see if she pops up. Naturally, I’ll let you know the moment she does, or hopefully, returns home. Will there be anything else?”

Tsunade was about to shake her head in the negative, but stopped as Inaho asked, “Yes actually. Apparently after the fight ended, Menma and her were talking, and although the unconscious men were pretty much out of it. One of them mentioned that despite how Menma originally claimed his presence was mere happenstance, it sounded to him like the reason he was looking for her was because her family was worried about her. I did some digging but couldn’t find anything in her records. Although, there appeared to be a Shiba clan that fell out of favor in the Land of Iron a few decades ago and was disbanded. Which is relevant because there is a Ganju Shiba that serves as a lieutenant in the Black Fox gang. Do you know if there is any relation between them? It would perhaps help explain Menma’s reason for infiltrating the village?”

“I’m afraid that if there is. I was not made privy to it,” Mito replied, although she wanted to hug the young woman. “But, I suppose anything is possible.” Directing her attention towards her granddaughter she asked, “Will that be all?” Receiving a slight nod from the Hokage, Mito inclined her head towards the other two present stating, “It has been a pleasure. I’ll inform you, should Kukaku decide to return home.”

Once the red-head left, Tsunade noticed a slight frown appear on Inaho’s face so asked, “Is there something bothering you?”

Inhao considered not voicing her concerns but decided it best as she feared she was beginning to see conspiracies everywhere so stated, “It may just be my imagination. But, just now she didn’t really seem all that concerned as to whether or not Kukaku had run off with Menma. Considering her business was floundering until she secured Kukaku, and her other guards’ services, you’d think potentially losing one would be of more concern.”

Tsunade was glad that Ibiki knew the truth of the Family and its goals as she was at a lost to explain her grandmother’s apparent acceptance of the situation that Inaho was now questioning, as he stepped in saying, “Well, keep in mind that she’s been aware of Kukaku’s state far longer than we have. She’s probably seen the writing on the wall for some time, and so if she has run off with Menma, it would probably almost be a relief as she can now make the necessary moves to replace her.”

The young woman seemed mollified by the explanation, but quickly grew apologetic as she addressed the Hokage, “Forgive me if I overstepped my bounds by summoning her here without your consent.”

Tsunade waved the concern off, before replying, “No, you did the right thing. It is good to remind her that despite our friendly relationship that if she or her people should step out of line, they will be treated accordingly.” Folding her hands before her as she rested her elbows on her desk, she changed the subject to the matter she found more troubling and had been glossed over by Inaho, “What about Sannonmiya’s involvement in this debacle? You didn’t go into much detail about him earlier, but you make it sound as if Kiyomi’s concerns about him were well-founded.”

“Yes milady,” Inaho said moving to stand before her desk, where she pulled the report she had given her towards her. Opening it, she rifled through several pages before turning it to face Tsunade, who frowned deeply as she looked at some of the pictures which featured various angles of a basement which had a large bed at the center and was surrounded by cameras. Another set detailed a door in the basement, which opened to a room filled with monitors and video editing equipment. Inaho began to explain what she was looking at by stating, “Sannonmiya was a chunin of the village, who retired shortly before your taking up the mantle of Hokage. His combat record isn’t anything impressive, where he tended to excel was in information gathering.”

“Let me guess,” Tsunade said, “He would target and seduce women who possessed the information that he sought.”

“Yes,” Inaho stated, “However, since retiring it appears that he has gone into business for himself.”

Her gaze shifted to Ibiki with some visible concern, before returning it back to the Chunin as she asked, “Are you saying that he has been seducing women, and selling our secrets to the highest bidder?”

Inaho’s brow furrowed, as she admitted, “I’m not sure to be honest. I only had a few hours to shift through everything, before I had to turn it over to another team since my Team and I will be heading to Suna to aid in the exams. But, I think he was gearing up to that. For the most part, I think his actions were pretty limited in scope. Taking such jobs as seducing women for husbands looking to divorce, and using their infidelity against them in court. Or, perhaps blackmailing the women himself to prevent their husbands and families from finding out.”

“Is that what the video equipment was for?” Tsunade asked although she doubted that would be the case, since the cameras looked like they needed to be manned, and although she didn’t rule out the possibility that there would be hidden cameras for those occasions where he wanted to film women discretely. She highly doubted some housewife would allow some film crew to watch her engaging in an affair.

Inaho confirmed her suspicions by stating, “No, I believe that setup was intended for Kukaku. It sounded like she was on the verge of giving him… um… fellatio when Menma interfered. I believe that had she given in, she would have ended up down there and they would have filmed her servicing the other bar patrons. There was a tape in the recording equipment which was titled The Degradation of an S-Class Kunoichi.”

Tsunade felt her blood begin to boil as she asked, “Were there active duty shinobi among the patrons?”

“Several,” Inaho answered with a nod, “Many of the less injured may have already been released, since truthfully we can only assume they were there to take part. Besides which, despite her apparent depression from all accounts it appeared that Kukaku was going to be a willing participant.”

Accepting the factualness of the response, she nevertheless ordered, “Tell the team taking over that I want every tape and woman filmed accounted for. This needs to be handled discreetly naturally, but if any of those caught last night participated in the blackmailing of Sannonmiya’s victims then we will make sure that they pay for their extracurricular activities.” Inaho was pleased by the Hokage’s response, and was about to ask to be dismissed to pass the order along, but Tsunade had another question which was, “Now you mentioned that you believed that he was about to begin exporting his information to individuals outside the village. Why?”

“That is because the women that he pursued looked as if they fell into one of three groups,” Inaho began, “Most just appear to be women that he picked up because he could, likely right in the moment. He appeared to have a few on standby, most of whom probably enjoyed the same sex without commitment as him. Kukaku likely started in this group, but I suspect when she began developing genuine feelings for him, he may have moved her into the second. These were the women that he believed he could exploit for financial gain. With Kukaku, it was likely he believed he could push her into starring in a film which he could sell. For others it was blackmail or assignments given to them by the women’s husbands. Outside of Kukaku, most of these women tended to be from rather rich families.”

“Okay, but I’m not seeing why you believe he intended to begin selling information on the village,” Tsunade stated as she sat back in her seat.

“My suspicion comes from the third group,” Inaho replied, “I don’t think he acted on it, yet. But, in his office, we found files kept on various women many of whom have positions that if compromised could lead to quite the windfall of information that other villages would be interested in. It looks like these files were intended to aid him in seducing the women, as he was gathering information on them, such as interests, or other information he felt he could exploit to form a relationship with them.”

Tsunade nodded, and turning her gaze towards Ibiki said, “I’d like those files to be turned over to Shizune rather than having your department shift through them.” Although Ibiki didn’t outright frown, she felt an air of disapproval coming from him. Which as she thought about it, she believed that it may be because he felt that she was being a tad hypocritical considering how she had responded earlier, and believed she wanted to turn Sannonmiya’s research over to Naruto. Truthfully though, she hadn’t even considered the possibility, but hadn’t wanted a bunch of just random shinobi snooping through the lives of Konoha women, particularly as the one that she trusted most to handle it, him with Inaho quickly becoming a second appeared to be leaving for the exams. Still, she was about to countermand the order, when Inaho said, “I believe that would be for the best, since Shizune was one of the women that he was keeping a file on. He didn’t have much on her yet, but had noticed she appeared to be dressing a bit more sexily so felt that she was getting pretty desperate to attract a man due to her advancing age.”

Tsunade had to fight to keep the smile from her face, as she found it deeply amusing at his feeling Shizune was dressing sexily due to her age, and a desperation to attract a partner. She noted that even Ibiki was having a hard time not letting his amusement show through. Still, knowing she needed to keep a serious demeanor she said, “Please secure the files yourself, and I’ll send Shizune to collect them as soon as she arrives.”

Receiving a brisk, “Yes milady,” in response. Tsunade found it easier to grow serious as she asked, “I understand that you might not have an answer, but who would you say that he was probably the closest to begin implementing his plans for seducing these ladies on.”

Inaho thought for a moment, before answering, “Most likely Speaker of the Council Tsubaki. I didn’t have a chance to go through it in detail. But it was at the top of the pile and was thicker than most of the others. Also, I believe that he felt there was an in with her, as there were pictures of who I’m guessing are her husband, with another woman in some rather compromising situations.”

Tsunade had already been aware of the rumors that Tsubaki’s husband Iyashi was cheating on her, mostly due to them floating around the hospital where he worked as a medic-nin and doctor. She wondered if Tsubaki herself was aware of the affair, and suspected that she was, particularly due to how her own relationship with Iyashi had begun soon after Taji, his fiancé at the time, had fallen into a coma due to the injuries that she had sustained when Obito had attacked the her right after Naruto’s birth. She didn’t know if that meant it had been born of his infidelity, or if she had lusted after him so allowed herself to be seduced after her supposed best friend had been removed from the picture. Still in either case, she figured Tsubaki was getting a taste of her own medicine. Although, as the pair had three children, she imagined that matters were bound to get messy should news of his affair come to light. Not to mention, she felt that Sannonmiya might not have been too far off the mark in suspecting that he could use it as a means to get her into his bed.

Aware that Tsubaki was currently serving as her daughters’ sensei during the chunin exams, she said, “Let’s keep those files and what they contain between the three of us and Shizune. Councilor Tsubaki is likely on her way to Suna, and I’ll advise her on what we found after she returns. You’re both free to leave, unless you have other business with me.”

“Understood Lady Tsunade,” Inaho said with a quick bow, and moved towards the door.

But she began to look unsure as she noticed Ibiki hadn’t moved to follow. He inclined his head that she should continue while informing her, “Go ahead and finish the tasks that you’ve been given. I’m going to brief Tsunade on our other assignment. Also remember to have you and your team ready to leave and at the front gate by nine am.” Receiving a nod from his subordinate, he waited until the door closed after her to say, “I apologize if you feel that we ambushed you this morning.”

“Don’t be,” Tsunade replied with a dismissive wave, “I’m far more annoyed at my grandmother for not informing me of the situation before now. Although, it sounds like there was probably a bit of scrambling on their part, and were just making the best of a bad situation. I’ll bring you into the loop once I have all the details myself. But, what is this about you having some other assignment. I was under the impression that you were heading to Suna to provide additional proctors for the first round.”

“That is indeed the case,” Ibiki stated before filling his leader in how Chouji, a member of Inaho’s team had noticed that a spree of serial murders appeared to be the work of some creature, which was then subsequently eradicated by two women, who had been described as elves by the daughter of the man that the creature had been impersonating after witnessing the altercation between them. Ibiki could tell the Hokage was unnerved by the creatures suspected ability to take over the bodies of its victims, likely worried it was perhaps tied to her former teammate Orochimaru.

A concern she didn’t voice specifically as she instead asked, “Do you have any thoughts on who or what is behind it?”

“Only guesses at this time,” Ibiki admitted disappointedly, “But, I believe it is possible that this incident might be tied to the group known as the Organization.”

The Head of Konoha’s Torture and Interrogation Department, imagined that his superior probably wished that it had been an old experiment of her former teammate which had been behind the incident, since then it would probably have just been some creature that had escaped in some forgotten lab of his. Although, it was apparent that she already suspected it was unlikely that would be the case as she asked, “I take it you believe this because there appeared to have been an active attempt to hunt down and eliminate the creature. But, couldn’t it just be one of the victims had family that hired some shinobi to track it down.”

“Inaho’s team while researching the matter did consider the possibility, but for the most part discount it,” Ibiki replied quickly having anticipated the question. “We reached out to Suna, who had no record of receiving such a request from any country the creature passed through. Based on the armor the two women involved were wearing, I even dispatched a message to Gai who has remained in the Land of Ruins on an extended leave. He has reported back that the Adventurers’ Guilds have also not seen any such requests. It doesn’t conclusively prove that the request wasn’t performed by two individuals operating outside of an official capacity, such as someone hiring a missing-nin. But the uniformity between the two women, not only in equipment but appearance would suggest some sort of group or clan. But not one we have encountered before.”

“I would have to concur,” Tsunade replied, but then asked, “Yet, what leads you to believe it is this Organization. Despite your department’s best efforts, we’ve yet to find anything conclusive on them or the Shadow Cabal.”

Ibiki’s face didn’t truly convey what he was thinking as a result of her statement, but Tsunade knew that he was disappointed in the lack of evidence that he and his department had found in regard to either group even existing up to that point. “To be honest, a hunch. Currently, my theory is that both groups may be linked, which would explain how they so completely manage to hide themselves.”

Tsunade frowned at the implication as she asked, “Are you suggesting that there may be an even larger group above these two?”

“Not necessarily,” Ibiki replied, “For all we know, one group may be subservient to the other. But, I do find it hard to believe that two secret associations could exist, without tripping over one another and wouldn’t try to eliminate the other unless they shared similar goals.”

“I don’t know,” Tsunade replied flippantly, “It seems that we find ourselves positively flooded with them recently.”

Ibiki allowed himself to appear amused, particularly as his leader was member of one such group as was he by extension. But, countered, “True, which just highlights my point. Your own operating in the shadows led us to the link pointing to the Organization existence in the first place, due to the woman that was enslaved by Kanji, and was subsequently eliminated after she was freed. Although the method of elimination differed there, it does fit the pattern in at least it seems this Milia woman had been brainwashed to serve as an assassin, and her programming was overridden when Kanji enslaved her. After she was freed through his death, she was then targeted for elimination herself, and it appears the assassin that killed her was a lover that had also been brainwashed.”

“Which suggests that once again, it was an aspect of some secret program cleaning up after itself and used methods that they themselves are researching,” Tsunade stated causing her department head to nod.

“It would seem to fit,” Ibiki replied, “as I believe the goal of the Organization is to create weapons, and thus imagine that these weapon development programs are likely operating independently of one another, so that if one is exposed it can be quickly eliminated to maintain the secrecy of the rest.”

“I see,” Tsunade said gravely before trailing off, since an entire group dedicated to the creation of such weapons, would mean that they intended to point them at something which as the Shinobi Villages currently served as the main military strength of the major Elemental Countries, would indicate that they were meant to counter that strength. Standing, she moved towards her window to look out on the village that she now feared had an invisible sword pointing at its throat, on top of the ones that she already knew about and asked, “If you believe this Organization and the Shadow Cabal are linked, and the Organization is a weapons development program, what is the function that the Shadow Cabal performs?”

“It is difficult to say,” Ibiki stated not exactly enjoying the position of putting forth theories without the evidence to support them. But, using what little they possessed, he postulated, “My guess is that the Organization would likely be the subservient to the Cabal. As I do have a hard time believing that a group focused on R and D would be able to sustain itself and remain in hiding as you would tend to believe such weapons would eventually need to be sold for funding at some point.”

“Wouldn’t that appear to be the case with this Milia woman?” Tsunade asked more for her own edification as she knew Ibiki wouldn’t have overlooked the matter of her having been hired by the current leader of the Hot Spring Village to kill Kanji if he didn’t have a reason for dismissing it.

“It would indeed,” Ibiki conceded before explaining why he felt it was best to write it off rather than considering it to be how the Organization normally conducted themselves, “But, I believe in that particular case, it was more of a tit for tat, or some other exchange. Not something that they necessarily do on the norm.” To empathize why he felt this way, he indicated the stack of paperwork that had been waiting for her upon her arrival that morning, “How many jobs are assigned daily to keep a village the size of Konoha afloat? Somewhere in the hundreds. Now, most of these jobs are grunt work for genin. Low risk, low reward work. But…”

“But,” Tsunade injected with a nod as she saw where he was going, “Some of those jobs are high risk, and risk means the possibility for failure, much as appeared to be the case with Milia and that means it opens them up to exposure.”

Ibiki inclined his head, before continuing, “Furthermore, depending on the nature of that failure, you tend to need to rectify it for the client, otherwise you take a hit to your reputation. Yet, after Milia failed there didn’t appear to be any further attempts to eliminate Kanji, in fact Bora also appeared to back off afterwards.”

“You believe it was the Organization that forced him to drop the contract on Kanji?” Tsunade asked sounding somewhat dubious about that being a possibility, “Why?”

“Admittedly, it is just conjecture on my part,” Ibiki said, finding the words distasteful. Yet, continuing on he stated, “But, to me it is the only thing that I think makes sense for why they wouldn’t expend more resources to deal with him. After all, I doubt Bora was upfront with them about the Binding or more accurately even the lesser version they used, so suddenly finding their agent no longer responding to their brainwashing had to come as quite the shock. Furthermore, considering the potential wealth of information that Kanji would gain from his control of her, it would be easy to believe that he could send a message to them. Something along the lines of, back off, or I’ll reveal you to the world. Which, would put the Organization in the position of telling Bora to as well.”

Tsundae found the explanation to be rather plausible, so asked, “Then wouldn’t it be worthwhile to in turn investigate Bora as a potential link to them?”

Ibiki shock his head in the negative, before answering, “I doubt he has any connection to them at this point. My current theory is that Bora had no idea that he subcontracted his hit to someone with ties to the Organization.” Seeing his leader was rather confused by his leap of logic, he explained, “We know that almost immediately after assuming leadership of the village, Bora sent one of the Hot Spring’s Anbu after Kanji to eliminate him. He also didn’t know the full scope of the Binding, as he developed that weaker variant they use to seduce information from their visitors of both sexes. Which as he doesn’t know the full scope of the Binding, leads me to believe that Bora perhaps got some information on someone in the Organization, tried to use it to eliminate his Kanji problem. But, whoever this in between is, they likely decided to use one of their test subjects, which just ended up getting another woman enslaved. With the information of who sent her after him, and just how dangerous they likely are, Kanji probably brokered a deal to get them to leave him be and to convince Bora to as well. He probably kept Milia as an insurance policy. My guess is that Bora was told to backoff after receiving a message in the form of the corpse of whoever he blackmailed. If he knew more, he’d probably end up being eliminated as well. But, as he was also a Daimyo at that point, they might have decided that letting him live would allow matters to settle down quicker than an unexplained murder.”

Ibiki allowed his explanation for why hiring out the weapons that they likely were developing was not the Organization’s standard operating procedure simmer with the Hokage for a few moments, before returning to his broader point, “So, if the Organization is just in the business of developing weapons, without any intentions of apparently selling them or their services since doing so is a sure fire way to get exposed. Then they need some influx of cash to finance their research and ultimately develop as the very existence of Milia show they are at the implementation stage. Hence, why I feel the Organization would be subservient to the Shadow Cabal.”

Tsunade frowned, as she thought she found a hole in his logic which she pointed out by stating, “Now hold on a minute. You just got done telling me that this Organization isn’t running things because they are not hiring out the weapons we believe they are developing. Yet, wouldn’t the Cabal be putting out tons more money, with no apparent source of income, outside of perhaps their suspected link to the bounty offices. But, the income generated from that has to pale in comparison to what they pay out especially considering how we suspect they are propping up individuals such as Kabuto and Sasuke as well as Orochimaru before them.”

Ibiki inclined his head, in recognition of the point his leader had made. But, quickly countered, “Well, to be fair, the bounty offices would just be one potential source of income. There could be many others which the Shadow Cabal has ties to that we haven’t even begun to guess at.” He then gave her an amused smile, as he added, “Back when I interrogated those three Hidden Waterfall Kunoichi, and Kiyomi took them over to let me know of your little group, while also attempting to throw me off the scent. I asked her what group she represented, and she said you had no name. Now, since then you’ve begun calling yourselves the Family, but if ever put into the position of needing to confront an outsider again, I’d stick to the idea of refusing to name yourselves. As she said, if you name it, you give it shape and form. I believe that is exactly the case for the Shadow Cabal. A secret group of well-connected individuals for whom funding these activities is no problem, much as Kiyomi would be the financial backing for your own shadowy activities. Granted, that doesn’t mean they do not look to offset some of the financial burden through various underworld type operations. But as I believe the Shadow Cabal would define their role as being to foment chaos in the shinobi world. Likely to prevent the easing of hostilities between the Shinobi Villages, this means that they could practically print money through very legal means by playing the various markets right when they succeed.”

Tsunade sighed at the mountain of new concerns Ibiki had just presented to her, but pushing them aside for the moment she asked, “Is their suspected involvement the reason I’m only hearing about this secret mission now?”

Ibiki inclined his head, before explaining, “We are working at an extreme disadvantage in terms of information, and if the shinobi villages are indeed already being targeted by these groups. Then, we must operate under the assumption that they have intelligence operatives of their own in place. We’ve kept our suspicions from our agents out in the field that have been reporting back to us, and have uncovered a potential facility from which the creature that we believe committed these murders escaped from, and we wish to investigate it. So at present only Inaho and her team have complete knowledge regarding the full scope of the operation. I’ll inform several of the other team of proctors that we’ll be taking after the completion of the first exam. Also, with your permission, I would like to take some of the more promising failures or perhaps borderline passes who I can make offers to about becoming chunin without completing the rest of the exams.”

Tsunade thought on the matter for a few moments, before asking, “It sounds like you’re trying to put together a strike force rather than one dedicated to recon.”

“That is about the long and short of it,” Ibiki admitted, “Best case scenario is that if this facility is tied to the Organization, and they believe their cleanup operation was successful. If so, they could still be operating out of it. But, if that is the scenario, we’ll have no idea what we’ll be walking into.”

Tsunade agreed, but replied with a fair amount of trepidation, “Do you really feel a bunch of chunin hopefuls are going to tip the odds in your favor if your operation goes sideways? Perhaps it would be best to bring Yuugao in on this. She along with a few other handpicked ANBU would make for a far more effective strike force.”

“They undoubtedly would,” Ibiki admitted, but having already considered the matter replied, “However, I want to keep the chance of this leaking out as small as possible for as long as possible. That is why I’ve timed it to coincide with the exams, from Suna we can be in The Land of Secrets as soon as a day and a half after we leave. At best it would be a four to five day journey from Konoha. Not to mention, a considerable number of ANBU are being assigned to patrol and proctor duty for the second exam. If we start moving things around now, it could spark questions that might lead to any potential spies guessing at what we’re up to.”

Tsunade sighed in frustration at the reality of the world they faced, since while on one hand it would be easy to dismiss Ibiki’s concerns as his being overly cautious and jumping at shadows. She couldn’t bring herself to just ignoring them, as even if they did bring the Anbu in, and the individuals selected were a hundred percent trustworthy, that didn’t mean that people around them wouldn’t notice their sudden disappearance. Such as a spouse, who would need to be informed of their significant other suddenly needing to leave the village, which could trigger complaints about broken plans that could be overheard and followed up on. Granted, such an occurrence was small, but the real thing Ibiki feared was the bureaucracy that would be set in motion by such changes, as paperwork would be generated and signed which would be passed on to squad and watch commanders to explain away the sudden disappearances. Which might not exactly tell a spy what exactly was in the works, it would inform them enough that something was. Moreover, they were already convinced that Sasuke had at least one Root spy among them in the Chunin named Daichi, who was still on inactive duty due to the injuries that he had sustained. But, of more pressing concern was the spy that they had only suspicions of who they believed worked in the Cryptanalyst Department that had led to Iruka being at the Leaf Maximum Security Prison on the day of the attack. They had made several attempts to lure this individual out by passing documents through the department which they felt the new Darkness Village would be interested in. Usually detailing operations Konoha was supposedly undertaking in the Land of Crows in order to lay the ground work for a campaign of revenge. Unfortunately, thus far it didn’t appear as if anyone had taken the bait, as what spies they had in the Land of Crows had not noticed any corresponding activity from the Darkness Village in regards to these messages. This had led Ibiki to suspect the spy was extremely well placed, as they likely noticed the lack of actually activity from supposed departments involved in these fake operations. Or, the spy had went dormant after use, and would only go active again should the Darkness village have a specific need for their services, more likely than not to misdirect Konoha into a trap of Darkness’s making. However, if it was the former, then naturally Ibiki was concerned that with the suspected ties that Sasuke had to the Shadow Cabal, it was just another potential avenue for his operation to be blown before it even began.

Having to concede that his fears were justified, she asked, “Outside of the written authorization you’ll be presenting to those you recruit in Suna, what else do you need from me?”

Tsunade could feel her concern growing as the usually emotionless man looked genuinely nervous as he prepared to answer her, but not letting it deter him stated, “As you just pointed out, we could find ourselves severely outmatched due to the limitations I need to work within. To that end, I was hoping that you could provide me with a Hiraishin kunai as an insurance policy of sorts. Just in case we need to call in a heavy hitter. If you okay it, I’ll find a way to get in contact with Kurenai to let him know that he may be called on.” Although her concern didn’t abate, as if Ibiki did feel the need to call in Naruto it would mean his operation had truly gone to hell. But, what caused her to hesitate in reaching for the drawer were she kept a kunai to explain away her lovers ability to suddenly appear in her office was a desire not to potentially sabotage his chance at advancement. As even though it wasn’t unheard of for individuals to be promoted even after failing a portion of the exams, since Ibiki was counting on it as a reward for potential recruits to his strike force. The chances of promotion were weighted far more heavily in a participants favor the further they advanced. Ibiki seemed to guess at where her thoughts were heading, which prompted him to state, “I’m aware of the special rule that will be in place during the second round of the exam. I feel we’ll be able avoid his being disqualified with a subtle rewording of the rule. It may still put him in a difficult position due to the time restraints of the exam, but from what I hear in regard to his stamina, nothing he shouldn’t be able to overcome if he pushes himself. If you approve, I’ll approach Temari about it after we arrive.”

The Senju felt a little ashamed of her hesitance since Ibiki and other of her shinobi would likely be in extreme danger if they felt the need to call on Naruto’s assistance. Particularly as she knew that her lover wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to answer that call even knowing he would fail the exams. Still, despite that after producing the kunai, she stood and handing it to Ibiki said, “I’d appreciate that. But, I can let him and Kurenai know about your potentially calling on him as I’ll be seeing them both later.” Tsunade received a slightly raised eyebrow at her statement, but rather then explain she simply added, “Please take care of yourself out there as well.” Receiving a curt nod as Ibiki tucked the kunai in one of the inner pockets of his jacket, she then said, “I’ll have the authorization ready within the hour. Shizune will deliver it when she picks up those files.”

Receiving another curt nod in reply, he then rounded on his heel in order to leave her office. Once she was alone, Tsunade moved towards her window to look out on her home and although felt a fair amount of concern in regards to the operation that she had just learned of. She also felt some hope that soon they may have some real knowledge about one of the shadowy groups that they suspected were working at cross purposes as the Family. But, she found the hope to be a fleeting one, as far too often in her experience, the price of such knowledge was often paid for in blood.


Koharu smirked as she stepped into the safehouse that she had once established in Konoha to slip away should the occasion ever be needed, which she had then turned over to the Family’s usage after joining it herself. Her amusement was born of the sounds carrying to them from the bedroom which let her know the apartment was being put to good use.

The two of them made their way to the bedroom, where Koharu’s attention first fell on the two women responsible for the majority of the moans they had been hearing. Her pussy which had begun to moisten upon first entering the apartment, began to ache with need at the sight of Yoruichi laying atop of Kukaku in the sixty-nine position. With a Naruto at each end who was taking turns switching between plunging his cock into the pussy or mouth of the woman at their particular end.

However, Mito’s attention was focused on the corner of the room, and although her tone sounded amused, she felt some annoyance at the sight taking place before her considering how she had spent her morning so stated, “When I asked you to find Naruto and Kukaku, and keep them out of sight, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

Tier and Nell didn’t respond, not that Mito could blame them as the two women were kneeling in front of Naruto with their breasts pressed together as they used them massage her fellow Uzumaki’s dick. If the puddle of cum and her own juices were not hint enough, the large number three that Nel now sported on her back would also serve to indicate that Kukaku hadn’t been the only Bijuu to have become a true member of the Family. Naruto had apparently been holding himself back for quite some time, as upon looking up at her, and losing his concentration his face twisted into a grimace of pleasure as his cock began spewing his seed to cover the faces and chests of the two women pleasuring him.

Tier then stood and wiping up a large glob of cum coating her chest made it clear she had heard Mito’s statement as she replied, “Actually, I believe your exact words to us were ensure that they not leave the apartment until you arrive.” She licked the cum from her fingers, and shivered in the pleasure that coursed through her. Mito’s eyes drifted to the woman’s bare breasts where she noticed that the fox mark that had previously resided on the inside of her right tit, was now a small number three similar in design to the mark on Nel’s back. As the waves of pleasure began to settle down within her, the dark skinned woman then added, “I would say we handled our assignment quite well considering neither of them have managed to move from the bedroom since our arrival.”

“I suppose so,” Mito said allowing herself to be amused, as she had to admit her annoyance was likely due to her not being one of the women still receiving pleasure from their shared lover. “Well in the case, well done.”

“Thank you,” Tier said moving towards the corner of the bed, where she took a seat as she watched her green haired sister bob her head on cock as she sucked it clean of his seed.

Naruto tried to focus on the business that had brough Koharu and Mito to the safe house, although Nel’s tongue made it difficult which showed in his voice as he said, “So…shit…what was the f-fallout.”

“Fuck!” Yoruichi suddenly cried as she rose up from licking her sister’s cunt as it was ploughed by the clone of her lover, who’s counterpart was currently buried inside her own. A few moments later Kukaku was crying out herself as she climaxed on the cock of the clone as it buried itself fully into her.

“Truthfully, it isn’t that bad,” Mito stated after turning away from the shivering Bijuu and responding as if she had been a part of the conversation as opposed to climaxing from the efforts of the clone ploughing her, as well as Kukaku’s licking of where they were joined. She also noticed, that Kukaku was now sporting a tattoo like mark on the shoulder of her good arm, which although different than the tribal one on Yoruichi’s leg, was similar enough in design to explain why Tier would have had hers modified as well.

Nel satisfied with her efforts, let Naruto’s cock slip free with a pop, before standing and sitting draped across his lap. Which did wonders for his concentration, although his hand wandered up to begin fondling one of her tits.

“That’s a pleasant surprise,” Naruto said relieved, having been somewhat concerned that his actions could end up making things difficult for the Black Foxes.

Mito inclined her head, before informing her fellow Uzumaki, “Well, that is likely a result of how most of the village’s resources are pretty taxed right now preparing to support the exams. I also suspect that Sannonmiya had a few secrets of his own that may cause those investigating last night’s incident to focus on them rather than worrying about what is in the large scheme of things just some thug making off with a damaged kunoichi.”

“Hey,” Kukaku said as she sat up to take part in the conversation.

Mito considered softening her words, but instead said, “I’m talking about the appearances regarding your state of mind. The investigators that showed up at the mansion noticed the damage you left behind, which forced me to explain the depressive state of mind you had been exhibiting.”

Kukaku looked down in shame, but Yoruichi hugged her sister from behind while stating as a defense and reminder to her sister, “That is now all in the past.”

Mito looked like she was about to counter that it didn’t exactly offset the matter that she had raised, but Koharu interjected, “Which means that we should turn our gazes to the future, and the opportunity it is affording us.”

“W…mmm…what opportunity,” Nel asked with a soft moan as Naruto continued to absentmindedly fondle her breast.

Koharu pulled a map from the pouch that was strapped to her bare leg and was exposed due to the slit running up the form fitting silk dress that she wore as the second in command of the Black Fox Gang. She unfolded it primarily for Kukaku’s benefit, who she was about to pitch her idea to as she knew Naruto already had an idea of the gang’s situation. Although all three of the Bijuu sitting on the bed ended up leaning forward in interest as they studied the map which detailed the current state of affairs in the Land of Rice Paddies, that she explained by pointing to the base of operations for the gang which sat on the coast in the Northeastern part of the country, “Before we get to that let me explain our predicament. We currently control the town of IronFog, and the surrounding area.” Here fingers began trailing south as they move near the center of the map, where the capital resided along with the Fuma Shuriken representing the clan it was named after as she continued, “The Capital and surrounding towns are currently held by the Fuma.” Moving westward, there were various other symbols that represented gangs that controlled the territory, but starting from the Southwest corner of the map, many of the symbols were scratched out and replaced with the Sabertooth Gang emblem. Koharu’s fingers stopped on the first scratched out emblem that had been replaced with Sabertooth’s, which caused it to border the areas held by the Fuma and Black Fox Gang. “Recently, a gang called Sabertooth took advantage of the weakness that the White Whale gang had exhibited after a failed attempt at trying to crush us to kill its leader, and began gobbling up the gangs that either operated under them, or splintered off after his death.”

“Why not just crush them in turn,” Kukaku stated matter of factly, “Between you and Naruto, I really doubt they’d put up much of a fight.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Koharu replied, “The ease at which they have taken out the surrounding gangs along with reports that we’ve received regarding those subjugation hint at their having several powerful individuals as members.”

“We also felt it would be best to not add to the chaos. By not contributing to the struggle, we hoped things would settle down quickly,” Naruto added from his chair in the corner.

“Furthermore,” Koharu interposed with some of the frustration that she felt at the situation being clearly evident in her tone, “It is rather pointless to try and take territory, if you lack the soldiers to properly defend it. And while criminals are a dime a dozen, finding ones with hearts of gold and character to match are exceedingly rare as you can imagine. A problem that Sabertooth sadly does not share. As the only thing they care about seems to be strength.”

“So what exactly is this opportunity that Mito mentioned which resulted from Kukaku’s temper tantrum last night?” Yoruichi asked while her eyes flashed with amusement.

Particularly as the sister in question asked in a huff, “Hey, what happened to that being in the past?”

“It doesn’t mean that I can’t tease you over it,” Yoruichi replied to the woman she was still hugging from behind before turning her sister’s face towards her, and giving her a passionate kiss.

Koharu gave a soft laugh of amusement at the exchange, while Mito answered, “Well, during the questioning I received this morning. I learned that a part of the conversation that took place between Naruto and Kukaku was overheard. It left the woman in charge of the investigation to believe Naruto’s presence was there at the behest of a member of the Black Foxes, as you share the same last name of Shiba. I believe that Kiyomi chose that as your identity’s last name, for much the same reason she had chosen Yoruichi’s.”

“Because it belonged to a defunct clan meaning tracking down records would be rather difficult,” Tier stated from where she sat at the corner of the bed with her legs crossed as she looked back at the map over her shoulder.

“Precisely,” Mito said with a nod, before continuing, “Moreover, it could be used to suggest ties to countries that could potentially have been exploited later. The Shiba for example, once were a prominent family in the Land of Iron.”

“While that might be true,” Naruto interrupted, “Ganju was the last surviving member, not to mention that clan’s downfall was a relatively recent happening. Having taken place only about a decade or so ago. More to the point, where is Kiyomi. I’m kind of surprised that she hasn’t made an appearance yet.”

“She and your mother said they had something to take care of and would be out of the loop for a few days,” Mito answered, taking note of the frown her reply caused to appear. She had been rather curious as well, so had gone in search of her the night before and found the pair in one of the rooms in the den that looked as if it hadn’t been used in quite some time. Both women had been laying on a seal, which having listened to the past adventures the Family had participated in, she suspected had been used in order to rouse Kin from the coma that she had fallen into in order to protect her sanity while being stored away as a reclaimed sacrifice for the Edo Tensei jutsu. It had been modified so that it looked like the world that would be generated was based on Kushina’s memories, but other than that she had no idea what the women were up to. Still, she suspected that whatever it was, the choice not to inform Naruto had been a deliberate one so chose not to elaborate further.

Which allowed Koharu to direct the conversation away from it entirely as she said, “While it is true that the Shiba Clan fell too soon to claim Kukaku is some distant relative of it. I think Kiyomi perhaps intended for her to at some point assume the role of Ganju’s presumed deceased older sister as they share the same name. Admittedly, she probably didn’t plan for our actually running across a member of that clan. But, she may have assumed that it could at least provide a useful means of infiltrating the relatively closed off Land of Iron.”

Naruto nodded, but said, “I hope you are not trying to suggest that we pass Kukaku off as Ganju’s actual sister?”

Mito frowned, while Koharu winced as that had been what they were about to suggest. Still, believing in the logic of it, she said, “Naruto think about it. This is just the type of link that would allow Konoha to tie up last night’s incident with a pretty bow so they could just move on to the next pressing concerns.”

However, looking at her lover’s face she knew he was about to flatly reject it since they would be lying to Ganju, while playing off of some minor hope that he may have had. However, before he could Kukaku asked, “How exactly did my apparent namesake meet her end?”

“What does that matter?” Naruto asked as the frown he wore continued to persist.

Kukaku shrugged, although she replied, “Well, it would seem that it had to be in a way that you believe Ganju might buy his sister suddenly turning up alive is actually possible. I’m simply curious as to why that is?”

Koharu turned her attention away from Naruto, to explain, “The fall of the Shiba was actually a series of events. The start of which began when the head of the clan, his wife, and daughter disappeared along with the other passengers during a sea voyage they were taking. The ship they were on was presumed sunk with all hands, although the actual wreckage was never found. Ganju’s older brother took over as the clan head, however his primary concerns were focused on his duties as a lieutenant of one of the Thirteen Shingami divisions.”

“Shingami,” Yoruichi said sounding amused, “That’s rather pretentious sounding, don’t you think?”

“Hard to say,” Koharu replied with a shrug, “The Land of Iron rarely enters into open conflict, and on the few occasion that they have, they have proven themselves competent warriors. The Shingami Divisions are supposed to be the most elite of their forces. However, I’m unaware of them having taking part in any conflicts outside of Iron. So, their reputation may just be smoke and mirrors, or wholly deserved.”

Although desiring to return to the conversation of her potential namesake, Kukaku found herself just as curious about the land that she had hailed from so asked, “Which side of that particular aisle do you fall on?”

Koharu thought for a moment, before answering, “I’d guess the truth might be a bit of both to be honest.” Seeing the Bijuu wanted a bit more of an explanation she continued, “Well while the Land of Iron doesn’t get involved in battles often, when it does, the samurai are all dressed in matching armor, this is the case across the board outside of the top commanders. This uniformity is also why I heard that they exclude female samurai. But, this doesn’t appear to be the case for the Thirteen Divisions.”

“Strange, was not the warrior that fought Mira during our demonstration a samurai from Iron” Tier asked recalling the red-head that had fought their sister to a standstill, “Was she also a member of these Shingami Division?”

“No,” Koharu answered confidently, “Although, she certainly appeared to have the skill. If you recall she belonged to a group called the Fairy Brigade. At the time it was a relatively new organization within Iron and it was an exclusively female division. However, I’ve heard that recently it has expanded its membership to consist of men that also do not exactly fit the mold of Iron’s standard samurai forces to give them a chance to prove themselves. Yet, most of its members still tend to skew towards being women.”

“Yet, if it is a r-r-rrather new and untried organization,” Nel said before letting out a moan as Naruto while finding the conversation enlightening, became more cognizant of the naked woman in his lap due to her squirming from his absent-minded fondling, and so began to take a more active interest in her body as he began rubbing her quim. She sighed in enjoyment before she completed her thought, “What makes you so sure the Thirteen Divisions accept women?”

“While they may be a rather insular country,” Koharu replied, “That doesn’t mean that we’ve ignored their existence, and from reports that we’ve received over the years I’ve read of women becoming captains of some of the Divisions. However, since they didn’t until recently allow them to serve in their standard forces, these women either had to be talented beyond compare, meaning they may have proven themselves in some kind of academy structure that we are unaware of or they are political appointments, which would indicate the positions are perhaps more ceremonial in nature. Which if so, would indicate to me that it is less about talent, but rather what political connections members of the Thirteen have so Iron doesn’t really intended for them to be a last line or defense, or even elite shock troopers, but are wholly reliant on the standard forces that have thus far been encountered.”

“Hence why you feel the truth is somewhere in-between,” Tier said inclining her head in agreement.

“Indeed,” Koharu said with a nod of her own, before continuing, “Yet, getting back to the Shiba, as Kaien, Ganju’s brother, was not interested in the politics of running a clan, it caused the Shiba’s standing to diminish considerably over his tenure. The final nail in the coffin happened one night when Kaien’s wife who was a seated member of his division apparently snapped and went on a murdering spree. Kaien supposedly tried to intervene, and supposedly succeeded, but he then in turn continued it.”

Naruto paused in his teasing of Nel, feeling disappointed in himself for not knowing one of his gang’s lieutenants had such a tragic past. Moreover, it caused the respect he had for Ganju to increase, as he knew the man was one of the firmest believers in the vision he had brought to the gang. As Koharu continued, he resumed his teasing of Nel not wishing to leave his new lover in a lurch, but kept most of his focus on the former elder as she explained, “The few rumors that I’ve picked up since looking into the matter suggest that despite Kaien’s apparent lack of concern in his clans loss of standing, it weighed heavily on his mind and after needing to kill his own wife it caused him to snap as well.”

“What caused his wife’s loss of control though?” Naruto asked after pushing his middle finger into Nel’s dripping snatch causing her to sigh in contentment.

“I’m not sure,” Koharu said disappointedly, “Most of these details are second, third, or even fourth hand accounts as I’ve done background checks on all our lieutenants. To be perfectly honest, I don’t buy the idea that Kaien was feeling pressured by his clans loss of standing. He and his wife seemed to be extremely beloved by members of their Division. Ganju also refuses to speak of it, but on a few occasions when he’s gotten drunk, he’s let slip a few tidbits that leads me to believe that he’s under the impression they were murdered by some member of another noble clan, and due to its pull, the crime was covered up using that story. Whatever the truth, the scandal caused the Shiba to be stricken from the rolls of Iron’s noble houses. The other nobles quickly took over the Shiba’s last few holdings, and with nothing left tying him to Iron, Ganju eventually ended up in Rice Paddies.”

Mito had little doubt what she was about to suggest would be shot down by her lover, but believing it to be a worthwhile plan stated, “Naruto, I think you should consider the merits of having Kukaku use the identity of Ganju’s sister. If he buys into it…”

“No!” Naruto said his tone making it clear that he would not budge on the matter, “I will not take advantage of his hope that his sister might be out there just because we can benefit from it.”

Although a bit frustrated by his pigheadedness, she admitted that she was also pleased by the character it showed. However, to her surprise, Kukaku suggested, “Perhaps, we could reveal the truth to him, but convince him to go along with it.”

Naruto seemed to give the matter some thought, while Koharu asked, “How much of the truth are we talking about here?”

Coming to a decision, Naruto stated deciding to believe in the faith that Ganju had placed in him already, “All of it if need be.” To which Koharu nodded although it was clear that she had a few concerns of her own about his decision. While also having a few of his own, Naruto focused on Kukaku in order to ask, “Are you sure this is what you want? You’d have to leave Konoha, and play at being a criminal.”

Kukaku looked torn, and said, “It sounds like Mito and Koharu feel it is where I can do the most good. Although, I’m worried Kiyomi might feel like I’m abandoning my promise to protect the G.T.C’s shipments. I haven’t exactly been carrying my share of the workload these last few months and we’re already understaffed.”

“To be honest, I feel your services are not going to be as missed as you might think,” Mito quickly interjected fearing the mention of Kiyomi would again prompt Naruto to wonder what she and his mother were up to. Seeing the gathered Bijuu all looked as if they were trying to decide on how offended they should be by her words she clarified, “In truth, it appears that the customers looking for the level of comfort that they get from our Gold level shipments are on the decline. A byproduct not only of the excellent work that you have all done, but our tendency not to advertise which shipments are indeed moving under the Gold package.”

Naruto chuckled as Nel sat back on his lap, openly moaning while spreading her legs further apart which prompted him to push as second finger inside her, “You’re saying the customers have wised up, and have been ordering the lower packages feeling they get the same protection benefits as the higher ones.”

Nodding, Mito replied, “That seems to be the long and short of it. Most of the current Gold level shipments going out built up due to the backlog that resulted from our preparations to defend Ame. We’re nearing the end of them now, and while the package still has it uses in place like the Land of Rice paddies where Sabertooth would probably take a crack at taking one down just because of how strong our guards are. The standard Bronze or Silver packages seem to be more than enough to service the routes between Konoha, Suna, Ame, and Kumo. Plus, Soifon has proven herself extremely capable, and should be capable of taking on the responsibility of guarding such shipments if we begin falling behind.”

Kukaku’s concern as to how her sister would respond appeared to be settled by Mito’s explanation. Yet, focusing on Koharu asked, “So, what exactly would you expect of me if I joined. I doubt just one warrior would be enough to tilt the odds in your favor.”

Naruto held back the frown he felt at Kukaku’s words, fearing her confidence was still rather shaken due to the injuries that she had taken in Ame. Koharu focused on her before looking back to the map laying on the bed, as she replied, “Depends on the warrior, and where you use her.” Pointing to the village that Sabertooth possessed which was closest to the territories held by the Black Foxes and Fuma, she explained, “This village is called Spoken Wheel Village and serves as a kind of crossroads to the country. While most of Rice Paddies is pretty flat, much of that land is dedicated to rice production so you can’t just go trampling wherever you want. With it in their possession, it frees Sabertooth not only to attack us directly, but the independent gangs to the North and South without much fear of reprisal.”

Kukaku studying the map appeared somewhat skeptical, since many of the gangs that Koharu had referenced seemed to share borders with one another, so said, “Are you sure? Granted, I can understand not wanting to tear up the fields, but most of the unaligned gangs share a border. Couldn’t they just ask for permission to pass through each other’s territory.”

Koharu inclined her head at the Bijuu’s point, but countered, “Well, keep in mind this is more about what Sabertooth could do with the town, as opposed to the other gangs. But, to address your point, sure they could do that if they were inclined to work with one another. Most of these gangs only worked together under the larger umbrella of the White Whale, and once their influence was removed, well it became a free for all. Our initial hope was that after a few months of fighting, the weaker gangs would be gobbled up and a new status quo would be established with several larger ones. This would afford us the time to recruit more members before launching our own campaign to destroy the other gangs.”

“But, Sabertooth was already at that point,” Kukaku stated seeing where Koharu was going with her explanation, but not how she fit into the woman’s plans.

“Yes,” Koharu said with a shake of her head not liking the praise she was about to bestow upon them, “They were bidding their time as the White Whale bled themselves trying to restart their dust trade in Ironfog after we shut it down. After we took their port stronghold in retaliation for an attack they orchestrated on Ganju. Sabertooth launched a blitz attack on the Whale’s headquarters. From there, they spread out smashing the gangs of the surrounding territory until taking Spoken Wheel a few weeks ago. Although they seemed to settle down, in truth they are just amassing their troops for an attack on us.”

Understanding hit Kukaku, which she shared as she stated, “I see, that is why Spoken Wheel is so important. If effectively splits the other gangs in half if they did decide to work together, and allows them to direct most of their forces on you, while needing to create only a few defensive points should any of the other gangs try to take advantage situation to push into their territory.” Receiving a brisk nod, Kukaku sounded unsure of herself as she said, “Still, are you really asking me to take on their entire advance force by myself.”

Koharu kept her concerns about the doubt Kukaku was feeling to herself, as she assured her, “Not at all. Right now Sabertooth’s members are spread all across its territory trying to establish their defensive hard points. Additionally, outside of their attack on the White Whale’s main base which was a full on assault. When challenging a gang, a member of Sabertooth will usually challenge its strongest fighter to a one on one fight, and after crushing them will give the demoralized other members a chance to surrender.”

“A tactic that I assume you expect me to use against them,” Kukaku said earning herself a nod from Koharu, which prompted her to ask, “Still, you don’t exactly need me for this strategy. I’m sure you or Naruto could pull it off.”

It was Koharu’s turn to appear a little unsure as she replied, “Perhaps, but our strength is more a known quantity to Sabertooth so they may very well refuse the challenge. Sure they would lose face, but we probably would wilt under a sustain assault. The goal here is to hit them hard and in a manner that they are not expecting, which will knock them onto their backfoot. That way, they’ll be more cautious going forward, less they end up bleeding themselves in the same manner the Whale did, opening them up to being taken out in the same manner.” Sounding hopeful she added, “If we play our cards right, and Hinata manages to win over the Daimyo, we’ll find ourselves in the stronger position as the Hyuuga can claim the ports along the northern coast, and pacify the gangs in those territories, which will allow the Fuma to do likewise in the south leaving Sabertooth surrounded on three sides.”

Kukaku felt a rather foreign feeling of nervousness as she feared failing Naruto so soon after becoming bound to him. Which in turn caused her to shift her gaze from the map over to him, and although he was playing her panting sister like an instrument, his blue eyes were focused solely on her as he just gave her a reassuring smile allowing her to decide the path forward that she wanted to take. Having had enough of the piteous one that she had been on for the last several months. She steeled her spirt as she stated firmly, “Leave it to me. They won’t know what hit them.”

Naruto gave her a pleased smile, which reaffirmed for her that she had made the right choice, particular as she saw a relieved one grace Koharu’s lips. Her own turned upwards as Nel moving to kneel in front of their shared lover said, “Good! With that settled, there something that I need to hop onto.” Then taking ahold of his cock, she moaned as she guided it to her dripping pussy and began to sink onto it.

Mito watched hungrily as she said, “Now that’s an idea I can get behind also.”

Naruto chuckled as he created the hand sign behind Nel’s back to create four K-clones which moved towards his other lovers in order to prep them for him as he intended to leave each of them satisfied before moving onto the next task that he needed to perform, which while it would be nowhere near as pleasant he expected it would leave him satisfied in an entirely new manner then he was used to. However, focusing on the present, he pulled Nel’s lips to his and began pumping his shaft up into her as he worked to satisfy the newest member of his Family to give herself to him.


Obito was sitting on the bed of his cell within the Leaf Maximum Security Prison while he pondered his current predicament and impending fate. For the later of the two, there wasn’t much to think about as he was scheduled to be executed by lethal injection in several days. Unlike, had been the case for a few days after Baki had been captured due to his murdering of Hayate, there had never been any talk of a trail for him. Instead, he had received a military tribunal that had been held in the prison which had consisted of Tsunade, Yuugao, and Kakashi. Kakashi had given an overview of their fight in Ame up until Kurozetsu had betrayed him, although strangely his former teammate had made no mention of knowing his true identity. Perhaps, most frustrating of all for him at least, Kakashi had also not given any details as to what had happened after the betrayal which could explain how he had survived it or why his mask seemed to be permanently affixed to his face. Stranger still, despite how the mask remaining in place made eating and drinking impossible, whenever he awoke it usually was to a strange feeling of fullness as if he had just finished a meal. However, that strangeness aside, his tribunal had ended with the testimony of Kushina Uzumaki and a woman named Taji who he had grievously injured after helping to give birth to Naruto. Naturally Taji’s testimony had been rather brief, and had focused primarily on how his actions had cost her seventeen years of her life, and had caused her fiancé to marry another woman while she had been in a coma. Kushina’s testimony had been more detailed as to what had transpired on the night that he had released the nine-tailed fox on Konoha. Which, if Obito was being honest, had done little to stir his emotions, which had also been the case as Tsunade had ended the tribunal by listing the stats regard all the shinobi, and civilian casualties that had resulted from his actions. After all, he felt it was their own fault that those actions would now result in permanent consequences. For if they had just stepped aside and allowed him to enact his master plan, then the world that would have resulted would have given them all everything they ever wanted. Granted, the dead would still have remained dead, but if they truly had held meaning in the hearts of those that remained then they would have lived on in the perfect worlds the people would have received from the Infinite Tsukuyomi that he would have covered the world in. Still, for a short moment while Taji had testified he had felt the first vestiges of guilt to bother him since he had started on his path, particularly as she detailed the loss of what she had believed to be the man that she would spend the rest of her life with. However, Obito quickly squashed it by convincing himself that he had probably done her a favor, after all if it had sounded like her lover had only needed a few months before moving on. While his own great love had been gone for even longer then she had spent sleeping in her coma, and yet his dedication to her hadn’t wavered in the slightest.

Tsunade had ended the tribunal by asking if there was anything that he wanted to add to the record, such as his true identity. Obito had found his gaze switching to Kakashi then, as he began to wonder if perhaps his former teammate had somehow fused the mask to his face in an attempt to hide his identity. However, he was unsure why Kakashi would go to such lengths, since during their fight he had made it seem as if he no longer harbored any lingering feelings of friendship towards him. He surmised that perhaps Kakashi felt he was protecting their sensei’s legacy, after all having a student who had been responsible for one of the village’s greatest tragedies would be a rather large black mark on Minato’s otherwise perfect record. Still, if that was the case, he wasn’t sure why Kakashi would have not just finished him off, and then destroyed his body.

Obito had nearly outed himself then, but found himself instead saying, “What a farce!”

To his surprise, those present had expressed disappointment at his reply as Tsunade had not bothered to ask what he meant. Instead, the feeling he got from them was as if he had just branded himself a coward in their eyes as he suddenly came to believe that they all knew who exactly it was hiding behind the mask. At which point, the Hokage had simply stated, “Duly noted.” She then added, “You are hereby found to be guilty of all charges, and will be sentenced to death.” At which point he had been quickly pulled out of the room, before being tossed in the cell that he had awoken in after the battle of Ame.

In the weeks since the tribunal, Obito had wondered what would have been the response if he had announced himself to them. Which, in truth had just left him more confused than ever as once having replayed the memory while staring at his reflection in the mirror, he had acted it out in reality while stating, “I am Obito Uchiha.” However, what he had ended up proclaiming was, “I am Tobio Uchiha.” Naturally, he was quite confused as to what had caused him to screw up his own name, but with his chakra sealed he couldn’t try to break the genjutsu that he assumed had been placed on him. Stranger still, when he had tried to see what would happen if he alerted one of the patrolling guards as to his identity, he found his mouth unable to form the words to even state the false name that he had been declaring to himself.

At least until that afternoon, as Tsunade herself had been walking the grounds as if she had sprung a surprise inspection on the staff. To his surprise, he had been able to call out to her. Tsunade had told the acting warden to hang back while she approached the bars, and when she stood before him, she asked in a voice dripping with disdain, “What do you want?”

“With my end fast approaching,” Obito had said using the deeper voice he had when pretending to be Madara, “I want you to know it was Tobio Uchiha who devastated your precious village.”

Obitio had frowned as Tsunade smirked in amusement at his statement, again making him feel as if she knew exactly who he was as she replied, “So finally found the courage to confess your identity is it. Or perhaps, you’re just a petulant boy afraid he’ll die a nobody and is so desperate for attention that he is willing to link his name to the notoriety of the worst events this village has ever had inflicted upon it.”

“Think what you will,” Obito had replied trying to understand what was happening, and why Tsunade appeared to be going along with the farce.

“In that case,” Tsunade said her voice seething with contempt, “I think you’re a pathetic little man that very soon is going to wish that he had stayed dead.”

“Death doesn’t scare me,” Obito countered dismissively. Although, he felt her statement all that confirmed that she was aware of his true identity, and surmised that she might have even been behind his survival.

“No,” Tsunade stated, before turning her back towards him at which point she added, “Living does.”

Obito let out a chuckle using his Madara tone, before calling out towards her retreating back, “A problem that it appears you will be solving for me very soon.” Yet, to his surprise Tsunade’s response was to just look back at him over her shoulder with a coy smile, the meaning of which left him extremely perplexed.

With several hours having passed since the encounter, he was still wondering about her smile’s meaning and not for the first time, he considered the possibility that he was actually already dead or possibly still laying on the floor of the tomb that Konan had erected for her friends with this just being some false reality his dying mind had conjured up for him. He couldn’t exactly write the possibility off considering the strange behavior he was encountering from Konoha’s leadership, not to mention while his mask might be affixed to his face, it was not the case for his clothes and having removed them to shower with the other prisoners, was quite aware that the portion of his body which had been crushed under the bolder during that fateful mission in Grass was no longer a grafted on portion of a Zetsu. A very large part of him hoped the fact that his body appeared to be whole meant that he was dying, but instead of him living out the last few minutes of his life in some tomb. Instead it was the previous two decades of his life which had just been a dying man’s nightmare, and if he struggled hard enough he’d be able to open his eye again to see Rin still crying over him.

For a moment, he tried to force himself a wake, and to his shock, he actually began to feel like it might just happen as he suddenly felt drained and tired. However, he quickly realized that what was happening was he was falling into a genjutsu meant to put him to sleep. He cursed as he rolled out of the bed knowing that with his chakra sealed there wasn’t much he could due to combat it outside of inflicting pain onto himself. Yet, to his surprise, as soon as he had stood the tired feeling faded. He strained his eyes trying to force chakra into them, and for a brief second the sharingan struggled to appear. Although a moment later the chakra suppressant seal reasserted itself not allowing it to fully manifest, but for the few moments of the struggle he had seen blurry white feathers that had floated in and out of the wall. He quickly realized it wasn’t his cell that was being targeted by the genjutsu, but surmised it may have been the one on the other side of the wall. It soon dawned on him that for all he knew the entire prison may have just been rendered asleep, again trying to activate the Sharingan this time while looking outside his cell, for a brief moment he saw the feathers fade in and out of existence this time floating throughout the entire prison. Suspecting this meant that he would soon likely have a visitor, as it would require the talent of an extremely talented shinobi, if not several to affect such a large area, while also having enough control to make sure only his cell was unaffected. All without raising the alarm of the shinobi on watch, who it appeared had also been targeted as he noticed the guard on duty for his block was asleep in the booth that controlled the opening and closing of the cells.

He heard footsteps approaching his cell, and fought down a feeling of trepidation since he suspected that was what his visitor wanted to install in him due to how slowly they approached while being loud enough to echo through the eerily quiet prison. Still, he would admit to himself that he hadn’t been entirely successful as the part of him that accepted the theory he was still in the process of dying feared his time was up, and it was some demon from hell coming to collect his soul. Which, is why it was somewhat of a relief when the man who stepped in front of his cell was just Naruto Uzumaki. Granted that didn’t mean there weren’t a dozen questions running through his mind, particularly as the blond seemed content to just study him in a somewhat dispassionate manner. The Uzumaki had his hands in the pockets of the orange and black jacket that he favored, making Obito feel like some kind of zoo animal he was studying while on a field trip.

There they remained until the silence began to irk Obito to the point where he asked using the deeper voice of his Madara persona while indicating the feathers he imagined were still floating about, “So, am I take it that this is your doing? You’ve expelled quite a bit of effort just to arrange a face to face with me.”

“Nah, not really,” Naruto replied dismissively sounding as if he was already bored with him, “Tsunade wanted to test the latest security measures the prison had adopted. As you can imagine it looks like they failed. I’m just the ride out of here. The real perpetrators behind the infiltration will erase the next fifteen or so minutes of security footage, so with nothing better to do I thought I’d stop by and checkout the local attractions.” Obito fought to keep his hands from tightening into fists, as it was obvious that Naruto was at least lying in regard to his not being here with some sort of purpose in mind. Not that the Uzumaki tried to keep up the pretense as he pulled one hand out of his pocket and holding his index and middle finger up as he waved his hand with the palm facing outwards said, “As to us having a face to face, it is hard to claim that is what this is when you’re hiding yours behind a mask. You should be able to remove it now…Obito.”

The Uchiha’s visible eye widened in surprise not only at his name being used, but much as Naruto claimed the mask felt looser against his face. Although, he suspected the sign Naruto had displayed was a misdirect, and he had made the actual one using the hand that he had kept in his pocket. Naturally, his mind was whirling with questions. He hesitated in removing the mask, not wanting to give the Uzumaki the satisfaction so took the time to steady his emotions before taking it off. Still, when he finally did so, he couldn’t stop himself from looking at the hand mirror that he been provided upon his incarnation and kept on the shelf of his cell, which confirmed the scars that had marred his face were gone.

Narrowing his eyes at the Uzumaki, he asked using his own voice, “What game are you playing at? How is this possible?”

“Game,” Naruto asked tilting his head trying not to sound amused before saying with a false air of innocence, “By whatever do you mean? Why wouldn’t I want to look in on the man who had such an overly large impact on my life.”

Obito almost sounded disappointed as he asked, “I see, is this some sort of elaborate revenge for ruining your life and making you a jinchuriki? The way I see it, you should be thanking me. It’s the only thing that makes you special.”

The Uchiha grew annoyed, as the Uzumaki chuckled in response before stating, “Yep, you got me. Although, it would be a pretty shitty revenge since in a few days you’re going to be executed, and the legacy of Obito Uchiha will be protected rather than being revealed to be the village’s greatest traitor.”

Trying to sound dismissive, the Uchiha countered, “There are some who would proudly accept that title. By stripping it from me, who is to say you are not hurting my legacy?”

Shaking his head the blond replied with a tone of amusement, “And yet, when asked to reveal yourself and claim your title during your tribunal you chose not to.” Growing more serious he continued, “But all that aside, you only set the events of my becoming a jinchuriki in motion. It was my father that ultimately decided that should be my fate.” Sounding somewhat wistful, he stated, “No, your impact had more to do with how I first conducted myself as a ninja. Upon Kakashi-sensei’s passing of Sasuke, Sakura, and myself, he told us that, in this world those break the rules are scum, but those who would abandon their friends are worse than scum. It was a statement that really stuck with me, and was one of the reasons I chased after Sasuke for so long. I feared to do less would be to abandon him to his darkness, which would make me worse than scum.”

“You certainly got over that hangup,” Obito said mockingly, although some part of him was surprised that Kakashi would impart his words onto his students.

“I did,” Naruto said looking down, some of the sadness he felt at his lost friend still present. Focusing back on the Uchiha before him, he stated, “Still, from what I learned about Kakashi-sensei’s youth this didn’t really sound like a quote that he would have come up with. I eventually asked him about it, learned they were the words you spoke to him after Rin had been captured during your mission in Grass.” Obito frowned at how the Uzumaki had uttered his beloved’s name as it held a tone of familiarity that did not sit well with him. Yet, before he could warn Naruto to keep her name out of his motherfucking mouth, preferably followed by a slap to the face, the Uzumaki stated, “Now hearing that you were the origin of them, that did make sense to me.”

“And why is that?” Obito inquired playing along, although his tone made it clear that he truly didn’t care.

“Because, I realized that my own need to save Sasuke was a selfish one,” Naruto replied, “It wasn’t about saving Sasuke for his sake, it was about doing it because I didn’t want to lose a friend. Which, blinded me to the monster that he was becoming as he betrayed everyone around him in his pursuit for power to get his revenge. Oh, I’m not saying I don’t still believe in them, I just understand that how I was applying them was feeding into a selfish part of me and my inability to let go.”

“Congratulations,” Obito replied sarcastically, “But, are you planning to arrive at a point anytime soon?”

Naruto chuckled causing Obito to fight back a scowl, while he explained, “The point is that it makes perfect sense that you would be the one to say them. After all, they were the words of a coward, who knew that in order to protect the one he cared for, he needed to guilt Kakashi-sensei into going along with his efforts to rescue her as he lacked the means or ability to carry it out himself.”

Obito flew into a rage as he charged forward, with the only thing stopping him from trying to strangle the Uzumaki being the bars that separated them as he said, “You don’t know anything. If not for me, your precision sensei would be dead.”

“Did I touch a nerve?” Naruto asked sounding less then intimidated. “That is true,” Naruto conceded before mockingly adding, “You even got your name on the memorial stone in recognition of your sacrifice. But, from my own personal experience, a good deed in the heat of the moment does not a decent person make. It just hints at there being a potential core of goodness. I find it are the actions that one makes with the full knowledge of what his actions would not only cost himself, but others, which is a better metric for judging one’s character. So, how should you be judged? I mean is it not by your own words that you have shown yourself to be worse than scum? You not only betrayed your teacher and his wife, but Kakashi-sensei and the entire village. Or is the truth that you never gave a shit about anyone other than Rin and could hurt all those people simply because you never truly cared for them.”

Obito glared at the Uzumaki as he tightened his grip on the bars that he held, wishing it was his neck before stating, “It’s not that I didn’t care for them, it’s just that their value to me all paled in comparison to my feelings for her, and I’d do anything to have her back, including murdering everyone in this entire stinking world if need be.”

“No!” a voice called out, which shook him to his very soul as it had been over twenty years since he had last heard it outside of his dreams.

Naruto stepped back as Rin appeared from the opposite side he had on the walkway to stand before the cell. Unsurprisingly, Obito couldn’t believe his eyes since the woman standing before him looked to be only a few years older than when he had last seen her with Kakashi’s hand buried deep in her chest. However, as his eyes bore into hers, something told him that despite how impossible it should be, he was face to face with his beloved Rin. However, then like a dream becoming a nightmare, he saw in her eyes that it looked like she didn’t recognize him in turn. Feeling that it might be because he was older, he reached out to her hoping to be able to feel the warmth of her face while saying, “Rin, it’s me!”

But she recoiled in horror as she stepped back into Naruto, who placed his hands on her shoulder which seemed to calm her.

“Rin…” he pleadingly said as he tried to stretch his arm out just that extra bit to reach her.

Rin opened her mouth several times as if searching for something to say while tears began to gather in her eyes at which point she looked back towards Naruto saying, “I… I… can’t…”

Naruto nodded in understanding before the two of them disappeared in a plume of smoke as Naruto summoned a clone which caused the cloud to flash red as it Harishined itself and Rin away. Obito felt utterly defeated in the same manner as he had on the day that he thought he had lost her, but it hadn’t just been her reaction to him although that was certainly a large portion of it. But it had been as she looked up to Naruto with eyes that had possessed the same warmth that she had once reserved for Kakashi, which had informed him that a new rival for her affections had appeared. One, who as the smoke cleared gave him a smug look which told Obito that he knew exactly what he had taken from him.

Flying into a rage, Obito tried to force himself through the bars to destroy the man before him while shouting, “I’ll kill you! You’re dead you fucking…”

Naruto responded to his threat by throwing a tri-prong kunai past his head, and appearing in the cell behind Obito, grabbed him by the back of his prison shirt in order to toss him into the wall opposite them. Obito braced himself for the impact as best he could, hoping to spring forward to attack the Uzumaki. But after smashing into it, he took his eyes off the blond as the temptation to use the kunai that had embedded itself into the wall proved too tempting, particularly as he knew he’d need it to stand any measure of a chance. However, the second his eyes left his opponent, he found himself folding around the punch the Uzumaki delivered to his gut. However, rather than collapsing he was forced upright by Naruto who clamped a hand around his throat and pushed him back up against the wall, as he extracted the kunai from it. He held it up to Obito’s face, which the Uchiha took as an implied threat prompting him to say, “Do it! Because, if you don’t I’ll…”

His words were cut short as Naruto flipped the kunai around and smashed the end of it into his temple causing the world to suddenly go blurry. The Uzumaki then pulled him from the wall, and tossed him onto the cell’s toilet unceremoniously before turning away saying, “You’ll what, kill me? Do you think Rin will see you as any less of a monster if you succeed?”

“I…it doesn’t matter,” Obito said fighting against the dizziness his trying to stand was inciting. However, a spin kick to the chest from Naruto sat him right back down.

“And there it is. That is the selfishness I was speaking of earlier,” Naruto said disgustingly, “You don’t love Rin, this isn’t about her. It’s about you, and it always has been. You wanted to possess her and struck out at the world that you felt denied you that chance.”

“Because it did,” Obito shouted, before stating aloud trying to reassure himself, “This is just some trick. That couldn’t have been her. She’s dead.”

“Now, you’re sounding like you wish that was the case,” Naruto said with a sad shake of his head.

“I saw her die,” Obito shouted angrily as he got back to his feet, the anger clearing his vision.

He then charged Naruto, who tossed the kunai he held backwards before he disappeared in a flash causing Obito to smash into the bars of his cell and collapse to the floor. Reappearing on the other side of them as he caught the kunai, Naruto dropped down to a crouch as he informed the Uchiha struggling to get to his knees, “You saw what they wanted you to see. The Rin that you saw that day was one of those white zetsu after a group of them had abducted her. They took her before an old man, that I’m guessing was the real Madara. He in turn sold her to a member of the Suna council named Joseki, who wanted to use her to improve Suna’s own medical prowess by having her train his daughter. He was supposed to kill her afterwards, but he decided to implant a new puppet personality into her and turned her into one of his agents.”

Obito glared at the blond, and although he couldn’t hear any deception in his tone, wanted to deny it so said, “You’re lying. If that was the case, she’d be much older than she appeared.”

Naruto shrugged making it clear that he didn’t care if the Uchiha believed him, but standing up stated, “Let’s just say that her youth was regained through similar means as to how your body was made whole.”

Although, it didn’t give him any concrete evidence to solidify the idea that Rin was alive, he couldn’t deny that whatever method had been used to restore him could easily make it appear as if Rin was younger then she should be. Looking up in defeat, Obito said, “Just kill me already! It’s what you want isn’t it?”

“Why would I want that?” Naruto asked facetiously, “You’re already a dead man. However, I am curious as to what you plan to do now?”

“What are you talking about?” Obito asked confused.

Indicating the mask that was now sitting on the floor of his cell, Naruto stated, “Well, you can put that mask back on, and go off to your death while protecting the legacy of Obito Uchiha. Sure, the people that were closest to you know the truth that you are the lowest form of scum. But at least anyone left in the village that may have happy memories of you, are allowed to keep them. Plus, I would hate for it to be come to light that Kakashi-sensei spent almost every free morning he had visiting the Memorial Stone which constantly made him late to our training sessions all in order to remember a traitor. Or you can leave the mask off, and die while being remembered as a sad, pathetic little man who in my own opinion never cared about anyone but himself. But there may just be some little old lady out there who would be saddened to know that the kind young boy who always helped her despite how it made him late to his own training sessions never truly existed.”

“It doesn’t matter?” Obito said dropping from his knees to his backside, “Nothing does.”

“I suppose we’ll find out if that’s true,” Naruto said turning to walk away, “However, it was that kind of thinking that led you to such a miserable end.”

Getting angry Obito surged to his feet, and pressing his face against the bars to try and keep Naruto in sight a little longer shouted, “You said it yourself I’m a fucking dead man. Nothing I do now matters!”

Obito could see Naruto approaching two other women, one of whom he recognized as Kurenai from his academy days, the other he knew to be Toka Senju due to his knowledge about the current make up of Team Kakashi. Naruto stopped as he shook his head, before replying, “Every choice one makes matters. If they had seem in you a weakness to exploit in order to secure your aid in the Kurozetsu’s plot, perhaps Rin wouldn’t have been targeted in the first place, or if you had returned to Konoha, you would have seen through the plot that framed her, and prevented my father and Kakashi from quickly burying the corpse to protect her reputation. Just because you find yourself with fewer choices now at the end, it doesn’t mean they can’t have an effect that will live on long after your date with the needle.”

The Uzumaki then placed an arm around each of the women, before teleporting the three of them away. With their disappearance, the eerie stillness of the prison quickly faded. He noticed the guard in the booth stirring back to wakefulness, and quickly rose to his feet as he realized something was amiss. Obito turned away as the guard’s gaze settled on his cell. He was unsure why, as his action had almost been committed out of reflex. However, as he took a step away from the bars, his foot landed on his mask. He lifted up his foot, and stared down at the mask at which point he heard the voice that he used when impersonating Madara laughing mockingly up at him. He nearly brough his foot down to smash it, but stopped short and instead bent down to pick it up. Staring at it, the mask continued to laugh and although he still felt the urge to smash it to pieces, he instead turned it around to place back on his face. As soon as it was an inch or so away, it leapt from his fingers to affix itself to his face, making him aware that it wouldn’t be removed again.

Sitting down on his bed, he wished his date with death could be moved up. But, accepting that he would have to live with the knowledge that Rin wouldn’t be on the other side waiting for him, he almost began to feel that knowledge was a small blessing in disguise. After all, if her reaction to him in the land of the living had been any indication, then it was unlikely that it would have been the happy reunion that he had often fantasized it being. So, he felt it was just better to die without even that small hope remaining anymore.

However, as he turned to lay down on his bed to begin counting the seconds to his demise, and despite the myriad of questions that he had about Rin’s survival, or why Naruto would apparently heal him just to let him die with some small dignity still attached to his name at least to Konoha as a whole. One small detail truly began to bug him, which was that if the Uzumaki was aware of his meeting Madara, then why had he felt the plot to ensnare Rin and himself had been enacted by Kurozetsu as opposed to the ancient Uchiha? After all, while it may be easy to write it off that Naruto believed that was the case, considering the Black Zetsu’s betrayal of him. Obito had been there when Madara had formed it of his own will, a detail the Uzumaki wouldn’t know so shouldn’t be aware that the betrayal would have been something Madara had intended. Yet, Obito was forced to admit that he now lived in a world in which Rin appeared to be alive and still in her late teens. So, who was to say that he had the proper view on who was the puppet, and who was the puppeteer.

His countdown had the unintended effect of lulling him to sleep, but before the encroaching darkness swallowed him completely, he decided to do all that he could with his remaining time to ensure that whichever of the two were responsible for his losing everything, they would come to regret it. Although considering his limited options, he wasn’t quite sure how he would go about it.


Naruto, Toka, and Kurenai reappeared in the safehouse where he took a moment to give each of them a kiss. Yet before he could get too carried away in celebrating their successful infiltration, he noticed Rin sitting on the couch in a dejected state. Pulling away from the two kunoichi, who moved to the bar to pour themselves a couple of drinks, he approached Rin who upon noticing him come to a stop beside her quickly blurted, “I’m sorry! You were right…I shouldn’t have come.”

Naruto sat beside her and turning her face in order to lose himself in her brown eyes said, “No, to be honest, I think it was best that you did.” Her surprise at his admission was evident particularly as they had argued about her coming along. With Naruto being firmly against it, not out of any fear she had any lingering feelings for Obito outside of her considering him to be a friend, but because he had been afraid that it would put a target on Rin’s back, as well as distract the Uchiha from the purpose that he did have in store for him. There was also some concern that Rin might begin to feel some responsibility for his actions, if she realized just how strongly her supposed death had affected him.

Something that appeared to be in process of happening as she looked away saying sadly, “But when I think that he committed all those horrible deeds because of me.”

“Rin, what he has done has nothing to do with you,” Naruto stated firmly causing her to look back towards him. “You didn’t have any obligation to respond to his feelings, and if he truly loved you, all he should have desired was your happiness, regardless of if he was the one responsible for it or not.”

“But…maybe if I had,” Rin began to say, but was silenced as Naruto gave her a kiss.

She closed her eyes, opening them again when he pulled away to say, “There is no point in going down that road. If you had been firmer with your rejections, it may have just spurned him on to pursue you harder, just as it may have caused him to give up on you. But the truth is that the outcome you come up with is only going to be the one that gives you the emotional payoff you’re looking for. Which right now looks to be guilt. Trust me, the only thing that truly counts is what was, and what we plan to do about it from here.”

“Is that insight based on your own experiences with pursuing Sasuke?” Rin asked, earning a nod from her lover. Prompting her to state, “But, they aren’t the same, you were trying to save Sasuke, and had nothing to do with his fall.”

Sitting back on the couch, he said, “Are you sure about? You must admit there are more than a few overlaps in the dynamics between your old team and mine. After all, maybe if I hadn’t set Sasuke up to be my rival and then made such rapid improvements as a ninja, he wouldn’t have felt so pressured to run off to Orochimaru, and then everything would have been just hunky-dory for all time.” Giving her a playful smile, he added, “See, I can do it too.”

Rin was torn between smiling or frowning at his point which resulted in something that landed in between the two. Laying against him and resting her head on his shoulder she said, “Still, I think it would have been better if I didn’t go with.”

“I disagree,” Naruto said resting his cheek on top of her head, “His seeing you alive and your reaction to what he has done, it held up a mirror to his actions, one he couldn’t just dismiss using all the if-only this or that had happened excuses he has used to justify his actions all these years. Your being there cut through all the b.s.”

Rin still wasn’t sure, as she sat up pulling away from Naruto while trying to understand how Obito could fall so completely said, “I just don’t understand how he turn his back on everyone like that. That wasn’t the Obito that I knew.”

Naruto wasn’t sure himself, although a part of him was tempted to suggest that Rin never really knew the real Obito. As some people hid who they really were from the world, hiding behind harmless exteriors. But, there were also those who turned to evil despite their having led a life of genuine goodness. Unfortunately, the difficulty was telling which was which. After all, much as he had stated a few moments ago, there were more than a few parallels between his old team and Rin’s. Naruto also understood what it was to love a kunoichi who had eyes for his teammate. But, whereas he liked to believe that he was following in his Sensei Jiraiya’s example of loving someone had meant putting their happiness first, even if it wasn’t with him. Much as had been the case when he promised Sakura to bring Sasuke back to her. Having spoken with Obito, he didn’t doubt that he had loved Rin, although that love had certainly twisted at some point. However, from their face to face between them that evening, he now believed that for the Uchiha, his having made Kakashi promise to take care of Rin was his doing much the same thing as he had by giving his word to Sakura. Which, if he had succeeded in bringing Sasuke back, with everyone perhaps believing that he had died in the attempt. Only to have actually been saved by someone looking to manipulate him into service, who then arranged for him to catch Sasuke in the act of stabbing Sakura through the heart. Well, Naruto liked to believe he’d wouldn’t become the same type of villain that Obito did, but couldn’t say that he wouldn’t have been mighty tempted to.

With that thought in mind, he placed a hand on Rin’s shoulder while stating, “That’s because the man you met today has been traveling down a path cloaked in darkness for about twenty years. Maybe, Kiyomi will be able to get something out of him to help us understand why he’d chose to travel it.”

Rin placed her hand on top of his. She looked back at him appreciatively, before saying, “I hope you’re right.” Naruto nodded in agreement, although a part of him was worried as Kiyomi was to push Obito into the next phase of his plan, and yet it appeared that his mother and her had sequestered themselves somewhere. But, he was confident that she would not let him down so figured whatever they were doing would be completed by then. Assuming of course, that Obito made the correct choice between the two that he had been given that evening.

“I suppose we’ll know soon enough,” Naruto replied earning a bleak nod from his brown-haired lover.

Rin feeling tired of the cloud that had been hanging over her sin Naruto’s clone had teleported her to the safehouse, rolled while pulling the arm on her shoulder with her until she was straddling his lap. Then taking the hand that had been on her shoulder between hers said, “It seems to me that we have a few hours to kill before you need to teleport off to Suna with Toka and Kurenai. However should we spend the time?”

“I can think of a few pleasurable activities,” Kurenai stated from the bar.

To which Rin said, “So can I,” as she placed his hand on her breast while she leaned in to kiss the Uzumaki.

Naruto gave her tit a squeeze as he opened his mouth to invite Rin’s tongue to dance with his own. Although tempted to just close his eyes, and lose himself in enjoying the kiss, he kept them open to check out what Toka and Kurenai intended to do. He wasn’t too surprised to see that neither woman had moved from the bar, so were giving him time alone to comfort Rin. Who he caused to pull away when he pulled her shirt and the sport bra up over her head. Before she could lean back in to resume their kiss, he caused her to let out a soft moan as he leaned forward to suck on her tit, and used his tongue to tease her nipple. Rin wrapped her arms around his head, as she began to grind her pussy down along the increasing harder rod his pants struggled to contain. He let her one tit go, before running his tongue across her chest to the other where he gave it the same treatment as the first while he busied his hands with untying the knot of the apron-like skirt that she favored. When he succeeded in undoing it, he pulled her up with him causing Rin to wrap her legs around his waist as she pressed her lips to his neck. He then the skirt off of her from the side as it separated into the front and back portion and tossed it to where he had her other clothes before carrying her to the bedroom.

Reaching the corner of the bed, Naruto caused her to laugh as he loosed the grip her legs had on him, and tossed her onto the bed. He then quickly undid his jacket tossing it away as his shirt soon followed it into the corner. Rolled over trying to her stomach, before getting to her hands and knees in order to climb towards the middle of the bed, but was stopped as Naruto gripped her by the band of the black shorts she favored, he pulled them down only stopping at her knees leaving her ass and pussy exposed to him. He then quickly buried his face into her behind as his tongue began exploring her pussy, causing Rin to moan as he pushed it inside. As he enjoyed her juicy peach, she raised her knees in turn so that he could pull her shorts the rest of the way off. Once they cleared her feet, he tossed them away and began working to on undoing his own pants to free his almost painfully contained cock. It sprang as he pushed his pants and underwear down to his feet kicking it away at which point he pulled his face from Rin’s backside to kneel behind her on the bed.

Rin looked back at him over her shoulder with lust clouded eyes that questioned why her pleasure had stopped, but lit up with excitement as he finished lining up his cock with her dripping snatch. Naruto pushed himself inside intending to go slowly, but Rin slammed herself back into him letting out a hissed, “Yes!” Before commanding him to, “Naruto…Hurry fuck me!”

Hearing him cry out his name, spurred him on as he worked to fulfil her desire. The room filled with the sounds of their coupling, and as he drilled out her love tunnel, a part of him wanted to use the seal that Kiyomi had planted on Obito’s repaired heart, to teleport the two of them there mid rut. He imagined himself holding her open to him, showing where they were connected as Rin held onto the bars while moaning out his name as a dejected Obito knelt before them on the floor of his cell. But, he quickly shut down the dark fantasy, because it was unworthy of the woman that he was currently pleasing as it used her as a trophy to his ego, and to further tear down the friend that she hoped could be saved.

He suddenly pulled out, causing Rin to gasp in loss and surprise, until he flipped her onto her back. Then without missing a beat, he slammed himself inside and lowered his mouth to hers. They kissed heatedly for several heartbeats until he pulled back enough to stare into her eyes which shown with lust and affection. He imagined his own must have reflected some of the doubts that were lurking in the back of his own mind, which he suspected had caused it to conjure the departure from reality he had just witnessed, as Rin took his face between his hands and between moans said, “I love you!”

While not the first time she had said those words to him, they as always caused a contented smile to appear as he lowered his mouth to hers. The kissed tenderly for several moments, before Naruto pulled away so that he could rise up to his knees. He lifted Rin’s hips up as well so he could keep his cock buried inside her, forcing her to place her feet on the bed behind him, and let out a moan as he refocused on drilling his dick into her. Holding her tightly, he slammed himself into her again and again each impact sending ripples of pleasure through her body and caused her tits to bounce rhythmically.

“I…I’m so close…” Rin moaned wildly as she tore at the blanket beneath her, “C…cum with me!”

“I will,” Naruto stated redoubling his effort while trying to hold back from filling her womb to earlier.

Just as it became almost too much, the walls of Rin’s pussy began spasming around his rod as she cried, “Cuuuummmming!” At which point Naruto joined her in release, and caused her own to magnify as her womb was filled with his warmth.

As they both came down from their orgasmic high, Rin’s hips sank back to the bed pulling his rod free of her sheath. He spent a moment basking in the sight of her disheveled state, as well as the sight of her pussy beginning to leak the overflow of his seed onto the bed. However his rest didn’t last long as two pair of hands pulled him onto his back, so that he was staring up at Kurenai and Toka both of whom were now naked as well. With his head facing the foot of the bed, he drank in the sight of the statuesque women as Kurenai said, “I hope you saved plenty for us.” She then lowered her head to her pussy, and spreading it open showed how wet she had become while adding, “Hinata did her best to keep me occupied while we were in Rice, but gods knows there is just no replacing having this dick deep inside.”

Naruto smiled although a part of him was a little troubled by Kurenai’s words, since he had tried to broach the subject of what had happened to her daughter’s cemetery plot before she had left for Rice. Particularly as they seemed to suggest that she was perhaps running from the feelings its destruction had caused to well up inside her. But, having already been rebuffed when he had tried to bring it up after collecting her, he simply stated, “Well then hope on board.”

Toka though leaned forward as she said, “But, first let me clean it up for you,” as she climbed on the bed and began licking his cock.

“No thanks,” Kurenai said joining Toka in running her tongue along it, “I can handle that myself.”

Naruto groaned as despite their words suggesting they had no intention of sharing, they began working in tandem licking him like a creamsicle. Resting his hands on the two women’s backsides, he squeezed them appreciatively as their tongue began poking at his still sensitive cockhead, causing him to close his eyes. As they finished, they kissed wetly over his revived cock, sharing the taste of his and Rin’s release between them. When their twirling tongue’s separated, Kurenai said, “Mmm, on second thought why don’t you go first.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” Toka replied as she adjusted herself to ride him with her back facing him, while Kurenai began kissing her way up his chest.

Naruto moaned along with Toka as his cock began to slip inside of her, but soon found his mouth covered with Kurenai’s as she began kissing him deeply. Naruto pulled a small moan from her, as he used his left hand to give her breast a squeeze while he rested his right on Toka’s backside while she made his cock appear and disappear within her. Naruto moved his left hand to her ass as well when Kurenai lifted her upper body up so that her tits dangled above his face, which he began to suckle on as he used his hands to urge his Senju lover to begin riding his cock faster.

Toka began raising and lowering herself at an increased pace, but from her kneeling position couldn’t move as fast as either wanted so moved forward to place her hands on the bed in order to support her as she worked her hips. However, Naruto had other ideas as he followed her up, and pushed on her back to keep her forward as he pulled out of her, and adjusted her hips so that she was kneeling on the bed. He then squatted behind her, like a dog mounting a bitch, and was about to push his cock in but paused as Kurenai, having position herself below them, grabbed his rod and guided it into her mouth instead.

Naruto groaned as Kurenai held his cock almost straight down so she could suck on it, while her tongue cleansed it of Toka’s juices. Who for her part began waving her butt in anticipation of her pussy being filled again. Which thankful wasn’t long as Kurenai let him slip free of her lips, and then pushed his swollen head against the Senju’s entrance which almost seemed to suck itself due to how effortlessly Naruto slipped inside.

The two groaned in satisfaction when Naruto’s cock bottomed out against her womb, at which point the Uzumaki quickly withdrew it just to throw himself back into her once more. Naruto reached forward to grab her swaying tits, which he squeezed possessively, causing Toka to cry out, “Fuck…Naruto…mmshit…. your cock feels too good!” Soon after, a particularly deep stroke caused her arms to lose their strength causing her to collapse forward onto the bed. Naruto followed her forward, and feel to his knees as he moved his hands to her shoulders as he continued to fuck her without missing a beat.

Toka’s pussy began to tighten around his cock, and if that wasn’t clue enough, she began panting over and over, “I’m going to cum…I’m going to cum…” Before launching into an ear piercing, “Cumming!” as she arched herself up as best she could due to Naruto weight holding her lower half down due to his pushing himself in as deeply as he could while he filled her with his seed.

After sending his last blast of seed into her womb, Naruto rolled over to his right as Toka laid beside trying to calm her breathing. Laying on his back, Naruto looked towards his left towards Rin who gave him a small tired smile as she had tried to go to sleep, and possible could have despite the bed shaking if not for Toka’s moans.

Yet, before Naruto could consider doing so himself, he found himself under attack, although not necessarily one he wanted to fend off as Kurenai practically leapt atop of him. Where she quickly grabbed his cock, as she squatted over him and guided it into her hotbox. She then linked her hands with his, as she used them to support herself while she frantically began bouncing on his cock.

Naruto watched mesmerized as her tits bounced wildly as she shook her head wildly while stating, “Gods…I’ve missed this cock.”

Due to her frenetic pace, and the fact that he had just cum, it didn’t take long for Kurenai to arrive at the finish line by herself. She came hard, as she fell to her knees fully impaling herself on his dick as she leaned back crying out towards the heavens before falling forward on to him. But, it was apparent that she wasn’t quite finished as she raised her hips so that just the head of his cock remained inside, at which point she whispered into his ear, “Fuck me more!”

Naruto placed his feet on the bed, so he could begin pushing his cock up inside her causing Kurenai to moan softly, “Yes…Fuck me!” She held him tightly, although she kept her face beside his so she could continue to urge him, “Yes…more…let me feel…something…please.”

Her words caused Naruto to nearly stop, and turn her over so they could speak about the pain that she seemed to be running from. However, she gripped him tightly as she began meeting his thrusts with her own, making it clear what she wanted in that moment. Deciding to accommodate her, he redoubled his efforts until he felt himself on the verge of bursting. But, held off until Kurenai reached her end which she showed by raising up and shouting, “Yes…this is what I wanted…Cumming!!!” Naruto tried to buck her off as he pushed up from the bed so that he could jam his cock into her until it was crushing her womb, at which pointed he began filling her with his liquid heat. Feeling her womb quickly swelling as it was filled to capacity she cried out, “Naruto…your…so warm!” Before then collapsing forward on top of him, and allowed the darkness that followed the white world of the climax that she had enjoyed to swallow her.

Naruto himself being lulled to sleep as her warmth covered him like a blanket, which only doubled in strength as both Toka and Rin took one of his arms to nuzzle into his side. Although tempted to fight it off, particularly as he wished to nail Kurenai down, this time in terms of having her address the pain that she seemed to be purposefully numbing herself to. He ultimately allowed himself to surrender figuring she would open up to him when she was ready, and so he looked forward, not only to the immediate future in general, but the next day in particular as he’d finally be off to Suna and hopefully soon after that, would be entering the next phase of his career as a shinobi.

Next Chapter: The Chunin Exams Part Deux!: Let the First Test Begin!

Author’s note: Hey everyone, and happy Easter to those who celebrate it. Well, much as I suspected would be the case, I didn’t quite make it to the exams. But, as this chapter was around 26,000 words, I figured it best to just go with another Build Up chapter. I hope it was worth the wait, and it does get you excited for what is to come.

Speaking of which, I think the next chapter to come out is going to be either a LBB or possible Spotlight chapter. I’m not sure which I want to classify it as just yet, and suppose it will depend on how it turns out. But, the topic is going to focus on what Kiyomi and Kushina are up to. I’m hoping to churn that one out relatively fast, at least for me currently.

Then it is probably going to be back to Eroninja. For the first part of the exam. Then, it might be an Antithesis chapter so we can focus on the mission that Ibiki mentioned in this one, before I then focus on the next Eroninja chapter. Although, I suppose that will depend on how far I get into the Exams with the next chapter. In any case, time will tell. Also, I’ll be starting the next chapter of Eroninja by introducing the winner of the poll from my Deviantart page.

To conclude, I’d like to thank those of you who take the time to leave a review, as they really help keep me going. I hope you are entertain by this latest chapter, and look forward to hearing your thoughts. So, until next time, take care!

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