
Chapter 219 (Extra 1.9) - The Tyrannical President’s Husband Is Being Looked At.

EXTRA 1.9: The Tyrannical President’s Husband Is Being Looked At.

After reading a plan for a project with the Government in his office, President Xiao was worried about his wife, so he called to inquire about him.

The person in charge had never received a call from the CEO himself, and was so frightened that he couldn’t speak clearly. With reluctance, he explained everything: “Ye-ye-yes, he’s working already. Alright, alright, I und-understand.”

After hanging up the phone, the person in charge hurriedly turned on the air conditioner in the office, and was ready to invite Yan HeQing over to drink tea. When he asked around, everyone said that Yan HeQing was training the several new horses that arrived yesterday. When he heard this, the person in charge’s heart thumped. Among the newly purchased horses, there was an Akhal-Teke1 golden horse, whom he heard was in a state of semi-tame and was violent in nature. Yan HeQing didn’t have any documents and information to prove his ability. If anything were to happen, it’ll be over. The person in charge wouldn’t be able to bear the responsibility if Yan HeQing gets in an accident with a horse!

“Damn it! Who told him to train the horses?!” The man in charge cursed and hurried to the training ground.

When he arrived at the training ground, he saw Yan HeQing, who wasn’t wearing any protective gear, pulling the reins of the Akhal-Teke horse. The man in charge was so shocked that he almost passed away.

Yan HeQing didn’t seem to be in a hurry, standing on the left side of the horse. He relaxed the reins, patted the horse’s belly and back to pacify the horse, smoothing its beautiful mane. The horse was as docile as a kitty in front of Yan HeQing, lowering its head and rubbing him. When Yan HeQing saw that he was close to it, he decided to turn over and mount the horse. As he shouted out loud, the horse galloped.

The man in charge looked at Yan HeQing, stunned. When the several young women, who were in charge of the field, saw Yan HeQing’s handsome and dashing posture, they couldn’t help but stare at him in awe.

At that time, Xiao YuAn received a sudden call in the office. When the words ‘Chen Ge’ jumped on the screen, Xiao YuAn couldn’t stop himself from raising the corners of his mouth.

Xiao YuAn saw Chen Ge’s number in his phone a long time ago, so he asked about him. Unexpectedly, Chen Ge was a Second-Generation rich Gongzi.

Chen Ge majored in Psychology in University. After graduating, he didn’t want to work in a hospital. His family was rich enough to let him do what he wanted, but they didn’t expect that Chen Ge would do an amazing thing.

He opened a marriage counseling office!

He would work for 3 days and take 4 days off. That was the marriage counseling office, where consultation was free of charge for friends!

Chen Ge’s parents knew about this, and they had mixed feelings, while asking themselves how their son had developed to be like this. At the same time, they felt that Chen Ge wasn’t like those greasy Second-Generation rich Gongzi, who were known for dating several models and spending a lot of money. Due to this, Chen Ge’s family supported him all the way.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ge was actually very famous, and even opened a branch in this city. He could be described as: ‘A willow tree that grew out unintentionally’2.

Xiao YuAn picked up the call, and Chen Ge’s cheerful voice was instantly heard: “Hi!! Mr. Xiao, have you been busy lately? It’s been such a long time since we last saw each other, do you have time to meet this evening? I’ll take you to meet some friends.”

Xiao YuAn laughed: “What kind of friends?”

“Friends who want to bathe under your halo and hug your legs through me.”

“….. So straightforward?”

“What era are you living in? It’s not like they’re being subtle or anything. Do you want to meet them? I won’t push it. If you don’t want to go, then it’s alright. It’s just that I can’t behave myself.”

“Alright, let’s meet. It’s just hanging out.”

“Then can we go to the horse farm you own? It’s been such a long time since I’ve been there, I kind of want to go there.”

Xiao YuAn wanted to go see his wife anyway. Naturally, he didn’t have a problem with it, and agreed to meet: “Yes, but I still have a meeting, so please take your friends there first.”

“Sure enough, you’re as busy as always. Alright, see you later.”

Xiao YuAn hung up the phone and called his Assistant. In the end, that Young Assistant didn’t come, but a new face did. He was a young boy with beautiful eyebrows. He looked like he had just graduated from college, but on his resume, it was written that he had 3 years of experience.

Xiao YuAn was really easy-going, so he smiled and asked the young man what his name was. The young man was a little shy as he replied: “Lu Renjia.”

Xiao YuAn nodded: “Xiao-Lu, uhm, I have to go with Hong Xiu to talk with a Government Personnel about the project. Have you prepared the customer’s information?”

“It’s ready!” Lu Renjia hurriedly brought the information and handed it to Xiao YuAn.

Xiao YuAn reached for it, and Lu Renjia’s thumb ‘accidentally’ rubbed the back of his hand. Xiao YuAn didn’t react, and Lu Renjia was startled at first, but he hurried to bow and apologize.

Xiao YuAn waved his hand as he looked at the customer’s information. Cooperation with the Government required a high degree of attention, and this time was no exception. However, Xiao YuAn was stunned as soon as he looked at the information.

The person in the file was actually Qin Yu! Xiao YuAn didn’t expect him to work in the Government.

Xiao YuAn smiled, a face full of regrets. When he looked up, he found that the new assistant hadn’t gone. He was standing aside with some restraint.

Xiao YuAn said: “I’ve nothing else for you. You can call Hong Xiu, and then go work by yourself.”

Lu Renjia nodded and walked away.

Xiao YuAn took Hong Xiu to the place where the project was going to be discussed. Qin Yu wore gold-rimmed glasses, looking extremely civilized. Both sides were smart, the cooperation project was profitable and harmless, everything was soon settled.

Xiao YuAn asked the Driver to take Hong Xiu home first, before driving to the horse farm.

At that time, something was happening on the horse farm.

Chen Ge’s friend, a fine skinned and tender looking Gongzi, pointed at Yan HeQing and said: “You, yes you. Teach me how to ride a horse.”

It wasn’t a big group, but the young men were having a lot of fun. They whistled at each other, but Chen Ge was frowning.

This Gongzi’s sexual orientation was public, and he was also a bottom. It was clear that he was interested in Yan HeQing.

Yan HeQing’s appearance was right there, and Chen Ge’s other friends were also moved, but they weren’t as talkative as this Gongzi. Naturally, they wouldn’t dare to rob him, they could only coax him.

This Gongzi was not only a Second-Generation rich, but he was also the son of an Official. He was good-looking, and from childhood, he was used to getting everything he wanted. As a result, he was full of confidence: “How much is your salary? I can pay you three times more than that.”

Unexpectedly, Yan HeQing didn’t even look at him. Yan HeQing simply turned around with the horse, ready to leave.

However, the Gongzi was so angry that he stopped Yan HeQing and said: “You have no shame? Where is the person in charge?”

Before the man in charge could come, Chen Ge spoke first: “This is Mr. Xiao’s territory, don’t make a scene. If something happens, no one’s face will look good.”

The young Gongzi said: “Mr. Xiao is good-tempered, we all know that. He won’t say anything about a little discipline.”

Chen Ge said: “I brought you here, for everyone’s pleasure, and to meet Mr. Xiao. Not to make trouble.”

The young Gongzi said: “I’m not making trouble, and he is just a staff member of the horse farm. Tell me, what’s wrong? Isn’t that his job? Don’t you think that not only he isn’t teaching like he should, but he’s also not giving a face to the customers? Why?”

Chen Ge also felt that Yan HeQing was a bit too indifferent, but he couldn’t think of a rebuttal for a while. At that moment, the person in charge hurried over: “Hello gentlemen, is something wrong? What happened?”

The young Gongzi pointed at Yan HeQing and said: “Is this man your instructor?”

Yan HeQing didn’t even raise his head, as if he wasn’t the one in trouble. He was stroking the mane of the horse beside him, with indifference to his surroundings.

The man in charge felt his heart thumping hard, trying to figure out how Yan HeQing could cause trouble on his first day of work. Fortunately, the man in charge was in charge after all, so he was used to dealing with the rich Gongzi like this one. As he bowed his head, he said: “Sir, he’s not an instructor. He’s just a staff member of the horse farm. He’s not qualified to teach you how to ride a horse. I’m sorry about that, I’ll call our instructors right away, and you can choose one of them, whichever one you like! What do you think?”

The young Gongzi smiled: “He doesn’t know how to ride a horse? That’s okay, I can teach him.”

There was another round of applause and whistling all around. The person in charge was stunned: “T-th-this.”

The young Gongzi continued: “I don’t ask for much, just let him keep me company. He doesn’t need to teach me how to ride a horse, chatting is good enough, alright? Like talking to a friend.”

The man in charge had to discuss it with Yan HeQing: “Just keep him company, this way the company won’t lose face. Besides, this Gongzi is….”

Yan HeQing interrupted him and said coldly: “No.”

The man in charge wanted to shoot himself.

Yan HeQing wasn’t standing that far away, so his reply was easily heard by the young Gongzi. The young Gongzi was so angry that he couldn’t stop himself from laughing: “Alright, you don’t want to accompany me. But you must give me a reason.”

“You want a reason? Shall I give it to you?”

Suddenly, a laughing voice was heard from a distance, and the group of people froze in unison. When they turned their heads, they saw Xiao YuAn walking from afar.

Yan HeQing’s gaze was fixed on Xiao YuAn, refusing to look elsewhere.

Xiao YuAn walked leisurely to Yan HeQing’s side, smiled at the group of Gongzis, and said: “Do you want a reason?”

Right after saying that, Xiao YuAn hugged Yan HeQing’s neck in front of everyone, and kissed him for a long time.

The group of people opened their mouths wide. As they stared at the couple kissing, they felt breathless. As for the young Gongzi, his face turned green.

When the kiss ended, Xiao YuAn let go of Yan HeQing and looked at the crowd with a smile: “Is this reason enough?”

No one dared to answer him. They were all silent and stupefied. About a minute later, Chen Ge cried out: “Mr. Xiao! You’ve never dated, nor have any lovers!!”

Xiao YuAn glanced at him and sneered: “What lover? He’s my husband!”

The man in charge coughed, and his eyes turned white, almost passing away.

The young Gongzi’s face was no longer green, it was as white as paper now. Chen Ge wasn’t able to produce a sound for a long while, opening and closing his mouth, like a fish out of the water.

This chapter lmao I swear ?

Chen Ge as a marriage counselor it’s so on character ??

That young Gongzi got his face slapped hard, I wonder if his cheeks hurt lol

XYA kissing his husband in front of everybody, marking his territory ??? ✨✨✨ YHQ must have enjoyed that ??

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  1. The Akhal-Teke is a Turkmen horse breed. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of the breed led to their nickname, “Golden Horses”. It looks like THIS.
  2. 无心插柳柳成荫 wú xīn chā liǔ liǔ chéng yìn; A metaphor for things that are done without thinking much about them that turn out well. In Taoist terms, it means to let nature take its course, and not force everything.
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