
Chapter 223 (Extra 2.1) - YanXiao Horseback Riding.

EXTRA 2.1: YanXiao Horseback Riding.

As we all know, President Xiao likes to gossip about people’s livelihood, play mahjong at home, negotiate projects that are worth hundreds of millions, bargain at stalls, laugh and joke, wear fancy clothes, as well as practice his singing voice in front of other people.

President Xiao is such an omnipotent and excellent person, but he…

Can’t ride a horse.

Although he’s unable to control the most basic transportation in ancient times….

Can this really be regarded as an issue for Xiao YuAn?

Of course not!

After all, he has Yan HeQing

What about hunting, traveling and playing? He can ride with Yan HeQing, and sing ‘let’s live together in the world of mortals [1]’, to startle the group of Ministers, Generals and nobles, old and young alike. 

However, it didn’t take long for Xiao YuAn to discover something… 

In Autumn, the Southern Yan Kingdom would hold hunting activities. On one hand, it was to symbolize the peace and prosperity of the country, while on the other hand, it was also to celebrate the Autumn harvest.

Of course, while this activity took place, Xiao YuAn didn’t feel like riding in a carriage. Besides, he wanted to run and ride together with Yan HeQing.

They always liked to be at the front of the line, so that they could joke and flirt with no one around. Xiao YuAn didn’t notice it at first, until a small hunt not that long ago. Xiao YuAn was preparing himself to ride with Yan HeQing, when Chen Ge suddenly pulled a bow and an arrow. The arrow pierced through the clouds, flying all the way into the distance.

The wind roared as the sharp arrow fell into the grass. Then, a rabbit jumped out in front and ran into the depths of the forest in a panic.

Yan HeQing suddenly hit the horse, raised the bow that looked like a half-moon, and calmly released the arrow.

The long arrow cut through the sky, emitting a magnificent buzzing sound, until it pierced the prey’s body accurately.

The hunting team cheered and admired him, while an Imperial Bodyguard went to pick up the prey. Yan HeQing then came back with his clothes floating alongside the wind, with the corners of his mouth gently raised in a small smile, while his eyes were shining with happiness.

Xiao YuAn stared at the high-spirited Yan HeQing in a daze.

The thing he realized was that Yan HeQing never hunted when riding with him. Every Autumn hunting season till now, Yan HeQing had been chatting with Xiao YuAn, without participating. At first, Xiao YuAn thought that Yan HeQing wasn’t interested in hunting, but now, he could see that that didn’t seem to be the case.

In order to confirm his suspicions, Xiao YuAn went to ask Chen Ge.

After hearing Xiao YuAn’s question, Chen Ge howled: “Oh my-, you finally found out!!”

Xiao YuAn: “Hiss….”

Then Chen Ge began to ramble: “You may not know, but His Majesty likes hunting a lot. When His Majesty was young, the late Emperor would hold a hunting competition every Autumn, and every year, His Majesty would rank first. Those Princes and Generals couldn’t even compare to a single finger of His Majesty! But now, His Majesty only wants to ride with you. If you two ride together, he can’t draw a bow, nor can he chase after the prey. Ah, I don’t know how His Majesty is able to endure it.”

Xiao YuAn: “Hiss….”

When Chen Ge finished talking, he felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly added: “But, maybe His Majesty is feeling even happier to be with you than hunting.”

Xiao YuAn: “Hiss….”

Chen ge: “….Do you have a toothache?”

Xiao YuAn: “I have a heartache.”

Chen Ge: “Hiss….”

Xiao YuAn: “Does your heart ache too?”

Chen Ge: “No, I have a toothache.”

“A toothache caused by sourness.”

When Xiao YuAn realized that the last day of the Autumn hunt was approaching, he made an important decision.

Xiao YuAn: “Yan-ge, I don’t want to ride with you.”

Yan HeQing’s hand holding the memorial suddenly dropped.

Sometimes, the Court would be too busy, and since Yan HeQing knew that Xiao YuAn couldn’t sleep without his company, he would take simple Court affairs to the Imperial bedchamber, in case he finished too late. Today, he had just finished reading the last memorial when he suddenly heard Xiao YuAn say this.

Since it was the end of Autumn, the weather was getting colder and colder, so Xiao YuAn was wrapped up in a thick quilt. As soon as he finished speaking, Yan HeQing placed the memorial aside and walked to the bed.

Xiao YuAn dragged Yan HeQing into the warm bedding, pressing his own body against Yan HeQing’s. Then he grabbed Yan HeQing’s hand, which was cold after holding the memorials, and placed it on his chest: “Yan-ge, teach me how to ride a horse.”

“Ride a horse? Why do you suddenly want to learn how to ride a horse?” Yan HeQing was worried that the cold on his hand would reach Xiao YuAn’s warm body, so he wanted to take his hand back. Unexpectedly, Xiao YuAn held it tightly, with the intention of giving Yan HeQing his warmth.

Xiao YuAn smiled and raised Yan HeQing’s hand to his lips: “You hunted a rabbit today.”

Yan HeQing’s eyes flashed. Guessing that Xiao YuAn was probably thinking something strange, he quickly explained: “The opportunity just appeared, so my muscles moved on their own. Nothing worth rejoicing about.”

Xiao YuAn smiled even brighter: “Yan-ge, I haven’t said anything yet.”

Yan HeQing: “….”

Xiao YuAn wrapped his arms around Yan HeQing’s waist and sighed with admiration: “Yan-ge, your hunting posture is so handsome! In order to see your heroic posture more frequently, I want to learn how to ride a horse! Yan-ge, please teach me!”

Yan HeQing nodded: “Alright.”

Finally, he said: “It’s not easy to learn how to ride a horse, but it is easy to get hurt.”

“I know, I’ll be careful.” Xiao YuAn smiled, but then he suddenly noticed something. When he looked at Yan HeQing’s sitting position, he leaned over to whisper something into Yan HeQing’s ear.

Then, the corners of Yan HeQing’s mouth were imperceptibly raised. As he stretched out a hand to press Xiao YuAn’s waist, he said: “You can give it a try.”

Xiao YuAn put his hand on his chest and glared at Yan HeQing: “Can I really try? Alright, I’ll try! Wait, your hands… aren’t you the one being ridden? Just lie down and don’t move.”

The next morning, Xiao YuAn couldn’t get up, and his plan to learn how to ride a horse had to be postponed.

After a few days, Yan HeQing, no matter how busy he was, would take time to teach Xiao YuAn horseback riding. There was a vast meadow at the foot of the Temple of Heaven, which was perfect for him to learn.

Xiao YuAn studied hard, until he could master the basic skills in less than a week, so he was able to control the tame horses on his own. Xiao YuAn felt that the progress was somewhat slow, so when Yan HeQing was busy with politics, he asked Chen Ge to teach him as well.

Chen Ge wasn’t Yan HeQing, so he wasn’t as protective as Yan HeQing was, who was way too careful with him, afraid that Xiao YuAn would injure himself.

Chen Ge let Xiao YuAn directly sit on the horse, then he would pat the horse and shout at him to ride. The horse then would run away wildly with Xiao YuAn on top of it, and Chen Ge would follow closely behind as he shouted instructions, such as: ‘Pull the reins!’, ‘Don’t panic!’, ‘Steady! Steady!’, ‘Clamp the belly of the horse!’, ‘Ouch, you fell again. Is the protective gear worn out?’, ‘Ah it’s broken, let’s change it.’

Xiao YuAn got up with his face covered in dust and said: “Again!”

Although it was way more reckless and direct, it had to be said that it was much more effective. After training for almost the whole day, Xiao YuAn was already able to skillfully ride a horse.

However, a small thing happened at night.

Since Yan HeQing had seen the injuries on Xiao YuAn’s body.

It wasn’t a small cut, but a large area of his body was bruised with deep scratches, produced from constantly falling onto the sand. It looked terrible.

Yan HeQing’s face darkened.

Xiao YuAn suddenly thought that Chen Ge’s life would be in danger, so he quickly hugged Yan HeQing, telling him that he had learned a lot today and that he was a fast learner. Since the last day of the Autumn hunting season would arrive soon, he wanted to learn more. The sooner the better.

“Yan-ge, they’re all minor injuries. It’s alright. There won’t be any trace of them in a few days anyways.” Xiao YuAn finished saying with a playful smile, while at the same time, he hugged Yan HeQing tighter, begging him to make love tonight.

For the past few days, Yan HeQing hadn’t ‘touched’ Xiao YuAn at night, because of how hard Xiao YuAn had been working in learning horseback riding. But Xiao YuAn was feeling a bit nostalgic, so he planned on having his way tonight.

However, the moment Xiao YuAn was pressed on the bed, he suddenly understood why Yan HeQing hadn’t touched him these days.

Legs! My legs!

No!! It isn’t my legs’ fault!

Horseback riding has wasted my legs!

The muscle soreness made Xiao YuAn want to die. At first, Xiao YuAn had the intention of enduring it, but when Yan HeQing grabbed his legs and folded them to his chest, Xiao YuAn began to shake with pain.

President Xiao immediately felt too fucking ashamed!

When Yan HeQing looked at Xiao YuAn with an ‘as I expected’ look, he calmly pressed Xiao YuAn’s legs. The soreness coming from his legs made Xiao YuAn shink.

“Yan, Yan-ge….” Xiao YuAn said with a trembling voice: “Let’s change, change the position. Alright?”

If they did it face-to-face, his legs and waist would be so wasted that he wouldn’t be able to get up the next day.

Yan HeQing asked instead: “Then tell me, what posture can you stand?”

Xiao YuAn thought about it for a moment. However, he found that since Yan HeQing had such a large amount of stamina, no matter the position they took, he wouldn’t be able to stand it!

Whether he would be able to stand it or not, Xiao YuAn could sense Yan HeQing’s anger. However, since Xiao YuAn knew that Yan HeQing was weak to him, he quickly said with a soft voice: “Yan-ge, I was wrong. I won’t try to learn how to ride a horse in secret anymore.”

Yan HeQing looked at him without saying a word, but also without the slightest intention of letting go of his anger.

Xiao YuAn thought for a moment again, and said: “I’ll be more careful next time, and I won’t hurt myself again– Hiss it hurts. Yan-ge, it really hurts.”

Xiao YuAn said he was sincere to the extreme, but he had promised the same thing to Yan HeQing hundreds of times before, and it was unknown how many times these promises would be said in the future as well.

But, in the end, Yan HeQing couldn’t bear to hear Xiao YuAn crying in pain.

Finally, Yan HeQing loosened Xiao YuAn’s legs, placed their lower bodies together, and solved their hardness with his hands.

Xiao YuAn was breathlessly kissed by Yan HeQing, until their pleasure exploded together. Xiao YuAn couldn’t stop himself from sobbing and biting Yan HeQing’s shoulder. After a simple clean-up, Xiao YuAn lazily nestled in Yan HeQing’s arms, talking to Yan HeQing about his experience of finally being able to ride a horse.

As Yan HeQing carefully listened to his story, he rubbed Xiao YuAn’s sore legs. As he focused on rubbing the sore muscles, he soon found that the man in his arms had become silent. When he looked down at him, Yan HeQing found that Xiao YuAn had fallen asleep.

Then, Yan HeQing gently blew out the candle lamp, kissed Xiao YuAn on his forehead, and gradually fell asleep with his lover in his arms.

The last day of the Autumn hunting season arrived in the twinkling of an eye.

For the first time, Xiao YuAn rode a horse without protective gear. He rode the horse sometimes slowly and other times more quickly. He was feeling both excited and happy, so he asked Chen Ge to give him a bow and an arrow to play with. Chen Ge stood close to him, afraid that Xiao YuAn would injure himself.

Xiao YuAn didn’t say much when he followed the road, but when he arrived at the hunting place, Xiao YuAn didn’t hesitate to pass the others.

Yan HeQing instructed the Imperial Bodyguards to follow close behind Xiao YuAn, while he himself carried a sword and a bow, ready to hunt. When the Generals realized that they would finally be able to hunt together with the Emperor, they became extremely excited.

At that moment, an unlucky doe just so happened to run into the group of people. Out of fear, the doe immediately ran into the depths of the forest, but the Generals had long begun the pursuit. When one General saw the perfect opportunity, he leaned over, drew his bow, and aimed at the doe.

At that moment, when the general released the arrow, Yan HeQing suddenly drew his bow as well and released the arrow. The sharp arrow then roared through the air.

Ah~ sorry for the delay, I’ve been sick these past few days ?? it’s the weather change fault!! Even though spring just started, the weather will be sometimes cold and sometimes warm, and my dumb ass decided this was the perfect time to start morning exercise (go walk to a park) and I got sick because of it lol (I’m better now!)

XYA finally knows how to ride a horse ????congratulations king ?

Akdhskdja love that XYA and YHQ are so horny for each other ???

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  1. Lyrics from the song《当》[dāng] “When”, sung by the band Power Station [动力火车].
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