
Chapter 235 (Side Story 7) - Happy Family.

SIDE STORY 7: Happy Family.

The dedicated disaster relief lasted for several days. Although the town hasn’t yet returned to its former tranquility, at least, people have started to regain hope.

Due to this, Zhang Changsong and Zhang Baizhu planned on going back to Taoyuan Village.

Xiao YuAn was also determined to go back with them, while Chen Ge and his soldiers stayed behind to continue the disaster relief. Xiao YuAn and Chen Ge then agreed to meet in Taoyuan Village in half a month.

The day Zhang Changsong and Zhang Baizhu left, the people of Langcheng, who had been treated by them, escorted them for 10 li1.

Even after the sunset arrived, they didn’t know how else to pay for their kindness other than escorting them all the way back.

In the end, Zhang Changsong tried to dissuade them several times, before sending them back to their town.

Zhang Baizhu said emotionally: “I haven’t been so happy in my life!”

Xiao YuAn laughed as he said: “More happy than the day you married Shenling?”

Zhang Baizhu: “…. You! Alright, alright! This day is second only to the day I married my wife, which was the happiest day of my life!!!”

Xioa YuAn asked again: “Then what about the day your son was born?”

Zhang Baizhu folded his sleeves and said: “…. Stop talking. You want to fight with me, Xiao YuAn?!”

Zhang Changsong coughed fiercely, making both of them stay as quiet as a frightened chicken. Then, Zhang Changsong looked at these two boys and stroked his white beard: “Let’s hurry home.”

The two young men responded in unison: “Yes!”

Taoyuan Village, a place where the crane whispers to the pines above the moon, and the flowers blossom beautifully in Spring2.

While the neighboring town, Langcheng, had to suffer from big and small earthquakes, Taoyuan Village wasn’t affected at all. Because Taoyuan Village was a magical place.

Zhang Changsong and Zhang Baizhu had been away for the past few days in order to help the neighboring town. Lin Shenling, on the other hand, was responsible for taking care of the medicinal shop.

Since Third Aunt was worried Lin Shenling would be too busy, she decided to take Lin Shenling’s son back to the Residence.

The little kid was wearing a red undergarment that covered his chest and belly, while his hair was tied up. Despite his age, the little kid was smart, and he was able to sweetly say ‘Mommy, Aunty, Yang-gege, Xiao-gege3’ and so on.

At the age of three and a half, he was very curious about everything, so the first time he saw Xiao Fengyue calculating the accounts, he played with Xiao Fengyue’s abacus. The kid didn’t want to let go, even if people pulled at him. However, the next day, the little kid dragged Yang Liuan, hugged his leg, and insisted on climbing to his shoulders.

In the end, as long as the little kid was on the ground, he would run around everywhere, and Third Aunt was unable to keep an eye on him.

Today, because Lin Shenling had to go to the medicinal shop, the little kid was being taken care of by Third Aunt. But when Third Aunt went to take a nap, the little kid sneaked out through the door.

As soon as his short legs stepped out of the main door of the residence, the little kid was suddenly picked up by someone.

“Who are you?” The little kid said in a very loud voice, tugging at the person’s ear as he spoke.

The man smiled and said: “If I guessed right, you should be my godson. Come on, call me Godfather!”

The little kid said: “Daddy said that my godfather’s name is Xiao YuAn. Are you Xiao YuAn?”

Xiao YuAn smiled and asked: “Your father talks about me that often?”

The little kid said: “Yes!”

Xiao YuAn pinched the little kid’s fleshy face and said: “I came back too late. Come here, Godfather brought you a present.”

Xiao YuAn then took out a jade-embedded gold lock4 from his bosom and put it on the little kid.

There’s nothing wrong with the gold lock, but the thing was that it was as big as two fists. Since it was too big for a kid to wear, it made the little kid wobble when he walked and stumbled three times. He couldn’t even lift up his head. 

Not only did this unknown person didn’t let the little kid go out to play, but that person also made him wear something heavy so he couldn’t walk. ‘He’s a bad guy!’ The little kid thought, as he cried out loud, almost deafening Xiao YuAn.

Yang LiuAn was cleaning the courtyard when he suddenly heard the little kid’s cry. After he rushed out, he saw a stranger holding the little kid. Just when Yang LiuAn was about to question the stranger, he saw that man smiling at him: “Ah! LiuAn, it’s me! Xiao YuAn!”

After being separated from each other by thousands of miles in the past, it’s hard to forget about the melancholy of their lives5.

Now, surrounded by beautiful scenery, in the season when the flowers fall, they get to meet each other again6.

Yang LiuAn and Xiao Fengyue had sent letters to Xiao YuAn, so they already knew that Xiao YuAn had changed appearances. Due to this, Yang LiuAn quickly accepted this Xiao YuAn, who had a different face.

But it was Third Aunt, who didn’t realize it was Xiao YuAn until after he turned around and said with his usual smile: “Aunty, I want to eat braised pork, roast chicken and marinated duck.”

Third Aunt then said with certainty: “Yes, yes, it’s YuAn! The Capital is very strange, ah. You went to the Capital and came back with a new appearance!”

With the exception of Yang LiuAn and Xiao Fengyue, no one else knew about the affairs of the Imperial Power and the Court. They only knew that Xiao YuAn traveled to the Capital and nothing more.

Third Aunt sighed with emotion, rubbed her eyes with a handkerchief and complained: “Damn brat, you finally came back to see your Aunty! In the evening, Aunty is going to cook delicious food for you to celebrate this occasion!”

Sure enough, that evening Third Aunt did cook several dishes to fill the big table. She even invited Zhang Baizhu’s family, so that everyone can have a happy meal together.

Xiao Yuan and Zhang Baizhu began to fight for the wine as soon as they had a disagreement. But no one was impressed.

Yang LiuAn couldn’t escape. He was dragged over by Xiao YuAn and Zhang Baizhu to drink together.

Zhang Changsong, on the other hand, scolded them as he stroked his beard: “Damn brats, don’t drink too much!”

Third Aunt added more dishes for them, with a smile on her face: “Come on, eat more.”

As she held the little kid, Lin Shenling stared at Zhang Baizhu, who was in the process of emptying a bowl of food, with his head leaned back, and smiled faintly at Xiao YuAn: “Xiao-gongzi, I’ve never seen Baizhu this happy in a while. It’s all because you came back.”

Xiao YuAn sighed: “Well, don’t say anything else and drink more!”

Soon, the three men were completely drunk.

Zhang Changsong went to make some sober-up soup for the young brats. At that moment, Yang LiuAn leaned on Xiao Fengyue’s shoulder and fell asleep, while Lin Shenling supported a delirious Zhang Baizhu as she fed him fresh water. Third Aunt carried the little kid towards a wing room to coax him to sleep, and Xiao YuAn was laying down on the table, as he sang from the top of his lungs: “Unforgettable night, it’s an unforgettable night. Regardless of the end of the world and the horizons of the sea7.”

It’s so hard to meet your closest friends in this world, just like how the stars in the sky can never be close to each other8.

What a nice night to drink together under the moonlight.

When I look back, how many vicissitudes have we each experienced since we parted ways? But since we’ve exchanged letters for so long, it doesn’t feel as if time has passed at all.

But now, we’re finally reunited after such a long time! Let’s drink ten cups of sweet wine in one go! Let’s get drunk! Let’s get drunk!

The next day, they woke up with a hangover and a splitting headache.

Xiao YuAn collapsed on the bed, without the slightest intention to move.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door and opened it. It was Xiao Fengyue.

Xiao Fengyue brought a hot rice porridge to warm Xiao YuAn’s stomach. Xiao YuAn sat up with a smile on his face and thanked him. As Xiao YuAn took the bowl and drank it with a spoon, Xiao Fengyue asked: “Young Master was very drunk last night, how do you feel now?”

Xiao YuAn, still with the spoon in his mouth, said vaguely: “Fine, I’m alright.”

Xiao Fengyue took out a letter and handed it to Xiao YuAn.

Xiao YuAn froze: “What’s this?”

Xiao Fengyue said: “This was sent by Princess Yongning not that long ago. Princess Yongning must have thought that the Young Master was still in Taoyuan Village.”

Xiao YuAn was speechless for a long time, before he could finally take the letter.

The letter was quite long, and a lot of things were written inside. Things about the flowers blooming in Spring, the fruits she ate in Summer, the lotus roots she picked in Autumn and how she played in the snow in Winter. There were also a few words of greetings.

Xiao YuAn read the letter several times, and as he tried to imitate Zhou Yu’s words, he wanted to write a letter back to Princess Yongning. However, he couldn’t write a single word.

“Forget it.” Xiao YuAn threw the brush away and said: “I’ll just go to the Western Shu Kingdom to see them.”

Xiao YuAn stayed in Taoyuan Village for a few more days, left a letter telling Chen Ge about when and where they’ll meet, then sent off on the road to the Western Shu Kingdom.

In the Western Shu Kingdom, the flowers were abundant in the City of Jinguan.

Although Xiao YuAn was the Monarch of the Western Shu Kingdom, he never went back there. On one hand, he wasn’t familiar with it and he had nothing to miss from there. On the other hand, it was a long distance away and he didn’t feel like traveling for so long.

Now that the Four Kingdoms were unified into one big nation, and the County System was set up, the original Capital of the Western Shu Kingdom was renamed as Jinguan City.

Xiao PingYang and Yongning were living in Jinguan City.

Although the Four Kingdoms were unified, the Western Shu Kingdom was still dominated by women, so most of the High-Ranking Officials here were also women.

Xiao PingYang was the Governor of Jinguan City, guarding the peace and security of this region.

Although it was Xiao YuAn the one who came to visit Xiao PingYang and Yongning, since he had the identity of Xiao Jun Wang now, he could only present himself as such.

Even though the winter in Jinguan City was rarely snowy, it was still cold. When breathing, a white mist will linger from one’s mouth.

As the sound of horse hooves landed in front of the Governor’s Residence, Xiao YuAn tightened the big cloak on his body. When he jumped off the carriage, he was welcomed into the residence by two maids, who had been waiting for a long time in front of the residence.

After walking through a corridor, he arrived at the main hall, where Xiao PingYang was waiting.

When Xiao PingYang saw Xiao YuAn, she called him ‘Elder Brother’ with proper manners.

“Where’s Yongning?” Xiao YuAn looked around.

“She’ll be here in a minute. Sit down.” Xiao PingYang then asked a maid to bring tea.

As soon as Xiao YuAn picked up the white porcelain tea cup, he heard Xiao PingYang ask: “Elder Brother, did you come all the way from Taoyuan Village?”

Xiao YuAn nodded: “There was a disaster in Langcheng, and I went to provide disaster relief. When I passed by Taoyuan Village, I met a person who claimed to know Yongning. When he heard that I was going to travel to the Western Shu Kingdom to visit you, he asked me to bring a letter to Yongning for him.”

Then, Xiao YuAn took out a letter.

In order to write this letter, Xiao YuAn had to think hard for several days, until he finally came up with a reply.

Now, when Xiao YuAn had to face both Princesses, he could only use the identity of Xiao Jun Wang. So he had to lie.

When Xiao PingYang took the letter and read the words ‘Zhou Yu’ inscribed on the paper, the look in her eyes became complicated. As she looked up at Xiao YuAn, she said softly: “Elder Brother, I know everything.”

Xiao YuAn, who was drinking the tea, choked to death. After coughing for what felt like forever, he asked with wide eyes: “What do you know?”

As Xiao PingYang put down the letter, she said: “I know that the previous Emperor of the Northern Kingdom was stabbed to death for being a rebel.”

Xiao YuAn became silent and waited for Xiao PingYang’s next words.

Come to think of it, how could Xiao PingYang not know about this major political event? When she was such an extraordinary and sophisticated individual?

Then, Xiao PingYang added: “Yongning doesn’t know about it. She has always thought that her brother, the previous Emperor of the Northern Kingdom, is still living in Taoyuan Village. I hope Elder Brother won’t let Yongning know when you see her.”

Xiao YuAn faintly guessed something and asked: “You were the one who stopped the news from spreading?”

Xiao PingYang nodded: “I won’t let Yongning be sad. If I can hide this information, I’ll do it for the rest of my life.

Xiao YuAn then asked: “What will happen if you can’t stop it from spreading one day?”

Xiao PingYang looked at Xiao YuAn with calm eyes: “If that day were to come, I believe Yongning will survive the sadness. She’s stronger than you think. Besides….” Xiao PingYang slowly picked up her cup of tea, took a sip, and continued: “She has me by her side.”

Xiao YuAn sighed: “You should publish a book! I’ll buy a hundred copies!”

Xiao PingYang: “…..?”

Later that evening, Xiao YuAn met Princess Yongning. She was wearing a plain white dress, while her fine black hair was tied up, making her look more mature and dignified. But when she smiled, Xiao YuAn could still see the lively spirit she had the first time he met her.

Xiao YuAn stayed with the two Princesses in Jinguan City for several days, until Chen Ge hurried all the way from Taoyuan Village to escort him back to the North.

Xiao PingYang and Yongning wanted to keep Xiao YuAn for a bit more, but Xiao YuAn simply smiled and said: “No more, it’s time for me to go back.”

Enjoying a leisurely life in a secluded village, where you can see the southern mountains among the clouds, as well as wild cranes flying around, it sure sounds like a more comfortable and unrestrained type of life.

But Xiao YuAn missed Yan HeQing.

Waahhh we got to see everyone! o(≧▽≦)o!!

So Xiao Pingyang was behind the news of XYA’s death not spreading! Ofc it had to be her~~(¬‿¬ )??

I’ll update the last (yes last?) chapter today at night! See ya in a few hours! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

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  1. 5km (3 miles approx.).
  2. From the poem《赠隐者》by (储嗣宗 chǔ sì zōng) Chu Sizong from the Tang Dynasty [618-907]. My own interpretation of the poem: “Living in a valley with my family, where the mountains are my only neighbors. I know the beauty hidden behind the thick fog, where the view is so silent, it feels like no one is around. Where the crane whispers to the moon above the pines, and where the flowers bloom under the clouds in Spring. What else could I want? Other than drinking wine and enjoying my life leisurely.”
  3. The (yáng) Yang and ( xiǎo) Xiao here refer to Yang Liuan and Xiao Fengyue.
  4. 嵌玉金锁 qiàn yù jīn suǒ; A Chinese ornament that hangs around the neck. Looks something like THIS.
  5. From the poem《赠卫八处士》by (杜甫 dù fǔ) Du Fu [712-770] from the Tang Dynasty [618-907]. The poem describes the reunion of old friends after a long time. With homely scenes and words, expressing the feeling that the world has changed, as well as how hard it’s so say goodbye.
  6. A modified sentence from the poem《江南逢李龟年》by (杜甫 dù fǔ) Du Fu [712-770]. The meaning of this sentence was changed to fit XYA and YLA’s reunion better, but the original meaning of this poem referred to the author meeting an artist in the past. Implying his fondness for the prosperity of the early years of the Kaiyuan era [713-741], while then describing his lamentation for the decline of the state and the upheaval of the artists.
  7. Lyrics from the song《难忘今宵》by (李谷一 lǐ gǔ yī) Li Guyi.
  8. From the poem《赠卫八处士》by (杜甫 dù fǔ) Du Fu [712-770]. The poem was written after the poet was deported to Huazhou as a counsellor. It describes a surprising encounter with an old friend. It expresses the uncertainty of life, as well as the extraordinarily close relationship between old friends who met after a long time and having to part ways all of a sudden, feeling that life in this world is uncertain.

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