
Chapter 54: This Is Not the Will of God

King Eli manipulated spear after spear with divine techniques, thrusting towards Star. Some were deflected by Star’s sword, while others were blocked by the scepter in Star’s left hand.

“At the end of your rope.”

“Star of the Xilong family, you can’t hold on much longer.”

Star looked at King Eli resolutely, “Didn’t you say a king should die standing?”

“At this point, you still want me to beg you?”

King Eli was stunned for a moment, then burst into uncontrollable laughter.

He looked at Star with surprise, even approaching ecstasy.

He couldn’t accept being defeated by a weak woman. In comparison, he hoped his opponent was a truly powerful enemy.



“Very good!”

“This! This is the gaze a king should have!”

Although King Eli said this, his attacks didn’t relent in the slightest. Instead, they became fiercer.

The stronger the enemy, the more seriously they should be treated.

He spread his arms, releasing the power of divine techniques without any concealment. The Ruhe beast under him was controlled even more precisely, with hundreds of tentacles lashing out densely like whips.

On the other side, a row of javelin throwers launched another round of volleys.

Star finally made a misstep. The swords driven by her divine techniques were entangled and held down by the opponent’s Ruhe beast, losing a major force.

“Protect me.”

The tentacles of the Ruhe beast under her immediately retracted, wrapping around Star like a flower bud.

But the contracting tentacles of the Ruhe beast were obviously no match for the speed of the mind-controlled spears. In this instant of an opening, King Eli’s spear had already thrust towards Star through the gap.

Looking at the constantly enlarging spear before her eyes, Star’s pupils rapidly dilated.

In her mind, scenes flashed by like a lantern, unbelievably fast.

Father, family, friends.

And that figure in golden robes smiling at her.


“I lost my father, lost Polo, lost my friends, and also lost the throne.”

Star’s heart clenched. “Will I now lose my very life as well?”

At this moment, a golden vine descended from the sky, deflecting King Eli’s spear.


In the desert sky, a golden light accompanied the sun’s descent, sliding down towards Star.

That messenger of God in golden robes came with the wind and light, landing beside Star.

Polo’s voice rang out, warm and familiar. “I’m back, Star!”

Although Queen Star excitedly called out Polo’s name in her heart, her mind still quickly took advantage of this opening to throw the scepter in her hand, using divine techniques to knock King Eli off the Ruhe beast.

King Eli rolled onto the sand, immediately flipping over and fleeing into the distance. At the same time, he ordered his Ruhe beast to entangle Star’s Ruhe beast.

Polo’s dream divine technique activated a bit slowly. He reflexively used vines to wrap around King Eli’s legs, suspending him in midair.

While another vine pressed against King Eli’s brow like a spear.

But it abruptly stopped in an instant.

Polo was a bit at a loss. Although he possessed great power, he had never killed anyone before.

Even when he took action in the God-Descended City before, he only put the city’s defenders into a dream state while avoiding the frontlines of battle.

He yearned for adventure but detested killing.

Adventure was just a dream; killing was reality. That was the first time he discovered how contradictory dreams and reality were.

Just like creating an airplane out of a longing for the sky, only to find that when dreams were projected into reality, they became tools of war and slaughter.

Star’s Ruhe beast was entangled by the opponent and couldn’t break free.

She directly abandoned the Ruhe beast, jumping down from on high. She passed by Polo’s side and walked towards King Eli.

“Let me.”

She said indifferently, “Yours are not hands that kill. You are the messenger of God from the realm of the gods, the beloved child of the gods born without any sins.”

“I am the Trilobite Man born with original sin, the race expelled from the God-Given Land.”

Star picked up the sword she had dropped on the ground earlier, her steps firm.

Turning her head back, she revealed a smile.

Her voice was gentle but resolute. “Release him, Polo.”

“I don’t want your hands to be stained with the blood of others, tainted with the sin of killing.”

She wanted to face her fear head-on. She wanted to personally defeat the opponent, to end her and the tyrant Eli’s enmity, to end the beginning of all this.

On the side, two giant beasts were embroiled in battle, and more soldiers were fighting without end.

The fallen King Eli coughed incessantly on the ground. He was a bit frantic, glaring at Star and rebuking her.



He sneered at her. “You have the upper hand, yet you insist on this ridiculous duel. Star of the Xilong family, your foolishness knows no bounds!”

Star was not swayed in the slightest by the other party’s words.

Her sword was incomparably sharp, and her hand did not tremble at all.

Her resolve was as unyielding as the blade she wielded.

“A king is called a true king because they have inner principles and morality.”

“Mortals can burst forth with power surpassing the ordinary precisely because they possess conviction and belief.”

Star stared at Eli intently. “Without these qualities, what separates humans from mere insects? How are we any different from the mindless monsters of the deep?”

Eli raised his bone spear, “Then I will kill you here and prove that only victory is everything.”

In the showdown of divine techniques, sword and spear clashed.

The battle between the two continued. They swung their swords at each other with all their might, thrusting spears at the enemy.

Even if they were covered in wounds, even if their strength was exhausted…

The new and old kings still refused to admit defeat, refused to show any weakness or retreat.

In the end, Star, barely able to stand upright, deflected Eli’s bone spear with her sword. Grasping the scepter like a spear in her other hand, she lunged forward, thrusting it at her foe.



Star stabbed the scepter into Eli’s chest, just as Eli had killed her father back then.

King Eli first lowered his head to look at his own chest, dazed for a long time, as if unable to accept his own ending.

Even when Star pulled out the scepter, King Eli still stubbornly stood upright, unwilling to fall.

Blood spurted from his mouth, flowing along the shattered bone armor.

King Eli turned his head to look at Polo, smiling bitterly as he asked him,

“Messenger of God!”

“Is all this the will of God? Is He wanting to punish me, this king who is not devout enough?”

Polo was shocked by this tragic scene. He shook his head and said,

“This is not the will of God, nor is it the choice of God.”

“This is your own choice, and also my own will.”

Polo looked at the gradually weakening King Eli and slowly said,

“Everything in the world belongs to the gods, but the gods have given living beings the opportunity to choose.”

Upon hearing this answer, King Eli didn’t show the slightest bit of happiness. Instead, he was extremely disappointed.

If this was divine retribution, at least it would mean the gods still paid them heed.

He slowly closed his eyes, his voice filled with endless sighs.


“In the eyes of the gods, we are just a group of lowly insects.”

His final words were barely a whisper. “Insignificant creatures, not even worth a glance.”

No matter how much he tried to maintain his dignity, no matter how arrogantly he declared his nobility as king…

When death arrived, he still had to fall into the dust, entangled with the dirt on the ground.

Star looked at the fallen Eli, the scepter in her hand dropping to the ground, as if all the strength had been drained from her body.

Polo immediately stepped forward to hug Star, while Star smiled at Polo.

Her voice was filled with relief and triumph. “Polo! I’m stronger than I ever thought possible!”

She had finally broken through her inner demon and also killed her life’s greatest enemy.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    + 20 -
    Eli would have killed her without Polo, what triumph?🙄
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    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      yes but that wasn’t a 1v1, the last battle was which is what mattered to her
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