
Chapter 268

The flush faded from Du Sanying’s face and he took two steps back warily with his back hunched as he looked at Bai Liu, “–who the hell are you?”

Why do you know everything about me so well, if you’re not a friend ……

“I have used you before.” Bai Liu didn’t hesitate to reveal the truth straight away, “That’s why you don’t want to see me.”

Bai Liu looked levelly at Du Sanying: “But I didn’t force you, you were used by me on your own free will. Your luck and intuition told you that you should follow me, so you were on my team.”

“What about your intuition now?”

Du Sanying was stunned, and he slowly straightened up – the man was right.

His good fortune led him to believe in Bai Liu, which is why he was so obedient in the first place.

But why did the parrot tell him to leave the man?

Bai Liu swept a bemused glance at the parrot outside the window: “Do you know why you chose the parrot to record your memories?”

Du Sanying shaked his head honestly.

His mind was now blank and he often relies on a residual premonition brought about by luck to do things .

For example, those who come near him are bound to come to a bad end, or believing what the parrot says.

Another example is Bai Liu, whom he feels he should follow.

“Because there’s no other way to record your memories in this world.” Bai Liu said calmly. “You’re in a dangerous game, but you can always survive on your own luck. Although this luck sometimes hurts others.”

“You reject such memories, so you empty them once a week, but even then, you have to continue to suffer to survive in this game.”

Du Sanying couldn’t help but ask: “Why? Can’t I leave this game?”

“No.” Bai Liu replied, “Because you still have unfulfilled desires.”

Bai Liu raised his eyes: “You want to make up for the misfortunes which were created by your good luck. You want to revive your parents, your brothers and sisters, the friends who died because of you. You want to put an end to this unfortunate luck and restore all the misfortunes that were created because of you.”

“And this game gives you hope and desire.”

Du Sanying’s hands trembled involuntarily as he shook his head unconsciously, trying to refute Bai Liu’s words. He opened his mouth, but not a word came out.

Because he doesn’t remember anything.

Bai Liu continued, “You can’t reveal this game to anyone. Paper can’t record information about the game, electronic devices can’t save information about the game, and even if you confide in someone about the game, their memory will be erased after seven seconds.”

Du Sanying retorts, “But the parrot remembers the game and it remembers you!”

“If I am correct, this parrot would have been a game prop you won, in line with your core desires and placed into reality by you as a carrier of your memories.” Bai Liu’s gaze moved to the parrot, “-it was originally a creature from the game.”

It dawned on Mu Sicheng who was standing next to him, “That’s why this parrot can remember things from the game.”

Bai Liu offered his hand to Du Sanying with genuine sincerity, his dark mirror-like eyes reflecting the hesitant Du Sanying in his entirety.

Du Sanying was in a trance for a moment, looking at the reflection as clear as the pond below.

“I may be a bad person.” Bai Liu said softly, “but I’ve never harmed you, and more importantly-“

“-you can’t hurt me; my bad luck was born with me, far better than the misfortune you can bring. And the fortune you sneer at is what I dream of.”

Bai Liu gazed up at him and stepped forward closer to Du Sanying.

Du Sanying was unable to retreat due to Bai Liu’s gaze and froze on the spot.

He saw that there seemed to be wild cold wind and snow entwining in Bai Liu’s eyes, melting broken ice floating in the air, fire and strong acid hissing and smoking, filling Bai Liu’s eyes.

Those clear memories are fleeting. Between the smoke, dust, snow and destruction, a figure appears in Bai Liu’s eyes then it disappears. It seems to be a beautiful memory that does not exist, floating away in the wind…

Du Sanying felt like he saw …… a man with a broken heart.

“I ask you, help me.” Bai Liu said softly, “Use your good fortune to save a person who is important to me.”

Du Sanying was quiet for a moment before he lowered his head and asked in a whisper, “…… If I go, can I really save people? I won’t harm them?”

“No.” Bai Liu looked at him and smiled lightly, “When one’s life is unfortunate enough, the misfortune you bring may just be a way of presenting luck.”

“To me, to the man I am trying to save and for the five escorts on the plane, you won’t do any harm to them.”

Bai Liu lowered his eyes, “Because they have no more unfortunate ending than this.”

Du Sanying gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath and clutched Bai Liu’s hand, “Okay, I’ll go with you. What do I have to do to save them?”

Bai Liu quickly told Du Sanying about the current situation.

Du Sanying was a bit confused: “The plane is already over the Antarctic and is going to crash, what can I do?”

“You can be teleported to this plane and use your luck to see if you can bring the plane down early to land in the sea instead of on the ground, thus mitigating the extent of the crash and trying to save the people and items on the plane.” Bai Liu said.

Du Sanying was horrified: “Teleport me onto a plane that’s going to crash?!”

Bai Liu held him down and said calmly, “I’ll be with you.”

Du Sanying’s face was pale with fear, but he managed to maintain his composure. He grabbed Bai Liu’s arm and asked weakly, “How do you teleport?”

Bai Liu’s eyes rested on the parrot who was standing on the balcony: “Using game props.”

Du Sanying entered the game about a year ago, just as his family was involved in an accident, so it is reasonable to assume that the core desire that spurred Du Sanying to enter the game was related to the accident.

For example, the core desire to instantly teleport the whole family from the scene of a traffic accident.

And the parrot is a game prop that meets Du Sanying’s core desires, brought to reality. Coupled with the careful design of the people behind the scenes…

Bai Liu has good reason to suspect that the parrot’s true function was a teleportation tool.

Tang Erda caught the parrot off the balcony by pressing down on its wing joints under the direction of Bai Liu.

The parrot hissed loudly with its neck stretched out and its wings fluttering: “Bai Liu! Bad! Bai Liu! Bad!”

Du Sanying, apprehensive and uncomfortable, could not resist adding a weak reminder: “Be gentle, it’s not comfortable.”

Bai Liu took the parrot from Tang Erda and handed it to Du Sanying.

The parrot quickly climbed onto Du Sanying’s shoulder, tilted its head and rubbed against him, blinked its green bean eyes. It moved its claws against Du Sanying’s ear, and muttered as if whispering a tip-off: “Bai Liu, bad, run.”

Du Sanying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he raised his hand to touch the parrot’s head. He hesitated and covered the parrot’s eyes: “…… Using props won’t hurt it, will it?”

“No.” Bai Liu looked at him, “but it will require you to figure out how to use the prop.”

Du Sanying frowned bitterly, “…… But I really don’t remember.”

“It’s obviously a voice-activated prop.” Liu Jiayi prompts, “Have you devised some sort of keyword for the parrot to use it, like Bai Liu or something like that?”

When the parrot heard the word, it twitched its wings again, tilted its neck and called out, “Bai Liu, bad-!!!”

Du Sanying calmly covered the parrot’s beak: “Let me think.”

“If you and your family were involved in a violent traffic accident, what keyword would you choose to teleport everyone out?” Liu Jiayi says.

Du Sanying looked up hesitantly: “A traffic accident?”

“Yes, a rather serious traffic accident, the remains of which had not been searched for a week. The remains of the passengers were all fused together in an indistinguishable mess of flesh and blood due to the burning of the petrol and the violent impact.” Bai Liu recounts in clear terms.

Du Sanying’s pupils constricted slightly as he ducked his head evasively and began biting his nails nervously, his voice low: “It sounds …… so serious.”

Bai Liu: “You try to separate your family from the others and piece together their remains for a separate burial, but you can’t do that, and neither can anyone else. If you must do it, it’s going to take a lot of DNA identification.”

“…… After the families of the eventual victims deliberated, a mass accident cemetery was set up and everyone was buried together. On the day of the tribute to the victims, you, the only survivor of the accident, became the talk of the town.”

Du Sanying’s breathing began to quicken.

“The families of the victims who came to the memorial service asked how you survived, some were concerned and comforted you. Many showed their sympathy for you, relieved that you were lucky to have survived, and there were even two families who said they wanted to support you through college – because in their minds, you are also a victim, the only one left.”

“But you know you’re not, you feel like the perpetrator, and you know their loved one died because of your luck.”

“And they want to help you.”

Du Sanying covered his head and kept shaking, his eyes lost in thought, as if he had been transported back to that scene by Bai Liu’s words.

He kept apologizing mechanically, his eyes wide and tearing unconsciously.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it……”

Bai Liu took Du Sanying’s hands in his and forced him to look into his eyes as he continued brutally, “- When the mass cemetery burial took place, you disappeared and everyone was so worried about you that they looked for you everywhere. They eventually found out that you had actually buried yourself in the cemetery, but luckily, you were found again.”

“Because a child was playing in a part of the cemetery that hadn’t been built yet, and was killed directly by a falling monument. That’s how everyone found you buried under the cemetery.”

“That child was the child of one of the two families who expressed their desire to help you; his father died in the accident. He liked you very much and called you brother, so his mother became compassionate towards you and wanted to help you, not realizing that she had brought such bad luck for herself.”

“Does he remind you of your own sister?”

Du Sanying began to tremble as he struggled to pull his hand back, tears streaming down his face, almost wailing, “- stop talking!!!”

Bai Liu did not stop, but looked closer at Du Sanying’s tear-filled eyes.

“What were you screaming as you crawled out of the grave to hold the body of that child on your knees, as you held the broken bodies of your dead parents, sister and brother at the scene of the accident?”

“Why did your memory malfunction after that and refuse to remember anything?”

Du Sanying slid to his knees, unable to stop his tears sliding down his face, his head tilted back and his voice full of hoarse despair, as if his heart and liver had been ripped out.

“Help!!! Somebody help them!!!”

“Let me die!!! Let them live!!!”

Du Sanying cried hoarsely, his back arched and his head hung low, tears falling one by one on the floor.

“- I don’t want to be lucky to live, let me die unhappily.”

The parrot’s crown of hair stood upright as it drew out its song, “- Let me die unhappily!!!”

A dazzling white light descended on Du Sanying’s shoulders, enveloping him and Bai Liu.

After the white light, the two men disappeared in place.

EN1: oh god i feel so bad for lil 3 😭

EN2: sob

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