
Chapter 274

Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda in the jungle watched as Spades swept Bai Liu away: “????”

What the hell?!

They jumped out without saying a word. Glancing at each other, they quickly slid over in the direction where Spades had disappeared.

The jungle’s dense, broad-leaved vegetation and thick undergrowth made it difficult for those behind to pursue and with Spades’ outrageous speed of movement, he soon put some distance between him and those pursuing him.

But Bai Liu, the looted ‘corpse’, was not the least bit flustered, dragged his jaw idly and lolled on Spades’ shoulders, his face unmoved.

Bai Liu wondered when Spades would realise that he wasn’t a corpse?

Soon Spades was keenly aware of a modest bush canvas tent hut hidden beneath much vegetation.

The hut was draped with camouflage strips and surrounded by piles of corpses, which were only covered with sand and dirt. Left unattended next to them were some half-stacked bastions of sandbags and concrete, which appeared to be a temporary base for the soldiers responsible for clearing the battlefield to rest in the jungle.

Spades, who had just discovered this stronghold, had taken it for himself, holding the “corpse” on his shoulder and opening the door of the hut with his knee.

There were only one or two steel-framed beds placed close together in the hut, and some empty shells of mines and grenades thrown in the corner, probably found while rummaging for bodies, and brought back with them.

There are some tattered uniforms stained with blood, two aluminium mouthwash cups hanging on the wall and two half-opened medical kits under the bed. The compartment where the antibiotics had been kept was empty, so it was clear that the owner of the house left in a hurry and must have taken them to help someone.

The search and rescue squad is sometimes responsible for treating simple traumatic injuries.

Spades casually tossed aside the headless corpse he had under his arm, and was about to toss the one over his shoulder.

Bai Liu finally spoke up, “So the famous Spades is someone who wins games by stealing the bodies of his teammates?”

Spades was about to throw the body away, but hesitated before catching the body around the waist and lifting Bai Liu flat on the bed, looking closer at his mud-smeared face.

Because it was hard to see, Spades rubbed his palm twice, with great force, distorting Bai Liu’s features a little before revealing his fair face under the mud.

The two men are a little closer together at this point, Spades gazing intently at Bai Liu, trying to carefully identify who he is, as if he’s about to close in on him in the next moment.

Bai Liu leaned back and pulled away, moving his eyes to look at the dirty clothes in the corner of the room.

“Oh.” Spades, oblivious, said, “It’s you, Bai Liu from the last round.”

Then the man nodded seriously, “Well, I sometimes steal from my teammates to win games.”

Spades unashamedly confessed to his crime in front of Bai Liu and asked him, “Is this not okay?”

Bai Liu: “……”

For some reason, there was a moment of subtle pity for this guy’s teammates.

Xie Ta plays the game with no rules or regulations at all, sometimes even stabbing his teammates’ side with a sincere look……

This has held up well and remained unchanged.

Bai Liu pursed his lips for a moment, his eyes sinking as he turned his head to look levelly at Spades, but with a small smile on his face.

But the smile didn’t reach the bottom of his eyes and Bai Liu’s voice was as cold as it could be: “I don’t like people who prey on their teammates.”

Bai Liu took a soul note out of his glove with two fingers, which showed Tang Erda’s face. He instantly activated Tang Erda’s personal skill in the system panel, raised his hand and pulled out a gun from his waist, with a magazine that was about to be loaded.

Spades was quick to push Bai Liu’s gun back into his belt, instinctively wanting to draw his whip against Bai Liu, but hesitated at the thought of the bitter accusations the Judge had made against him earlier and the likelihood of facing the penalty of losing the game three times.

And with a moment’s hesitation, Bai Liu pressed down on his wrist and spun, pulling the gun from Spades’ hand, clicking the magazine into place fluidly and aiming a shot at Spades’ heart.

Spades sidestepped it smoothly.

The bullet hit the tent with a thud, letting out a shimmering light that fell squarely on Bai Liu’s dark eyes. They were cold and calm, without any warmth even in the light, as if they held an infinite amount of negative emotions.

Spades couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, he felt as if the man…… was angry.

This anger was more intimidating than any emotion Spades had ever encountered, and he subconsciously tried to distance himself from Bai Liu.

But Bai Liu didn’t give him a way out. Realising that Spades wouldn’t attack him easily, he dropped down at the waist, hooking his legs around Spades’ waist in a smooth motion to circle him and pull him in.

At the same time, the moment Spades was pulled over and fell into Bai Liu’s arms, Bai Liu aimed at Spade’s heart from behind in an embrace.

Spades bent forward to avoid the shot from behind and pinned Bai Liu to the bed, while pulling Bai Liu’s hands away from him and taking the gun away.

Bai Liu was pinned underneath Spades, breathing heavily. Spades, who had clamped Bai Liu’s hands down on the bed headboard, asked in disbelief, “Why do you have to aim for my heart?”

“Is it because I took your heart in the last round of the game?” Spades was confused, “But I gave it back to you, it was the monster’s heart I took.”

“I just think that if you must dig out your own heart and destroy it.” Bai Liu looked up at him and smiled in reply, “Might as well let me do the digging myself.”

“-after all, I’ve been wanting to cut out your heart for a long time.”

After the words were spoken, Bai Liu, like a magician flinging a poker card, clutched another brand new soul note from his glove, which showed the face of a member of the guild whose skill was a sharp, short knife.

The pistol Spades had taken from him disappeared and in its place appeared a short knife in Bai Liu’s hand. He straightened his back, knelt on the bed and swung the knife out of its sheath, forcing back Spades who was on top of him.

But even as Spades retreated, the knife in Bai Liu’s hand didn’t weaken, instead, it shone with a sharp, cold light straight into Spades’ heart.

Spades subconsciously drew his whip to block the blow.

Bai Liu’s face grew lighter with a smile, “I thought you’d never use the whip.”

“Where’s your whip?” Spades noticed that Bai Liu had never had his weapon out, same as him.

Bai Liu lifted his eyes and said lightly, “You ruined it in the last game”

With that, Bai Liu placed his foot on the four supporting feet of the steel frame and flipped down, slashing his knife hard into a bundle of the whip that Spades had put up in front of him to block.

The handle of the knife stabbed and cut with a dazzling fire. It looked like it would not go in, but Bai Liu did not relent in his efforts, instead he turned the knife and slashed again, forcing the tip of the blade hard between the whip.

Spades gave Bai Liu a nonchalant glance as he tightened the muscles in his arms and rolled the whip inward, coiling the blade Bai Liu had inserted into the whip and wrapping it up.

–This side is where the top-level skill weapon overpower the lower-level skill weapon, the otherwise hard blade was as soft as clay under the effect of Spades’ whip.

Bai Liu did not retract his blade, but continued to reach inward along the rolled-in blade, clamping Tang Erda’s soul note between two fingers of his left hand and loading Tang Erda’s system screen again, changing the skill weapon.

It’s true that this regular member’s skill weapon wasn’t enough to fight Spades, but Bai Liu didn’t expect to use it against Spades in the first place.

The knife was only used to open the way, what really works is Tang Erda’s skill weapon that can hold up to Spades’ whip – the gun.

Bai Liu’s gaze moved down.

The knife had been completely rolled into the gaps between the whip, its form suddenly changing to that of an indestructible rose revolver. The rolled-in blade shifted violently into a muzzle, opening a pathway within the strangulation of the whip, aimed straight at Spades’ heart.

Bai Liu’s dark eyes watched Spades as he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet entered Spades’ chest and exited his back, sending a crisp, bloody line to the ground where the empty, bloodied casing hit the ground with two crisp bounces.

Spades was carried back half a step by the tremendous impact of the bullet, his face still kind of dazed and unresponsive, blood pouring from his chest.

Bai Liu didn’t stop, he pushed Spades to the ground with no emotion on his face, half crouched next to Spades, then lowered his gun and fired several more shots into Spades’ heart.

“Why didn’t you fight back?” Bai Liu looked at Spades, who had fallen in a pool of blood, and calmly asked, “Just like you did in your last game, rip out my heart.”

“Aren’t you good at that?”

Spades turned his head to look up at Bai Liu, his hair submerged in blood, his voice still steady, “-because if I attack you again, I will be punished.”

“Are you angry because of that?” Spades asked.

Bai Liu’s face was very rarely emotive for a moment.

But before Spades could determine exactly what category the emotion fell into, it was reined in by Bai Liu without a trace.

Bai Liu opened his five fingers and placed his hand over the wound in front of Spades’ heart, the blood flowing out through his slender white fingers.

Warm and cold, slightly viscous, like a liquid texture of strong acid and fuel mixed together.

“I thought your blood would be cold too.” Bai Liu turned his head to look at Spades, “I didn’t expect it to be a little warm.”

Bai Liu’s bloodied fingertips slid up Spades’ heart, eventually smoothing the hair on his forehead as he gazed into Spades’ eyes, lost in thought for a moment.

Spades’ eyes were also black. Unlike Bai Liu’s blackness, without a trace of light, his eyes were like a glass bead in a dark, unlit house. When viewed from some unintended angle, they reflected a very light silvery-blue glow, as if another person’s eyes were hidden inside.

“You have beautiful eyes, why are you covering them up?” Bai Liu asked abruptly in this bizarre scene.

And Spades, who was lying on the floor, cooperated by answering his question, “I don’t feel the need to show my eyes to outsiders.”

He paused and added his own answer in conjunction with Bai Liu’s question, “-and no one has ever commented on them being beautiful eyes except you.”

“Is that so?” Bai Liu stroked Spades’ eyes and leaned down close to him, “I like your eyes a lot, they’re silvery blue.”

Bai Liu’s tone is soft, his eyes unfocused, as if he had forgiven Spades for his transgressions and fallen into his eyes.

But the next moment Spades’ breath caught as Bai Liu turned his gun into a knife and cut open Spades’ chest, thrusting his five fingers together through the wound and squeezing the bloody heart.

Spades thought out loud – that’s right, this guy seems to be very much the tit-for-tat type.

So what he did to Bai Liu, Bai Liu had to do to him.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Bai Liu cut out his heart and then write it off and stop being angry with him……

Bai Liu gradually tightened his grip on Spades’ heart, he looked down at Spades and suddenly closed his eyes and attached himself to Spades, tightening his grip at the same time.

Spades’ pupils tightened like never before.

His heart was crushed in a flash as Bai Liu’s warm lips and teeth pressed against his cold lips, an extremely strange sensation, as if his heart had exploded because he couldn’t bear the sudden kiss from Bai Liu.

Bai Liu murmured as he kissed him, “I hate you, you have to remember, I hate you.”

Blood was pouring out of Spades’ body and he wrapped his arms confusedly around Bai Liu, who had curled up in his arms after the kiss. For a moment Spades felt that it wasn’t him who was suffering from a broken heart, but Bai Liu.

“Are you still angry?” Spades asked.

Bai Liu didn’t answer and shrank a little further into Spades’ arms, the gun in his hand unretracted, still pressed against Spades’ heart, feeling ready to shoot him twice for displeasure.

So Spades confusedly and awkwardly patted Bai Liu on the shoulder and said, “Sorry, I won’t do that next time.”

Bai Liu was quiet for a long time before he finally lowered his gun.


EN2: homoerotically fighting (also for those of u who are probably wondering how spades didn’t die, it’ll be revealed soon idk if i’m supposed to say it or not)

This is an extra kofi chapter due to super kind donation by Jetta !! Thank youu!! ❤ヾ(≧▽≦*)o !!

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