
Chapter 109: Special Field Training

༺ Special Field Training ༻

Time flowed swiftly, and it was the day of the special field training.

Endlessly spread before me was the blue sky.

My hair was violently whipped by the wind, clouds flowed beneath my feet, and the expansive view was clear and pristine.

Gazing at that spectacle, I slightly furrowed my brow.


I never thought I’d be riding the airship again, especially so soon.

While I was lamenting my fate, someone next to me struck up a conversation.

“Why the sigh, Instructor Graham? The sky is so beautiful.”

Instructor Lirya approached with a gentle smile. She was holding down her hair, fluttering in the wind.

Normally, it would be impossible to stand on the deck at such a high altitude. Flying higher than the clouds, either one would be blown away by the strong winds or be unable to breathe properly due to the lack of oxygen.

However, that this was merely reduced to ‘a bit of strong wind’, was testament to the remarkable technology of the airship created by Dr. Brown.

Instructor Lirya was looking at the scenery beyond the deck of the airship that was cutting through the clouds.

“I never thought we’d be flying to the training site in an airship. Isn’t it astounding that such a big ship can fly?”

Her face was filled with childlike excitement and thrill. With her much smaller physique compared to the students and such a buoyant expression, she looked just like a real child.

I nodded my head slightly in agreement.

“…Yes, it truly is.”

“Huh? Your reaction is rather lukewarm… If you’re uncomfortable with heights, how about staying inside instead of being on the deck?”

I shook my head from side to side.

Of course, it wasn’t a fear of heights. But if every time you ride an airship, you inevitably experience a crash, it’s only natural to develop such a reaction, isn’t it?

But putting aside personal discomfort, one couldn’t deny the speed and convenience of the airship.

Traveling to Shubaltsheim by carriage would have taken at least a month, and considering the number of people traveling together, it wouldn’t be strange if it took even longer. However, that time was reduced to merely a day.

Instructor Lirya spoke without hiding her surprise.

“I never imagined the royal family would donate an airship… I didn’t even consider it. Dean Heinkel was incredibly surprised when he first heard the news.”

“That must have been the case.”

Even though the Philion Academy is a prestigious educational institution, there would have been various problems in lending a machine that contains the essence of the Empire’s magic engineering technology, like an airship.

So it was easy to guess that there must have been unseen efforts by Elizabeth in the background.

Of course, not all students were able to use the airship. The number of students enrolled in Philion Academy reached the thousands, with over a thousand just in the first year. But the airship’s maximum capacity was only 200.

Only one class from one grade could ride the airship. And it was our Opal Black class that was chosen because our training site was the farthest.

Of course, having just eight students use one airship was a serious waste of space. So it was decided to go for the practice with the Garnet Red class.

Some students said that this was special treatment, but what could we do?

The one who provided the airship was the royal family, and among the students riding it was Princess Elizabeth herself.

To be honest, the fact that the princess, who almost died in an airship crash, was riding an airship again, regardless of her strong insistence, felt questionable…

I momentarily turned my gaze to the side. It was where the students were.

“Woah…! Oz, look at this! We’re flying in the sky!!”

“…The wind… is too strong…”

“Hmm, it’s more stable than I thought? I thought it would sway like a ship because it’s an airship.”

“Wait, Gwyn!? What are you doing right now!”

“Huh? Oh, I was just wondering if I could touch the clouds-”

“You idiot! Come down right now!”

Gwyn was dragged back by Marian, and the sight made the students burst into laughter.

It was a somewhat chaotic scene, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I was quietly watching from afar when my eyes accidentally met Elizabeth’s.



The moment her eyes met mine, she awkwardly turned her head away.

For the few weeks following our conversation that day, there was a thick layer of awkwardness between the students and me.

They participated diligently in the classes, but that was it. We hardly ever had personal conversations.

I could understand the students’ attitudes. It would be burdensome to form a deeper relationship with an instructor who might leave at any moment. Thinking of it as their defense mechanism, I decided not to worry about it.

There was a bit of regret, but what could I do? After all, it was my problem to deal with.

However, Instructor Lirya seemed to have noticed the subtle atmosphere between us quite a while ago.

“Instructor Graham, did something happen with the students?”

“…It’s just a trivial matter.”

“Hmm, it doesn’t seem trivial at all…”

I tried to avoid Instructor Lirya’s gaze, but her serious eyes wouldn’t let me go.

Rather than telling a pointless lie that I couldn’t hide, I chose to keep my mouth shut and maintain silence.

Instructor Lirya stared at me for a long while, then finally sighed.

“It seems it’s a difficult matter for you to discuss. Please tell me about it later if you feel okay? I’ll make time for Instructor Graham’s counseling anytime.”

“…Thank you just for saying so.”

Her voice was filled with sincere concern as a fellow instructor. But even if I consulted with her, this was a type of problem that couldn’t be solved.

At least in terms of inevitable farewells, I probably had more experience than Instructor Lirya.

When an awkward silence lingered between us, the airship’s intercom announced at an appropriate time.

[Ah ah- mic check. This is Dr. Brown, no, Captain Brown.]

Surprisingly, Dr. Brown was in charge of piloting this airship.

The crew had safely escaped the previous crash, but the actual pilot, Captain Alfred, was found cold dead at home. The exact details weren’t disclosed, but it was undoubtedly the work of the empire’s intelligence director.

[Ahem! Attention passengers. We will be arriving at our destination shortly. Please prepare for landing.]

“Kids! We’re arriving soon, so take your seats!”

Following Instructor Lirya’s guidance, the students entered the cabin one by one, looking a little disappointed but filled with anticipation.

After confirming that the students had taken their seats, I found a spot next to Instructor Lirya and fastened my seat belt.

Now, the airship began to slowly descend below the clouds.

All the students were staring out the window of the airship with different expressions. Some students looked regretful at the fact that they were about to leave the airship, while others had faces flushed with anticipation for their first practice.

But that anticipation soon turned into horror.


“Wha, what is that…!?”

The view of the city from the sky was like hell.

Flames shot up from all sides, covering the sky like graphite, and screams echoed from everywhere. And beneath the dark sky, something was surging towards the city like a wave.

They were the undead.

The undead were attacking the city.

From the sky, Shubaltsheim was desperately fighting back against the undead attack.

However, in the face of the countless undead onslaught, the isolated city, which could not hope for any help, seemed as precarious as a candle in the wind.

Everyone looked at each other with anxious eyes in their confusion.

A student from the Garnet Red class muttered blankly.

“Was that city always like that…?”

Of course, it couldn’t be.

A horde of undead that large was rare even in times of war. Unless it was the undead army directly commanded by the Undead Corps Commander…

Instructor Lirya grabbed the communication device connected to the cockpit and shouted.

“Change our direction right now!!”

[“Ah, got it!”]

Dr. Brown promptly responded to Instructor Lirya’s urgent command.

But before Dr. Brown could turn the steering wheel, something crashed hard into the bottom of the airship.


A violent shock shook the entire airship with a loud noise, and the students began to scream in fear.


“What is it! What’s happening!?”

“M-mom… I’m scared, help…!”

I looked out the window to understand what was happening.

“Corpse Cannon…”

It was a siege weapon often used by the undead forces during the war, which fired chunks of corpses like a cannon.

And it was precisely targeting this airship.

Boom! Bang-!

Whizz! Crash!!

“Kyaaah!! Mom!! Instructor!!”

“Are we really going to crash like this!?”

Instructor Lirya, barely maintaining her balance in the shaky airship, spoke.

“Dr. Brown! Get us out of here quickly!”

[“I prioritized safety more than before with this airship! It’s sturdy but still has many areas to improve!”]

“What does that mean?!”

[“It means I can’t make a quick turn!!”]

Boom! Bang!!

The Corpse Cannon was still furiously firing corpse shells targeting us.

The accuracy of the Corpse Cannon is not particularly high, and it’s quite difficult to hit a small airship floating in the sky accurately. However, when there are that many numbers, accuracy is not that important.

A few more hits, and a crash is inevitable. I needed to quickly handle that cannon first.

The judgment was fast, and the decision was firm.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, stood up, and spoke.

“Instructor Lirya. Please take care of the students.”

“Huh? In, Instructor Graham… You can’t be…!?”

‘Can’t be’ was exactly it.

I quickly ran to the deck.

And without hesitation, I jumped off the airship.

“Instructor Graham―!!?”

Instructor Lirya’s shocked cry echoed far and wide.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    #panic# missing chapter.

    Chapter 110 Familiar Gaze

    ༺ Familiar Gaze ༻

    As I fell from the sky, I was momentarily lost in thought.

    This damned Ruellyn.

    He had assured me that everything would be fine for a few months, but did this look like a fine situation?

    Thinking about it now, he only said Ella would be okay, he never said anything about the undead not going wild at the border.

    This is why it’s hard to trust a mage’s words. They always tend to leave out one or two crucial details.

    Enough with the distractions, it was time to focus on the situation on the ground.

    An enormous horde of undead was attacking the city. The city walls had held up so far, but how much longer could they last against the undead army equipped with siege weapons?

    Based on past experience, it was unlikely to hold up beyond the day. This was the case even though the city of Shubaltsheim had many capable fighters befitting its name as the city of adventurers.

    The enemy was innumerable and never tired, unlike humans who no matter how strong, could not fight all day. It was fortunate in misfortune that I arrived before the city fell.

    Whether the swarm of undead on the ground noticed me falling from the sky or not, I could see the Corpse Cannon on the non-operational airship turning towards me.

    Boom! Bang-!

    In an instant, about ten shells were flying through the air. Most of them would have missed if I’d stayed still, but I knew a few would hit me directly.

    I hesitated whether to draw my spear, but in the end, I refrained. I’d already attracted quite some attention by jumping off the deck. Ajetus would stand out too much in front of the students who were watching.

    Instead, I chose a different method.

    Without hesitation, I reached out towards the incoming shells.

    The shells were incredibly hard, made up of firm bone and rock-like flesh, and almost the size of a human body because they were made by tightly compressing a corpse. If they hit correctly, they had enough power to crumple even an armored knight.

    Instead of blocking it head-on, I lightly placed my hand on its side. Then, with a slight push while spinning my body in the air, the shell easily changed its course and flew back in the direction it came from, at a speed far greater than when it was fired.

    Fwoosh-! Crash!!

    Three Corpse Cannons that were hit directly by their own shells collapsed in an instant.

    Boom! Bang-!

    The undead horde kept shooting shells without tiring, and I kept sending them back into the air using the “Fourfold Skyrending Strike” and “Harmonious Merge Blossom” techniques.

    After repeating this a few times, more than a dozen Corpse Cannons were stopped. That was close to half of them.

    It would have been quite a shock and cause for fear for a regular army, but the undead horde neither had emotions to feel such a thing nor the reason to comprehend it.

    However, seeming to have recognized that their shells were ineffective, they stopped firing the Corpse Cannons.

    Looks like my fun with this will be limited from now on.

    In the air, I forcefully moved my arms and legs, propelling myself forward. Then, I descended like a projectile toward the area where the most undead were gathered. The faster I fell, the more I could feel the chilly wind rushing towards me from all sides.

    I wrapped myself in the wind, spinning in circles as I fell. Just before hitting the ground, I flipped my body, which was falling headfirst, 180 degrees, and crashed feet first into the ground.


    A massive shockwave shook the ground within a radius of tens of meters, sweeping away all the surrounding undead.

    The ground split in all directions as if there was an earthquake, and dust filled the air like a dense fog.

    The battlefield surroundings fell eerily silent due to the sudden, massive explosion.

    The undead, unsure whether the sudden explosion was from a friend or foe.

    And the horde of undead, quietly waiting for the dust to settle.


    Slowly, I rose from the center of the deep crater.

    Indeed, having fallen from that height without using magic and with just my bare body, it was natural that my joints here and there were creaking and protesting in pain.

    But the pain was a sign that my body was recovering. After a few deep breaths, my legs were fine again, and I pushed against the ground.

    I slapped the head of the first zombie that came into view through the dust. Maybe I used too much force because the rotten head of the zombie flew off in one piece.

    The sound of gurgling from rotten vocal cords, the clattering of stark white jawbones filled the surroundings.


    “Clack! Clack!”

    I dusted off the rotten blood on my fist and said in a low voice,

    “Noisy bastards. Come at me.”

    Starting with those words, I ripped, crushed, and burst every undead that rushed at me.

    Just like the war several years ago, everything in my sight was an enemy, so there was no need for differentiation.

    I advanced without any hindrance. Swinging my arm, bending my knee, and with each step I took, I shoved, slammed, and slapped the undead, and a mechanical slaughter ensued.

    There was no need to draw a spear. They were just common low-ranking undead. Occasionally, I saw intermediate undead like ghouls or skeleton warriors, but they were just sturdier zombies and skeletons, and they died fairly under my fist.

    However, no matter how many of these things you kill, it’s useless.

    Based on my experience, there surely is one. A commander-class entity commanding such a large force.

    The most annoying thing about the undead is that they act in groups, but if you catch the commander, these creatures are just a large mob. And typically, the commander is well-protected in the safest center.

    While searching for a target with such thoughts in mind, I noticed a conspicuous figure.

    A knight ostentatiously riding a horse and clad in armor, overseeing the battlefield.

    It was a high-ranking undead, a Death Knight.

    The Death Knight, with his sword acting as if it were a baton, commanded in the demon’s tongue and pointed the tip of his sword towards me.

    “Kill him-!”

    At his command, the undead corps charged all at once. The problem was that specters and ghosts, which are difficult to deal with without magic, were also coming in droves from wherever they were hiding.

    Faced with the onslaught, I was momentarily lost in thought. With my dark mana unusable, should I draw my spear, or should I ignore the horde and quickly retreat to target only the commander?

    At that moment, suddenly a bolt of lightning struck from the sky.



    The lightning struck the specter accurately. The specter, hit by the lightning, disintegrated, leaving only a handful of ash.

    That was just the beginning. Soon, thunder roared in the dry sky, and bolts of lightning poured down all around.

    Crash! Crash!!

    As the lightning rained down, it precisely struck the specters and ghosts that were hovering nearby. As far as I knew, there was only one person who could do something like this now.

    When I looked up, as expected, I could see Oznia standing on the deck of the airship.

    She was emitting violet currents from her whole body, spewing out lightning. The casting speed and accuracy of her relentless attacks were impressive, even to me.

    “Instructor Eon!”

    Next to such an Oznia, Titania raised both of her hands. Of course, she wasn’t trying to greet calmly in this situation.

    A cluster of green light brilliantly shone from her hands. At the same time, the ground rose by itself where the Death Knight was standing.



    Caught off guard by the sudden movement of the ground, the ghost horse raised its forelegs in surprise, and the Death Knight, though bewildered, gripped the reins hard to avoid falling off the horse.

    That was an opportunity not to be missed.

    I put strength into my legs and kicked the ground with all my might. The surrounding scenery sped past dizzyingly fast.

    The only thing visible in front of my eyes was the Death Knight’s dark skull.


    My blood-soaked fist tore through the air and struck the Death Knight’s face. The sturdy magical helmet crumpled like a scrap of paper, and the skull inside was shattered into small pieces.

    The Death Knight, who had been commanding tens of thousands of undead, thus lost his head and toppled powerlessly from his horse. That was the end.


    “Scatter! Scatter!”

    The undead corps, having lost their commander, halted their offensive and began to retreat from the outskirts of the city.

    As the undead army began their retreat, a huge cheer erupted from the city, which had barely withstood the attack, and could be heard all the way here.


    “We’re alive! We’re still alive!!”

    “He’s a hero! A hero who came to save us!”

    “Thank you! Thank you!!”

    The cheer filling the city was made up of countless people’s voices, but my sharp hearing picked out a few voices among them. They were voices steeped in the relief of those who had barely survived in despair.

    Despite this, my expression was much sterner than before the battle began.

    Undead that lose their commander usually turn into a wild pack moving instinctively. But these creatures had begun to retreat instead.

    The undead were still moving systematically, even though their commander was dead.

    That meant that someone was still commanding them from somewhere.

    At that moment, I sensed a piercing gaze cutting through in my direction.

    Reflexively, I turned my head to verify the direction from which the gaze came.

    There, a pair of giant eyes, reminiscent of a demon horse and adorned with wings, were staring intently at me.

    Through the eyes of the demon horse, I felt a gaze very familiar to me.

    That gaze was telling me something.

    That it was not over yet.
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  2. Offline
    Gawd damn, this dude like batman and captain america fusion
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