
Chapter 70

After eating lunch, we headed to the open field again.

Most of the young heroes had already gathered. It looked like we were the last few to arrive.

I could see Skull standing in the middle...

A few people he had gotten close to in the last few days were standing around him, but they all turned away the moment they saw us.


An awkward mood swept through the area, and Evan let out a bitter smile.

Although we hadn’t spent long together, he’d probably thought of them as his friends.

Karis had the same reaction.

And I... weirdly didn’t have any fluctuations in my emotions.

It wasn’t like I didn’t regret it all. We’d gotten along pretty well.

Maybe I was just cold-hearted to begin with?


The Instructor on the platform cleared his throat.

It was the Instructor of Martial Arts, Juan, but he wasn’t alone.

All the grand masters were standing behind him.

Juan glanced over the group of young heroes before he spoke.

“Young Hero Charon, is everyone gathered here?”


Now that I thought about it, the instructors had at some point started to treat Charon like the leader of the young heroes.

It wasn’t just roll calls like this; all short directions were relayed through Charon.

Charon always stood at the front whenever we moved to a different area for lessons. And he’d been taking on this role like it was the most obvious thing to do.

“The ranks... hm. By the looks of it, it seems everyone’s checked them out.” A weird smile appeared on Juan’s face. “You should all know by now, so I will tell you: the rule added by Charon is ‘Young heroes can trade points among themselves’.”

Hector held back his anger as he asked, “...Is there a reason you’re telling us this now?”

Juan looked at him before replying, “Not at all.”


“Just as there isn’t a reason not to tell you now, there wasn’t a reason to tell you before either.”


Juan smiled.

“Young hero Hector, if you wished for kind explanations and systemic education, you should’ve enrolled in the Imperial Academy instead of Bednicker’s training camp.”

It was the first time the Instructor had said something that made sense.

“If that is all, we will now proceed with the subject selection. You see the instructors standing behind me, right? They are each responsible for a different subject. They will give a short introduction, and you need to select the subjects you feel best fit you.”

At that, Tanko stepped forward and gave his introduction.

“I am Tanko. Naturally, I will be teaching things related to hunting. If you want to stay up for three days and nights to kill a cultist, follow me.”

It was a fitting introduction.

The other instructors also gave their introductions.

“I will teach survival. If you want to know how to survive even if you have to roll in mud and feces, come here.”

“I am the Instructor of Laws, Einsburn. Although we all live under one empire, its laws do not apply to all the lands. I will teach you the laws that must be followed in the lands of the nonhumans and those outside of The Empire.”

“I will teach you the history of The Empire, from its founding to now. Of course, if you wish, I can teach you about the 21 Heroes that you love or the age of the gods before them.”

“I am the Instructor of Doctrine, Juniang. I don’t believe that everyone here desires to become a hero. If you wish to follow the will of the Church of the Sun, come to me. I will explain the dogma of the Sun God.”

After the other grand masters gave their introductions, Juan finally gave his own.

“Instructor of Martial Arts, Juan. I can teach you about most weapons... be they swords, blades, spears, axes, clubs, daggers, bows...”

At that, the eyes of the young heroes lit up.

I guess since they were still young, rather than boring theory lessons, they desired more practical lessons in line with real combat. The Instructor of Martial Arts seemed to be the preferred choice.

The Instructor of the Hunt and the Instructor of Survival had below-average numbers of applicants, probably due to their teaching habits.

“Luan, which subjects are you going to choose?”


I paused to think over Evan’s question.

What was the lesson I needed the most right now?

The answer was simple.

It’s blessings.

Forget proficiency with my blessing, I needed to learn how to even use it.

Of course, there was no such subject.

And it wasn’t as if I could just ask them to teach me something else... Then did I need to hide the fact that I couldn’t use my blessing even though I’d been granted one?

Thus, my choice...

“I have a question.”

As I raised my hand to ask, Juan smiled.

“Young Hero Luan, what is it?”

“What happens if no subjects are chosen?”

“I cannot allow that. It would mean that you aren’t doing anything during the lesson periods, Luan.”

“What about self-study...”

“That is not allowed.”

That was a shame.

So it wouldn’t be that easy.

I contemplated for a moment before walking up to a grand master.

* * * * *

* * * * *


She looked at me and tilted her head.

“Luan Bednicker.”


“I didn’t expect you to come here... Is there a special reason?”

Was it so unexpected?

Well, this was the least popular subject among the young heroes.

I looked at the Instructor of Doctrine, Juniang.

She was a grand master of Bednicker, a cleric of the Church of the Sun, and also the heretic inquisitor.

“I feel like you would know the most about the Church of Darkness, Instructor.”

“That is true...” The Instructor of Doctrine looked a little annoyed as she mumbled to herself, “...I can’t fool around with you here.”


“It’s nothing.”

I looked at her in shock, but she quickly moved past the point and remained quiet.

The Church of the Sun.

I chose this since the doctrine of the Sun God Aton could be a source of inspiration for my Strongest Fire Technique and White Sun Form...

Did I make a mistake?

Anyway, before long the subject selection ended and the grand masters returned to their lodge.

We wanted to go and rest as well, but the Instructor of Martial Arts didn’t leave the platform.

It seemed he still had something left to say.

“Young heroes, it has already been a week since you started this training camp. Although many talented individuals attend Bednicker’s training camp, I believe the cohort this time is even more amazing.”

He was almost certainly just saying that just for show, but a few gullible people had smiles on their faces. They seemed to be taking it at face value.

“One week. You should’ve gotten used to life here by now, so I guess we can begin the proper training camp.”

“Proper?” Evan mumbled at the ominous word.

The other young heroes seemed to feel the same way as they quieted down.

As everyone looked up at the platform, the Instructor of Martial Arts continued, “We will now form teams.”



“What do you mean by that?” asked a thin young hero wearing a stupid expression.

Their speech was a little rough. If it were a different instructor on the platform, they probably would’ve said it differently.

Despite the rude words, the Instructor of Martial Arts maintained his smooth smile.

“Is something wrong? When you become official heroes, you will have many missions where you must move as a team, not individually. Teamwork is one of the most important aspects of being a hero.”

“I-I know that, but...” the young hero mumbled at the Instructor’s sound reasoning. “It’s too sudden...”

“Haha. Sorry about that.”

I looked at the Instructor of Martial Arts’s smiling face...

At least try and sound sorry.

“I will give you a few more pieces of information regarding the teams. Unless a special circumstance arises, the teams you create now will not change until the end of the training camp, so I hope the young heroes who form each team can be nice to each other.”

“What special circumstances are there?” one young hero asked.

With a smile, the Instructor responded, “It is possible you might unintentionally lose a few team members.”


The young heroes who had been standing around in a daze all wore serious expressions now.

They were all probably thinking about death.

“Also, each team will consist of four members. Since there are a total of 39 members in this training camp, there should be nine teams.”

“If there are nine teams... won’t the members not line up properly?”

“That’s right. One team will have only three members.”

I took a moment to think.

Was there any reason that fewer team members would be bad?

“Finally, the members of a team will have their points awarded and deducted as a group. So if one member of the team performs great and is awarded points, the rest of the team members will also benefit.”


It instantly became noisy.

I felt like the instructor had mentioned the best-case scenario on purpose.

Maybe it was because the other young heroes had suffered in the training camp for a week at this point, but they weren’t easily swayed by those words.

That means we’ll have our marks deducted together as well.

If that was the case, teamwork would be an issue. It would be very strange to not have any internal fighting.

For something like this, fewer team members might be better.

Charon, who had stayed quiet the whole time, finally spoke.

“How will the teams be formed?”

The Instructor smiled.

“They were selected fairly and objectively on the foundation of the instructors’ discussions.”

I doubted that.

I acknowledged the competence of the grand masters, but I couldn’t tell what a few of them were scheming.

And the head of that scheming group was the Instructor of Martial Arts himself.

Charon closed his mouth.

He seemed to be in deep thought, but that was to be expected.

After having added a rule to obtain an overwhelming first-place advantage, he would lose all his points if he ended up on a team with losers.

And if the teams were chosen fairly, there was an even higher chance that Charon would be teamed up with people who were relatively low in the ranks.

“That is all for the explanations. I will now announce the teams, starting with Team 1: Laun Bednicker, Evan Helvin, Sharyl Rubyeta, and Mir Giant.”



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  1. Offline
    Chapter 71

    How did the team end up like this?

    What happened to “fairly and objectively”?

    While I was shocked and confused, I heard the voice of someone who didn’t understand the situation.

    “Haha! You guys are lucky to be on the same team as me, Mir Giant! You can rest assured now. I will lead you from now on!”

    As the small kid loudly boasted, the young hero who was ten times more displeased by this grouping shouted, “This is unbelievable!”

    The daughter of House Rubyeta, Sharyl’s face had gone pale.

    “I-I was put in a group like this...? Where is the fair and objective selection...?”

    That’s what I’m saying.

    “Oi, Tornado Girl. You’re going too far.”

    “What’s too far is your head!”


    “We can ‘rest assured’ now? Did you mean to say ‘despair’? Th-this group is doomed!”

    It seemed she was the type to stop minding what she said when she got too agitated.

    In any case, there was one truth that applied in a situation like this: when others were creating a mess, I became even calmer...

    And since Sharyl had practically lost her mind, I was feeling very calm.

    Thinking about the situation again, I realized the team’s balance wasn’t that bad.

    Honestly, the only one here who could be said to be remarkable was Sharyl.

    My points were in the upper ranks, but as stated before, I hadn’t shown an outstanding performance in most of the lessons. Rather, I expected that internally, the instructors were underestimating me.

    And although Evan had some points as well, his internal evaluations might be even lower than mine since the Instructor of Martial Arts—who seemed to have the greatest say among the instructors—didn’t seem to like him much.

    As for Mir Giant... there wasn’t much that needed to be said.

    “P-please calm down.”

    “I am calm! Hah, I’ll never accept this. I’m going to ask them to reconsider!”

    She stalked toward Instructor Juan...

    And returned exactly a minute later looking devastated.

    “What did he say?”

    “I’m doomed... I’m doomed...”

    “I see.”

    As I nodded, Evan cleared his throat to grab our attention.

    “For now... although we all know each other’s names, should we introduce ourselves again? I am Evan Helvin.”

    “Luan Bednicker.”

    “I am Mir Giant! The descendent of the Great Frost Giant Ymir!”

    “Oh ho...”

    At my reaction, a look of pride appeared on Mir’s face.

    Honestly, I was just surprised that she knew the word “descendent”...

    But I decided not to tell her that.

    In any case, we all looked at our last team member, Sharyl. However, it seemed her soul had vacated her mind as she continued to stay silent.

    “Hmm. It seems Ms. Rubyeta isn’t interested, so we’ll continue... Anyway, let’s work well together as teammates going forward.”

    It was a cliche line, but I just nodded since I didn’t have anything else to say.

    But then Mir narrowed her eyes a little as she looked at me.

    “....Yeah. Gold-Hair Bednicker. We’ve met before, right?”

    Seeing her expression, I could tell she was still upset about what had happened during the special test, when I’d lassoed her head and then knocked her out by hitting the back of her head.


    To give me a reaction like this when I’d done something good for her... I wasn’t looking for a thank you, but still...

    While I was thinking about how I should answer her, I heard the voice of the Instructor of Martial Arts again.

    “All right. And with that, the teams have been created. Young heroes, please gather again.”

    The young heroes all gathered in front of the platform at the Instructor’s command.

    I checked Charon first...

    And it seemed he was the one with a three-member team.

    Standing to his sides were Zeros from the merchant house of Silver... and Sinbar, the one who would be called the hero of the beastmen in the future.

    The same two people that had been seen hanging around Charon recently.

    So those three got put on the same team?

    Something was clearly fishy...

    —Unbelievable coincidences can happen twice, so be cautious but do not jump to conclusions.

    —What if there’s a third time?

    —Then you can be sure.

    But I recalled the words of my fourth senior brother and decided to wait for now.

    “Since the teams have now been made, we will have a short test tomorrow morning.”


    The young heroes murmured at the unexpected announcement.

    One young hero asked, “Didn’t you say that there wasn’t anything major on the weekends?”

    “That’s right. That’s why this test isn’t compulsory.” Juan gave a bright smile. “If you don’t want to take it, you can go back to your lodge right now and rest. However, those who don’t attend will be behind in points compared to those who do.”


    The young heroes spaced out.

    They looked like people who had been scammed for the first time in their lives.

    It might be obvious, but Juan was joking right now.

    Go back right now and rest?

    Would anyone here take that option?

    All the young heroes here were elite students who had a lot of pride in themselves. They believed themselves to be the best.

    They would not pass up an opportunity to earn points.

    That was why the Instructor of Martial Arts’s words were really a threat.

    “...Is this a special test like last time?”

    “That’s right. You’re sharp.”

    In the last special test, the top five young heroes had obtained points, and Charon had ranked first and obtained an incredible benefit.

    Using that benefit, he had solidified his hold on first place.

    If the second test gave a similar benefit and Charon obtained it again, then he would become unreachable.

    Everyone seemed to realize this fact as they all stayed. Not a single person left.

    “It seems everyone intends to attend. It is great to see your initiative.”


    “It’s fine. In this test, there won’t be any point deductions. The test is very simple too: you just need to go into the forest and bring something back.”

    The young heroes blinked at the sudden information.

    “...By something, do you mean anything?”

    “Yes, anything. Whatever you bring, even a pebble or a weed, the instructors will grade you on it. Of course, your mark would be very low in those cases.”

    He meant we had to bring something rare.

    “Also, the teams can buy many different items using their team points. The list of purchasable items will be sent to you today.”


    “What are team points?”

    “As the name implies, it is the total points of your team.” Juan continued to smile even as the young heroes looked confused. “You will be given detailed information about it tomorrow before the test begins. And so, please enjoy your break... Ah! Also, please decide on a team captain before the list of items is sent. Only the captain will have the authority to spend team points.”

    After saying that with a tone that was honestly quite annoying, Juan left.

    Soon, the young heroes left the field or began to talk amongst their teams...

    Eventually, only my team remained.

    Around this point, Sharyl woke up.

    * * * * *


    [Translator – Jreaming]

    [Proofreader – Gorm]

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    * * * * *


    She let out a long sigh as if she was flushing all the negativity out of her body.

    “...It can’t be helped; what’s done is done. My reputation will increase if this useless team can perform thanks to me. That might not be a bad way to look at it.”

    Was she really just talking to herself and saying that out loud?

    In any case, Sharyl turned to look at us.

    “I am Sharyl Rubyeta. Could I ask how many points everyone here has?”

    “Why do you need to know that?” Mir asked, and Sharyl looked at her with disdain.

    “I need to know so I can look at the list and decide what I’m buying.”

    “Th-that’s true... I have 13 points.”

    After that, Evan and I also declared our points.

    “Eighteen points.”

    “Nineteen points.”

    “Hmm... well, you have more points than I expected. Except for the giant.”

    Mir looked hurt by that comment. Before they could start fighting again, I interjected with a question.

    “How many points do you have?”


    “Then... we have a total of 70 points flat.”

    “It seems so. Anyway, I will be the team captain. Does anyone have a problem with that?”

    Look at this girl. She was trying to snatch the team captain position out from under everyone.

    Mir exploded.

    “Of course I do! Compared to you, I am a much better captain!”

    “I can’t even laugh at that. Are you trying to push our team all the way down into the dirt?”


    Sharyl let out another sigh.

    “Then it can’t be helped. We’ll have to ask the rest of the team members.”

    “Hah! Sure! You two! Who do you think would be a better captain!”

    The two of us were on the receiving end of two fiery gazes.

    Evan still seemed a little taken aback, so I spoke first.



    “I think I should be the captain.”

    If I had to make a decision between the two, Sharyl would probably be better...

    But naturally, compared to these brats, I was a much better choice.

    “Don’t joke here!”

    “Do you want to die, Gold-Hair Bednicker!”


    Getting the responses I expected, I turned to Evan.

    “Then you can decide, Evan. Out of the three of us, who do you think should be captain?”

    “Uh, ehm...”

    Evan hesitated at being put on the spot before pointing at me.

    Sharyl let out another scream.

    “You idiots—!”

    That’s how the captain of Team 1 was decided.


    The lounge, which was usually bustling, was quite quiet today.

    It wasn’t that there were fewer people present.

    The same people were around as always, but they weren’t in big groups; instead, it looked like people had created their own islands.

    Naturally, everyone was separated into their teams.

    “...This feels a bit wrong.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I feel like we’ve become enemies with people we were just friends with.”

    I looked at Evan, who seemed to be struggling by himself, and decided to fix his misunderstanding.

    “They’re not enemies, they’re competitors. Get used to it. Although the profession is called ‘hero’, there will be many people who don’t hold valiant goals. Even after becoming an official hero, you’ll have to deal with situations like this many times.”

    Of course, since I wasn’t a hero, I couldn’t say for sure. However, judging by the grand masters teaching the young heroes here in this camp, it was easy to tell that one needed to be wary of their friends as much as their enemies.

    Evan looked at me with a down expression.

    “...You talk like the instructors sometimes.”



    “Then I properly learned what they were trying to teach me.”

    “Haha... Maybe.”

    “Over there! Stop talking and come here. We need to check the list of items.”

    Sharyl still seemed to want to be the captain, but she’d clearly decided to hold back for now.

    Maybe it was because my last name was “Bednicker”?

    The more someone was obsessed with authority, the more they would be affected by someone with greater authority.

    In any case, I personally received the list from the instructor before placing it on the table.

    [Water 500ml, 1pt.]

    [Pack of jerky, 1pt.]

    [Shortsword, 3pts.]

    [Rope, 3pts.]

    [Net, 3pts.]



    [Hunting net, 5pts.]

    [Bandage, 7pts.]

    [Lamp, 10pts.]



    [Sleeping bag, 5pts.]

    [Tent, 10pts.]



    [Potion, 30pts.]

    There were a lot more items than I’d expected, but I also felt like there was a trend to these items.

    I realized the goal of this special test.

    If the goal of the first special test, the morning monster ambush, had been “survival”...

    The second special test’s goal was undoubtedly “hunting”.

    All right, if that’s the case...

    We had 70 points.

    What was the most effective use of these points?
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