
Chapter 2: A Deadly Mission

In a moment, a cultivation method suddenly appeared in Gu Zuo’s mind. It was called the >.

However, this cultivation method didn’t seem complete. While there was only an introductory chapter, it was already quite profound. Even though Gu Zuo was an intelligent, modern-day teenager, how could he possibly grasp the concepts of such mysteries?

Gu Zuo grimaced.

If he couldn’t understand, how could he cultivate? Since this system was given to him, it should also be the most suitable for him. If he wasn’t able to learn, would this affect his ability to refine medicine in the future?

He just got here and already he’d been beset by too many problems. Even with the system, it wasn’t easy at all…

The system didn’t wait for Gu Zuo to ask any questions before it issued a mission.

[Cultivation Mission: Gather thirty strands of medicinal qi.]

[Mission Items: > > > >.]

[Mission Objective: Study the information in the mission items. When refining medicine, medicinal qi will be released and this system will collect it automatically.]

[Completion Time: One month.]

[Failure Penalty: Obliteration.]

Great, at least it spoke clearly.

Gu Zuo still felt very anxious.

This maddening pace could go to hell! Why did he have to deal with so much as a beginner? Wasn’t one month too short?

Wrong! He never learned, but he had the memories of his previous body.

At this time, Gu Zuo tried to tamp down on his panic as he reviewed those memories. If he didn’t recall wrongly, the previous owner of the body was a teenager who was also a pharmacist.

Although, he never was an official one…

Like this, maybe it could be considered fate.

This teenager’s name happened to match with Gu Zuo’s. His name was Qi Tianyou. He was abandoned as a baby, and was kindly adopted to be taken in as a servant. Prior to his registration, his aptitude was tested and no one expected that he would have medicinal beads. As he had a promising future as a pharmacist, the Qi Family quickly snatched him up. They raised him, gave him the surname “Qi”, and properly cultivated his skills.

Qi Tianyou was very smart. When he was a child, he was pure and good-natured. He never treated others poorly and never took advantage of his high status. On the contrary, he was very humble and eager to learn and help others.

As he grew up, his talent for refining medicine became increasingly apparent, but he still worked diligently. If someone ever asked for medical aid, he never refused. Even if it was a servant in need, he would help.

As an adoptive son, the Qi Family didn’t regard him as a true member of the family. Some hated him and obstructed him whenever they could. Meanwhile he didn’t care at all and often laughed it off.

After much time had passed, for most members of the Qi Family, their impressions of him were generally positive. He had a good reputation, even in Yunyang City, which granted the Qi Family some face.

It would be reasonable to assume that Qi Tianyou, this pure and humble pharmacist, would be very important to the Qi Family. So just how could it have been possible for his medicinal beads to be dug out and for him to die so miserably in his bed? No one even came to visit him.

The root cause of this tragedy was due to two people.

When Gu Zuo searched through the memories, he released a breath of anger. Gritting his teeth, he muttered: “Such scum!”

Truly, the worst of the worst.

As stated before, Qi Tianyou had many fans — This didn’t mean that everyone loved him, but regardless of gender, age, or status, they all thought favorably of him due to his behavior.

It was natural for many to like him.

One of the pieces of scum who killed Qi Tianyou was one of these admirers. This person was a martial arts genius who reached Blood Refining stage three. The young master of the Bai Family: Bai Wenjun.

Almost two years ago, Bai Wenjun visited the Qi Family as a guest — Thus, his social status was like that of a young master, and others had to bend over backwards to accommodate him. After a period of time with the Qi Family, he took a fancy to Qi Tianyou, who was gentle and considerate. He tried over and over to win his affections, almost to the point of writing “Date Me” on his forehead. However, Qi Tianyou was young and wasn’t savvy enough to realize Bai Wenjun’s overtures, mistaking them for the beginnings of friendship.

It went without saying that homosexuality was not conventional in this world, but people with this taste weren’t uncommon. Within this ancient, feudal society, it was possible to be gay and still take a wife. One could ignore the repercussions of such a decision only if one had tremendous strength. Homosexuals who lived the rest of their lives together were very rare.

Under careful scrutiny, Bai Wenjun was totally gay. He fancied Qi Tianyou and his affections were genuine. Qi Tianyou had good looks and his skills as a pharmacist were outstanding. It seemed like Bai Wenjun taking Qi Tianyou back home with him was a foregone conclusion.

But of course there was a plot twist to this sordid tale. The Qi Family’s first wife gave birth to another pharmacist. His name was Qi Feng. He was also gay and had fallen for Bai Wenjun!

Qi Feng was three years older than Qi Tianyou, and was the young master of the Qi Family. After his birth, he showed potential as a future pharmacist. He was pampered his whole life and became arrogant. Ever since Qi Tianyou’s adoption, the family’s attentions and resources were split between the two future pharmacists. While the majority of the family liked Qi Tianyou more, he could only abide by the capricious whims of Young Master Qi Feng. Over the years, Qi Feng ordered many people to make life difficult for Qi Tianyou.

Qi Tianyou was already grateful for his lot in life. In addition, others in the Qi Family advised him not to lower himself to Qi Feng’s level. Thus, he tried to avoid Qi Feng, adopting evasive tactics. He always exercised patience. On the other hand, Qi Feng couldn’t care less and relentlessly troubled him every step of the way, only getting worse as time went on.

Originally, when it was just this, it was still tolerable. Who knew that the handsome Bai Wenjun, a gentleman to others, would come over and strike Qi Feng’s fancy?

Qi Feng was gorgeous and flamboyant like a preening peacock. When Bai Wenjun first arrived, Qi Feng was very satisfied with his admiration. He was content. Yet, once Bai Wenjun met Qi Tianyou, Bai Wenjun immediately pursued him instead.

This was Qi Feng’s final straw.

He was very prideful. How could he let some adopted trash steal away the man he had his eyes on? Above all, it was “that person” Bai Wenjun chose. This is just a slap to the face!

For a long time, resentment festered under a mountain of grievances. Finally, Qi Feng snapped, and secretly arranged for Qi Tianyou to be beaten, held down, and to have his medicinal beads dug out. After that, Qi Feng said a single sentence: “If you think about telling my parents, just tell them I did it.”

Then, he left with a swagger in his step.

The wounds in Qi Tianyou’s hands bled incessantly, but the pain in his heart was even more unbearable. He didn’t understand how he could’ve “stolen Qi Feng’s man”. He only considered Bai Wenjun as his friend. At the same time, he didn’t want to tell Qi Feng’s parents, who were the heads of the Qi Family, to avoid causing heartbreak. So he could only allow himself to be filled with sorrow and retreat to his room.

It wasn’t long before the news spread that someone dug out Qi Tianyou’s medicinal beads. He would only say he didn’t know who did it, but Qi Feng’s actions weren’t concealed at all. How could anyone in the Qi Family not find out? Naturally, there were some who were furious. However, at the loss of a pharmacist, they couldn’t lose another one. Qi Feng was also the beloved youngest son of the heads of the Qi Family. Besides being reprimanded with a time-out for a few days, there was nothing else to be done.

Qi Tianyou, without his medicinal beads, lost all prospects as a pharmacist. His status plummeted and gradually people ignored him. He was abandoned in this little courtyard and became very lonely. There were those who sneered at his misfortune and others who pitied him. But how long could such pity last? After a month or two, he was forgotten. Even when he went out to get food, no one paid any attention to him.

As for Bai Wenjun, he was very cool-headed. Since Qi Tianyou no longer had medicinal beads, Qi Tianyou couldn’t become his companion. Naturally, he wouldn’t entertain any more thoughts of pursuing him. Instead, his attentions shifted to the beautiful Qi Feng. And Qi Feng was very pleased with this turn of events and thought that he was a genius.

With this turn of events, Qi Tianyou slowly withered.

He didn’t blame anyone, and believed that everything that happened was due to his own choices. Though, he still couldn’t understand how some people could be so despicable.

Originally, he thought that he’d devote his life to the Qi Family. But after he lost any exploitable value, no one would treat him like actual family.

And while they kept him alive, it was the bare minimum.

At this point, mired in depression, Qi Tianyou committed suicide.

He couldn’t see any way forward, and didn’t want to further ruin his image in everyone’s memories. So he chose to die instead of being an utter disappointment to them.

Gu Zuo rubbed his head, and thought that this guy was a complete idiot!

Sorrow, misfortune, and anger were unavoidable. However, he only had one life. Living was better than being dead, so why would he want to die?

He wasn’t sure how Qi Tianyou’s beliefs were shattered, but it was clear that his loved ones betrayed him.

Gu Zuo imagined if his dad didn’t want him anymore…Ah, it was impossible for his dad to hate him, so this hypothetical was pointless.

It could only be said that Qi Tianyou’s luck was horrible and he was too naive.

Gu Zuo shook his head, ridding his thoughts of those two pieces of scum.

Since he would later be using Qi Tianyou’s identity, if he got the chance in the future, he could exact revenge. The Qi Family “kindly” raised him, so breaking ties with everyone was enough. But Qi Feng and Bai Wenjun, those two scumbags must pay with their lives!

After Gu Zuo opened these emotionally-charged memories, he vowed to deal with them.

At any rate, he had to prioritize his own survival first.

Therefore, he needed to figure out the matter of medicine refining…

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  1. Offline
    the > ?????

    the what???
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    1. Offline
      I don't know if you dropped this or continued on and even to those only at this part yet,
      You can read the original translation without the mistypes in Chrysanthemum Garden. Latter chapters need a password but you can get it in their discord server.
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