
Leisure Life of Princess Yun Yu – Chapter 25

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Whoop whoop let’s get on with Yunyu’s meet with what’s-his-name. Was Yunyu’s dream of THAT night all to prep for this moment or was it because of something else? Hmm…

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 Jade, the beauty of stone, has five virtues (T/N: 五德 wǔ dé –  it could also mean benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness , the five constants of the three principles and the five constants), radiant and warm, and is benevolent and virtuous (T/N: It’s supposed to be some poetic thing to describe Yunyu’s name (because the 玉 Yù in Yunyu’s name means jade) but this girl has no poetic bone in her body so I can only translate the half-a-pail of nonsense that I understood).

 It had a good meaning.

 Qin Yusui’s eyes fell on the girl’s photo again. After a while, the mobile phone on the table buzzed. It only vibrated and did not ring. He glanced at the number and answered, “What’s the matter?” 

Don’t know what the person calling said but Qin Yusui’s indifferent eyebrows loosened, “Changshui City?” He happened to be going over there.

 After a while, he said, “Okay.” 

 He hung up the phone, and he went to the bedroom to change his clothes and then he went out.

 At Guiyuan Sect, Li Zhou said goodbye to his master and booked a ticket to Changshui City.

 Guiyuan Sect was not far from the airport. It took him half an hour to drive to the airport  from the mountain where Guiyuan Sect was located. After arriving at the airport, he waited for about 10 minutes before the people who were assigned to go with him arrived.

 There were two men. One of them was tall and dressed in black. He had a buzz-cut and a  cold temperament. He was tall with an upright posture and when he walked, his spine was straight. 

 The other was a little shorter, with bulky muscles. He turned his head to say something to the man in black.

 The two must have received information about Li Zhou and stopped in front of him.

 The shorter man smiled at Li Zhou and flashed a set of white teeth, “Hello, are you Li Zhou? We have been notified by the above to assist you in solving the case in Changshui City. My name is Xie Le. This is our Qin team’s Qin Yusui.”

 Li Zhou subconsciously glanced at Qin Yusui and nodded in greeting at the two of them.

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 He had heard of Qin Yusui’s name. The Qin family’s son was somewhat related to the army. His team was not part of the special division nor were they part of the department that specializes in handling special events. Instead, they were tasked to perform even more confidential tasks. His military rank should be very high, but it could not be disclosed to the public. The existence of the Qin team was a secret, and it was absolutely impossible to find it in the existing list of departments. Qin Yusui’s identity was not only the son of the Qin family. Though the Qin family had a great family background in the imperial capital, Qin Yusui also had another identity, which was the grandson of General Long.

 Furthermore, the identity of the Long family was not limited to the title of General. They had an even more mysterious background. 

 The matriarch of the Long family was Qin Yusui’s great-grandmother, Long Fengjun (T/N: Sounds familiar? It was the name mentioned by the old man who fought Guiyuan Sect’s Tan Lao and the femanine young man. The young man asked if Long Fengjun’s soul had been scattered. Refer to Chapter 24), was a member of Xuanmen and had a very high cultivation base.

 A hundred years ago, the Long family was not considered a big family in Xuanmen (T/N: The author was referring to the literal size of the family). They only had one daughter, Long Fengjun. Later, when Longfengjun was a teenager, she got married and gave birth to several children. The branches and leaves were scattered, and the descendants of the Long family were also prosperous.

 Because the Long family was also a member of Xuanmen, Li Zhou had heard of Qin Yusui’s name.

 As for this Qin Yusui, he was not from Xuanmen and had not developed in this regard.

 Qin Yusui’s eyes fell on Li Zhou’s face, very coldly, he nodded slightly.

 Li Zhoudao said, “The situation over there should have been told to you by the people above. Let’s head over directly.” 

 It was past 9 pm when the three arrived at Changshui Airport. There was already someone waiting to pick them up from the airport. They were immediately brought to the construction site at Hexian Town.

 In the car, Xie Le asked about the specifics of the situation. Li Zhou did not hide it. The two talked, one asking while the other replied. Qin Yusui did not speak during the whole process.

 It was half past 10 pm when they arrived at the construction site.

 There were street lights nearby. The three got out of the car. Li Zhou got out of the car and saw two middle-aged men standing by the side of the car. He stepped forward and said, “How is the situation in the construction site?”

 Yang Fuguo’s face was pale. He said in a trembling voice , “It has been almost 7 or 8 hours since Mr. Song went in.” They came at about two in the afternoon.

 Yan Mingkun’s situation was not much better. He did not eat or drink for a day, and he did not dare to leave.

 The two also noticed that the handsome man behind Li Zhou who was cold and solemn, but they did not dare take a few more looks.

 Yan Mingkun worried, “Master Yun is also inside and hasn’t come out yet.”

 Li Zhou asked, “Another practitioner went in with him?”

 Yan Mingkun and Yang Guofu nodded in unison.

 The tall man standing behind suddenly said, “Master Yun?”

 Yan Mingkun nodded.

 Qin Yusui asked again, “May I know the name of this Master Yun?”

 Xie Lei could not help but glance at Captain Qin. He remembered that the captain asked him to inquire about a girl more than a month ago, and later found out that the girl’s name was Yunyu .

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 Yan Mingkun probably saw that their identities were unusual, and answered honestly: “Her name is Yunyu. She is from Qinghe Village, and she is a very capable practitioner.”

 Qin Yusui did not speak and was silent.

 Li Zhou looked at the situation on the construction site, took out a compass and took two steps forward. He found that the compass needle was messed up, and he could not read anything. He turned his head and said, “I’ll go in and have a look. What about the two of you?” He was referring to Qin Yusui and Xie Lei.

 Qin Yusui said, “I’ll go too.”

 Xie Le said: “Okay, I’ll stay in case any unexpected situations arise. Captain Qin, you go in with Master Li.”

 Li Zhou and Qin Yusui entered the construction site.

 Li Zhou had been studying metaphysics with his master for more than 20 years, so he still had some skills. He walked to the top of the mountain to observe the surrounding terrain. He looked around the terrain for a long time before his face changed, “It’s the Seven Demon Soul Destroying Formation, but it has been forcibly broken by someone. It should not be over yet. Let’s quickly find them.” He was anxious, afraid that it was his idiot junior brother who dared to break the formation forcibly.

 Qin Yusui did not speak and looked into the distance.


 Yun Yu forcefully broke the fourth eye, and she lost her strength. Her face was pale. She took out the mineral water from her bag and gulped it down.

 “Why don’t we rest for a while?” Song Ziming worried about her, “You will lose your all your  strength if you go on like this.”

 Yunyu shook her head, “No, there is a time limit. We must forcibly break them all before noon tomorrow. Otherwise we both will die here.” Her hair was soaked with sweat, sticking to her forehead and cheeks. She looked a little frail.

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 Song Ziming sighed.

 He licked his lips, so thirsty, “Xiao Yu’er, give me some of your water.” The two were already familiar with each other, and he knew Yunyu’s name, so he had to call her Xiao Yu’er.

 Yunyu refused, “No.”

 Seeing that it was almost midnight, Yunyu got up, “Let’s go. There are still 3 eyes left. We can go home for breakfast when we’re done. I’ll treat you to some steamed buns,The buns in our bun shop taste very good, and they will be gone if we go back late.”

 Song Ziming had a weirded expression on his face, “Does your family open a bun shop?” With such a cultivation base, why would she still need to open a steamed bun shop? If she went to the capital, swarms of people would be tripping over themselves trying to please her. What could she not obtain? 

 Seeing that her face was so pale, Song Ziming felt a little distressed, “Why don’t I carry you on my back.” After such a night, the two of them could be considered to have shared weals and woes.

 Yunyu wanted to refuse, but remembered that there were 3 eyes left. She needed to save her strength, so she nodded in agreement.

 Song Ziming got up and was about to carry Yunyu on his back when he heard footsteps and a familiar voice coming from a distance, “Ziming.”

 “Senior Brother!” Song Ziming was overjoyed and looked towards the source of the sound. He could barely see the shadow of his senior brother Li Zhou under the moonlight. There was also a tall man next to him.

 Yunyu also looked over. She did not expect someone to come in.

 When the figures of the two slowly approached, she saw the appearance of one of them, and her pupils shrank, and her body froze.

 Never had she ever expected to see the man from the imperial capital again and it was even under such circumstances. She was lost for words for a while.

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 Song Ziming did not pay attention to her abnormality. He had a look of joy on his face. When Li Zhou walked over, he did not even bother to look at the man next to him, and asked his senior brother, “Eldest Senior Brother, have you brought water?”

 Li Zhou shook his head, he came in a rush. How could he have thought of bringing water?

 Song Ziming let out a wail.

 Qin Yusui lowered his head to look at Yunyu, “Hello.”

 Yunyu did not really want to talk to him, but she reluctantly replied to his greeting. She looked at the situation around him and clicked her tongue.

 Li Zhou looked at his youngest junior brother and asked him about the situation. Song Ziming explained the situation with a bitter face. When Li Zhou learned that the girl in front of him forcibly broke through the formation, he could not help but take a few more glances. He was amazed that she was so capable at such a young age.

 Now was not the time to reminisce, Yunyu glanced at the sky, “Let’s go. We need to quickly deal with the rest.”

 Song Ziming bent down, “Xiao Yu’er, come up quickly.”

 With two more people around, Yunyu was embarrassed to get on his back.

 As she was about to refuse, Qin Zisui walked up to her and squatted down, “Let me.”

 Yunyu moved her mouth, but did not speak or move.

 Song Ziming and Li Zhou looked at the two. They had a feeling that the two knew each other.

 Qin Zisui was very tall, but he was willing to bend his knees and squat down, waiting for her to lie on his back. With people staring at her. Yunyu hesitated before reaching out and grabbing his shoulders, laying on his back. She was a little embarrassed and could only lay there frozen.

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 She was so petite that he could not feel any weight on his back.

 “Let’s go,” Yunyu said.

 His pace was fast and steady, and Yunyu could not feel the bumps. With someone carrying her, she could take a short break. She should not think about other things.

 Moreover, his footsteps were extremely fast. The four of them reached the fifth formation after 20 minutes.

 Yunyu sat down cross-legged, scattered the evil energy, dug out the formation eye, and used her spiritual energy to forcefully break the Jusha talisman. After 2 hours, the talisman shattered, and her face became even paler.

 She had underestimated this formation. What’s more, her body was too weak. She would need to start taking medicinal baths when she got home.

 Qin Yusui did not like to talk much, but he took the initiative to carry the locust wood box from the eye of the array and carefully placed it at the side. He did not seem to smell the strong corpse odor.

 Yunyu broke the skin on her finger again and drew the jade talisman.

 Her hand hurt.

 She did not want to use blood, but blood was the best.

 Next, she drank the spring water as usual, and Song Ziming looked at her eagerly.

 Yunyu directly ignored him. Then, Qin Yusui carried her and walked towards the next location.

 When the last eye formation was resolved, the sky was bright and the clothes on Yunyu’s body were soaked with sweat. She looked like she was fished out from a lake. The last jade talisman was buried, and the Seven Stars Spirit Gathering Formation was complete .

 Yunyu was exhausted and passed out without worry.


 The imperial capital, thousands of miles away.

 The old man in the magnificent building spat out a mouthful of blood, and the handsome young man walked up to the old man and said anxiously, “Master, what has happened?”

“Someone managed to successfully forcefully break my Seven Demon Soul Destroying Formation,” The shock in the old man’s eyes had not faded away.

 The young man frowned and said, “Is there really someone in this world who can forcibly break Master’s formation by themselves? Master, you should let someone investigate it.”

The old man cruelly said, “No need. Now that I’ve received a backlash, I must cultivate for a while. Let’s ignore this matter for now. The body of Long Fengjun must have also been dug up, so don’t walk around in the next few days. Be careful.” 

The young man nodded in agreement.

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 Yunyu was carried down the mountain by Qin Yusui, but she naturally did not know that.

 Yan Mingkun and Yang Fuguo waited all night. Their eyes were blue and their faces were pale. They drank a few sips of water and did not dare to deliver any food. Last night, the Yun family came over to look for Yunyu. Yan Mingkun tried persuading them for a long time. Grandma Yun did not go up the mountain but she still insisted on waiting there.

 Master Yun’s younger brother also came. He sat in the car silently.

 When they saw Yunyu being carried down the mountain, everyone’s heart skipped a beat.

 When Grandma Yun found out that Yunyu was not there for dinner at 8 o’clock last night, she asked Yun Sheng about it. He said that his second sister was resting in the room. Grandma Yun went to see her granddaughter at 10 pm, she found that Xiao Yu’er was not even in her room, she angrily scolded Yun Sheng. Yun Sheng saw that he could no longer hide it, so he told Grandma Yun about his second sister going to the construction site.

 Grandma Yun came to the construction site, and Yun Sheng had to go to school during the day, so he also accompanied her.

 They stayed at the construction site and passed the night. Grandma Yun cried several times. When she saw someone approaching from a distance after 10 am, she stumbled out of the car. When she reached them, she found that Xiao Yu’er was being held in the arms of a tall man.

 Xiao Yu’er was sweating profusely. Her face was extremely pale, and she was unconscious in the man’s arms.

 Grandma Yun’s face turned pale with fright. Qin Yusui said, “She’s fine. She’s just exhausted. She has to be sent to the hospital for glucose and nutritional supplements.”

 He did not know Grandma Yun, but he relied on his instinct to know that she was Yunyu’s relative.

T/N: Did y’all guess it right? The thing inside the boxes were bloody body parts. What’s up with that old man and his disciple though? Any guesses? Also the main plot arc has officially started hohoho! Stay tuned for the next chapter where Qin Yusui officially converse with Xiao Yu’er and family! Minor drama shall unfold HINT HINT!

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