
Book 3: Chapter 1 (12)

“…gasp Haa, haa…” Fiana struggles to control her breath, trying to cage her sweet moans within her gritted teeth. She is drenched by a combination of slime and bodily fluids, her soaking tabard clinging to her chest. Despite her best efforts, an unstoppable tide of pleasure begins to rise within her.

“Ahh… mmm. Aaah-!” The cave echoes with the moans of an enraptured Frederica, climaxing again for the hundredth time. She loses control over her body as she slumps over Fiana, pinning her to the ground – a scenario that has played through almost as frequently.

Frederica’s heavy breath runs across Fiana’s ears, radiating the heat of a bedroom affair. Fiana struggles to turn away, in part to protect her sensitive ears and to remove herself from Frederica’s lust. Unfortunately for her, it only attracts the gaze of Frederica, recovering from her post-orgasmic daze. Frederica licks her lips at the scrumptious prey lying helplessly in front of her before moving in for the kill.

“Hiu!?” Fiana squeals in surprise as Frederica sensually bites down on her long elvish ear. Frederica’s hot breath and her soft wet lips in conjunction with the tentacles ravishing Fiana push her closer to the brink. Fiana’s legs buckle and her pussy tightens, redirecting the tentacle to rub against her most sensitive spots.

“F-Frederica-san!?” Fiana shouts to mask an involuntary squeal.

“Mmmnn… slurp Ahhmmnn-”

A restrained scream leaks out of Fiana against Frederica’s unending onslaught. Frederica’s tongue expertly navigates her quarry, dripping saliva onto every nook and cranny of her target’s long elvish ears. After conquering the outer ear, Frederica continues by plunging her sharp tongue deep into Fiana’s ears.

The last time this had happened, Fiana had been unconscious – her eyes twitch open at the unfamiliar sensation. Her body begins to quiver uncontrollably, her breath grows short, and her tongue protrudes out of her open lips. The sound of being licked echoes into her brain, overwhelming all other sensations. The pleasure Fiana felt from her ears were even greater than that she felt from the tentacles – what Frederica lacked in length, she made up for with a frantic passion. The sudden stimulation shocked Fiana’s unprepared mind to new heights.

H-hey, w-wha!?- Fiana’s mind struggles to grasp the situation. She doesn’t understand what Frederica is doing, but she needs her to stop. Fiana futilely shakes her head, only managing to incite Frederica’s ire. Frederica bites down with her teeth, securing her position before delving even deeper with her tongue.

“Ha- Hiyaa!!?” an unfamiliar voice escapes Fiana’s lips. Tears well up from the corners of her eyes and her body shudders uncontrollably. She had climaxed. It was clear to everyone but Frederica, who was preoccupied with her own post-orgasmic bliss. Frederica continues her mindless assault, dashing any hopes Fiana had of taking a break once she had orgasmed. With a heavy pant and a gentle nibble, Fiana becomes trapped again in her personal hell of sensations.

Confined within her own mind, what confused Fiana was how sensitive her ears had become. It is said that an elf’s ear is an erogenous zone, but Fiana had never reacted like this before. In her prior experiences with men, her ears had been breathed on or licked, but she had felt nothing. However, in her past experiences, she had never encountered someone with the vigour or passion that Frederica had. Perhaps it was the combination of Frederica and the pleasure from the tentacles that had given her the impression that her ears were this sensitive.

Regardless, she was convinced she had come from her ears being touched. It didn’t help that her ears were violated following the same steady rhythm of the tentacles, nor that her ears were molested during the entirety of her orgasm. As a result, Fiana had become fearful of her ears becoming licked.

Her heart begins to drown in fear, as she slowly becomes unrecognizable as the proud elvish knight she once was. There is a subtle shift in the way her body moves – within the deep recesses of her mind, a part of her yearns for more.

Fiana pulls against her restraints, trying desperately to fend off Frederica and her monstrous captor. The Ooze begins to quicken its thrusts, pounding itself against the entrance of her womb. The tentacle that had once gently relaxed her tight vaginal walls – now plunges forcefully into her, breaching her cervix with a slimy tendril.

“Hah – Hiyaa-!?” A muffled scream leaks out of Fiana’s glossy lips. What meager thoughts she has remaining are trapped between the two overwhelming sensations from above and below, escaping only through her lips as whimpers. Her body shudders, not out of pleasure but of fear.

Hours seem to go by and with each passing orgasm, the tentacle discovers a new erogenous zone to torment Fiana. Slipping in and out of consciousness, Fiana awakens to a heavy mental fog. She tries to wipe away at her face, only to rediscover that her arm has been restrained. And her struggle begins anew.

“Wha!? Th-that…!” Fiana stutters as two new tentacles begin to coil around her breasts. They wrap around her voluptuous mounds before latching themselves on to her teats. Much like what is being done to Frederica, the tentacles begin to knead her breasts like they are milking a cow. However, the difference could not be more apparent – unlike the rough painful contortions that Frederica endures, the tentacles caress Fiana’s chest gently, stimulating every inch of her breasts.

Having recently come off of a climax, Fiana finds the sensations disgusting, twisting away from the tentacles. Even so, she can’t help but to thoughtlessly move her hips to the rhythm of the tentacles.

Then the tentacle begins to stimulate her womb.

Her waist bucks, the tentacle flails, sending new jolts of pleasure up her spine. Her unconscious mind jerks her waist in response to these overwhelming sensations and the process repeats again. Fiana is stuck in a vicious cycle of carnal pleasure, her hips bouncing invitingly to the tentacle like Frederica. She had changed from victim to instigator, leading the tentacle deeper inside her with every thrust. Each time the tentacle hit a weak spot, her mind would empty and her pussy would clamp down harder, molding her to the shape of the tentacle.

However enraptured by the tentacles, Fiana’s face remains affixed in disgust. Even as her ear is being licked, her vagina is becoming violated, and her body is trembling in pleasure. The tentacle’s thrusting begins to intensify, forcing her panting voice to spill out.

“Ah…Hah-gasp…Ahh-!?” Fiana’s mouth remains gaping open, tongue jutting out and gasping for air. Her throat is parched from exhaustion and she can’t stop the flow of tears running down her cheeks. It takes a second for her to realize the truth.

She no longer wishes to leave.

And yet, her body is still trapped within throes of terror, acting upon the primal instinct to flee from her oppressor. It acts outside Fiana’s control – informing her of its intentions, but refusing her commands. It trembles and shakes, her worn-out vocal cords straining to release a scream.

How easy would it be to drown in pleasure in the warmth of its cum?

Her head shakes as if her body is attempting to rid her mind of such ideas. Before she realizes what is happening, she feels a soft pair of hands restrain her face. Frederica, who had endlessly tormented her ears, now gently rubs Fiana’s earlobe between her fingers. The sensation is irresistible.

Everything feels good.

“Ahn…mmm. Ha, ha… Ah-AAAAAAHHHH!?” Her body spasms against a mindblowing orgasm. Her thoughts become dyed in white as her vision begins to fade again. Even in this state, her mind is intruded upon by the sound of Frederica licking her ears.

“Nu-Nuooo… sh-shtooop iiit-,” Fiana’s weakened pleas echo through the cavern. Her mind struggles to comprehend what she just said, as another climax begins to overcome her.

Her body continues to spasm as the tentacle inside her begins to slow – until it stops deep within her womb. She feels a slight pressure run across the length of her pussy until she feels a heat bubbling up inside her. Even in her limited capacity, she can tell what has happened to her.


The hot liquid is shot into the womb.

If you guys donate to us on Kofi and it reached the threshold of 10$, there will be additional chapters.(Though it won’t be as fast cause I’m not able to release a lot in a short time)

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