
Chapter 30

The dragon brought up his snout towards the small black crystal lying on the ground. He sniffed it but surprisingly, he couldn't smell any worth out of it.

Suddenly the crystal dispersed into a stream of light that flew towards the dragon, getting absorbed by the dragon's body.


// Dungeon objective discovered.

Objective: Find three crystals to access the final boss in the tower


'So that's how it is.'

As the dungeons were considered to be fragments of times containing specific historical events, it meant that to finish them, one had to follow the timeline of these events. Also known as dungeon objectives in the system.

Vesuvius flapped his wings once again, lifting his big body out of the ground, searching for anything that could contain another of the three crystals. Hordes of undead, even though they were reduced in numbers, still kept patrolling through the barren grey lands littered with gravestones.

'Most of them are just mobs. There's almost no chance they would have a crystal with them.'

He spotted small a small inconspicuous chapel sitting at the edge of the dungeon, right next to a void filled with blackness.

He immediately grinned, knowing from his extensive gaming experience that there was a high chance of a crystal being present there. eno. c

He flapped his massive wings crossing the plain littered with undead. Each flap of his black wings was bringing him closer to his target. He dived straight down and landed in front of the chapel, dry grey soil under him cracked from his rough landing.

Everything was quiet with no undead within the range the size of a football field. The chapel's facade still looked like recently built with no cracks or dust. Beautiful vitrage windows were unbroken and unstained, showing pictures of long-forgotten saints.

'This feels a little out of place in this barren land. Now I am more sure that this is the correct path.'

He approached the small wooden gate leading into the church. He nudged the doors to open with his snout.

The doors opened without any creaking as if they were freshly oiled up. Vesuvius looked straight inside through the main opened gate.

Rows upon rows of neatly arranged benches without a speck of dust on them were filling most of the space. On the opposite side of the chapel was a stone altar. A figure dressed in pristine white priest robes was standing there. Their face was hidden behind the massive book covered in gold.

The dragon's heart started to thump louder as he spotted the beautiful golden ornamental cover of the book. He wanted to just leap and take the precious book.

He quickly shook his head, suppressing his greed. 'I need to calm down. There is no need to risk my life for a treasure... If I live long enough, I will definitely find more treasures... Also, I might grab it after I kill that priest.'

"Snap!" The priest suddenly snapped the book closed and looked towards the church entrance. Revealing his withered, half-rotten face with ethereal blues flames burning in his empty eye sockets.

Vesuvius braced himself up, tensing his muscles, expecting to get blasted by holy magic.

Contrary to his belief, the priest didn't attack. He instead grabbed the golden book from the altar, taking it into his hand, almost as if flexing it in front of the dragon.

Then the priest gently smiled. However, with his half-rotten face showing inwards of his head, it sent shivers throughout the dragon's body.

A hoarse and somehow distant voice came from the priest, "Well, well, it looks like you conquered your sin."

Vesuvius was confused, raising his guard, expecting some trickery. However, he didn't attack, hoping for some clue from the priest.

"You dragons were always greedy, and I feel you are too. However, you fought back against your sinful thoughts. That is an act requiring a strong spirit."

Then the priest fell on his knees, his voice turning even more hoarse, "Now kill me, end this eternal suffering of mine. Burn me and cleanse this cursed body out of this cursed world."

The dragon grew even warier and confused at the priest's antics.

'Is it possible that I met some condition to avoid this miniboss? That would be great as every bit of mana saved for the final boss will be helpful. But this whole thing feels too good to be the truth.'

"Please, I beg you! I don't want this cursed existence anymore."

Vesuvius couldn't hold himself anymore and spoke, "Arent, you supposed to fight me?"

"Why should I? I saw you conquer your sin and, by proxy, the devil. That is enough for gods, and so is for me. All I want is to end this existence of mine."

'Hmm, I always considered the devil's existence in the world of LOMM as a part of the setting as it was familiar to players. Creating a universal evil that didn't need any justification. But now that I know that Lorenia is also a world. Is it possible that there is one hell shared between both worlds?' Vesuvius shook his head, 'Why am I getting distracted... is this what the priest wants, to distract me and then attack.'

The dragon's cold voice finally came out after a few moments of silence. "Very well, priest, I will give you eternal rest. But tell me what happened in this place first."

The priest remained silent for a few moments before he spoke, "This valley used to be green and verdant, full of life. However, the white mage living in the tower got corrupted and destroyed the valley with legions of his undead servants, uprooting all of the trees to fuel fires to forge weapons for his army.'

Vesuvius grinned inwardly, 'Is it you, Saruman?'

"Please, I answered your question. Now free me!"

The dragon nodded, his mind hurting at the thought of destroying the golden book, but he also knew that if he could really kill the miniboss without a fight, it could even save his life.

The dragon opened his mouth, and a beam of magma was unleashed toward the priest, who spread his arms wide open as if welcoming his own demise. The beam directly hit the priest, drowning him together with the book in molten stone.

The high temperature caused the surrounding wooden benches to catch on fire.



You are now level 11

All stats increased!

+5 stat points

+1 ability point


Vesuvius finally relaxed his heart still in pain from destroying the beautiful book, and a small white crystal rolled towards him from the magma before turning into light and getting absorbed by the dragon.

Comments 12

  1. Offline
    Vesuvius grinned inwardly, 'Is it you, Saruman?
    I gotta say,author has been making a lot of references
    2.FantasyPunk(cyberpunk reference)
    3.Saruman(lord of the rings)
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    1. Offline
      All are good references, Maybe a little cliche but welcomed.
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    2. Offline
      Not always a good thing...

      Recent cultural references often don't age well. Too many temporarily relevant memes and a whole story ends up with a relatively short shelf life.

      And it could mean either the author is making a quick and dirty novel or they're not a particularly skilful or experienced writer.

      In this case, I think the second one is true since there's already plenty of other evidence of it.
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      1. Offline
        While I agree, Boobafet is timeless. Maybe nobody will know who that is in the future (hell, I don't) but it's still hilarious anyway.
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        1. Offline
          With the way things have been going in the past couple decades, no culture has no expiry date.

          It's all just slowly getting corrupt till most people eventually just wash their hands of it in disgust while the rest bury their heads in the sand.
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          1. Offline
            Yeah, but boobas ain't going anywhere. Unless all the women die off or something.
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            1. Offline
              I guess this would be a bad time to tell you about how western men are increasingly going to foreign countries just to find wives cause the state of western women has been getting increasingly worse xD
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              1. Offline
                No worries, you're preaching to the choir there my dude.

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                1. Offline
                  Damn, bro. You have my sympathy. Glad you got out.
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                2. Offline
                  People here are f#ckin' nuts. I'm not really "out" because even those I live with now are still off their rocker. I dunno how the hell this country hasn't already imploded.
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                3. Offline
                  Look to history. The fall of too-big empires is usually a slow and arduous affair. Ignorance and corruption is a slow-growing societal virus, typically progressing on a generational scale.

                  NGL building a small home out in the middle of nowhere and living off communal products and services is looking better every year xD

                  I looked into it and the mortgage seems doable even on minimum wage. Just gonna have to learn to do things myself to save money. Or even better, get a group of like minded folks who'll work together.

                  In either case, if you take your time researching and planning, having your own quiet home that is your own is doable by anyone. Even poor SOBs with ADHD like me lol
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                4. Offline
                  I too love history, and so I studied history all the way back to the Roman Republic to understand the root of the problem. Actually, the English Empire was most elucidatory: the final blow to the empire was the establishment of universal healthcare, because it put the peoples' health in control of the elites. Just like the Germans did before WWI. Which is when I realized, hey, the Romans did the same thing with the food dole.

                  Meaning, the problem is central control. Once central control becomes concentrated, the government decays since it no longer has threats to its stability, even if it lies cheats and steals. The point of the American federalist system was to distribute central power to the states so this wouldn't happen, but it did anyway.

                  Modern governments hold this control through resources like food and electricity. I can't solve the food problem because I'm only good at quantum physics. So, I spent 7 years to invent free energy that can be built anywhere by anyone with a bit of welding knowledge. Now I gotta make money to start a company without VC money so I don't get my patent stolen and buried like GM Ovonics.

                  After being tortured for so long I'd rather help the current system crumble than persist in this stupid runaround we've built for ourselves. Maybe America won't collapse from losing energy dominance but it'll surely shake the foundations of every nation worldwide.

                  I wish you good luck living wherever you choose. But, my motto is: if you can't win, don't join them. Just flip the f#cking game board.
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