
Chapter 224: Division

Donation Chapter by Don

In the swirling, expanding darkness, my thoughts accelerated.

How can he — a monster — enter the “safe zone”?

No, there is an alternate way for a monster to enter a safe zone.

It’s to join a human party member, like Momo and Aka.

Who’s that?

Who let him, this intelligent zombie, into the safe zone?

Betrayal? No, if you use brainwashing skills like Chairman Igarashi, you can force your way into someone’s party membership. ……?

(Or is it because of that Queen Ant……?)

No, the Queen Ant could only be here as an exception because she was contained in my shadow.

If I let her out of the shadow, she will immediately be repelled, and so will her companions.

But is it possible if one of them is human……?

Damn it, I didn’t do enough research.

There were so many things to do, so many priorities, that it was always put on the back burner.

Even so, since the mayor’s “Town Planning” LV has improved, it should have been possible to take care of that.

It was supposed to be–

“–you shouldn’t do that. Letting your mind wander like this in the middle of the battle.”


Boom! I felt as if I had been hit on the head.

My head jolted and my vision wavered.

Now that I look at him, I see an intelligent zombie with armor-like darkness on his arms and legs.


“It’s not over yet.”

He used the spreading darkness as a foothold to close in on me.

I quickly clad myself in shadow to guard against it, but it is difficult for my ‘shadow’ skill to fully defend against the ‘darkness’.

Still, by using my perception skills, I managed to block his attack.

(Somehow, I have to get away from him…)

This is not a good time to use the Item Box or Ninjutsu.

But the burden of using Shadow Imitation of the High Orc is too risky.


“–Somehow I have to keep my distance. You’re thinking that, right?”


As if he had read my thoughts, he laughed.

“I told you. You’re too easy to read.”

I felt a chill run through me.

The intelligent zombie drew his sword from his waist.

Even in the midst of the darkness, it radiated an unusual presence.

Almost horizontally.

The sword strike shook the air.

Zon! The space exploded.

“–hah, hah, hah, hah….!”

It was a close call.

If I had been even one second too late in evading, I would have been cut in half by now.

When I looked back, I saw that all the buildings that he had swung his sword towards had been cut in half.

(……Is it a skill that extends the range of the slashes?)

That’s troublesome.

If the slash can ignore the guard, neither the Alter Ego nor the item box can prevent it.

There is no way to avoid it.

“Isn’t it amazing, this sword? It’s a weapon from my world, and not only does it increase the owner’s status, but it can also be used for skills like this.”

“You’re boasting?”

“It’s a service. Even if I tell you this much, my ‘advantage’ will not be shaken.”

More darkness poured out from beneath his feet like a thick layer of mud.

“…… Is that the Dark Wolf’s skill?”

“Yes, it’s right under my feet. Does it bother you?”

He snapped his fingers.

Then the darkness beneath his feet widened, and the Dark Wolf emerged.

“Uuuuu…. Grrrrrrr….”

That figure was unmistakably the Dark Wolf – the Wolf King Schwarz.

But there was a shiny silver collar around his neck and a chain that was connected to it.

The chain was dangling down and connected to the darkness beneath his feet.

(That chain and collar is what’s keeping Schwarz in line….?)

Rebel said that ‘Pride’ could not be used to dominate others.

If that’s the case, then is that another skill he has ……?

But if that’s the case, why are the chains attached to the darkness instead of his hands or body……?

Something about this is bothering me……

“It was difficult, you know? He didn’t listen to me very well. So I had to be very creative to make it work.”

“Creative… you say…..?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.

The intelligent zombie and Schwarz jumped back.

Immediately, at the next moment, a huge pillar of fire rose where they had been standing.

That is certainly the skill you can learn once you learn Flame Magic Lv 8 — “Hellfire Cremation”.

Then this means–

“I’m sorry, I’m late.”



Rebel landed from the sky above a pillar of fire.

She must have rushed to the scene in a hurry because underneath her robes, she was still wearing a T-shirt.

What an awkward outfit.

However, she held a battle staff in her hand and her summoned beast, Ifrit, was waiting behind her.

There is no doubt that she is already in combat mode.

” …… Is that the intelligent zombie you were talking about?”

“Yes, it is. I don’t know how, but he somehow managed to bypass the boundaries of the ‘Safe Zone’.”

“I see…. You got a head start on me….”

Rebel clicked her tongue.

“Are Natsu and others safe?”

“Yes, I believe Momo’s probably taken them out by now.”

“I see……”

Rebel sighed in relief after I told her I was safe.

The ‘Cage’ was also connected to Momo’s shadow.

If it is Momo, then she should already be on the move and she must have escaped to some other place by now. 

“Then feel free to go wild. Don’t worry about the damage. I’ve asked Fujita and Uesugi to evacuate the area before I came here.”

Uesugi ……? Oh, the mayor.

For a second, I forgot who he was.

But if it’s them, I’m sure they’ll be fine.

(Everyone is evacuating. Then I can concentrate on the enemy in front of me…….)


Schwarz growled.

There were faint emotions mixed in with the intense pressure.

Frustration and humiliation.

(No matter how you look at it, it looks like you’re being forced to comply……)

So, the only way to get through this situation is to break the link between him and Schwarz.

(But how do I do that,……?)

There are several skills that can be used to block or weaken the effects of such skills.

The most powerful one is Liber’s “Divine Power”.

It is a cheat skill that renders her opponent’s skills useless for as many times as she cuts them with the sword of light that she creates.

But, this can not be used now.

That is because that skill is currently being used to suppress Aiba’s “Recreational ” skill from going haywire.

The other is Ono’s “Jealousy”.

This is another skill that has the cheat effect of lowering the level of your opponent’s skills.

However, this can only be used against those Ono is jealous of.

He can be hostile against the intelligent zombies, but it’s difficult for him to be truly jealous of that zombie from the bottom of his heart.

In the first place, Ono is not strong enough to fight against the intelligent zombies and Schwarz.

If he is not careful, he may be taken hostage.

“–I’m coming!”

“! Sure!”

The intelligent zombie and Schwarz stepped forward.

At the same time, a large amount of black mud flowed towards us.

It was like a muddy river rushing towards us.

“Item Box!”

I immediately created a foothold in the air to avoid the mud.

The black mud rushed past where we were, swallowing everything in its path.

If you touch that mud, it’s over.

We must not touch it.

“You have to avoid all attacks of the Wolf King. The ‘Darkness’ skill ignores all defense and drains the opponent’s HP straight away. If you don’t take them seriously, it’s over.”

This is what the game calls penetrative damage.

The first time we fought at school, we were able to guard against him because he hadn’t mastered his power yet.

But, there is no way to avoid the attacks of the Wolf King, who has spent a lot of time understanding the nature of his skills.

“Not yet!”


The intelligent zombie swung his sword at the same time.

Damn, I can’t evade in the air.

(One or Eight–)

I activated my ninjutsu as fast as I could.

“Fire Escape Technique!”

The flames of the red lotus clashed against his sword.

Immediately after that, the heavy machinery and surrounding objects that were used as footholds were torn apart.

But I was safe.

It looks like my prediction was correct.

“Kazuto! Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Honestly, I found it funny to see her floating in the air like that, but this is not the time.

“The intelligent zombie’s sword is also capable of slashing a wide area. But if you use your skills, you can cancel it out.”

“It seems so. Darkness skills, magic sword slashes, or ……. You’ve got a very good set of cards. It’s ‘Prideful’ indeed.”

“Yes, but I don’t think Schwarz is going to follow him obediently.”

In the end, it is not Schwarz who needs to be beaten, but the intelligent zombie.

If we can somehow break the connection between him and Schwarz, the situation will be reversed.


Rebel paused for a moment, then looked at me.

“Kazuto, I’ll take on the ‘Wolf King’. Meanwhile, you deal with the intelligent zombie.”

“Is there any way you can deal with Schwarz?”

“I’ll lock him up in my Sacred Realm. I think I can last for fifteen minutes considering the damage done by Iver. In that time, you’ll have to defeat him or deal with his connection with the Wolf King.”

“……I understand.”

‘How?’ I didn’t ask that.

The fact that she didn’t tell me ‘how’ meant that she didn’t have a specific plan either.

But if she didn’t trust me, she wouldn’t have suggested this in the first place.

So it is only logical that I should live up to her expectations.

Sensing my determination, she smiled and said

“That’s a good answer. Well, good luck.”

Then, there was a thread of light on the ground, and she appeared in front of Schwarz and the intelligent zombie.

They reacted a moment later due to her sheer speed.

“Che, Wolf King.”


The intelligent zombie immediately used Schwarz as a shield.

But that move was exactly what Rebel wanted.

Rebel clasped her hands in front of Schwarz and activated her skill.

“Sacred Realm.”

A dazzling light enveloped both of them.

Darkness and light coiled together, and a tremendous energy shrouded the surroundings.

This was one of Rebel’s three unique skills – the “Sacred Realm”.

It’s the first time I’ve seen it in action.

When the light faded, only the intelligent zombie was standing there.

“The …… Death King and the Wolf King have disappeared, ……?”

The intelligent zombie muttered in a strange tone.

But, I immediately noticed it.

In the place where Rebel and Schwarz stood, there was a glowing ball the size of a bowling ball floating in the air.

Perhaps that glowing ball is Rebel’s ‘Sacred Realm’.

My ‘Realm of the Falling Sun’ is a skill that forcibly changes the fabric of reality into night, but her ‘Sacred Realm’ seems to be a type that creates a different space altogether and traps the opponent in it.

“So …… this is the Domain Skill. The highest level skill that can only be obtained by those who have maximized their profession and race. I see, it is only natural for her to be able to use it. She is the Death King after all.”

The intelligent zombie spat viciously and looked at me.

“You’ve divided up your forces….. But the end result will still be the same, won’t it? I will defeat you and the Wolf King will kill the Death King. That’s all there is to it.”

“You don’t know that until you try.”

And then, the reinforcements arrived.


The air shook, and Sora revealed herself.

“I’m late.”

“No, it’s good timing.”

“Kazuto! Shiro will also fight with you.”

With a thup, Shiro climbed on top of my head.

“A dragon…… That’s great, I’d love to add that to my arsenal.”

At those words, Sora’s mouth twitched in anger.

“You sure are a very cheeky corpse. I don’t care if it’s Kazuto or you, no one can make me obey them.”

“Don’t worry, it’s just a taunt.”

But there’s also the thing with Schwarz.

I don’t want Sora to be forced into servitude by him.

“Sora, please cover me. I’ll take care of him.”

“Hmm…. Go ahead.”

“Aka, change.”

“…… (furufuru)”

Aka, who was mimicking my clothes, then transformed into a weapon.

Kazuto also pulled out a kunai from his Item Box.

He took a deep breath and focused on the zombie in front of him.

“–Right now, right here, I will defeat you for sure!”

I raised my foot and took a step forward.

The intelligent zombie laughed viciously. 

“– Try it if you can, Precocious Owner!”

The intelligent zombie drew his sword, and took two steps forward.

The time limit is fifteen minutes.

The battle has begun.


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