
Chapter 317: A Mermaid's Affection Meter

The Panda raised a brow at the Mermaid and crossed its arms. "Regardless of whether you hate it or not, you're now a part of this… but don't tell me that you actually have no interest in Li Yang? I was there when you said that you were only repaying a favor."

Of course Bao was there, it was everywhere.

None of that was surprising anymore but the Mermaid still gave the creature a dull look and then eventually sighed. Why did she agree in the first place? Compared to Ying Yue He and Taiga, she wasn't one to outwardly express their undying love or devotion to the man.

However, it didn't mean that there was nothing there… it was just below the surface. 

The Mermaid didn't want to express it and preferred to take a more relaxed and cooler stance to it than those other women. She wasn't in a state of denial like Luo Ju Di or Bo Lifen either and so she gave her nonchalant reply.

"He did save my life from one of my people who wanted me to return to the ocean," Narissa shrugged. "However, I don't think that's enough of a reason to bind myself to a man, don't you think?"

Bao shrugged back in response. "I may or may not understand your intentions."

A rueful smile crossed on Narissa's lips and she rested a finger beneath her lips. 

"I know that this is probably an interview of some sort… but it doesn't change the fact that while my people do keep our word when we swear on it, the idea of being tied to someone like him doesn't seem all that bad." 

"Because he isn't expecting much from you?" Bao muttered dryly. 

Narissa threw the creature a sour look. "We both understand each other! It's not like you have to spend every single hour with your partner. He gets my schedule and I respect his own decisions in life."

"Even when it involves other women?" 

"I have a very strong feeling that if he had a choice in this matter… he'd stick to just one," Narissa pursed her lips. "Or maybe no one at all since his former reputation was a workaholic who didn't even have the time of day for anyone else."

"But now the situation is different and you just choose to go along with it?"

"What else am I supposed to do?" Narissa tilted her head at the creature. "Are you wishing that I would compete for his attention from the others to spice up the story?"

"...maybe?" Bao answered. "Frankly, yes."

Narissa smirked confidently. "There's no reason for me to compete. I can very much shine on my own time and garner his attention when I want to. Right now, he's devoting his time to this Lifen, but when it's my turn? I'll captivate him and keep his eyes on me alone."

Bao floated idly in the air and while it was actually impressed by the Mermaid's confidence. It still had to ask. "That sounds good, but how do you plan on doing that?"

"Just wait and see, bear." Narissa threw her hair back and started heading back to the trio. There was a certain way that the Mermaid walked that showed how much she knew how to command the attention of her audience when she was on stage.

However the Mermaid's eyes were on the people ahead of her. She could see that they were starting to prepare for the training of Bo Lifen which involved the tea-making process. 

As the official and first member of Li Yang's harem, Narissa certainly did gain some perks to it and to which she would certainly do her best to use to her advantage. There was a pink screen visible above the heads of the other people around her.

One could see a heart on the screen that were all filled very differently along with an associated number above them. Taiga currently had a score of 75 above her head, Li Yang had a score of 60 and Bo Lifen had the number 50 on hers.

All of them were very good numbers.

[ Affection Meter ]

See the range of affection that each person has to you and certain individuals. 

100%: this individual feels incredibly affectionate towards you 

75%: this individual feels pleased and happy whenever you around around

50%:  this individual feels average around you and may change

25%:  this individual feels that you are intolerable and difficult to deal with 

0%:  this individual does not feel anything towards you

Narissa knew that she tolerated Bo Lifen and the woman also felt that way around her. It was because the two of them knew how to respect each other and did not exactly get in each other's way.

As for Li Yang, the Mermaid could at least see that despite his rather stony exterior and the fact that his face often seemed frozen besides rare occasions where he smiled, there was a certain level of affection towards her.

It meant that Narissa could cultivate it further.

She would see it rise and had every intention of doing so, not to prove anything… but simply because that was the only direction that their relationship could progress.

Narissa knew that someday, given time with each other, the natural progression was towards finding each other more loveable.

The fiery heat of passion and the burning loins may gradually fade away or reach a level where it's more easy to get turned on by something new and exciting, but the fostering of affection towards one another would remain.

Of course, that wasn't to say that Narissa had the intention of letting the fire die or cool off.

Not at all. 

Even though she was aware that perhaps a new person would come in and look enticing to Li Yang, Narissa would do her best to keep everything satisfying and exciting when it was with her.

It really had been such a long time since the two of them had seen each other properly. About over a year that after such a dreadful schedule with work and worrying about whether or not he was dead or not. 

Narissa felt like the two of them had a conversation of their own that needed to be discussed in private.




The thing that the Mermaid was blatantly ignoring was Taiga. Narissa was worried and bothered as heck on how easily the affection meter of this Tigress Spirit rose to such a high level! 

Why was she at 75% in the affection meter of this Tigress when Narissa barely did anything?! Even just returning to the trio's circle made it quite obvious that the System wasn't lying to her at all.

"Oh, Blue Fish is back!" Taiga beamed at her return.

"Ah, done with your walk?" Li Yang looked up to her.

Narissa smiled and nodded, pleased that he remembered and was polite about it. "I was hoping I could help with the tea making process if Bo Lifen doesn't mind. After this session, you'll be showing me something, right?" 

"Yeah. I'm hoping that I could get your perspective on it." Li Yang admitted and looked a bit embarrassed. "It's more around your level of expertise, I believe."

"I'd be more than happy to share my knowledge if that's what you're after." She told him. See? Didn't he value her opinion? 

Narissa threw a look smugly at Bao who was observing from the distance and then realized she was getting played like a card. Well, whatever, she couldn't wait too long for some time alone with Li Yang and this was her best bet to get it. 

There was truly a lot to be discussed, but she'd make herself useful right now and possibly showcase that she was resourceful.

It didn't seem like tea making was really that hard.

It involved water.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    I bet Setsuko's affection meter for Li Yang is around 900%
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