
Chapter 366: Rescue

On a nameless deserted island in the Hundred-Thousand-Li Giant Lake, two men were overlooking the lake and drinking.

“Kid, did you know, my hundred years in the Realm of Nothingness felt longer than a thousand years in the outer world.” Zhan Ling said, putting down his wine glass.

“I understand your hardships senior, if it weren’t for my master’s care and providing a fallback plan, my wife and I might have died there,” sighed Li Xingci.

Every time he recalled the experiences in the Realm of Nothingness, he was filled with a sense of trepidation. If he didn’t have a contingency plan arranged by his master, the consequences could have been unimaginable.

“However, immersing myself there for more than a hundred years was not without gain. Comprehending Jing Fan’s Way, the path of becoming a True Immortal is in sight now.”

“Young Li, thank you.” Zhan Ling raised his glass for a toast and drained it with Li Xingci.

“Senior, you should thank my master,” said Li Xingci with a laugh. If possible, he wanted to offer Zhan Ling the position of his master’s Tao Protector – he wondered if his master’s meticulous personality would change for that.

“Haha, your master should also be thanked,” laughed Zhan Ling.

After finishing their little wine session, Li Xingci voiced his ideas.

“Senior, I will be staying at the Elder Council Headquarters for some time. How about you accompany me?” asked Li Xingci, tentatively.

“Just state your next proposal rather than beating around the bush,” Zhan Ling shot a glance at Li Xingci.

“My master has taken our sect to wander in a nearby area of the Endless Sea. We will be there for a few years.”

“If senior is willing, you could stay at my sect for some time,” suggested Li Xingci with a smile.

“Let’s do it that way. I wanted to discuss with your master about controlling puppets over a long range,” agreed Zhan Ling.

“I appreciate your trouble, senior.”

Li Xingci then shared the location of Hidden Spirit Island with Zhan Ling.

Ever since Li Xingci returned, he had spoken to Xu Fan about a Demonic Cultivator Esteemed One wanting to become his Tao Protector.

Xu Fan’s response was, “If he truly wants to be your Tao Protector, you can trust him.”

With that premise, Li Xingci dared to tell Zhan Ling about the location of Hidden Spirit Island.

“Alright, I know the location. I’ll go later; you can leave now,” Zhan Ling motioned with his hand.

“Then, I will take my leave first,” Li Xingci bowed and excused himself.

After Li Xingci left, Zhan Ling lifted his head toward the sky and said: “Butcher, stop peeking. Want to come down for a drink?”

“Never mind, I can handle a fight but I’ll skip on the drink.” A voice, as rustic as an old farmer, echoed.

“Let’s skip the fight as well. After all, I will be considered an Esteemed One in your Central Continent,” Zhan Ling chuckled. He had no intention of fighting with a madman; he would probably not make it out alive if they started a fight.

“Welcome.” After that, the voice disappeared.

“If I had shown even a bit of killing intent towards that junior at the Combination Stage, this old guy would, for sure, come out and fight me to death,” Zhan Ling spat on the ground.

Three tens of thousands li away from Hidden Spirit Island, on an island where mortals resided, a large spirit vessel of Hidden Spirit Sect landed.

Xiong Li, accompanied by several disciples of the Formation Path, stepped off the spirit boat with a team of God Transformation Stage Puppets behind them.

“You all find the best site to establish a teleportation array, I will go and slaughter that cultivator family,” said Xiong Li through gritted teeth.

Prior to arrival, he had seen the information about the cultivator family on this island. According to Xiong Li, the atrocities they committed were enough to sentence them to death a hundred times over.

In a decrepit mortal city, a young golden core cultivator was watching a group of pregnant women about to give birth, his expression cold as he said, “Only after you’ve given birth to three children can your fourth child survive. Understand?”

“Immortal, I’ve made the rules clear to them, please rest assured.” A mortal supervisor spoke.

“These are all their firstborns, the fetuses and the quality of the Zihe Carriages are the best, you must ensure their integrity.” The golden core youth spoke.

“Understood, understood.” The mortal supervisor wiped his sweat as he answered.

At this point, fear was evident in the eyes of the pregnant women about to give birth, but there was more helplessness and numbness. They only hoped that the children they gave birth to would have spiritual roots, thus providing a chance for their whole family to rise in status.

Just then, Xiong Li descended from the sky, staring angrily at the golden core youth in front of him.

“Which fellow Daoist do we have here, please come back with me so I can entertain you properly. My family’s God Transformation Ancestor quite likes making connections with promising young talents.” Xiong Li greeted the Golden Core youth in a calm and relaxed manner, such occurrences were all too common in places unregulated by any Continent.

A giant palm descended from the sky, instantly crushing the golden core youth into meat paste.

“Tell the people in the city that outside the northern gate, there’s an immortal waiting for them who will take them to paradise–heaven-like locations.” Xiong Li told the supervisor.

“Understood, understood” The supervisor trembled with fear as he looked at the mangled, bloody pile of flesh on the ground.

At this moment, a loud voice echoed in the sky, directing mortals towards the teleportation array.

“This waste has been dealt with, the rest is up to you.” Xiong Li looked at the giant peak not far from the city, where the god transformation ancestor was hidden.

At this moment, six God Transformation Stage Puppets holding giant shields had already surrounded the palace on the peak, waiting for Xiong Li’s arrival.

“May I ask the fellow Daoist where he is from, please show yourself.” An old man at the God Transformation stage, full of trepidation, was watching the six God Transformation Stage Puppets surrounding the great hall, his face showed fear.

“How does the taste of fetal marrow feel?” Xiong Li appeared outside the grand hall, with four God Transformation Stage Puppets in Heavy Armor by his side.

Xiong Li’s eyes were ice-cold as he stared at the God Transformation stage senior, deciding to deal with him in the same manner as this senior who was more demonic than demonic cultivators themselves.

“Didn’t expect we would have such a righteous person visiting this chaotic sea region.” The God Transformation Ancestor sneered.

Xiong Li ignored the elder’s words, instead looking towards the sky and murmuring, “They should be here soon.”

At this moment, the six God Transformation Stage Puppets holding giant shields simultaneously unleashed their power, suppressing the God Transformation Stage elder.

Instantly, the God Transformation Stage elder could only think, the rest of him was sealed by the Skies’ Giant Shield.

A disciple from Hidden Spirit Sect, wearing Daoist Robes of Hidden Spirit Gate, landed outside the great hall on a red giant bird.

“Has your Little Jiao recovered yet?” Xiong Li asked.

“It’s basically healed, I’ll let it rest for a few more days.” Yu Qianshan said, releasing a swarm of birds with long, needle-like beaks.

“Senior Brother, I’ve accomplished the mission. I managed to find the Marrow-eating Birds for you.” Yu Qianshan’s eyes turned cold as he spoke.

He turned his head towards the suppressed elder and said softly, “These Marrow-eating Birds at the foundation establishment stage, I’ve specially prepared them for you.”

“They must love the marrow of a God Transformation stage powerhouse.” Yu Qianshan said grimly.

Unable to speak, the God Transformation Stage elder looked at Xiong Li and Yu Qianshan with eyes filled with despair and confusion.

“Want to know why? Want to die understanding?” Xiong Li coldly asked the God Transformation Stage elder.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    Last chapters, starting from this, is not connected by plot. Completely unreadable. I think parts of chapters are missing, check please #panic#
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    1. Offline
      Fixed. peepo012

      Apart from this chapter, the following chapters are correct.
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      only we