
Chapter 100: extra 5

"It's you!" Su Han's eyes widened as he looked at the woman who had just walked into the room.

Why, why did he see that woman again?

Furthermore, he didn't know if it was his misconception, but Su Han always felt that the woman in front of him seemed somewhat different from the woman in his memory. In his memory, that woman was always gloomy, but the woman in front of me gave people a very warm feeling.

Was it really a dream? So everything he had hoped for had come true? Su Han looked at Su Ran who had just entered the door, thinking in a daze.

Watching her son sitting on the bed staring blankly at her, Su Ran raised an eyebrow slightly.

Son, are you sleep-deprived?

Su Ran muttered softly, but she didn't forget about Lu Xiaonuan, who was crying loudly beside Su Han.

"What happened to Nuannuan?" Su Ran walked over and took Lu Nuannuan from Su Han, who was a little helpless, and asked softly.

"Waaaaa, brother, meanie!" The one-year-old child could already speak a few simple words.

So, when she saw her own little Nuannuan say this with such a wronged expression and in such a milky voice. Su Ran couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Oh dear, did your brother scold you?" Su Ran said as she pinched Lu Xiaonuan's chubby little cheeks.

"Did you bully your brother?" Su Ran asked again.

In fact, she didn't quite believe that Su Han would be fierce to Lu Xiaonuan. If it were that little bastard Lu Boxuan, Su Ran would believe that he would intentionally make Lu Xiaonuan cry.

As for Su Han. Haha.

After Lu Xiaonuan was born, the two men in the family, besides Lu Boxuan, almost carried Lu Xiaonuan to the sky. How could they possibly be fierce to Lu Xiaonuan? As she spoke, she hugged Lu Nuannuan and gently patted her back. Su Ran turned her gaze towards Su Han.

"Son, what's wrong?" Su Ran patted Su Han's head and asked with concern. After Su Han entered high school, he had another growth spurt. During this time, he almost caught up to his father's height.

Su Ran usually didn't have the chance to pat her son's head, so she took advantage of the moment when her son was sitting on the bed in a daze and patted his head. Su Ran didn't pay attention to Su Han's body that seemed to stiffen subconsciously.

"Something on your mind?" Su Ran blinked again, looking at Su Han and asking. It was normal for boys to have little secrets when they grow up.

However, after Su Han grew up, his father took over the responsibility of educating their son about certain aspects, so Su Ran generally didn't say much. However, these past few days were different.

In a few days, Su Han would take the college entrance exam, so she had to pay close attention to her son's condition at all times.

Su Han felt a sense of strangeness and familiarity when faced with the concern of the woman before him. Rationally, he wanted to avoid her, but instinctively, he didn't seem to want to avoid her.

For a moment, Su Han felt a little out of place.

However, no matter how you put it, Su Han had been the chairman of a group that had been struggling through challenges for so many years. Although he was a little surprised in his heart, Su Han still managed to maintain his composure on the surface.

"No." Su Han pretended to be calm and said. The voice was his, but it also seemed to carry a hint of the awkwardness of a voice changer.

"Are you nervous?" Su Ran looked at Su Han and asked softly.

Upon hearing this, Su Han was taken aback. He wasn't nervous, what did he have to be nervous about? Wasn't he just experiencing a strange hallucination before he died?

Su Ran couldn't help but smile when she saw her son's awkward expression.

"Yes, my son will never be nervous." Su Ran smiled and touched Su Han's head again, saying, "Okay, go wash up, change your clothes, and come downstairs to eat."

"Nuannuan, let's go, let's see your father off." Thinking that her son still needed to change his clothes, Su Ran simply carried Lu Xiaonuan downstairs first.

Su Han behind her was indeed surprised. Dad?!

The word was too unfamiliar to him. In this hallucination, he still had a father?


While Su Han was still deep in his confusion, Su Ran had already carried Lu Xiaonuan downstairs. When Su Ran went downstairs, she found Lu Shao sitting on the sofa in the living room, calmly handling work, with no intention of going out.

"Aren't you guys leaving yet?" Su Ran asked, somewhat surprised.

If he doesn't leave now, Lu Boxuan will be late, right?

"He's messing around and doesn't want to go to kindergarten, so let him reflect on it himself." Lu Shao said succinctly.

Following the direction Lu Shao pointed to, Su Ran indeed saw Lu Boxuan that little kid standing there, facing a wall in deep thought, standing in a ramrod-straight military posture, but with tears pattering down his face.

"Pfft." Su Ran laughed without holding back.

After the real Lu Xiaonuan came online at home, Lu Boxuan's family status plummeted.

Now his crying in front of his father and older brother was useless.

"Where's Su Han?" Lu Shao asked.

"I'll do it." Seeing that Su Ran was having a hard time holding Lu Nuannuan who was struggling happily, Lu Shao took Lu Nuannuan from Su Ran's arms and put the child on the ground.

Lu Nuannuan could barely walk at this time, but because she wasn't used to it yet, she still preferred to crawl. Now that the house was covered with floor mats and anti-collision strips were pasted everywhere, Su Ran was not nervous about letting Lu Nuannuan play on the floor.

But Su Han's side made Su Ran a little worried.

"He's washing up upstairs, and will come down in a bit." Su Ran said, frowning involuntarily.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shao asked, pulling her closer when he saw Su Ran frowning.

"I think, is Su Han a little nervous?" Su Ran said her concerns. As his mother, how could she not sense that Su Han was acting strangely today? However, Su Ran had interpreted all of Su Han's strange behavior this morning as pre-exam jitters.

Upon hearing this, Lu Shao raised an eyebrow. He didn't think Su Han would be nervous about an exam.

However, Lu Shao still pulled Su Ran into his arms and comforted her, "Don't worry, Su Han has a very good self-regulating ability, and it won't have any effect."

“Let’s observe for a while longer.” After saying that, Lu Shao planted a kiss on Su Ran’s forehead.

"Lu Boxuan, stand up straight." Noticing that Lu Boxuan had turned his head and was looking curiously in their direction, Lu Shao frowned and barked.

Upon hearing this, Lu Boxuan was startled. He quickly turned his head back and stood up straighter than before.

Looking at Lu Boxuan's appearance, Su Ran couldn't help but smile, and then looked at Lu Shao: "He still has to go to kindergarten today. I'll tell his teacher in a bit that he'll be two hours late."

"Okay, I'll take him there in a while."


Su Han finally calmed down a little from his shock and went downstairs, staying alert.

And then she saw a scene like this.

It's that person! Lu Shao! The man he saw before he died!

However, this person was different from the last impression he had in his memory.

This person was much younger than the one he had seen. Both carried the imposing aura of a superior that was hard to ignore. However, the Lu Shao in front of him seemed more like a family man, looking at Su Ran with gentleness and tolerance.

The intimacy between these two people, and the love that flowed out of them unconsciously, did not seem to be fake at all. So, in another world, this is what their family was like? He had a happy mother, a father, and even younger siblings?

Su Han looked at the scene before him, thinking in a daze.

But at this moment, Lu Shao's gaze looked over. Unlike what she had imagined, Lu Shao's gaze, though stern, was full of a father's love.

"Come and eat." Lu Shao said to Su Han, then he took Su Ran to the dining room, and also picked up Lu Nuannuan who was beside him.

Watching the few people walking towards the dining room, Su Han hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he followed them and walked towards the dining room.

When Su Han walked past Lu Boxuan who was standing in the hallway as punishment, Lu Boxuan happened to turn his head and look up at Su Han. That little look was so pitiful.

Su Han paused in his steps, looking at the boy who looked very much like that woman, and raised an eyebrow. However, in the end, Su Han ignored Lu Boxuan's pleading gaze and walked towards the dining room.

When Su Han walked to the dining room, the seat that was obviously reserved for him was already filled with food.

Isn't it a bit too complicated?

Su Han's mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly complained. Then, he heard the woman say, "This is a nutritious meal shared by your class monitor's mother. It is said to be especially suitable for college entrance examination candidates."

"I made this especially for you. Try it and tell me if it's good," Su Ran said to her son, looking like she was showing off a treasure.

Over the years of marriage, Su Ran's cooking skills had improved quite a lot. At least, Su Ran could now follow the recipe to make some decent home-cooked dishes.

This recipe was said to be nutritionally balanced, and it was highly praised in Su Han's high school class 37 group chat. Su Ran looked at it and thought it didn't seem too complicated, so she decided to try it at home.

She had to say, it turned out looking quite like the real thing. Since she didn't know which one was better, Su Ran simply tried to make a little of each, which was why there was now a mountain of food piled up in front of Su Han.

"Isn't that a bit too much? Don't eat too much," Lu Shao said to Su Han, trying to help him out.

It seemed like? After hearing Lu Shao's words and looking at the "small mountain" in front of their son, Su Ran finally realized the problem.

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"Ahem, it's my first time making this, so I don't know how much to make." Su Ran said with an embarrassed smile, then turned to Su Han and said, "Son, just pick what you like to eat. It's okay if you can't finish it."

"Yes." Su Han nodded and responded. For some reason, at that moment, Su Han felt as if something was blocking his heart, making it feel stuffy, bitter, and yet very warm.

Feeling his eyes sting, Su Han quickly lowered his head, preventing the two people in front of him from seeing his abnormality. However, Lu Shao still noticed Su Han's abnormality. Looking at Su Han, a hint of contemplation flashed across Lu Shao's eyes.

At this moment, Su Han suddenly felt some movement under his feet and lowered his head. Then he saw the little dumpling wearing a pink rabbit onesie. He didn't know when it had crawled to his feet and was rubbing against him, trying to climb up.

After all, she was just a child. At this moment, Lu Nuannuan had already forgotten about being scared to tears by her brother just now. In her eyes, Su Han was still her favorite brother.

"Hug." Lu Nuannuan said to Su Han with unclear speech.

However, as if he had heard it many times before, Su Han easily understood what this little pink dumpling was saying, and then as if it was a physical reflex, without waiting for his brain to react, Su Han had already bent down to pick up Lu Nuannuan.

The moment Su Han picked her up, Lu Xiaonuan giggled and pulled at Su Han's face with both hands.

"Nuannuan, don't bother your brother while he's eating." Su Ran pretended to glare at her daughter and said.

"Alright, it's time for you to eat too." Su Ran stood up from the dining table, picked up Lu Nuannuan, and prepared to start the daily arduous task of feeding her.

Here, Su Ran had prepared a nutritious meal for Su Han, but of course, Su Han still didn't finish it. However, Lu Shao didn't mind and took the rest to finish it.


After spending a few more days in this house, Su Han finally realized the truth. This was not a hallucination before death, but rather a real world. However, this world did not belong to him.

In this world, Su Han had a complete and happy family, as well as a group of close friends. In this world, Su Han was handsome, sunny, and excelled in both academics and conduct. He was the epitome of "the child of another family".

The warmth of this world was something Su Han had never felt before. Perhaps he felt it, at the moment when the woman ten years ago told him to leave before she died, at the moment when he closed his eyes and saw the man, it was just that, that kind of warmth was too short-lived, like a flash in the pan.

If possible, Su Han selfishly hoped to stay in this world forever. Unfortunately, there was one more thing that gave Su Han a headache. It was that he would take the college entrance exam in two days.

In his world, he had already dropped out of school at the age of 15. Although he later became the president of Ri'an Group step by step and a successful person in the eyes of others.

However, the college entrance exam was a hurdle that Su Han had never experienced before. Su Han wasn't sure how much of the knowledge he learned in school he still remembered.

If he went to take the college entrance exam like this, Su Han was very worried that he would fail.

Lu Shao had noticed Su Han's worries over the past few days. Lu Shao and Su Ran thought similarly, feeling that Su Han must have been too nervous.

That day, Lu Shao called Su Han to the study.

"Do you know how many assets the Lu family currently has?" Lu Shao's first words were these.

Upon hearing this, Su Han was taken aback.

"It's…" Su Han said a number.

That was his past life, all the assets of the mysterious Lu family that he knew about through rumors from the outside world.

"Add two more zeros." Lu Shao said.

Su Han: !

Even Su Han, who considered himself to have experienced great ups and downs and storms, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this number. Su Han was shocked, but then heard Lu Shao say, "All of this will be yours in the future."

Su Han would be the head of the Lu family in the future. Lu Shao's opinion on this had never changed.

As for Lu Boxuan, that stinky brat's temperament, let him do what he likes.

Su Han: …

He was just shocked, who would cherish these things.

Su Han muttered to himself.

But then Lu Shao glanced at him again and said, "I'm not telling you this to pressure you or make you feel superior. I just want you to know that no matter what your current trajectory is, it won't affect your future."

Upon hearing this, Su Han was taken aback at first, then couldn't help but look at Lu Shao with a slightly strange gaze. Had any father ever done this to relieve his son's stress before the college entrance exam?

Su Han felt a wave of shame. If it weren't for his good comprehension skills, he wouldn't have necessarily been able to hear Lu Shao's "good intentions"…

After Lu Shao's strange but effective stress-reducing education, Su Han was not as nervous. However, he still had no confidence in the college entrance exam.


"Son, wake up."

On the day of the college entrance exam, although she secretly wanted to let her son sleep a little longer, Su Ran still woke Su Han up on time.

"Don't be nervous during the exam, okay?" Su Ran said softly as she watched Su Han open his eyes. Upon hearing this, Su Han suddenly frowned.

"Exams? Aren't they in five days?"

"You must be dreaming." Su Ran rubbed Su Han's head and said.

"Get up quickly, get ready, check your exam materials, admission ticket, and ID card to make sure you have everything, and then we'll take you to the exam site together."

"Don't be nervous." Su Ran couldn't help but say again.

"I'm not nervous."


Even after waking up and finding out that the college entrance exam had been moved up 5 days for some unknown reason, and feeling like he had missed something in between, Su Han didn't feel nervous at all.

Upon hearing her son's words, Su Ran recalled his unusual behavior over the past few days and found it hard to believe. However, Su Ran didn't know that at this moment, Su Han had already returned to the Su Han who had experienced three full years of high school.


On the other side, he woke up in the hospital with this memory. Although Su Han was a little reluctant to leave that beautiful world, he felt more relieved.

In the end, it was Lu Shao who saved him in this world. After that, Lu Shao took him back to Country E, the headquarters of the Lu family.

Here, it was a little different from that world. In that world, most of the Lu family's projects and industries had already been moved back to China.

But where, for him, what difference did it make?

In his interactions with the man, Su Han gradually discovered that, in essence, this man was not much different from Lu Shao from that world. However, in this world, Lu Shao rarely smiled, suffered from severe insomnia, and had no concept of family.

Sometimes, looking at Lu Shao, Su Han would wonder if he had appeared in this world a little earlier, if he had found them a little earlier, then would they be a complete and happy family now, with Nuannuan and that stinky brat Lu Boxuan.

But this was fine too. Those five days of experience, let's just say it was a beautiful dream he had.

"Dad, dinner is ready."

When the butler came over to announce that dinner was ready, Su Han couldn't help but call out to Lu Shao, who was still sitting on the sofa with a stack of documents, working tirelessly.

When he called out that "Dad", not only did Lu Shao raise his head in surprise, but even Su Han himself was surprised.

Ahem, he didn't mean to call this person that at all, he just got used to calling him that way during those few days in that world, and he didn't react for a moment.

That's all…

"Yes, okay." After being surprised, Lu Shao put down the document in his hand and replied. His voice was still cold, but there was a hint of a smile in his eyes that was hard to detect.

"There are some things you can leave to me. Ahem, I mean, if you trust me." When the father and son were sitting at the table eating, Su Han said.

“Also, you can drink a cup of honey water every day before bed.”

Su Han didn't know how Lu Shao's insomnia was cured in that world, but he saw that Su Ran would make a cup of honey water for Lu Shao every night.


Author's Note: Oh my goodness~~ 100 chapters!!!

This is the official end of the novel~~~

Thank you to all the little angels for your support and companionship along the way~~~

Last chapter~~Let's give everyone a big red envelope~~~


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