2 years ago

Super Electric Eel Avatar超级电鳗分身

Because of an accident, Chen Fan obtained the power to possess an electric eel!

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Because of an accident, Chen Fan obtained the power to possess an electric eel!

Of course, being an ambitious guy, Chen Fan just HAD to explore his Electric Eel Avatar thoroughly!

Captains, are the Somali pirates still giving you a headache? Come and hire me online, and I will guarantee that your ship will be even safer than protected by an American aircraft carrier! Collapse
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Comments 6

  1. Offline
    Synopsis immediately mentions Somali pirates as a Somali person myself I am incredibly offended and will not read this
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  2. Offline
    Гг ведет себя как школьник
    в общем плохой роман не читайте
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  3. Offline
    A self-professed lazy scumbag virgin Chinese NEET is able to split his mind between an electric eel and himself after an accident. Instantly after he gets this power he decides he must put this eel into the sea for some reason and this leads to a lot of "science" such as using the eel's innate control over electricity and electromagnetics to stimulate gill growth and tolerance to seawater. At some point he
    which works out somehow because "science" again and the eel eventually progresses into a

    He uses this to be a smuggler of all things and also had a random throwaway training montage where he made the eel "stimulate" his muscles so he gets ripped. He is still generally a braggart scumbag but if he has one defining trait it's UNYIELDING BELIEF IN THE GLORY OF CHINA. Seriously I don't think I've ever seen so much nationalism especially because it doesn't fit this dude at all.

    As an example he stops the eel mid-smuggle for 2 days because he saw Vietnamese 'monkies' (quote) on a boat and decides he has to wreck it and has a meteor hammer (Chinese flail sorta) cast for his eel to use and drives out to the eel so it can go wreck them. Then right after that the US has a submarine exercise and he steals a torpedo to give to The People.

    It was initially mildly entertaining but it's more and more blatant as time goes on and sucks up a ton of the story. It's jarring because this guy is literally a scumbag but then we switch to talking about how the Vietnamese are ugly subhumans and the Japanese are wannabe Chinese all of a sudden.

    Without the nationalism this would probably be a comedy of a scumbag doing really dumb things with an equally dumb drinking buddy and occasionally some insane "science". But I don't think the author intended it to be a comedy so it's weird.
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      OMG. treat
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  4. Offline
    Acc to novelupdates:
    Lots of pro-chinese racism, okay writing
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