2 years ago

Coeus? by Andur

About a boy who isn’t quite normal and doesn’t see himself as a human being, but is taught... Read more
About a boy who isn’t quite normal and doesn’t see himself as a human being, but is taught differently as he finds out about the world’s secrets. Though not everyone is happy about his existence. This is inteded to evolve into a full blown space opera with elements of magic thrown into it.

The OneShot goes FullStory. Trying to go a little more SciFi and alternate reality this time. I am not entirely sure how this fiction will turn out. And I am not sure on the tags either. They may change. Bear with it. As always, how chapters turn out is up to my mood. Collapse
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Comments 9

  1. Offline
    There's no reincarnation here...why's that tag there?
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    Death panda
    Death panda
    Coeus? Hmm seems interesting but till this day I have this repulsion to finished books? I just can’t At some point I’ll go to the last chapter and spoil myself and leave I hate that I’m like this I just want to rid of boredom but refuse to do anything about it I need help
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      how can I help you?
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        Death panda
        Death panda
        I wonder friend, I’m stuck in a epidity of dejavú and that feels of loneliness where you are seeking past feelings to fill the void that we have created but again I don’t know how to satisfy that feeling so if you find a way do tell for I will be forever grateful. In the end I just need to feel fulfilled I guess ranting like this distracts from the problem but does not solve it I guess I’m seeking thrill, see you later friend and thank you for your care and let’s both hope I find what I am seeking
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  3. Offline
    Andur's stories are really good. Read them in order. Totally worth it.
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      Which order
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  4. Offline
    Pseudo-autistic tech savant child finds out he is a Mage which is a higher form of human and has been spaceborn for millenia, but are only in Sol because they weren't ready to go out in the universe yet because
    . Luckily all that prep time worked out and we're not totally unprepared.

    It is pretty decent with an ending that promises more. The first chapter reads like an atheist sociopath manifesto but remember this is a 6yo autistic child who has been alone his whole life and not his viewpoint forever. He is never normal but has a new family and also a wife eventually.

    It is pretty slow at points and the climax is seriously anticlimactic but if you make it to that point you probably expected it as there are very few problems that aren't easily resolved quickly. OP protagonist, magic is not very explored at all it just happens. There is also some pretty cringe humor in the latter half but nothing too bad.
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      The ending speaks of another aspect. I think all of the authors books are set in the same universe cause this transendence is another book which is quite good as well.
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