10 months ago

The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons by Virlyce

Blue mages learn skills from beasts. This is the story of one fortunate enough to be taken in by... Read more
Blue mages learn skills from beasts. This is the story of one fortunate enough to be taken in by dragons. What should one expect from a child that is raised by and is absolutely convinced that he is a dragon? Collapse
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Comments 28

  1. Offline
    Alright, I read the synopsis for this and can't help but laugh. In my mind, a couple of dragons probably got together to play a prank on the human child and convinced him he was a dragon and now he doesn't believe that he isn't one one. ahaa pressure
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  2. Offline
    Good, but many problems, mainly cutting the climax
    The story is quite interesting and fun, the comedy is also good in 70% of cases, but it has
    many negative points that I will mention below, but I still recommend reading it.
    Negative points: (read up to book 4)

    1- the worst and the author skips the climax. he constantly skips climax scenes whether
    important fights, or explanatory conversations, for

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes I used google translator
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  4. Offline
    Bro..... Naive and Dense Tags are both here, im running. I dont care about anything else even if others say the comedy is good and all.
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  5. Offline
    From what I can deduct from the title,it sounds like natsu but blue
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  6. Offline
    What you should know about this book before going in.

    The author is talented and knows how to write, you can especially see this in the very few parts of the book where s/he goes hard.

    This book is the sugar version of comedy, sugar tastes nice, until you eat nothing but sugar. This may be fancy sugar so you can take a few spoonfuls until you can't, but I suggest you pace yourself and only read a few chapters a day.
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    1. Offline
      what chapter did you read?
      Why do you say it's too sugary but I'm on chapter 44 and it seems to be getting dark.

      demon king torturing his own race, possible fairy queen too.

      and the author himself put a note that will make the story darker

      not that it bothers me too much, I even like mc villains who go out doing bad things.

      but it made me want to read a comedy and that's why I'm here.

      and I didn't want to read something dramatic
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      1. Offline
        I said "This book is the sugar version of comedy, sugar tastes nice, until you eat nothing but sugar." Basically the comedy can be too 1 dimensional, like eating nothing but sugar.
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        1. Offline
          thought you were talking about too many cute scenes or sweet romance.

          can you answer me one more thing please?

          Is his romance with the demon princess over?

          I just got to time skip and she said she doesn't like him that much anymore or something.

          Is there a love triangle with the human prince?

          it always shows the human prince and gives me a vibe that there's going to be a love triangle in it.
          I hate it, if you have it I'll drop it, can you tell me if there's something like that?
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          1. Offline
            Sorry but I haven't read that far yet, since it's too "sweet" for me (1 dimension then tons and tons of joke per page) I tend to read only a little of it then move on to another series before I come back and read a bit again.
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  7. Offline
    The comedy in this novel is one of the best I've ever read 😂.

    The Undead is my favorite, oh and Grimy Dragon too, he's moody 😂

    Other novel with best comedy : [Is that wisp], [Death... and me],
    and lastly [This curse is awesome] (this novel is simply comedy masterpiece)
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    1. Offline
      I only started reading this thanks to your comment, So Thank you
      You made my week
      PS : The Undeads are 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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  8. Offline
    Im bored gloom
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  9. Offline
    It's okay.

    I've read around 60 chapters, and while the comedy is pretty good, you'll feel rather disappointed by the breakneck pace, the lack of exploration of the characters, and how so many things aren't just explained.

    A lot of the stuff does make sense, sure- but only because I've read stuff like this before. A new reader won't get it, and there's no in-book explanation for a lot of things. And after about chapter 50, things start getting really confusing. I'm not sure if it's the writing style or the pace, but the way everything is written makes it feel like I'm reading a sparknotes version of a novel rather than an actual novel.

    Skellies still MVP tho.
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  10. Offline
    Роман уровня японского мангаки, херня полная
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